CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
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cugl::Path2 Class Reference

#include <CUPath2.h>

Public Member Functions

 Path2 ()
 Path2 (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices)
 Path2 (const Vec2 *vertices, size_t vertsize)
 Path2 (const Path2 &path)
 Path2 (Path2 &&path)
 Path2 (const Rect rect)
 Path2 (const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data)
 ~Path2 ()
Path2operator= (const Path2 &other)
Path2operator= (Path2 &&other)
Path2operator= (const Rect rect)
Path2operator= (const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data)
Path2set (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices)
Path2set (const Vec2 *vertices, size_t vertsize)
Path2set (const Path2 &path)
Path2set (const Rect rect)
Path2set (const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data)
Path2clear ()
bool empty () const
size_t size () const
float length () const
bool isClosed () const
Vec2at (size_t index)
const Vec2at (size_t index) const
bool isCorner (size_t index) const
const std::vector< Vec2 > & getVertices () const
const Rect getBounds () const
std::vector< Uint32 > getIndices () const
size_t getIndices (std::vector< Uint32 > &buffer) const
Vec2 pop ()
void push (Vec2 point, bool corner=false)
void push (float x, float y, bool corner=false)
Vec2 remove (size_t index)
void add (size_t index, Vec2 point, bool corner=false)
void add (size_t index, float x, float y, bool corner=false)
void reserve (size_t size)
std::vector< Uint32 > convexHull () const
bool contains (Vec2 point) const
bool contains (float x, float y) const
bool incident (Vec2 point, float err=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool incident (float x, float y, float err=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
Uint32 leftTurns () const
bool isConvex () const
float area () const
int orientation () const
Path2reverse ()
Path2 reversed () const
Path2operator*= (float scale)
Path2operator*= (const Vec2 scale)
Path2operator*= (const Affine2 &transform)
Path2operator*= (const Mat4 &transform)
Path2operator/= (float scale)
Path2operator/= (const Vec2 scale)
Path2operator+= (const Vec2 offset)
Path2operator-= (const Vec2 offset)
Path2 operator* (float scale) const
Path2 operator* (const Vec2 scale) const
Path2 operator* (const Affine2 &transform) const
Path2 operator* (const Mat4 &transform) const
Path2 operator/ (float scale) const
Path2 operator/ (const Vec2 scale) const
Path2 operator+ (const Vec2 offset) const
Path2 operator- (const Vec2 offset)
Path2operator+= (const Path2 &extra)
Path2 operator+ (const Path2 &extra) const
Path2 slice (size_t start, size_t end) const
Path2 sliceFrom (size_t start) const
Path2 sliceTo (size_t end) const
std::string toString (bool verbose=false) const
 operator std::string () const
 operator Rect () const

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< Uint32 > convexHull (const std::vector< Vec2 > &vertices)
static int orientation (const Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &b, const Vec2 &c)
static int orientation (const std::vector< Vec2 > &path)
static int orientation (const Vec2 *path, size_t size)

Public Attributes

std::vector< Vec2vertices
std::unordered_set< size_t > corners
bool closed


class PathSmoother
class PathFactory
class SplinePather
class SimpleExtruder
class ComplexExtruder
class EarclipTriangulator
class DelaunayTriangulator
Path2 operator* (float scale, const Path2 &path)
Path2 operator* (const Vec2 scale, const Path2 &path)

Detailed Description

Class to represent a flattened polyline.

This class is intended to represent any continuous polyline. While it may be either open or closed, it should not have any gaps between vertices. If you need a path with gaps, that should be represented by multiple Path2 objects.

It is possible to draw a path object directly to a graphics::SpriteBatch. However, in most applications you will want to convert a path object to a Poly2 for width and texturing. In particular, you will often want to either extrude (give stroke width) or triangulate (fill) a path.

We have provided several factories for converting a path to a Poly2. These factories allow for delegating index computation to a separate thread, if it takes too long. These factories are as follows:

EarclipTriangulator: This is a simple earclipping-triangulator for tesselating paths into polygons. It supports holes, but does not support self-intersections. While it produces better (e.g. less thin) triangles than MonotoneTriangulator, this comes at a cost. This triangulator has worst case O(n^2). With that said, it has low overhead and so is very efficient on small polygons.

