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CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
#include <CUPathNode.h>
Public Member Functions | |
PathNode () | |
~PathNode () | |
bool | initWithPath (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices, float stroke, poly2::Joint joint=poly2::Joint::SQUARE, poly2::EndCap cap=poly2::EndCap::BUTT, bool closed=true) |
bool | initWithPath (const Path2 &path, float stroke, poly2::Joint joint=poly2::Joint::SQUARE, poly2::EndCap cap=poly2::EndCap::BUTT) |
bool | initWithFilePath (const std::string filename, const Path2 &path) |
bool | initWithFilePath (const std::string filename, const Rect rect) |
bool | initWithTexturePath (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture, const Path2 &path) |
bool | initWithTexturePath (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture, const Rect rect) |
virtual bool | initWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) override |
virtual std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | copy (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &dst) const override |
void | setStroke (float stroke) |
float | getStroke () const |
void | setClosed (bool closed) |
bool | getClosed () const |
void | setJoint (poly2::Joint joint) |
poly2::Joint | getJoint () const |
void | setCap (poly2::EndCap cap) |
poly2::EndCap | getCap () const |
float | getFringe () const |
void | setFringe (float fringe) |
bool | hasStencil () const |
void | setStencil (bool stencil) |
void | setPath (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices, bool closed=true) |
void | setPath (const Path2 &path) |
void | setPath (const Rect rect) |
const Path2 & | getPath () const |
const Poly2 & | getExtrusion () const |
const Rect | getBoundingRect () const |
float | getExtrudedContentWidth () const |
float | getExtrudedContentHeight () const |
const Size | getExtrudedContentSize () const |
const Rect | getExtrudedContentBounds () const |
virtual void | draw (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) override |
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TexturedNode () | |
~TexturedNode () | |
virtual void | dispose () override |
virtual bool | init () override |
virtual bool | initWithFile (const std::string filename) |
virtual bool | initWithTexture (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture) |
virtual bool | initWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) override |
virtual std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | copy (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &dst) const override |
void | setTexture (const std::string &filename) |
void | setTexture (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture) |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > | getTexture () |
const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > | getTexture () const |
const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > | getGradient () const |
void | setGradient (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > &gradient) |
void | shiftTexture (float dx, float dy) |
void | setBlendFunc (GLenum srcFactor, GLenum dstFactor) |
GLenum | getSourceBlendFactor () const |
GLenum | getDestinationBlendFactor () const |
void | setBlendEquation (GLenum equation) |
GLenum | getBlendEquation () const |
void | flipHorizontal (bool flag) |
bool | isFlipHorizontal () const |
void | flipVertical (bool flag) |
bool | isFlipVertical () const |
virtual std::string | toString (bool verbose=false) const override |
bool | isAbsolute () const |
void | setAbsolute (bool flag) |
virtual void | setAnchor (const Vec2 anchor) override |
virtual void | setAnchor (float x, float y) override |
virtual void | setContentSize (const Size size) override |
virtual void | setContentSize (float width, float height) override |
virtual void | draw (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) override=0 |
void | refresh () |
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SceneNode () | |
~SceneNode () | |
virtual void | dispose () |
virtual bool | init () |
virtual bool | initWithPosition (const Vec2 pos) |
bool | initWithPosition (float x, float y) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (const Size size) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (float width, float height) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (const Rect rect) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (float x, float y, float width, float height) |
virtual bool | initWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) |
virtual std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | copy (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &dst) const |
unsigned int | getTag () const |
void | setTag (unsigned int tag) |
const std::string | getName () const |
void | setName (const std::string name) |
const std::string | getClassName () const |
virtual std::string | toString (bool verbose=false) const |
operator std::string () const | |
const std::shared_ptr< cugl::JsonValue > & | getJSON () const |
const Vec2 | getPosition () const |
void | setPosition (const Vec2 &position) |
void | setPosition (float x, float y) |
float | getPositionX (void) const |
void | setPositionX (float x) |
float | getPositionY (void) const |
void | setPositionY (float y) |
Vec2 | getWorldPosition () const |
const Size | getContentSize () const |
virtual void | setContentSize (const Size size) |
virtual void | setContentSize (float width, float height) |
float | getContentWidth () const |
void | setContentWidth (float width) |
float | getContentHeight () const |
void | setContentHeight (float height) |
virtual Rect | getLayoutBounds () const |
Size | getSize () const |
float | getWidth () const |
float | getHeight () const |
Rect | getBoundingBox () const |
virtual bool | inContentBounds (const Vec2 point) |
bool | inContentBounds (float x, float y) |
