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CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
#include <CUTexturedNode.h>
Public Member Functions | |
TexturedNode () | |
~TexturedNode () | |
virtual void | dispose () override |
virtual bool | init () override |
virtual bool | initWithFile (const std::string filename) |
virtual bool | initWithTexture (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture) |
virtual bool | initWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) override |
virtual std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | copy (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &dst) const override |
void | setTexture (const std::string &filename) |
void | setTexture (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > &texture) |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > | getTexture () |
const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > | getTexture () const |
const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > | getGradient () const |
void | setGradient (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > &gradient) |
void | shiftTexture (float dx, float dy) |
void | setBlendFunc (GLenum srcFactor, GLenum dstFactor) |
GLenum | getSourceBlendFactor () const |
GLenum | getDestinationBlendFactor () const |
void | setBlendEquation (GLenum equation) |
GLenum | getBlendEquation () const |
void | flipHorizontal (bool flag) |
bool | isFlipHorizontal () const |
void | flipVertical (bool flag) |
bool | isFlipVertical () const |
virtual std::string | toString (bool verbose=false) const override |
bool | isAbsolute () const |
void | setAbsolute (bool flag) |
virtual void | setAnchor (const Vec2 anchor) override |
virtual void | setAnchor (float x, float y) override |
virtual void | setContentSize (const Size size) override |
virtual void | setContentSize (float width, float height) override |
virtual void | draw (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) override=0 |
void | refresh () |
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SceneNode () | |
~SceneNode () | |
virtual void | dispose () |
virtual bool | init () |
virtual bool | initWithPosition (const Vec2 pos) |
bool | initWithPosition (float x, float y) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (const Size size) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (float width, float height) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (const Rect rect) |
virtual bool | initWithBounds (float x, float y, float width, float height) |
virtual bool | initWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) |
virtual std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | copy (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &dst) const |
unsigned int | getTag () const |
void | setTag (unsigned int tag) |
const std::string | getName () const |
void | setName (const std::string name) |
const std::string | getClassName () const |
virtual std::string | toString (bool verbose=false) const |
operator std::string () const | |
const std::shared_ptr< cugl::JsonValue > & | getJSON () const |
const Vec2 | getPosition () const |
void | setPosition (const Vec2 &position) |
void | setPosition (float x, float y) |
float | getPositionX (void) const |
void | setPositionX (float x) |
float | getPositionY (void) const |
void | setPositionY (float y) |
Vec2 | getWorldPosition () const |
const Size | getContentSize () const |
virtual void | setContentSize (const Size size) |
virtual void | setContentSize (float width, float height) |
float | getContentWidth () const |
void | setContentWidth (float width) |
float | getContentHeight () const |
void | setContentHeight (float height) |
virtual Rect | getLayoutBounds () const |
Size | getSize () const |
float | getWidth () const |
float | getHeight () const |
Rect | getBoundingBox () const |
virtual bool | inContentBounds (const Vec2 point) |
bool | inContentBounds (float x, float y) |
virtual void | setAnchor (const Vec2 anchor) |
virtual void | setAnchor (float x, float y) |
const Vec2 | getAnchor () const |
Vec2 | getAnchorInPixels () |
Color4 | getColor () const |
virtual void | setColor (Color4 color) |
Color4 | getAbsoluteColor () |
bool | isVisible () const |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
bool | hasRelativeColor () const |
void | setRelativeColor (bool flag) |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Scissor > | getScissor () const |
void | setScissor (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Scissor > &scissor) |
void | setScissor () |
const Vec2 | getScale () const |
float | getScaleX () const |
float | getScaleY () const |
void | setScale (float scale) |
void | setScale (const Vec2 vec) |
void | setScale (float sx, float sy) |
float | getAngle () |
void | setAngle (float angle) |
const Affine2 & | getTransform () const |
const Affine2 & | getAlternateTransform () const |
void | setAlternateTransform (const Affine2 &transform) |
bool | withAlternateTransform () |
void | chooseAlternateTransform (bool active) |
const Affine2 & | getNodeToParentTransform () const |
Affine2 | getParentToNodeTransform () const |
virtual Affine2 | getNodeToWorldTransform () const |
Affine2 | getWorldToNodeTransform () const |
Vec2 | screenToNodeCoords (const Vec2 screenPoint) const |
