CS411 Spring 2001    Announcements


21 May 01: Final Exam Solutions.

14 May 01: Object Notes 1 and Object Notes 2 available at last.

3 May 01: Notes 16 (compilation) available.

3 May 01: CS411 did not make it to the official final exam schedule web pages.  The official time is: 16 May 12:00-2:30PM TH203 (that's right, the classroom). 

2 May 01: Some research papers that lead to the book A Theory of Objects are available from Luca Cardelli's web page (follow down to the Objects section). Some of those may prove useful if you do not have access to the book. Caveat: they are research papers, and therefore can be a bit... dense.

26 Apr 01: Problem set 6 is here.

10 Apr 01: Here are prelim solutions.

10 Apr 01: Notes 16 with exercises (also .ps) available.

9 Apr 01: Notes 14 (also .ps) and Notes 15 (also .ps) available.

9 Apr 01: No recitations this week.

31 Mar 01: Statistical information for prelim 1: the mean was 57.2, the standard deviation was 13.1. We will go over the prelim in sections this week (April 2 - April 4).

13 Mar 01: Notes 12 (also .ps) and Notes 13 (also .ps) available

8 Mar 01: Here is a handout on LS to SS translation with a few short problems due Tues 13 Mar.

5 Mar 01: No recitations this week.

2 Mar 01: Notes 9 and Notes 10 available.

27 Feb 01: Problem set 3 is available here.

26 Feb 01: No recitations this week. Yes, Virginia, there are recitations for cs411... they should resume next week.

22 Feb 01: Notes 8 available.

19 Feb 01: No recitations this week.

18 Feb 01: For Problem Set 2, you should submit your modified imp.sml file (containing your modifications for questions 1 and 2) using the online system. The semantic rules for catch and throw (question 2) should be handed in in class, as usual.

18 Feb 01: The submission system for programming assignments is now online. Everyone registered for the course should have received an email with their password. If not, email Riccardo.

16 Feb 01: Typos fixed in Notes 4-5 rules LX.iff and LX.ift.

14 Feb 01: Notes 7 available (happy Valentine's day).

13 Feb 01: Notes 6 are available.

12 Feb 01: Notes 4-5 are available at last.  More soon.

9 Feb 01:    Problem set 2 is now available from the assignments page. 

5 Feb 01:    The website is slightly reorganized again.  Note the new recitation notes page.

5 Feb 01:    We now have rooms for the recitation sections:

Mon 5-6    Upson 207

Tues 4-5    Upson 5130

Wed 4-5    Upson 211

There are recitations this week (i.e. today).  This will be an introduction to SML and program assignment submission system.  Notes are here.