DelaunayTriangulator: This is a Delaunay Triangular that gives a more uniform triangulation in accordance to the Vornoi diagram. This triangulator uses an advancing-front algorithm that is the fastest in practice (though worst case O(n log n) is not guaranteed). However, it has a lot of overhead that is unnecessary for small polygons. As with EarclipTriangulator, it supports holes, but does not support self-intersections.

PathFactory: This is a tool is used to generate several basic path shapes, such as rounded rectangles or arcs. It also allows you construct wireframe traversals of polygon meshes.

SimpleExtruder: This is a tool can take a path and convert it into a solid polygon. This solid polygon is the same as the path, except that the path now has a width and a mitre at the joints. This algorithm is quite fast, but the resulting polygon may overlap itself. This is ideal for strokes that only need to be drawn and do not need accurate geometric information.

ComplexExtruder: Like SimpleExtruder, this is a tool can take a path polygon and convert it into a solid polygon. However it is much more powerful and guarantees that the resulting polygon has no overlaps. Unforunately, it is extremely slow (in the 10s of milliseconds) and is unsuitable for calcuations at framerate.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Path2() [1/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( )

Creates an empty path.

The created path has no vertices. The bounding box is trivial.

◆ Path2() [2/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  vertices)

Creates a path with the given vertices

No vertices are marked are as corner vertices. The path will be open.

verticesThe vector of vertices (as Vec2) in this path

◆ Path2() [3/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( const Vec2 vertices,
size_t  vertsize 

Creates a path with the given vertices

No vertices are marked are as corner vertices. The path will be open.

verticesThe array of vertices in this path
vertsizeThe number of elements to use from vertices

◆ Path2() [4/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( const Path2 path)

Creates a copy of the given path.

Both the vertices and the annotations are copied. No references to the original path are kept.

pathThe path to copy

◆ Path2() [5/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( Path2 &&  path)

Creates a copy with the resource of the given path.

As a move constructor, this will invalidate the original path

pathThe path to take from

◆ Path2() [6/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( const Rect  rect)

Creates a path for the given rectangle.

The path will have four vertices, one for each corner of the rectangle. It will be closed.

rectThe rectangle to copy

◆ Path2() [7/7]

cugl::Path2::Path2 ( const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &  data)

Creates a path from the given JsonValue

The JsonValue should either be an array of floats or an JSON object. If it is an array of floats, then it interprets those floats as the vertices. All points are corners and the path is closed.

On the other hand, if it is a JSON object, it supports the following attributes:

"vertices":  An (even) list of floats, representing the vertices
"corners":   A list of integers representing corner positions
"closed":    A boolean value, representing if the path is closed

All attributes are optional. If "vertices" are missing, then the path will be empty. If "corners" is missing, then all vertices are corners. If "closed" is missing, then the path is closed by default.

dataThe JSON object specifying the path

◆ ~Path2()

cugl::Path2::~Path2 ( )

Deletes the given path, freeing all resources.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/2]

void cugl::Path2::add ( size_t  index,
float  x,
float  y,
bool  corner = false 

Adds a point at the given index

indexThe index to add the point
xThe x-coordinate to add
yThe y-coordinate to add
cornerWhether this point is a corner

◆ add() [2/2]

void cugl::Path2::add ( size_t  index,
Vec2  point,
bool  corner = false 

Adds a point at the given index

indexThe index to add the point
pointThe point to add
cornerWhether this point is a corner

◆ area()

float cugl::Path2::area ( ) const

Returns the area enclosed by this path.

The area is defined as the sum of oriented triangles in a triangle fan from a point on the convex hull. Counter-clockwise triangles have positive area, while clockwise triangles have negative area. The result agrees with the traditional concept of area for counter clockwise paths.

The area can be used to determine the orientation. It the area is negative, that means this path essentially represents a hole (e.g. is clockwise instead of counter-clockwise).

the area enclosed by this path.

◆ at() [1/2]

Vec2 & cugl::Path2::at ( size_t  index)

Returns a reference to the point at the given index.