virtual void | setAnchor (const Vec2 anchor) |
virtual void | setAnchor (float x, float y) |
const Vec2 | getAnchor () const |
Vec2 | getAnchorInPixels () |
Color4 | getColor () const |
virtual void | setColor (Color4 color) |
Color4 | getAbsoluteColor () |
bool | isVisible () const |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
bool | hasRelativeColor () const |
void | setRelativeColor (bool flag) |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Scissor > | getScissor () const |
void | setScissor (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Scissor > &scissor) |
void | setScissor () |
const Vec2 | getScale () const |
float | getScaleX () const |
float | getScaleY () const |
void | setScale (float scale) |
void | setScale (const Vec2 vec) |
void | setScale (float sx, float sy) |
float | getAngle () |
void | setAngle (float angle) |
const Affine2 & | getTransform () const |
const Affine2 & | getAlternateTransform () const |
void | setAlternateTransform (const Affine2 &transform) |
bool | withAlternateTransform () |
void | chooseAlternateTransform (bool active) |
const Affine2 & | getNodeToParentTransform () const |
Affine2 | getParentToNodeTransform () const |
virtual Affine2 | getNodeToWorldTransform () const |
Affine2 | getWorldToNodeTransform () const |
Vec2 | screenToNodeCoords (const Vec2 screenPoint) const |
Vec2 | worldToNodeCoords (const Vec2 worldPoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToScreenCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToWorldCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
Vec2 | parentToNodeCoords (const Vec2 parentPoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToParentCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
size_t | getChildCount () const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChild (unsigned int pos) |
const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > & | getChild (unsigned int pos) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChild (unsigned int pos) const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChildByTag (unsigned int tag) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChildByTag (unsigned int tag) const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChildByName (const std::string name) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChildByName (const std::string name) const |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > > | getChildren () |
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > > & | getChildren () const |
void | addChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child) |
void | addChildWithTag (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child, unsigned int tag) |
void | addChildWithName (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child, const std::string name) |
void | swapChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child1, const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child2, bool inherit=false) |
SceneNode * | getParent () |
const SceneNode * | getParent () const |
Scene2 * | getScene () |
const Scene2 * | getScene () const |
void | removeFromParent () |
virtual void | removeChild (unsigned int pos) |
void | removeChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child) |
void | removeChildByTag (unsigned int tag) |
void | removeChildByName (const std::string name) |
virtual void | removeAllChildren () |
void | setPriority (float priority) |
float | getPriority () |
virtual void | render (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) |
virtual void | render (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch) |
virtual void | draw (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) |
const std::shared_ptr< Layout > & | getLayout () const |
void | setLayout (const std::shared_ptr< Layout > &layout) |
virtual void | doLayout () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::shared_ptr< PathNode > | alloc () |
static std::shared_ptr< PathNode > | allocWithVertices (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices, float stroke, poly2::Joint joint=poly2::Joint::SQUARE, poly2::EndCap cap=poly2::EndCap::BUTT, bool closed=true) |
static std::shared_ptr< PathNode > | allocWithPath (const Path2 &path, float stroke, poly2::Joint joint=poly2::Joint::SQUARE, poly2::EndCap cap=poly2::EndCap::BUTT) |
static std::shared_ptr< PathNode > | allocWithRect (const Rect rect, float stroke, poly2::Joint joint=poly2::Joint::SQUARE, poly2::EndCap cap=poly2::EndCap::BUTT) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) |
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static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | alloc () |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithPosition (const Vec2 pos) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithPosition (float x, float y) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (const Size size) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (float width, float height) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (const Rect rect) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (float x, float y, float width, float height) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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virtual void | generateRenderData ()=0 |
virtual void | updateTextureCoords ()=0 |
virtual void | clearRenderData () |
This is a scene graph node to represent a path with width.
At first glance, it would appear that this class is unnecessary. A path with width, produced by SimpleExtruder
, is a solid polygon. This polygon can, in turn, be used in conjunction with PolygonNode
However, there are some subtle issues. In particular, mitres and joints may mean that a PathNode and WireNode
at the same position will not line up with one another. This is undesirable. Hence this is a special polygon node that takes into account that it is an extruded path.
