CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
No Matches
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cugl::Mat4 Class Reference

#include <CUMat4.h>

Public Member Functions

 Mat4 ()
 Mat4 (float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44)
 Mat4 (const float *mat)
 Mat4 (const Mat4 &copy)
 Mat4 (Mat4 &&copy)
 Mat4 (const Quaternion &rotation)
 ~Mat4 ()
Mat4operator= (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4operator= (Mat4 &&mat)
Mat4operator= (const float *array)
Mat4operator= (const Quaternion &quat)
Mat4set (float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44)
Mat4set (const float *mat)
Mat4set (const Quaternion &quat)
Mat4set (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4setIdentity ()
Mat4setZero ()
Mat4add (float scalar)
Mat4add (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4subtract (float scalar)
Mat4subtract (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4multiply (float scalar)
Mat4multiply (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4negate ()
Mat4 getNegation () const
Mat4invert ()
Mat4 getInverse () const
Mat4transpose ()
Mat4 getTranspose () const
Mat4operator+= (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4operator-= (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4operator*= (const Mat4 &mat)
Mat4operator*= (float scalar)
const Mat4 operator+ (const Mat4 &mat) const
const Mat4 operator- (const Mat4 &mat) const
const Mat4 operator- () const
const Mat4 operator* (const Mat4 &mat) const
const Mat4 operator* (float scalar) const
bool isExactly (const Mat4 &mat) const
bool equals (const Mat4 &mat, float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool operator== (const Mat4 &mat) const
bool operator!= (const Mat4 &mat) const
bool isIdentity (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool isInvertible (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool isOrthogonal (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
float getDeterminant () const
Vec3 getScale () const
Quaternion getRotation () const
Vec3 getTranslation () const
Vec3 getUpVector () const
Vec3 getDownVector () const
Vec3 getLeftVector () const
Vec3 getRightVector () const
Vec3 getForwardVector () const
Vec3 getBackVector () const
Vec2 transform (const Vec2 point) const
Rect transform (const Rect rect) const
Vec2 transformVector (const Vec2 vec) const
Vec3 transform (const Vec3 point) const
Vec3 transformVector (const Vec3 vec) const
Vec4 transform (const Vec4 vec) const
Mat4rotate (const Quaternion &q)
Mat4rotate (const Vec3 axis, float angle)
Mat4rotateX (float angle)
Mat4rotateY (float angle)
Mat4rotateZ (float angle)
Mat4scale (float value)
Mat4scale (const Vec3 s)
Mat4scale (float sx, float sy, float sz)
Mat4translate (const Vec3 t)
Mat4translate (float tx, float ty, float tz)
std::string toString (bool verbose=false) const
 operator std::string () const
 operator Affine2 () const
 Mat4 (const Affine2 &aff)
Mat4operator= (const Affine2 &aff)
Mat4set (const Affine2 &aff)

Static Public Member Functions

static Mat4 createLookAt (const Vec3 eye, const Vec3 target, const Vec3 up)
static Mat4createLookAt (const Vec3 eye, const Vec3 target, const Vec3 up, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createLookAt (float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
static Mat4createLookAt (float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createPerspective (float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane)
static Mat4createPerspective (float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createOrthographic (float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane)
static Mat4createOrthographic (float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createOrthographicOffCenter (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane)
static Mat4createOrthographicOffCenter (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createScale (float scale)
static Mat4createScale (float scale, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createScale (float sx, float sy, float sz)
static Mat4createScale (float sx, float sy, float sz, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createScale (const Vec3 scale)
static Mat4createScale (const Vec3 scale, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createRotation (const Quaternion &quat)
static Mat4createRotation (const Quaternion &quat, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createRotation (const Vec3 axis, float angle)
static Mat4createRotation (const Vec3 axis, float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createRotationX (float angle)
static Mat4createRotationX (float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createRotationY (float angle)
static Mat4createRotationY (float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createRotationZ (float angle)
static Mat4createRotationZ (float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createTranslation (const Vec3 trans)
static Mat4createTranslation (const Vec3 trans, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4 createTranslation (float tx, float ty, float tz)
static Mat4createTranslation (float tx, float ty, float tz, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4add (const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst)
static float * add (const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst)
static Mat4add (const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst)
static float * add (const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst)
static Mat4subtract (const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst)
static float * subtract (const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst)
static Mat4subtract (const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst)
static float * subtract (const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst)
static Mat4multiply (const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst)
static float * multiply (const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst)
static Mat4multiply (const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst)
static float * multiply (const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst)
static Mat4negate (const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst)
static float * negate (const float *m1, float *dst)
static Mat4invert (const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst)
static float * invert (const float *m1, float *dst)
static Mat4transpose (const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst)
static float * transpose (const float *m1, float *dst)
static Vec2transform (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 point, Vec2 *dst)
static float * transform (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 point, float *dst)
static Recttransform (const Mat4 &mat, const Rect rect, Rect *dst)
static Vec2transformVector (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 vec, Vec2 *dst)
static Vec3transform (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 point, Vec3 *dst)
static Vec3transformVector (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 vec, Vec3 *dst)
static Vec4transform (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec4 vec, Vec4 *dst)
static float * transform (const Mat4 &mat, float const *input, float *output, size_t size)
static float * transform (const float *mat, float const *input, float *output, size_t size)
static Mat4rotate (const Mat4 &mat, const Quaternion &quat, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4rotate (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 axis, float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4rotateX (const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4rotateY (const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4rotateZ (const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4scale (const Mat4 &mat, float value, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4scale (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 s, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4scale (const Mat4 &mat, float sx, float sy, float sz, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4translate (const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 t, Mat4 *dst)
static Mat4translate (const Mat4 &mat, float tx, float ty, float tz, Mat4 *dst)
static bool decompose (const Mat4 &mat, Vec3 *scale, Quaternion *rot, Vec3 *trans)

Public Attributes

float m [16]

Static Public Attributes

static const Mat4 ZERO
static const Mat4 ONE
static const Mat4 IDENTITY

Detailed Description

This class defines a 4 x 4 floating point matrix representing a 3D transformation.