This accessor will allow you to change the (singular) point. It is intended to allow minor distortions to the path without changing the underlying geometry.

indexThe path index
a reference to the point at the given index.

◆ at() [2/2]

const Vec2 & cugl::Path2::at ( size_t  index) const

Returns a reference to the point at the given index.

This accessor will allow you to change the (singular) point. It is intended to allow minor distortions to the path without changing the underlying geometry.

indexThe path index
a reference to the point at the given index.

◆ clear()

Path2 & cugl::Path2::clear ( )

Clears the contents of this path

This path, returned for chaining

◆ contains() [1/2]

bool cugl::Path2::contains ( float  x,
float  y 
) const

Returns true if the interior of this path contains the given point.

This mehtod returns false if the path is open. Otherwise, it uses an even-odd crossing rule to determine containment. Containment is not strict. Points on the boundary are contained within this polygon.

xThe x-coordinate to test
yThe y-coordinate to test
true if this path contains the given point.

◆ contains() [2/2]

bool cugl::Path2::contains ( Vec2  point) const

Returns true if the interior of this path contains the given point.

This mehtod returns false if the path is open. Otherwise, it uses an even-odd crossing rule to determine containment. Containment is not strict. Points on the boundary are contained within this polygon.

pointThe point to test
true if this path contains the given point.

◆ convexHull() [1/2]

std::vector< Uint32 > cugl::Path2::convexHull ( ) const

Returns the set of points forming the convex hull of this path.

The returned set of points is guaranteed to be a counter-clockwise traversal of the hull.

The points on the convex hull define the "border" of the shape. In addition to minimizing the number of vertices, this is useful for determining whether or not a point lies on the boundary.

This implementation is adapted from the example at

the set of points forming the convex hull of this polygon.

◆ convexHull() [2/2]

static std::vector< Uint32 > cugl::Path2::convexHull ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  vertices)

Returns the set of points forming the convex hull of the given points.

The returned set of points is guaranteed to be a counter-clockwise traversal of the hull.

The points on the convex hull define the "border" of the shape. In addition to minimizing the number of vertices, this is useful for determining whether or not a point lies on the boundary.

This implementation is adapted from the example at

verticesThe points for the computation
the set of points forming the convex hull of the given points.

◆ empty()

bool cugl::Path2::empty ( ) const

Returns true if the path is empty.

true if the path is empty.

◆ getBounds()

const Rect cugl::Path2::getBounds ( ) const

Returns the bounding box for the path

The bounding box is the minimal rectangle that contains all of the vertices in this path. This method will recompute the bounds and is hence O(n).

the bounding box for the path

◆ getIndices() [1/2]

std::vector< Uint32 > cugl::Path2::getIndices ( ) const

Returns a list of vertex indices representing this path.

The indices are intended to be used in a drawing mesh to display this path. The number of indices will be a multiple of two.

a list of vertex indices for using in a path mesh.

◆ getIndices() [2/2]

size_t cugl::Path2::getIndices ( std::vector< Uint32 > &  buffer) const

Stores a list of vertex indices in the given buffer.

The indices are intended to be used in a drawing mesh to display this path. The number of indices will be a multiple of two.

The indices will be appended to the provided vector. You should clear the vector first if you do not want to preserve the original data. If the calculation is not yet performed, this method will do nothing.

buffera buffer to store the list of indices.
the number of elements added to the buffer

◆ getVertices()

const std::vector< Vec2 > & cugl::Path2::getVertices ( ) const

Returns the list of vertices

This accessor will not permit any changes to the vertex array. To change the array, you must change the path via a set() method.

a reference to the vertex array

◆ incident() [1/2]

bool cugl::Path2::incident ( float  x,
float  y,
float  err = CU_MATH_EPSILON 
) const

Returns true if the given point is on the path.

This method returns true if the point is within margin of error of a line segment.

xThe x-coordinate to test
yThe y-coordinate to test
errThe distance tolerance
true if the given point is on the path.

◆ incident() [2/2]

bool cugl::Path2::incident ( Vec2  point,
float  err = CU_MATH_EPSILON 
) const

Returns true if the given point is on the path.