Vec2 | worldToNodeCoords (const Vec2 worldPoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToScreenCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToWorldCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
Vec2 | parentToNodeCoords (const Vec2 parentPoint) const |
Vec2 | nodeToParentCoords (const Vec2 nodePoint) const |
size_t | getChildCount () const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChild (unsigned int pos) |
const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > & | getChild (unsigned int pos) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChild (unsigned int pos) const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChildByTag (unsigned int tag) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChildByTag (unsigned int tag) const |
std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | getChildByName (const std::string name) const |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getChildByName (const std::string name) const |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > > | getChildren () |
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > > & | getChildren () const |
void | addChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child) |
void | addChildWithTag (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child, unsigned int tag) |
void | addChildWithName (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child, const std::string name) |
void | swapChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child1, const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child2, bool inherit=false) |
SceneNode * | getParent () |
const SceneNode * | getParent () const |
Scene2 * | getScene () |
const Scene2 * | getScene () const |
void | removeFromParent () |
virtual void | removeChild (unsigned int pos) |
void | removeChild (const std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > &child) |
void | removeChildByTag (unsigned int tag) |
void | removeChildByName (const std::string name) |
virtual void | removeAllChildren () |
void | setPriority (float priority) |
float | getPriority () |
virtual void | render (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) |
virtual void | render (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch) |
virtual void | draw (const std::shared_ptr< graphics::SpriteBatch > &batch, const Affine2 &transform, Color4 tint) |
const std::shared_ptr< Layout > & | getLayout () const |
void | setLayout (const std::shared_ptr< Layout > &layout) |
virtual void | doLayout () |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | generateRenderData ()=0 |
virtual void | updateTextureCoords ()=0 |
virtual void | clearRenderData () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > | _texture |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > | _gradient |
bool | _absolute |
Vec2 | _offset |
bool | _rendered |
graphics::Mesh< graphics::SpriteVertex > | _mesh |
GLenum | _blendEquation |
GLenum | _srcFactor |
GLenum | _dstFactor |
bool | _flipHorizontal |
bool | _flipVertical |
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Vec2 | _position |
Vec2 | _anchor |
Size | _contentSize |
Color4 | _tintColor |
bool | _hasParentColor |
bool | _isVisible |
std::shared_ptr< graphics::Scissor > | _scissor |
Vec2 | _scale |
float | _angle |
Affine2 | _transform |
bool | _useTransform |
Affine2 | _combined |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > > | _children |
SceneNode * | _parent |
Scene2 * | _graph |
std::shared_ptr< Layout > | _layout |
int | _childOffset |
unsigned int | _tag |
std::string | _name |
size_t | _hashOfName |
std::string | _classname |
float | _priority |
std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > | _json |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | alloc () |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithPosition (const Vec2 pos) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithPosition (float x, float y) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (const Size size) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (float width, float height) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (const Rect rect) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithBounds (float x, float y, float width, float height) |
static std::shared_ptr< SceneNode > | allocWithData (const AssetManager *manager, const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &data) |
This class is an abstract scene graph node representing a textured shape.
This class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, you must use one of the subclasses: PolygonNode
, SpriteNode
, PathNode
, or WireNode
This abstract class only manages texture. It has no shape. The shape/mesh of a textured node is determined by the appropriate subclass. However, for all subclasses, the shape is always specified in image coordinates. Image coordinates are different from texture coordinates. Their origin is at the bottom-left corner of the file, and each pixel is one unit. This design choice is intended to make irregular shapes easier to use.
This means that a solid polygon with vertices (0,0), (width,0), (width,height), and (0,height) would be identical to a sprite node. However, a solid polygon with vertices (0,0), (2*width,0), (2*width,2*height), and (0,2*height) would tile the sprite (given the wrap settings) twice both horizontally and vertically.
