CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
No Matches
cugl::scene3 Namespace Reference


class  BillboardBatch
class  BillboardNode
class  BillboardShader
class  Gimbal
class  GroupInfo
class  Material
class  MaterialInfo
class  MaterialLib
class  ModelInfo
class  MtlLoader
class  ObjBatch
class  ObjLoader
class  ObjMesh
class  ObjModel
class  ObjNode
class  ObjParser
class  ObjShader
class  OBJVertex
class  ParticleBatch
class  ParticleNode
class  Scene3
class  Scene3Batch
class  Scene3Loader
class  Scene3Pipeline
class  SceneNode
class  TextureInfo
struct  VertexHasher
class  VertexInfo

Detailed Description

The classes to construct a 3-d scene graph.

Unlike the scene2 package, the 3-d scene graph classes are quite limited. We only have support for OBJ/MTL files, as well as simple billboarding. There is no support for bone animation or physically based rendering.

The reason for this limitation is because this is a student training engine, and we often like to task students at adding those features. In addition, unlike our 2-d scene graph with Figma support, there are a lot of third party libraries out there that handle rendering better for 3-d scenes.