This method returns true if the point is within margin of error of a line segment.

pointThe point to check
errThe distance tolerance
true if the given point is on the path.

◆ isClosed()

bool cugl::Path2::isClosed ( ) const

Returns whether the path is closed.

whether the path is closed.

◆ isConvex()

bool cugl::Path2::isConvex ( ) const

Returns true if this path defines a convex shape.

This method returns false if the path is open.

true if this path defines a convex shape.

◆ isCorner()

bool cugl::Path2::isCorner ( size_t  index) const

Returns true if the point at the given index is a corner

Corner points will be assigned a joint style when extruded. Points that are not corners will be extruded smoothly (typically because they are the result of a bezier expansion).

indexThe attribute index
true if the point at the given index is a corner

◆ leftTurns()

Uint32 cugl::Path2::leftTurns ( ) const

Returns the number of left turns in this path.

Left turns are determined by looking at the interior angle generated at each point (assuming that the path is intended to be counterclockwise). In the case of an open path, the first and last vertexes are not counted.

This method is a generalization of isConvex that can be used to analyze the convexity of a path.

true if this path defines a convex shape.

◆ length()

float cugl::Path2::length ( ) const

Returns total length of the path

the length of the path

◆ operator Rect()

cugl::Path2::operator Rect ( ) const

Cast from Path2 to a Rect.

◆ operator std::string()

cugl::Path2::operator std::string ( ) const

Cast from Path2 to a string.

◆ operator*() [1/4]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator* ( const Affine2 transform) const

Returns a new path by transforming all of the vertices of this path.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

transformThe affine transform
The transformed path

◆ operator*() [2/4]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator* ( const Mat4 transform) const

Returns a new path by transforming all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are transformed as 3d points. The z-value is 0.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

transformThe transform matrix
The transformed path

◆ operator*() [3/4]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator* ( const Vec2  scale) const

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices non-uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

scaleThe non-uniform scaling factor
The scaled path

◆ operator*() [4/4]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator* ( float  scale) const

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

scaleThe uniform scaling factor
The scaled path

◆ operator*=() [1/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator*= ( const Affine2 transform)

Transforms all of the vertices of this path.

transformThe affine transform
This path with the vertices transformed

◆ operator*=() [2/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator*= ( const Mat4 transform)

Transforms all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are transformed as 3d points. The z-value is 0.

transformThe transform matrix
This path with the vertices transformed

◆ operator*=() [3/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator*= ( const Vec2  scale)

Nonuniformly scales all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe non-uniform scaling factor
This path, scaled non-uniformly.

◆ operator*=() [4/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator*= ( float  scale)

Uniformly scales all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe uniform scaling factor
This path, scaled uniformly.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator+ ( const Path2 extra) const

Returns a new path by appending extra to the end of this path

The vertices are appended in order to the end of the path. If the original path was closed, the copy is open (regardless of whether or not extra is closed)

Note: This method does not modify the original path.

extraThe path to add
The extended path

◆ operator+() [2/2]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator+ ( const Vec2  offset) const

Returns a new path by translating the vertices

Note: This method does not modify the path.

offsetThe translation amount
The translated path

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator+= ( const Path2 extra)

Appends the given path to the end of this one

The vertices are appended in order to the end of the path. If the original path was closed, it is now open (regardless of whether or not extra is closed)

extraThe path to append
This path, extended.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator+= ( const Vec2  offset)

Translates all of the vertices of this path.

offsetThe translation amount
This path, translated.

◆ operator-()

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator- ( const Vec2  offset)

Returns a new path by translating the vertices

Note: This method does not modify the path.

offsetThe inverse of the translation amount
The translated path

◆ operator-=()

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator-= ( const Vec2  offset)

Translates all of the vertices of this path.

offsetThe inverse of the translation amount
This path, translated

◆ operator/() [1/2]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator/ ( const Vec2  scale) const

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices non-uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

scaleThe inverse of the non-uniform scaling factor
The scaled path

◆ operator/() [2/2]

Path2 cugl::Path2::operator/ ( float  scale) const

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

Note: This method does not modify the path.

scaleThe inverse of the uniform scaling factor
The scaled path

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator/= ( const Vec2  scale)

Nonuniformly scales all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe inverse of the non-uniform scaling factor
This path, scaled non-uniformly.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator/= ( float  scale)

Uniformly scales all of the vertices of this path.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe inverse of the uniform scaling factor
This path, scaled uniformly.