One of the side effects of this is that the content size of the node is defined by the path, NOT the extruded polygon. If you want the bounds of the extruded path (relative to Node space), you should use the method getExtrudedContentBounds()
. Additionally, the anchor point is relative to the content size not the extruded size. This means that the extruded path may be to the left of the origin even when the anchor is at (0,0).
Because paths have width, it is natural to texture them. However, generally you will only want to create a path with the degenerate texture (to draw a solid, colored path). Hence, none of the static constructors take a texture. You are free to update the texture after creation, if you wish.
The extruded polygon is specified in image coordinates. Image coordinates are different from texture coordinates. Their origin is at the bottom-left corner of the file, and each pixel is one unit. This makes specifying to polygon more natural for irregular shapes.
This means that an extrusion with vertices (0,0), (width,0), (width,height), and (0,height) would be identical to a sprite node. However, an extrusion with vertices (0,0), (2*width,0), (2*width,2*height), and (0,2*height) would tile the sprite (given the wrap settings) twice both horizontally and vertically. A uniform translation of the extrusion (in contrast to the node itself) will not move the shape on the the screen. Instead, it will just change the part or the texture it uses.
For example, suppose the texture has given width and height. We have one extrusion with vertices (0,0), (width/2,0), (width/2,height/2), and (0,height/2). We have another extrusion with vertices (width/2,height/2), (width,height/2), (width,height), and (width/2,height). Both extrusion would have size (width/2,height/2) and be centered at the node position. However, the first would use the bottom left part of the texture, while the second would use the top right.
You can disable these features at any time by setting the attribute absolute to true. Do this will place the path vertices in their absolute positions in Node space. This will also disable anchor functions (setting the anchor as the bottom left corner), since anchors do not make sense when we are drawing vertices directly into the coordinate space.
cugl::scene2::PathNode::PathNode | ( | ) |
Creates an empty path node.
You must initialize this PathNode before use.
NEVER USE A CONSTRUCTOR WITH NEW. If you want to allocate an object on the heap, use one of the static constructors instead.
inline |
Releases all resources allocated with this node.
This will release, but not necessarily delete the associated texture. However, the polygon and drawing commands will be deleted and no longer safe to use.
inlinestatic |
Returns an empty path node.
The underlying path is empty, and must be set via setPath().
inlinestatic |
Returns a new path node with the given JSON specificaton.
This initializer is designed to receive the "data" object from the JSON passed to Scene2Loader
. This JSON format supports all of the attribute values of its parent class. In addition, it supports the following additional attributes:
"path": A JSON object defining a path. See {@link Path2}. "stroke": A number specifying the stroke width. "joint": One of "mitre', "bevel", "square", or "round". "endcap": One of "square", "round", or "butt". "fringe": A number indicating the size of the border fringe. "stencil" A boolean indicating whether to stencil the path.
All attributes are optional. If the path is not specified, the node will use a rectangle with the dimensions of the texture. For more information, see TexturedNode#initWithData
manager | The asset manager handling this asset |
data | The JSON object specifying the node |
inlinestatic |
Returns a new path node with the given path and stroke width.
This method will extrude the path with the specified joint and cap. This method uses SimpleExtruder
, as it is safe for framerate calculation.
path | The path to texture (expressed in image space) |
stroke | The stroke width of the extruded path. |
joint | The joint between extrusion line segments. |
cap | The end caps of the extruded paths. |
inlinestatic |
Returns a new path node with the given rect and stroke width.
The rectangle will be converted into a Poly2, using the standard outline. This is the same as passing Poly2(rect,false). The traversal will be CLOSED. It will then be extruded with the current joint and cap. PathNode objects share a single extruder, so this constructor is not thread safe.
rect | The rectangle for to texture. |
stroke | The stroke width of the extruded path. |
joint | The joint between extrusion line segments. |
cap | The end caps of the extruded paths. |
inlinestatic |
Returns a new path node with the given vertices and stroke width.
This method will extrude the vertices with the specified joint and cap. This method uses SimpleExtruder
, as it is safe for framerate calculation.
vertices | The vertices to texture (expressed in image space) |
stroke | The stroke width of the extruded path. |
joint | The joint between extrusion line segments. |
cap | The end caps of the extruded paths. |
closed | The whether the vertex path is open or closed. |
overridevirtual |
Performs a shallow copy of this Node into dst.
No children from this node are copied, and no children of dst are modified. In addition, the parents of both Nodes are unchanged. However, all other attributes of this node are copied.
dst | The Node to copy into |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::TexturedNode.
overridevirtual |
Draws this path node via the given SpriteBatch.