Vectors are treated as columns, resulting in a matrix that is represented as follows, where x, y and z are the translation components of the matrix:

1  0  0  x
0  1  0  y
0  0  1  z
0  0  0  1

This matrix class is directly compatible with OpenGL since its elements are laid out in memory exactly as they are expected by OpenGL.

The matrix uses column-major format such that array indices increase down column first. However, this is only a data representation format, and it should not have any affect on issues such as multiplication order.

With that said, the convention in OpenGL (and respected by this class) is that transforms are applied by multiplying a vector on the right. For example, suppose we have a translation matrix T and a rotation matrix R. To first rotate an object around the origin and then translate it, you would multiply the two matrices as RT, with T on the right.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Mat4() [1/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( )

Creates the identity matrix.

1  0  0  0
0  1  0  0
0  0  1  0
0  0  0  1

◆ Mat4() [2/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m13,
float  m14,
float  m21,
float  m22,
float  m23,
float  m24,
float  m31,
float  m32,
float  m33,
float  m34,
float  m41,
float  m42,
float  m43,
float  m44 

Constructs a matrix initialized to the specified values.

m11The first element of the first row.
m12The second element of the first row.
m13The third element of the first row.
m14The fourth element of the first row.
m21The first element of the second row.
m22The second element of the second row.
m23The third element of the second row.
m24The fourth element of the second row.
m31The first element of the third row.
m32The second element of the third row.
m33The third element of the third row.
m34The fourth element of the third row.
m41The first element of the fourth row.
m42The second element of the fourth row.
m43The third element of the fourth row.
m44The fourth element of the fourth row.

◆ Mat4() [3/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( const float *  mat)

Creates a matrix initialized to the specified column-major array.

The passed-in array is in column-major order, so the memory layout of the array is as follows:

0   4   8   12
1   5   9   13
2   6   10  14
3   7   11  15
matAn array containing 16 elements in column-major order.

◆ Mat4() [4/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( const Mat4 copy)

Constructs a new matrix that is the copy of the specified one.

copyThe matrix to copy.

◆ Mat4() [5/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( Mat4 &&  copy)

Constructs a new matrix that contains the resources of the specified one.

copyThe matrix contributing resources.

◆ Mat4() [6/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( const Quaternion rotation)

Constructs a new matrix that is specified by the given quaternion.

rotationThe quaternion specifying a rotation.

◆ ~Mat4()

cugl::Mat4::~Mat4 ( )

Destroys this matrix, releasing all resources.

◆ Mat4() [7/7]

cugl::Mat4::Mat4 ( const Affine2 aff)

Creates a matrix from the given affine transform.

The z values are set to the identity.

affThe transform to convert

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::add ( const float *  m1,
const float *  m2,
float *  dst 

Adds the specified matrices and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The first matrix in column-major order
m2The second matrix in column-major order
dstThe destination matrix in column-major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ add() [2/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::add ( const float *  mat,
float  scalar,
float *  dst 

Adds a scalar to each component of mat and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

matThe matrix to add to in column-major order
scalarThe scalar value to add.
dstA matrix to store the result in column-major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ add() [3/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::add ( const Mat4 m1,
const Mat4 m2,
Mat4 dst 

Adds the specified matrices and stores the result in dst.

m1The first matrix.
m2The second matrix.
dstThe destination matrix to add to.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ add() [4/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::add ( const Mat4 mat)

Adds the specified matrix to this matrix.

matThe matrix to add.
A reference to the Mat4 after addition.

◆ add() [5/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::add ( const Mat4 mat,
float  scalar,
Mat4 dst 

Adds a scalar to each component of mat and stores the result in dst.

matThe matrix to add to.
scalarThe scalar value to add.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ add() [6/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::add ( float  scalar)

Adds a scalar value to each component of this matrix.

scalarThe scalar to add.
A reference to the Mat4 after addition.

◆ createLookAt() [1/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createLookAt ( const Vec3  eye,
const Vec3  target,
const Vec3  up 

Creates a view matrix based on the specified input vectors.

eyeThe eye position.
targetThe target's center position.
upThe up vector.
a view matrix based on the specified input vectors.

◆ createLookAt() [2/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createLookAt ( const Vec3  eye,
const Vec3  target,
const Vec3  up,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a view matrix based on the specified input vectors, putting it in dst.

eyeThe eye position.
targetThe target's center position.
upThe up vector.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createLookAt() [3/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createLookAt ( float  eyeX,
float  eyeY,
float  eyeZ,
float  targetX,
float  targetY,
float  targetZ,
float  upX,
float  upY,
float  upZ 

Returns a view matrix based on the specified input parameters.

eyeXThe eye x-coordinate position.
eyeYThe eye y-coordinate position.
eyeZThe eye z-coordinate position.
targetXThe target's center x-coordinate position.
targetYThe target's center y-coordinate position.
targetZThe target's center z-coordinate position.
upXThe up vector x-coordinate value.
upYThe up vector y-coordinate value.
upZThe up vector z-coordinate value.
a view matrix based on the specified input parameters.