◆ operator=() [1/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator= ( const Path2 other)

Sets this path to be a copy of the given one.

All of the contents are copied, so that this path does not hold any references to elements of the other path.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

otherThe path to copy
This path, returned for chaining

◆ operator=() [2/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator= ( const Rect  rect)

Sets this path to be a copy of the given rectangle.

The path will have four vertices, one for each corner of the rectangle. The path will be closed.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

rectThe rectangle to copy
This path, returned for chaining

◆ operator=() [3/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator= ( const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &  data)

Sets this path from the data in the given JsonValue

The JsonValue should either be an array of floats or an JSON object. If it is an array of floats, then it interprets those floats as the vertices. All points are corners and the path is closed.

On the other hand, if it is a JSON object, it supports the following attributes:

"vertices":  An (even) list of floats, representing the vertices
"corners":   A list of integers representing corner positions
"closed":    A boolean value, representing if the path is closed

All attributes are optional. If "vertices" are missing, then the path will be empty. If "corners" is missing, then all vertices are corners. If "closed" is missing, then the path is closed by default.

dataThe JSON object specifying the path
This path, returned for chaining

◆ operator=() [4/4]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::operator= ( Path2 &&  other)

Sets this path to be have the resources of the given one.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

otherThe path to take from
This path, returned for chaining

◆ orientation() [1/4]

int cugl::Path2::orientation ( ) const

Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

If the method returns -1, this is a counter-clockwise path. If 1, it is a clockwise path. If 0, that means it is undefined. The orientation can be undefined if all the points are colinear.

-1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

◆ orientation() [2/4]

static int cugl::Path2::orientation ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  path)

Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

If the method returns -1, this is a counter-clockwise path. If 1, it is a clockwise path. If 0, that means it is undefined. The orientation can be undefined if all the points are colinear.

pathThe path to check
-1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

◆ orientation() [3/4]

static int cugl::Path2::orientation ( const Vec2 a,
const Vec2 b,
const Vec2 c 

Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicating the orientation of a -> b -> c

If the function returns -1, this is a counter-clockwise turn. If 1, it is a clockwise turn. If 0, it is colinear.

aThe first point
bThe second point
cThe third point
-1, 0, or 1 indicating the orientation of a -> b -> c

◆ orientation() [4/4]

static int cugl::Path2::orientation ( const Vec2 path,
size_t  size 

Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

If the method returns -1, this is a counter-clockwise path. If 1, it is a clockwise path. If 0, that means it is undefined. The orientation can be undefined if all the points are colinear.

pathThe path to check
sizeThe path size
-1, 0, or 1 indicating the path orientation.

◆ pop()

Vec2 cugl::Path2::pop ( )

Returns the former end point in the path, after removing it

If this path is empty, this will return the zero vector.

the former end point in the path

◆ push() [1/2]

void cugl::Path2::push ( float  x,
float  y,
bool  corner = false 

Adds a point to the end of this path

xThe x-coordinate to add
yThe y-coordinate to add
cornerWhether this point is a corner

◆ push() [2/2]

void cugl::Path2::push ( Vec2  point,
bool  corner = false 

Adds a point to the end of this path

pointThe point to add
cornerWhether this point is a corner

◆ remove()

Vec2 cugl::Path2::remove ( size_t  index)

Returns the former point at the given index, after removing it

If this path is empty, this will return the zero vector.

the former point at the given index

◆ reserve()

void cugl::Path2::reserve ( size_t  size)

Allocates space in this path for the given number of points.

This method can help performance when a path is being constructed piecemeal.

sizeThe number of spots allocated for future points.

◆ reverse()

Path2 & cugl::Path2::reverse ( )

Reverses the orientation of this path in place

The path will have all of its vertices in the reverse order from the original. This path will not be affected.

This path, returned for chaining

◆ reversed()

Path2 cugl::Path2::reversed ( ) const

Returns a path with the reverse orientation of this one.