This method only worries about drawing the current node. It does not attempt to render the children.
batch | The SpriteBatch to draw with. |
transform | The global transformation matrix. |
tint | The tint to blend with the Node color. |
Implements cugl::scene2::TexturedNode.
inline |
Returns the rect of the Polygon in points
The bounding rect is the smallest rectangle containing all of the points in the polygon.
This value also defines the content size of the node. The polygon will be shifted so that its bounding rect is centered at the node center.
inline |
Returns the cap shape at the ends of the path.
inline |
Returns whether the path is closed.
If set to true, this will smooth the polygon to remove all gaps, regardless of the original inidices in the polygon. Furthermore, previous information about existing gaps is lost, so that setting the value back to false will only open the curve at the end.
inline |
Returns the bounding box of the extruded content.
This method is similar to getExtrudedContentSize()
in that it returns the extra content size created by the stroke width, mitres, and caps. In addition, it returns the actual bounds of the path within Node space.
Unlike getBoundingBox()
, this method is unaffected by any transforms on this node.
inline |
Returns the height of the extruded content.
This method is an alternative to getContentHeight()
. That method only returns the content height of the path polygon; it does not include the stroke width, mitres, and caps. This method includes the extra height of the extruded path.
inline |
Returns the size of the extruded content.
This method is an alternative to getContentSize()
. That method only returns the content size of the path polygon; it does not include the stroke width, mitres, and caps. This method includes the extra size of the extruded path.
inline |
Returns the width of the extruded content.
This method is an alternative to getContentWidth()
. That method only returns the content width of the path polygon; it does not include the stroke width, mitres, and caps. This method includes the extra width of the extruded path.
inline |
Returns the extruded path for this scene graph node
inline |
Returns the antialiasing fringe for this polygon node
If this value is non-zero, the node will surround the stroke with an additional stroke the width of the fringe. The second stroke will fade to transparent on the outside edge. This is a way of providing anti- aliasing that is significantly better than multisampling. Furthermore, this works on OpenGLES, which does not support multisampling.
Creating a fringe does introduce some overhead. The extruder must do a second pass on the boundary of the first stroke (which was computed during the first extrusion). In addition, this effect is often unnecessary on retina/high-dpi displays. As a result, the default fringe value is 0.
A fringe value should be >= 0.5 to have noticeable effects. In practice, values between 1 and 2 work best.
inline |
Returns the joint type between path segments.
inline |
Returns the base path for this scene graph node
inline |
Returns the stroke width of the path.
inline |
Returns true if this node uses stencil effects
Stencil effects are only necessary if the stroke both overlaps itself and has transparency. These overlaps can cause weird artifacts in the transparent regions, as they blend together. The stencil effect makes sure that the stroke appears as one uniform polygon with no overlaps.
By default this value is false. However, adding a fringe to a stroke guarantees a transparent region. Therefore, we recommend turning it on when using a fringe.
overridevirtual |
Initializes a path node with the given JSON specificaton.
This initializer is designed to receive the "data" object from the JSON passed to Scene2Loader
. This JSON format supports all of the attribute values of its parent class. In addition, it supports the following additional attributes:
"path": A JSON object defining a path. See {@link Path2}. "stroke": A number specifying the stroke width. "joint": One of "mitre', "bevel", "square", or "round". "endcap": One of "square", "round", or "butt". "fringe": A number indicating the size of the border fringe. "stencil" A boolean indicating whether to stencil the path.
All attributes are optional. If the path is not specified, the node will use a rectangle with the dimensions of the texture. For more information, see TexturedNode#initWithData
manager | The asset manager handling this asset |
data | The JSON object specifying the node |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::TexturedNode.
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithFilePath | ( | const std::string | filename, |
const Path2 & | path | ||
) |
Initializes a path node from the image filename and the path.
filename | A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/earthtile.png" |
path | The path to texture |
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithFilePath | ( | const std::string | filename, |
const Rect | rect | ||
) |
Initializes a path node from the image filename and the given rect.
The rectangle will be extruded using a mitre joint.
filename | A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/earthtile.png" |
rect | The rectangle to texture |
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithPath | ( | const Path2 & | path, |
float | stroke, | ||
poly2::Joint | joint = poly2::Joint::SQUARE , |
poly2::EndCap | cap = poly2::EndCap::BUTT |
) |
Intializes a path node with the given polygon and stroke width.
This method will extrude the path with the specified joint and cap. This method uses SimpleExtruder
, as it is safe for framerate calculation.