◆ createLookAt() [4/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createLookAt ( float  eyeX,
float  eyeY,
float  eyeZ,
float  targetX,
float  targetY,
float  targetZ,
float  upX,
float  upY,
float  upZ,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a view matrix based on the specified input parameters, putting it in dst.

eyeXThe eye x-coordinate position.
eyeYThe eye y-coordinate position.
eyeZThe eye z-coordinate position.
targetXThe target's center x-coordinate position.
targetYThe target's center y-coordinate position.
targetZThe target's center z-coordinate position.
upXThe up vector x-coordinate value.
upYThe up vector y-coordinate value.
upZThe up vector z-coordinate value.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createOrthographic() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createOrthographic ( float  width,
float  height,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane 

Returns an orthographic projection matrix anchored at the origin.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x and y coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and z coordinates ranging from 0 to 1. Unlike perspective projection, there is no perspective foreshortening in orthographic projection.

The viewable area of this orthographic projection places the origin at the center, with the given width and height.. The z-axis is bound between zNearPlane and zFarPlane. These values are relative to the position and x, y, and z-axes of the view.

To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

widthThe width of the view.
heightThe height of the view.
zNearPlaneThe minimum z-value of the view volume.
zFarPlaneThe maximum z-value of the view volume.
an orthographic projection matrix anchored at the origin.

◆ createOrthographic() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createOrthographic ( float  width,
float  height,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane,
Mat4 dst 

Creates an orthographic projection matrix anchored at the origin, putting it in dst.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x and y coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and z coordinates ranging from 0 to 1. Unlike perspective projection, there is no perspective foreshortening in orthographic projection.

The viewable area of this orthographic projection places the origin at the center, with the given width and height.. The z-axis is bound between zNearPlane and zFarPlane. These values are relative to the position and x, y, and z-axes of the view.

To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

widthThe width of the view.
heightThe height of the view.
zNearPlaneThe minimum z-value of the view volume.
zFarPlaneThe maximum z-value of the view volume.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createOrthographicOffCenter() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createOrthographicOffCenter ( float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane 

Returns an orthographic projection matrix.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x and y coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and z coordinates ranging from 0 to 1. Unlike perspective projection, there is no perspective foreshortening in orthographic projection.

The viewable area of this orthographic projection extends from left to right on the x-axis and bottom to top on the y-axis. The z-axis is bound between zNearPlane and zFarPlane. These values are relative to the position and x, y, and z-axes of the view.

To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

leftThe minimum x-value of the view volume.
rightThe maximum x-value of the view volume.
bottomThe minimum y-value of the view volume.
topThe maximum y-value of the view volume.
zNearPlaneThe minimum z-value of the view volume.
zFarPlaneThe maximum z-value of the view volume.
an orthographic projection matrix.

◆ createOrthographicOffCenter() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createOrthographicOffCenter ( float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane,
Mat4 dst 

Creates an orthographic projection matrix, putting it in dst.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x and y coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and z coordinates ranging from 0 to 1. Unlike perspective projection, there is no perspective foreshortening in orthographic projection.

The viewable area of this orthographic projection extends from left to right on the x-axis and bottom to top on the y-axis. The z-axis is bound between zNearPlane and zFarPlane. These values are relative to the position and x, y, and z-axes of the view.

To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

leftThe minimum x-value of the view volume.
rightThe maximum x-value of the view volume.
bottomThe minimum y-value of the view volume.
topThe maximum y-value of the view volume.
zNearPlaneThe minimum z-value of the view volume.
zFarPlaneThe maximum z-value of the view volume.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createPerspective() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createPerspective ( float  fieldOfView,
float  aspectRatio,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane 

Returns a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x- and y-coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and a z-coordinate ranging from 0 to 1. To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

fieldOfViewThe field of view in the y direction (in degrees).
aspectRatioThe aspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height.
zNearPlaneThe distance to the near view plane.
zFarPlaneThe distance to the far view plane.
a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view.

◆ createPerspective() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createPerspective ( float  fieldOfView,
float  aspectRatio,
float  zNearPlane,
float  zFarPlane,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view, putting it in dst.

Projection space refers to the space after applying projection transformation from view space. After the projection transformation, visible content has x- and y-coordinates ranging from -1 to 1, and a z-coordinate ranging from 0 to 1. To obtain the viewable area (in world space) of a scene, create a bounding frustum and pass the combined view and projection matrix to the constructor.

fieldOfViewThe field of view in the y direction (in degrees).
aspectRatioThe aspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height.
zNearPlaneThe distance to the near view plane.
zFarPlaneThe distance to the far view plane.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createRotation() [1/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createRotation ( const Quaternion quat)

Returns a rotation matrix from the specified quaternion.

quatA quaternion describing a 3D orientation.
a rotation matrix from the specified quaternion.

◆ createRotation() [2/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createRotation ( const Quaternion quat,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a rotation matrix from the specified quaternion, putting it in dst.

quatA quaternion describing a 3D orientation.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createRotation() [3/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createRotation ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle 

Returns a rotation matrix from the specified axis and angle.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

axisA vector describing the axis to rotate about.
angleThe angle (in radians).
a rotation matrix from the specified axis and angle.