The content size of this node is defined by the size (but not the offset) of the bounding box. The anchor point is relative to this content size. The default anchor point in a TexturedNode is (0.5, 0.5). This means that a uniform translation of the the underlying shape (in contrast to the node itself) will not move the node on the the screen. Instead, it will just change the part of the texture it uses.
For example, suppose the texture has given width and height. We have one polygon with vertices (0,0), (width/2,0), (width/2,height/2), and (0,height/2). We have another polygon with vertices (width/2,height/2), (width,height/2), (width,height), and (width/2,height). Both polygons would create a rectangle of size (width/2,height/2). centered at the node position. However, the first would use the bottom left part of the texture, while the second would use the top right.
You can disable these features at any time by setting the attribute absolute to true. Do this will place the polygon vertices in their absolute positions in Node space. This will also disable anchor functions (setting the anchor as the bottom left corner), since anchors do not make sense when we are drawing vertices directly into the coordinate space.
cugl::scene2::TexturedNode::TexturedNode | ( | ) |
Creates an empty scene graph node with the degenerate texture.
This constructor should never be called directly, as this is an abstract class.
inline |
Deletes this node, releasing all resources.
protectedvirtual |
Clears the render data, releasing all vertices and indices.
overridevirtual |
Performs a shallow copy of this Node into dst.
No children from this node are copied, and no children of dst are modified. In addition, the parents of both Nodes are unchanged. However, all other attributes of this node are copied.
dst | The Node to copy into |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode, cugl::scene2::PathNode, cugl::scene2::PolygonNode, cugl::scene2::SpriteNode, and cugl::scene2::WireNode.
protected |
This macro disables the copy constructor (not allowed on scene graphs)
overridevirtual |
Disposes all of the resources used by this node.
A disposed Node can be safely reinitialized. Any children owned by this node will be released. They will be deleted if no other object owns them.
It is unsafe to call this on a Node that is still currently inside of a scene graph.
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode.
overridepure virtual |
Draws this Node via the given SpriteBatch.
This method only worries about drawing the current node. It does not attempt to render the children.
This is the method that you should override to implement your custom drawing code. You are welcome to use any OpenGL commands that you wish. You can even skip use of the SpriteBatch. However, if you do so, you must flush the SpriteBatch by calling end() at the start of the method. in addition, you should remember to call begin() at the start of the method.
This method provides the correct transformation matrix and tint color. You do not need to worry about whether the node uses relative color. This method is called by render() and these values are guaranteed to be correct. In addition, this method does not need to check for visibility, as it is guaranteed to only be called when the node is visible.
batch | The SpriteBatch to draw with. |
transform | The global transformation matrix. |
tint | The tint to blend with the Node color. |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
Implemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode, cugl::scene2::PathNode, cugl::scene2::PolygonNode, and cugl::scene2::WireNode.
inline |
Flips the texture coordinates horizontally if flag is true.
Flipping the texture coordinates replaces each u coordinate with 1-u. Hence this operation is defined even if the texture coordinates are outside the range 0..1.
flag | whether to flip the coordinates horizontally |
inline |
Flips the texture coordinates vertically if flag is true.
Flipping the texture coordinates replaces each v coordinate with 1-v. Hence this operation is defined even if the texture coordinates are outside the range 0..1.
flag | whether to flip the coordinates vertically |
protectedpure virtual |
Allocates the render data necessary to render this node.
inline |
Returns the blending equation for this textured node
By default this value is GL_FUNC_ADD. For other options, see
This blending equation only affects the texture of the current node. It does not affect any children of the node.
inline |
Returns the destination blending factor
By default this value is GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. For other options, see
This blending factor only affects the texture of the current node. It does not affect any children of the node.
inline |
Returns the gradient to use for this node.
Unlike colors, gradients are local. They do not apply to the children of this node. Gradients are independent of textures; a texture node may have both a gradient and a texture.
inline |
Returns the source blending factor
By default this value is GL_SRC_ALPHA. For other options, see
This blending factor only affects the texture of the current node. It does not affect any children of the node.
inline |
Returns the texture used by this node.
inline |
Returns the texture used by this node.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Intializes a scene graph node with the degenerate texture.