You do not need to set the texture; rendering this into a SpriteBatch will simply use the blank texture. Hence the path will have a solid color.
path | The path to texture (expressed in image space) |
stroke | The stroke width of the extruded path. |
joint | The joint between extrusion line segments. |
cap | The end caps of the extruded paths. |
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithPath | ( | const std::vector< Vec2 > & | vertices, |
float | stroke, | ||
poly2::Joint | joint = poly2::Joint::SQUARE , |
poly2::EndCap | cap = poly2::EndCap::BUTT , |
bool | closed = true |
) |
Intializes a path with the given vertices and stroke width.
This method will extrude the vertices with the specified joint and cap. This method uses SimpleExtruder
, as it is safe for framerate calculation.
You do not need to set the texture; rendering this into a SpriteBatch will simply use the blank texture. Hence the path will have a solid color.
vertices | The vertices to texture (expressed in image space) |
stroke | The stroke width of the extruded path. |
joint | The joint between extrusion line segments. |
cap | The end caps of the extruded paths. |
closed | The whether the vertex path is open or closed. |
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithTexturePath | ( | const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > & | texture, |
const Path2 & | path | ||
) |
Initializes a path node from a texture and the given path.
texture | A shared pointer to a Texture object. |
path | The path to texture |
bool cugl::scene2::PathNode::initWithTexturePath | ( | const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > & | texture, |
const Rect | rect | ||
) |
Initializes a path node from a texture and the given rect.
The conversion of rectangle to polygon is subclass specific.
texture | A shared pointer to a Texture object. |
rect | The rectangle to texture |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setCap | ( | poly2::EndCap | cap | ) |
Sets the cap shape at the ends of the path.
This method affects the extruded polygon, but not the original path polygon.
cap | The cap shape at the ends of the path. |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setClosed | ( | bool | closed | ) |
Sets whether the path is closed.
If set to true, this will smooth the polygon to remove all gaps, regardless of the original inidices in the polygon. Furthermore, previous information about existing gaps is lost, so that setting the value back to false will only open the curve at the end.
closed | Whether the path is closed. |
inline |
Sets the antialiasing fringe for this polygon node
If this value is non-zero, the node will surround the stroke with an additional stroke the width of the fringe. The second stroke will fade to transparent on the outside edge. This is a way of providing anti- aliasing that is significantly better than multisampling. Furthermore, this works on OpenGLES, which does not support multisampling.
Creating a fringe does introduce some overhead. The extruder must do a second pass on the boundary of the first stroke (which was computed during the first extrusion). In addition, this effect is often unnecessary on retina/high-dpi displays. As a result, the default fringe value is 0.
A fringe value should be >= 0.5 to have noticeable effects. In practice, values between 1 and 2 work best.
fringe | The antialiasing fringe for this polygon node |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setJoint | ( | poly2::Joint | joint | ) |
Sets the joint type between path segments.
This method affects the extruded polygon, but not the original path polygon.
joint | The joint type between path segments |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setPath | ( | const Path2 & | path | ) |
Sets the path to the given one in texture space.
path | The path to texture |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setPath | ( | const Rect | rect | ) |
Sets the texture path to one equivalent to the given rect.
The rectangle will be extruded with mitre joints.
rect | The rectangle to texture |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setPath | ( | const std::vector< Vec2 > & | vertices, |
bool | closed = true |
) |
Sets the path to the vertices expressed in texture space.
vertices | The vertices to texture |
closed | Whether the path is closed |
inline |
Sets whether to use stencil effects in this node
Stencil effects are only necessary if the stroke both overlaps itself and has transparency. These overlaps can cause weird artifacts in the transparent regions, as they blend together. The stencil effect makes sure that the stroke appears as one uniform polygon with no overlaps.
By default this value is false. However, adding a fringe to a stroke guarantees a transparent region. Therefore, we recommend turning it on when using a fringe.
stencil | Whether to use stencil effects in this node |
void cugl::scene2::PathNode::setStroke | ( | float | stroke | ) |
Sets the stroke width of the path.
This method affects the extruded polygon, but not the source path polygon.
stroke | The stroke width of the path |
protected |
The fringe mesh
protected |
The shape of the two end caps of the path.
protected |
The extruded bounds
protected |
The extruder for this node
protected |
The border fringe for the mesh
protected |
The joint between segments of the path.
protected |
The path defining this node
protected |
The extruded path as a solid polygon
protected |
Whether to stencil the path (for overlaps)
protected |
The stroke width of this path.