◆ createRotation() [4/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createRotation ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a rotation matrix from the specified axis and angle, putting it in dst.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

axisA vector describing the axis to rotate about.
angleThe angle (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createRotationX() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createRotationX ( float  angle)

Returns a matrix specifying a rotation around the x-axis.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
a matrix specifying a rotation around the x-axis.

◆ createRotationX() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createRotationX ( float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a matrix specifying a rotation around the x-axis, putting it in dst.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createRotationY() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createRotationY ( float  angle)

Returns a matrix specifying a rotation around the y-axis.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
a matrix specifying a rotation around the y-axis.

◆ createRotationY() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createRotationY ( float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a matrix specifying a rotation around the y-axis, putting it in dst.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createRotationZ() [1/2]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createRotationZ ( float  angle)

Returns a matrix specifying a rotation around the z-axis.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
a matrix specifying a rotation around the z-axis.

◆ createRotationZ() [2/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createRotationZ ( float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a matrix specifying a rotation around the z-axis, putting it in dst.

The angle measurement is in radians. The rotation is counter clockwise about the axis.

angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createScale() [1/6]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createScale ( const Vec3  scale)

Returns a nonuniform scale matrix from the given vector.

scaleThe nonuniform scale value.
a nonuniform scale matrix from the given vector.

◆ createScale() [2/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createScale ( const Vec3  scale,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a nonuniform scale matrix from the given vector, putting it in dst.

scaleThe nonuniform scale value.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createScale() [3/6]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createScale ( float  scale)

Returns a uniform scale matrix.

scaleThe amount to scale.
a uniform scale matrix.

◆ createScale() [4/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createScale ( float  scale,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a uniform scale matrix, putting it in dst.

scaleThe amount to scale.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createScale() [5/6]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createScale ( float  sx,
float  sy,
float  sz 

Returns a nonuniform scale matrix.

sxThe amount to scale along the x-axis.
syThe amount to scale along the y-axis.
szThe amount to scale along the z-axis.
a nonuniform scale matrix.

◆ createScale() [6/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createScale ( float  sx,
float  sy,
float  sz,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a nonuniform scale matrix, putting it in dst.

sxThe amount to scale along the x-axis.
syThe amount to scale along the y-axis.
szThe amount to scale along the z-axis.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createTranslation() [1/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createTranslation ( const Vec3  trans)

Returns a translation matrix from the given offset.

transThe translation offset.
a translation matrix from the given offset.

◆ createTranslation() [2/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createTranslation ( const Vec3  trans,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a translation matrix from the given offset, putting it in dst.

transThe translation offset.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createTranslation() [3/4]

static Mat4 cugl::Mat4::createTranslation ( float  tx,
float  ty,
float  tz 

Returns a translation matrix from the given parameters.

txThe translation on the x-axis.
tyThe translation on the y-axis.
tzThe translation on the z-axis.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createTranslation() [4/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::createTranslation ( float  tx,
float  ty,
float  tz,
Mat4 dst 

Creates a translation matrix from the given parameters, putting it in dst.

txThe translation on the x-axis.
tyThe translation on the y-axis.
tzThe translation on the z-axis.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ decompose()

static bool cugl::Mat4::decompose ( const Mat4 mat,
Vec3 scale,
Quaternion rot,
Vec3 trans 

Decomposes the scale, rotation and translation components of the given matrix.

To work properly, the matrix must have been constructed in the following order: scale, then rotate, then translation. While the rotation matrix will always be correct, the scale and translation are not guaranteed to be correct if this is violated.

If any pointer is null, the method simply does not assign that result. However, it will still continue to compute the component with non-null vectors to store the result.

If the scale component is too small, then it may be impossible to extract the rotation. In that case, if the rotation pointer is not null, this method will return false.

matThe matrix to decompose.
scaleThe scale component.
rotThe rotation component.
transThe translation component.
true if all requested components were properly extracted

◆ equals()

bool cugl::Mat4::equals ( const Mat4 mat,
float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON 
) const

Returns true if the matrices are within tolerance of each other.

The tolerance is applied to each element of the matrix individually.

matThe matrix to compare against.
epsilonThe comparison tolerance.
true if the matrices are within tolerance of each other.

◆ getBackVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getBackVector ( ) const

Returns the backward vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the backward vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ getDeterminant()

float cugl::Mat4::getDeterminant ( ) const

Returns the determinant of this matrix.

the determinant of this matrix.

◆ getDownVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getDownVector ( ) const

Returns the down vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the down vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ getForwardVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getForwardVector ( ) const

Returns the forward vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the forward vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ getInverse()

Mat4 cugl::Mat4::getInverse ( ) const

Returns a copy of the inverse of this matrix.

If the matrix cannot be inverted, this method returns the zero matrix.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

a copy of the inverse of this matrix.

◆ getLeftVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getLeftVector ( ) const

Returns the left vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the left vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ getNegation()

Mat4 cugl::Mat4::getNegation ( ) const

Returns a copy of this matrix with all elements negated.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

a copy of this matrix with all elements negated.

◆ getRightVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getRightVector ( ) const

Returns the right vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the right vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ getRotation()

Quaternion cugl::Mat4::getRotation ( ) const

Returns the rotational component of this matrix.