This will make the texture be graphics::Texture#getBlank
, which is suitable for drawing solid shapes. However, this is an abstract class, so it will not apply any geometry to the texture. You will need to use one of the appropriate subclasses.
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode.
overridevirtual |
Initializes a node with the given JSON specificaton.
This initializer is designed to receive the "data" object from the JSON passed to Scene2Loader
. This JSON format supports all of the attribute values of its parent class. In addition, it supports the following additional attribute:
"texture": A string with the name of a previously loaded texture asset "gradient": A JSON object defining a gradient. See {@link Gradient}. "absolute": A boolean indicating whether to use absolute coordinates "blendeq": A string matching a valid OpenGL blending equation. See glBlendEquation in the OpenGL documentation. "blendsrc": A string mathcing a valid OpenGL blending function. See glBlendFunc in the OpenGL documentation. "blenddst": A string mathcing a valid OpenGL blending function. See glBlendFunc in the OpenGL documentation. "flip": One of "horizontal", "vertical", "both", or "none".
All attributes are optional. If the texture is missing, this node will use graphics::Texture#getBlank
instead, which is suitable for drawing solid shapes.
Note that this is an abstract class, so it will not apply any geometry to the texture. You will need to use one of the appropriate subclasses.
manager | The asset manager handling this asset |
data | The JSON object specifying the node |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode, cugl::scene2::PathNode, cugl::scene2::PolygonNode, cugl::scene2::SpriteNode, and cugl::scene2::WireNode.
virtual |
Intializes a scene graph node with the image filename.
This method will fail if the file does not exist or is not a valid image file. Even if the texture is successfully loaded, this is an an abstract class, so it will not apply any geometry to the texture. You will need to use one of the appropriate subclasses.
filename | A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/earthtile.png" |
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode, and cugl::scene2::PolygonNode.
virtual |
Initializes a textured polygon from a Texture object.
If the texture is null, this node will use graphics::Texture#getBlank
instead, which is suitable for drawing solid shapes. Regardless, this is an abstract class, so it will not apply any geometry to the texture. You will need to use one of the appropriate subclasses.
texture | A shared pointer to a Texture object. |
Reimplemented in cugl::scene2::MeshNode, and cugl::scene2::PolygonNode.
inline |
Returns true if this node is using absolute positioning.
In absolute positioning, the vertices are draw in their correct position with respect to the node origin. We no longer try to offset the polygon with respect to the anchors. This is useful when you need a scene graph node that has an external relationship to a non-child node.
Setting this value to true will disable anchor functions (and set the anchor to the bottom left). That is because anchors do not make sense when we are using absolute positioning.
inline |
Returns true if the texture coordinates are flipped horizontally.
inline |
Returns true if the texture coordinates are flipped vertically.
inline |
Refreshes this node to restore the render data.
inline |
Sets whether this node is using absolute positioning.
In absolute positioning, the vertices are draw in their correct position with respect to the node origin. We no longer try to offset the polygon with respect to the anchors. This is useful when you need a scene graph node that has an external relationship to a non-child node.
Setting this value to true will disable anchor functions (and set the anchor to the bottom left). That is because anchors do not make sense when we are using absolute positioning.
flag | Whether if this node is using absolute positioning. |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Sets the anchor point in percentages.
The anchor point defines the relative origin of Node with respect to its parent. It is a "pin" where the Node is attached to its parent. In effect, the translation of a Node is defined by its position plus anchor point.
The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner. There are many anchor point constants defined in Vec2
. However, there is nothing preventing an anchor point higher than (1,1) or lower than (0,0).
The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the node. Changing the anchor will not move the contents of the node in the parent space, but it will change the value of the Node position.
This function is disabled if the node is using absolute positioning. That is because anchors do not make sense when we are drawing polygons directly to the screen.
anchor | The anchor point of node. |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Sets the anchor point in percentages.
The anchor point defines the relative origin of Node with respect to its parent. It is a "pin" where the Node is attached to its parent. In effect, the translation of a Node is defined by its position plus anchor point.
The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner. There are many anchor point constants defined in Vec2
. However, there is nothing preventing an anchor point higher than (1,1) or lower than (0,0).