The path will have all of its vertices in the reverse order from the original. This path will not be affected.

a path with the reverse orientation of this one.

◆ set() [1/5]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::set ( const Path2 path)

Sets this path to be a copy of the given one.

All of the contents are copied, so that this path does not hold any references to elements of the other path.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

pathThe path to copy
This path, returned for chaining

◆ set() [2/5]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::set ( const Rect  rect)

Sets the path to represent the given rectangle.

The path will have four vertices, one for each corner of the rectangle. The path will be closed.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

rectThe rectangle to copy
This path, returned for chaining

◆ set() [3/5]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::set ( const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &  data)

Sets this path from the data in the given JsonValue

The JsonValue should either be an array of floats or an JSON object. If it is an array of floats, then it interprets those floats as the vertices. All points are corners and the path is closed.

On the other hand, if it is a JSON object, it supports the following attributes:

"vertices":  An (even) list of floats, representing the vertices
"corners":   A list of integers representing corner positions
"closed":    A boolean value, representing if the path is closed

All attributes are optional. If "vertices" are missing, then the path will be empty. If "corners" is missing, then all vertices are corners. If "closed" is missing, then the path is closed by default.

dataThe JSON object specifying the path
This path, returned for chaining

◆ set() [4/5]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::set ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  vertices)

Sets the path to have the given vertices

No vertices are marked are as corner vertices. The path will be open.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

verticesThe vector of vertices (as Vec2) in this path
This path, returned for chaining

◆ set() [5/5]

Path2 & cugl::Path2::set ( const Vec2 vertices,
size_t  vertsize 

Sets the path to have the given vertices.

No vertices are marked are as corner vertices. The path will be open.

This method returns a reference to this path for chaining.

verticesThe array of vertices in this path
vertsizeThe number of elements to use from vertices
This path, returned for chaining

◆ size()

size_t cugl::Path2::size ( ) const

Returns the number of vertices in a path.

the number of vertices in a path.

◆ slice()

Path2 cugl::Path2::slice ( size_t  start,
size_t  end 
) const

Returns the slice of this path between start and end.

The sliced path will use the indices from start to end (not including end). It will include the vertices referenced by those indices, and only those vertices. The resulting path is open.

startThe start index
endThe end index
the slice of this mesh between start and end.

◆ sliceFrom()

Path2 cugl::Path2::sliceFrom ( size_t  start) const

Returns the slice of this mesh from the start index to the end.

The sliced mesh will use the indices from start to the end. It will include the vertices referenced by those indices, and only those vertices. The resulting path is open.

startThe start index
the slice of this mesh between start and end.

◆ sliceTo()

Path2 cugl::Path2::sliceTo ( size_t  end) const

Returns the slice of this mesh from the begining to end.

The sliced mesh will use the indices up to (but not including) end. It will include the vertices referenced by those indices, and only those vertices. The resulting path is open.

endThe end index
the slice of this mesh between start and end.

◆ toString()

std::string cugl::Path2::toString ( bool  verbose = false) const

Returns a string representation of this path for debugging purposes.

If verbose is true, the string will include class information. This allows us to unambiguously identify the class.

verboseWhether to include class information
a string representation of this path for debugging purposes.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator* [1/2]

Path2 operator* ( const Vec2  scale,
const Path2 path 

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices non-uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe non-uniform scaling factor
pathThe path to scale
The scaled path

◆ operator* [2/2]

Path2 operator* ( float  scale,
const Path2 path 

Returns a new path by scaling the vertices uniformly.

The vertices are scaled from the origin of the coordinate space. This means that if the origin is not path of this path, then the path will be effectively translated by the scaling.

scaleThe uniform scaling factor
pathThe path to scale
The scaled path

◆ PathSmoother

friend class PathSmoother

Friend classes

Member Data Documentation

◆ closed

bool cugl::Path2::closed

Whether or not this path is closed

◆ corners

std::unordered_set<size_t> cugl::Path2::corners

The corner points of this path (used for extrusion).

◆ vertices

std::vector<Vec2> cugl::Path2::vertices

The vector of vertices in this path

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