If the scale component is too close to zero, we cannot extract the rotation. In that case, we return the zero quaternion. (

the rotational component of this matrix.

◆ getScale()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getScale ( ) const

Returns the scale component of this matrix.

If the scale component of this matrix has negative parts, it is not possible to always extract the exact scale component. In that case, a scale vector that is mathematically equivalent to the original scale vector is extracted and returned.

To work properly, the matrix must have been constructed in the following order: scale, then rotate, then translation. In any other order, the scale is not guaranteed to be correct.

the scale component of this matrix.

◆ getTranslation()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getTranslation ( ) const

Returns the translational component of this matrix.

To work properly, the matrix must have been constructed in the following order: scale, then rotate, then translation. In any other order, the translation is not guaranteed to be correct.

the translational component of this matrix.

◆ getTranspose()

Mat4 cugl::Mat4::getTranspose ( ) const

Returns a copy of the transpose of this matrix.

Transposing a matrix swaps columns and rows. This allows to transform a vector by multiplying it on the left. If the matrix is orthonormal, this is also the inverse.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

a copy of the transpose of this matrix.

◆ getUpVector()

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::getUpVector ( ) const

Returns the up vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

the up vector of this matrix, when treated as a camera.

◆ invert() [1/3]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::invert ( )

Inverts this matrix in place.

If the matrix cannot be inverted, this method sets it to the zero matrix.

A reference to the Mat4 after the inversion.

◆ invert() [2/3]

static float * cugl::Mat4::invert ( const float *  m1,
float *  dst 

Inverts m1 and stores the result in dst.

If the matrix cannot be inverted, this method stores the zero matrix in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The matrix to invert in column major order
dstA matrix to store the result in column major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ invert() [3/3]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::invert ( const Mat4 m1,
Mat4 dst 

Inverts m1 and stores the result in dst.

If the matrix cannot be inverted, this method stores the zero matrix in dst.

m1The matrix to invert.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ isExactly()

bool cugl::Mat4::isExactly ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns true if the matrices are exactly equal to each other.

This method may be unreliable given that the elements are floats. It should only be used to compared matrices that have not undergone a lot of transformations.

matThe matrix to compare against.
true if the matrices are exactly equal to each other.

◆ isIdentity()

bool cugl::Mat4::isIdentity ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this matrix is equal to the identity matrix.

The optional comparison tolerance takes into accout that elements are floats and this may not be exact. The tolerance is applied to each element individually. By default, the match must be exact.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this matrix is equal to the identity matrix.

◆ isInvertible()

bool cugl::Mat4::isInvertible ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this matrix is invertible.

The optional comparison tolerance takes into accout that elements are floats and this may not be exact. The tolerance is applied to the matrix determinant.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this matrix is invertible.

◆ isOrthogonal()

bool cugl::Mat4::isOrthogonal ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this matrix is orthogonal.

The optional comparison tolerance takes into accout that elements are floats and this may not be exact. The tolerance is applied to BOTH the normality test and the dot-product test for each pair.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this matrix is orthogonal.

◆ multiply() [1/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::multiply ( const float *  m1,
const float *  m2,
float *  dst 

Multiplies m1 by the matrix m2 and stores the result in dst.

The matrix m2 is on the right. This means that it corresponds to an subsequent transform, when looking at a sequence of transforms.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The first matrix to multiply in column-major order
m2The second matrix to multiply in column-major order
dstA matrix to store the result in column-major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ multiply() [2/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::multiply ( const float *  mat,
float  scalar,
float *  dst 

Multiplies the specified matrix by a scalar and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

matThe matrix in column-major order
scalarThe scalar value.
dstA matrix to store the result in column-major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ multiply() [3/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::multiply ( const Mat4 m1,
const Mat4 m2,
Mat4 dst 

Multiplies m1 by the matrix m2 and stores the result in dst.

The matrix m2 is on the right. This means that it corresponds to an subsequent transform, when looking at a sequence of transforms.

m1The first matrix to multiply.
m2The second matrix to multiply.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ multiply() [4/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::multiply ( const Mat4 mat)

Multiplies this matrix by the specified one.

The matrix mat is on the right. This means that it corresponds to a subsequent transform, when looking at the order of transforms.

matThe matrix to multiply.
A reference to the Mat4 after multiplication.

◆ multiply() [5/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::multiply ( const Mat4 mat,
float  scalar,
Mat4 dst 

Multiplies the specified matrix by a scalar and stores the result in dst.

matThe matrix.
scalarThe scalar value.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ multiply() [6/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::multiply ( float  scalar)

Multiplies the components of this matrix by the specified scalar.

scalarThe scalar value.
A reference to the Mat4 after multiplication.

◆ negate() [1/3]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::negate ( )

Negates this matrix in place.

A reference to the Mat4 after negation.

◆ negate() [2/3]

static float * cugl::Mat4::negate ( const float *  m1,
float *  dst 

Negates m1 and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The matrix to negate in column major order
dstA matrix to store the result in column major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ negate() [3/3]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::negate ( const Mat4 m1,
Mat4 dst 

Negates m1 and stores the result in dst.

m1The matrix to negate.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ operator Affine2()

cugl::Mat4::operator Affine2 ( ) const

Cast from Mat4 to a Affine2.

The z values are all uniformly ignored. However, it the final element of the matrix is not 1 (e.g. the translation has a w value of 1), then it divides the entire matrix before creating the affine transform.