The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the node. Changing the anchor will not move the contents of the node in the parent space, but it will change the value of the Node position.
This function is disabled if the node is using absolute positioning. That is because anchors do not make sense when we are drawing polygons directly to the screen.
x | The horizontal anchor percentage. |
y | The vertical anchor percentage. |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
inline |
Sets the blending equation for this textured node
The enum must be a standard ones supported by OpenGL. See
However, this setter does not do any error checking to verify that the input is valid. By default, the equation is GL_FUNC_ADD.
This blending equation only affects the texture of the current node. It does not affect any children of the node.
equation | Specifies how source and destination colors are combined |
inline |
Sets the blending function for this texture node.
The enums are the standard ones supported by OpenGL. See
However, this setter does not do any error checking to verify that the enums are valid. By default, srcFactor is GL_SRC_ALPHA while dstFactor is GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. This corresponds to non-premultiplied alpha blending.
This blending factor only affects the texture of the current node. It does not affect any children of the node.
srcFactor | Specifies how the source blending factors are computed |
dstFactor | Specifies how the destination blending factors are computed. |
overridevirtual |
Sets the untransformed size of the node.
The content size remains the same no matter how the node is scaled or rotated. All nodes must have a size, though it may be degenerate (0,0).
By default, the content size of a TexturedNode is the size of the bounding box of the defining polygon. Resizing a texture node will stretch the image to fill in the new size.
size | The untransformed size of the node. |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Sets the untransformed size of the node.
The content size remains the same no matter how the node is scaled or rotated. All nodes must have a size, though it may be degenerate (0,0).
By default, the content size of a TexturedNode is the size of the bounding box of the defining polygon. Resizing a texture node will stretch the image to fill in the new size.
width | The untransformed width of the node. |
height | The untransformed height of the node. |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
void cugl::scene2::TexturedNode::setGradient | ( | const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Gradient > & | gradient | ) |
Sets the gradient to use for this node.
Unlike colors, gradients are local. They do not apply to the children of this node. Gradients are independent of textures; a texture node may have both a gradient and a texture.
gradient | The gradient to use for this node. |
void cugl::scene2::TexturedNode::setTexture | ( | const std::shared_ptr< graphics::Texture > & | texture | ) |
Sets the node texture to the one specified.
This method will have no effect on the underlying geometry. This class decouples the geometry from the texture. That is because we do not expect the vertices to match the texture perfectly.
texture | A shared pointer to a Texture object. |
inline |
Sets the node texture to a new one allocated from a filename.
This method will have no effect on the underlying geometry. This class decouples the geometry from the texture. That is because we do not expect the vertices to match the texture perfectly.
filename | A path to image file, e.g., "scene1/earthtile.png" |
void cugl::scene2::TexturedNode::shiftTexture | ( | float | dx, |
float | dy | ||
) |
Translates the texture image by the given amount.
This method has no effect on the shape or position of the node. It simply shifts the texture coordinates of the underlying mesh by the given amount (measured in pixels). Hence this method can be used for animation and filmstrips. This method is faster than redefining the shape.
If the node has a gradient, this will shift the gradient image by the same amount.
dx | The amount to shift horizontally. |
dy | The amount to shift horizontally. |
overridevirtual |
Returns a string representation of this node for debugging purposes.
If verbose is true, the string will include class information. This allows us to unambiguously identify the class.
verbose | Whether to include class information |
Reimplemented from cugl::scene2::SceneNode.
protectedpure virtual |
Updates the texture coordinates for this polygon
The texture coordinates are computed assuming that the polygon is defined in image space, with the origin in the bottom left corner of the texture.
protected |
Whether to disable anchors and draw the underlying shape in absolute coordinates
protected |
The blending equation for this texture
protected |
The destination factor for the blend function
protected |
Whether or not to flip the texture horizontally
protected |
Whether or not to flip the texture vertically
protected |
The gradient to use for this node
protected |
The render data for this node
protected |
Texture offset to for shifting the image
protected |
Whether we have generated render data for this node
protected |
The source factor for the blend function
protected |
Texture associated with this node