◆ operator std::string()

cugl::Mat4::operator std::string ( ) const

Cast from Vec4 to a string.

◆ operator!=()

bool cugl::Mat4::operator!= ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns true if this matrix is not equal to the given matrix.

Comparison is exact, which may be unreliable given that the elements are floats.

matThe matrix to compare against.
true if this matrix is not equal to the given matrix.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::operator* ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns the matrix product of this matrix with the given matrix.

The matrix mat is on the right. This means that it corresponds to an subsequent transform, when looking at a sequence of transforms.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

matThe matrix to multiply by.
the matrix product of this matrix with the given matrix.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::operator* ( float  scalar) const

Returns a copy of this matrix with all elements multiplied by the scalar.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

scalarThe scalar value.
the matrix product of this matrix with the given matrix.

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator*= ( const Mat4 mat)

Right-multiplies this matrix by the given matrix.

The matrix mat is on the right. This means that it corresponds to a subsequent transform, when looking at the order of transforms.

matThe matrix to multiply by.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator*= ( float  scalar)

Multiplies the components of this matrix by the specified scalar.

scalarThe scalar value.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator+()

const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::operator+ ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns the sum of this matrix with the given matrix.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

matThe matrix to add.
the sum of this matrix with the given matrix.

◆ operator+=()

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator+= ( const Mat4 mat)

Adds the given matrix to this one in place.

matThe matrix to add
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::operator- ( ) const

Returns the negation of this matrix.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

the negation of this matrix.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::operator- ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns the difference of this matrix with the given matrix.

Note: This does not modify the matrix.

matThe matrix to subtract.
the difference of this matrix with the given matrix.

◆ operator-=()

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator-= ( const Mat4 mat)

Subtracts the given matrix from this one in place.

matThe matrix to subtract
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator= ( const Affine2 aff)

Sets the elements of this matrix to those of the given transform.

The z values are set to the identity.

affThe transform to convert
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator=() [2/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator= ( const float *  array)

Sets the values of this matrix to those in the specified column-major array.

The passed-in array is in column-major order, so the memory layout of the array is as follows:

0   4   8   12
1   5   9   13
2   6   10  14
3   7   11  15
arrayAn array containing 16 elements in column-major order.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator=() [3/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator= ( const Mat4 mat)

Sets the elements of this matrix to those in the specified matrix.

matThe matrix to copy.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator=() [4/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator= ( const Quaternion quat)

Sets this matrix as a rotation matrix from the specified quaternion.

quatA quaternion describing a 3D orientation.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator=() [5/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::operator= ( Mat4 &&  mat)

Sets the elements of this matrix to those in the specified one.

matThe matrix to take resources from.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ operator==()

bool cugl::Mat4::operator== ( const Mat4 mat) const

Returns true if this matrix is equal to the given matrix.

Comparison is exact, which may be unreliable given that the elements are floats. It should only be used to compared matrices that have not undergone a lot of transformations.

matThe matrix to compare against.
true if this matrix is equal to the given matrix.

◆ rotate() [1/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::rotate ( const Mat4 mat,
const Quaternion quat,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a quaternion rotation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to rotate.
quatThe quaternion to rotate by.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ rotate() [2/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::rotate ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec3  axis,
float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Applies an axis rotation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the given axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to rotate.
axisThe axis to rotate about.
angleThe angle (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ rotate() [3/4]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::rotate ( const Quaternion q)

Applies a quaternion rotation to this matrix.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

qThe quaternion to rotate by.
This matrix, after rotation.

◆ rotate() [4/4]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::rotate ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle 

Applies an axis rotation to the this matrix.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the given axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

axisThe axis to rotate about.
angleThe angle (in radians).
This matrix, after rotation.

◆ rotateX() [1/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::rotateX ( const Mat4 mat,
float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Applies an x-axis rotation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the x-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to rotate.
angleThe angle (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ rotateX() [2/2]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::rotateX ( float  angle)

Applies an x-axis rotation to this matrix.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the x-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

angleThe angle (in radians).
This matrix, after rotation.

◆ rotateY() [1/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::rotateY ( const Mat4 mat,
float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Applies an y-axis rotation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the y-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to rotate.
angleThe angle (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ rotateY() [2/2]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::rotateY ( float  angle)

Applies a y-axis rotation to this matrix.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the y-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

angleThe angle (in radians).
This matrix, after rotation.

◆ rotateZ() [1/2]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::rotateZ ( const Mat4 mat,
float  angle,
Mat4 dst 

Applies an z-axis rotation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the z-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to rotate.
angleThe angle (in radians).
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ rotateZ() [2/2]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::rotateZ ( float  angle)

Applies a z-axis rotation to this matrix.

The rotation is in radians, counter-clockwise about the z-axis.

The rotation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

angleThe angle (in radians).
This matrix, after rotation.

◆ scale() [1/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::scale ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec3  s,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a non-uniform scale to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to scale.
sThe vector storing the individual scaling factors
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ scale() [2/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::scale ( const Mat4 mat,
float  sx,
float  sy,
float  sz,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a non-uniform scale to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to scale.
sxThe amount to scale along the x-axis.
syThe amount to scale along the y-axis.
szThe amount to scale along the z-axis.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ scale() [3/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::scale ( const Mat4 mat,
float  value,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a uniform scale to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to scale.
valueThe scalar to multiply by.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ scale() [4/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::scale ( const Vec3  s)

Applies a non-uniform scale to this matrix.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

sThe vector storing the individual scaling factors
This matrix, after scaling.

◆ scale() [5/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::scale ( float  sx,
float  sy,
float  sz 

Applies a non-uniform scale to this matrix.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

sxThe amount to scale along the x-axis.
syThe amount to scale along the y-axis.
szThe amount to scale along the z-axis.
This matrix, after scaling.

◆ scale() [6/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::scale ( float  value)

Applies a uniform scale to this matrix.

The scaling operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

valueThe scalar to multiply by.
This matrix, after scaling.

◆ set() [1/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::set ( const Affine2 aff)

Sets the elements of this matrix to those of the given transform.

The z values are set to the identity.

affThe transform to convert
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ set() [2/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::set ( const float *  mat)

Sets the values of this matrix to those in the specified column-major array.

The passed-in array is in column-major order, so the memory layout of the array is as follows:

0   4   8   12
1   5   9   13
2   6   10  14
3   7   11  15
matAn array containing 16 elements in column-major order.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ set() [3/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::set ( const Mat4 mat)

Sets the elements of this matrix to those in the specified matrix.

matThe matrix to copy.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ set() [4/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::set ( const Quaternion quat)

Sets this matrix as a rotation matrix from the specified quaternion.

quatA quaternion describing a 3D orientation.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ set() [5/5]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::set ( float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m13,
float  m14,
float  m21,
float  m22,
float  m23,
float  m24,
float  m31,
float  m32,
float  m33,
float  m34,
float  m41,
float  m42,
float  m43,
float  m44 

Sets the individal values of this matrix.

m11The first element of the first row.
m12The second element of the first row.
m13The third element of the first row.
m14The fourth element of the first row.
m21The first element of the second row.
m22The second element of the second row.
m23The third element of the second row.
m24The fourth element of the second row.
m31The first element of the third row.
m32The second element of the third row.
m33The third element of the third row.
m34The fourth element of the third row.
m41The first element of the fourth row.
m42The second element of the fourth row.
m43The third element of the fourth row.
m44The fourth element of the fourth row.
A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ setIdentity()

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::setIdentity ( )

Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.

A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ setZero()

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::setZero ( )

Sets all elements of the current matrix to zero.

A reference to this (modified) Mat4 for chaining.

◆ subtract() [1/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::subtract ( const float *  m1,
const float *  m2,
float *  dst 

Subtracts the matrix m2 from m1 and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The first matrix in column-major order
m2The second matrix in column-major order
dstThe destination matrix in column-major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ subtract() [2/6]

static float * cugl::Mat4::subtract ( const float *  mat,
float  scalar,
float *  dst 

Subtracts a scalar from each component of mat and stores the result in dst.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

matThe matrix to subtract from in column major order
scalarThe scalar value to subtract in column major order
dstA matrix to store the result in column major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ subtract() [3/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::subtract ( const Mat4 m1,
const Mat4 m2,
Mat4 dst 

Subtracts the matrix m2 from m1 and stores the result in dst.

m1The first matrix.
m2The second matrix.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ subtract() [4/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::subtract ( const Mat4 mat)

Subtracts the specified matrix from the current matrix.

matThe matrix to subtract.
A reference to the Mat4 after subtraction.

◆ subtract() [5/6]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::subtract ( const Mat4 mat,
float  scalar,
Mat4 dst 

Subtracts a scalar from each component of mat and stores the result in dst.

matThe matrix to subtract from.
scalarThe scalar value to subtract.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ subtract() [6/6]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::subtract ( float  scalar)

Subtracts a scalar value from each component of this matrix.

scalarThe scalar to subtract.
A reference to the Mat4 after subtraction.

◆ toString()

std::string cugl::Mat4::toString ( bool  verbose = false) const

Returns a string representation of this matrix for debugging purposes.

If verbose is true, the string will include class information. This allows us to unambiguously identify the class.

verboseWhether to include class information
a string representation of this matrix for debugging purposes.

◆ transform() [1/11]

static float * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const float *  mat,
float const *  input,
float *  output,
size_t  size 

Transforms the vector array by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is array is treated as a list of 4 element vectors (

See also
Vec4). The transform is applied in order and written to the output array. The float array for the matrix should be in column major order
matThe transform matrix in column major order
inputThe array of vectors to transform.
outputThe array to store the transformed vectors.
sizeThe size of the two arrays.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [2/11]

static Rect * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
const Rect  rect,
Rect dst 

Transforms the rectangle by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

This method transforms the four defining points of the rectangle. It then computes the minimal bounding box storing these four points.

matThe transform matrix.
rectThe rect to transform.
dstA rect to store the transformed rectangle in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [3/11]

static float * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec2  point,
float *  dst 

Transforms the point by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result. The destination array will be assigned only 2 elements.

matThe transform matrix.
pointThe point to transform.
dstAn array to store the transformed point.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [4/11]

static Vec2 * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec2  point,
Vec2 dst 

Transforms the point by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

matThe transform matrix.
pointThe point to transform.
dstA vector to store the transformed point in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [5/11]

static Vec3 * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec3  point,
Vec3 dst 

Transforms the point by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

matThe transform matrix.
pointThe point to transform.
dstA vector to store the transformed point in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [6/11]

static Vec4 * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec4  vec,
Vec4 dst 

Transforms the vector by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as is. Hence whether or not translation is applied depends on the value of w.

matThe transform matrix.
vecThe vector to transform.
dstA vector to store the transformed point in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [7/11]

static float * cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Mat4 mat,
float const *  input,
float *  output,
size_t  size 

Transforms the vector array by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is array is treated as a list of 4 element vectors (

See also
Vec4). The transform is applied in order and written to the output array.
matThe transform matrix.
inputThe array of vectors to transform.
outputThe array to store the transformed vectors.
sizeThe size of the two arrays.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [8/11]

Rect cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Rect  rect) const

Returns a copy of the given rectangle transformed.

This method transforms the four defining points of the rectangle. It then computes the minimal bounding box storing these four points

Note: This does not modify the original rectangle. To transform a point in place, use the static method.

rectThe rect to transform.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transform() [9/11]

Vec2 cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Vec2  point) const

Returns a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

Note: This does not modify the original point. To transform a point in place, use the static method (or the appropriate operator).

pointThe point to transform.
a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

◆ transform() [10/11]

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Vec3  point) const

Returns a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

Note: This does not modify the original point. To transform a point in place, use the static method (or the appropriate operator).

pointThe point to transform.
a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

◆ transform() [11/11]

Vec4 cugl::Mat4::transform ( const Vec4  vec) const

Returns a copy of this vector transformed by the matrix.

The vector is treated as is. Hence whether or not translation is applied depends on the value of w.

Note: This does not modify the original vector. To transform a vector in place, use the static method (or the appropriate operator).

vecThe vector to transform.
a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

◆ transformVector() [1/4]

static Vec2 * cugl::Mat4::transformVector ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec2  vec,
Vec2 dst 

Transforms the vector by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as a direction, which means that translation is not applied to the result.

matThe transform matrix.
vecThe vector to transform.
dstA vector to store the transformed point in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transformVector() [2/4]

static Vec3 * cugl::Mat4::transformVector ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec3  vec,
Vec3 dst 

Transforms the vector by the given matrix, and stores the result in dst.

The vector is treated as a direction, which means that translation is not applied to the result.

matThe transform matrix.
vecThe vector to transform.
dstA vector to store the transformed point in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transformVector() [3/4]

Vec2 cugl::Mat4::transformVector ( const Vec2  vec) const

Returns a copy of this vector transformed by the matrix.

The vector is treated as a direction, which means that translation is not applied to the result.

Note: This does not modify the original vector. To transform a vector in place, use the static method (or the appropriate operator).

vecThe vector to transform.
a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

◆ transformVector() [4/4]

Vec3 cugl::Mat4::transformVector ( const Vec3  vec) const

Returns a copy of this vector transformed by the matrix.

The vector is treated as a direction, which means that translation is not applied to the result.

Note: This does not modify the original vector. To transform a vector in place, use the static method (or the appropriate operator).

vecThe vector to transform.
a copy of this point transformed by the matrix.

◆ translate() [1/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::translate ( const Mat4 mat,
const Vec3  t,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a translation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The translation operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to translate.
tThe vector storing the individual translation offsets
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ translate() [2/4]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::translate ( const Mat4 mat,
float  tx,
float  ty,
float  tz,
Mat4 dst 

Applies a translation to the given matrix and stores the result in dst.

The translation operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

matThe matrix to translate.
txThe translation offset for the x-axis.
tyThe translation offset for the y-axis.
tzThe translation offset for the z-axis.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ translate() [3/4]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::translate ( const Vec3  t)

Applies a translation to this matrix.

The translation operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

tThe vector storing the individual translation offsets
This matrix, after translation.

◆ translate() [4/4]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::translate ( float  tx,
float  ty,
float  tz 

Applies a translation to this matrix.

The translation operation is applied on the right. Given our convention, that means that it takes place AFTER any previously applied transforms.

txThe translation offset for the x-axis.
tyThe translation offset for the y-axis.
tzThe translation offset for the z-axis.
This matrix, after translation.

◆ transpose() [1/3]

Mat4 & cugl::Mat4::transpose ( )

Transposes this matrix in place.

Transposing a matrix swaps columns and rows. This allows to transform a vector by multiplying it on the left. If the matrix is orthonormal, this is also the inverse.

A reference to the Mat4 after the transposition.

◆ transpose() [2/3]

static float * cugl::Mat4::transpose ( const float *  m1,
float *  dst 

Transposes m1 and stores the result in dst.

Transposing a matrix swaps columns and rows. This allows to transform a vector by multiplying it on the left. If the matrix is orthonormal, this is also the inverse.

This method assumes the float arrays are in column major order.

m1The matrix to transpose in column major order
dstA matrix to store the result in column major order
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ transpose() [3/3]

static Mat4 * cugl::Mat4::transpose ( const Mat4 m1,
Mat4 dst 

Transposes m1 and stores the result in dst.

Transposing a matrix swaps columns and rows. This allows to transform a vector by multiplying it on the left. If the matrix is orthonormal, this is also the inverse.

m1The matrix to transpose.
dstA matrix to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

Member Data Documentation


const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::IDENTITY

The identity matrix (ones on the diagonal)

◆ m

float cugl::Mat4::m[16]

The underlying matrix elements


const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::ONE

The matrix with all ones


const Mat4 cugl::Mat4::ZERO

The matrix with all zeroes

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