CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
No Matches
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cugl::Quaternion Class Reference

#include <CUQuaternion.h>

Public Member Functions

 Quaternion ()
 Quaternion (float x, float y, float z, float w)
 Quaternion (float *array)
 Quaternion (const Vec3 axis, float angle)
Quaternionoperator= (const float *array)
Quaternionset (float x, float y, float z, float w)
Quaternionset (const float *array)
Quaternionset (const Vec3 axis, float angle)
Quaternionset (const Quaternion &q)
QuaternionsetIdentity ()
QuaternionsetZero ()
Quaternionadd (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionsubtract (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionmultiply (const Quaternion &q)
Quaterniondivide (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionscale (float s)
Quaternionconjugate ()
Quaternion getConjugate () const
Quaternioninvert ()
Quaternion getInverse () const
Quaternionnormalize ()
Quaternion getNormalization () const
Quaternionnegate ()
Quaternion getNegation () const
float dot (const Quaternion &q) const
Quaternionoperator+= (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionoperator-= (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionoperator*= (float s)
Quaternionoperator*= (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternionoperator/= (float s)
Quaternionoperator/= (const Quaternion &q)
const Quaternion operator+ (const Quaternion &q) const
const Quaternion operator- (const Quaternion &q) const
const Quaternion operator- () const
const Quaternion operator* (float s) const
const Quaternion operator* (const Quaternion &q) const
const Quaternion operator/ (float s) const
const Quaternion operator/ (const Quaternion &q) const
bool operator== (const Quaternion &q) const
bool operator!= (const Quaternion &q) const
bool equals (const Quaternion &q, float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
float norm () const
float normSquared () const
bool isZero () const
bool isNearZero (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool isIdentity () const
bool isNearIdentity (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
bool isUnit (float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const
float toAxisAngle (Vec3 *e) const
Quaternionlerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Quaternionslerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Quaternionnlerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Quaternion getLerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Quaternion getSlerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Quaternion getNlerp (const Quaternion &q, float t)
Vec3 getRotation (const Vec3 v)
std::string toString (bool verbose=false) const
 operator std::string () const
 operator Vec4 () const
 Quaternion (const Vec4 vector)
Quaternionoperator= (const Vec4 vector)
Quaternionset (const Vec4 vector)
 operator Mat4 () const
 Quaternion (const Mat4 &m)
Quaternionoperator= (const Mat4 &m)
Quaternionset (const Mat4 &m)

Static Public Member Functions

static QuaternioncreateFromRotationMatrix (const Mat4 &m, Quaternion *dst)
static QuaternioncreateFromAxisAngle (const Vec3 axis, float angle, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionadd (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionsubtract (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionmultiply (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaterniondivide (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionscale (const Quaternion &q1, float s, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionconjugate (const Quaternion &quat, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternioninvert (const Quaternion &quat, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionnormalize (const Quaternion &quat, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionnegate (const Quaternion &quat, Quaternion *dst)
static float dot (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2)
static Quaternionlerp (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, float t, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionslerp (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, float t, Quaternion *dst)
static Quaternionnlerp (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, float t, Quaternion *dst)
static Vec3rotate (const Vec3 v, const Quaternion &quat, Vec3 *dst)

Public Attributes

float x
float y
float z
float w

Static Public Attributes

static const Quaternion ZERO
static const Quaternion IDENTITY

Detailed Description

This class provides a quaternion that represents an object orientation.

Quaternions are typically used as a replacement for euler angles and rotation matrices as a way to achieve smooth interpolation and avoid gimbal lock.

Note that this quaternion class does not automatically keep the quaternion normalized. Therefore, care must be taken to normalize the quaternion when necessary, by calling the normalize method.

This class provides three methods for doing quaternion interpolation: lerp, slerp, and nlerp. The advatanges of each of these interpolation types are discussed at

lerp (linear interpolation): The interpolation curve gives a straight line in quaternion space. It is simple and fast to compute. The only problem is that it does not provide constant angular velocity. Note that a constant velocity is not necessarily a requirement for a curve.

The lerp method provided here interpolates strictly in quaternion space. Note that the resulting path may pass through the origin if interpolating between a quaternion and its exact negative.

slerp (spherical linear interpolation): The interpolation curve forms a great arc on the quaternion unit sphere. Slerp provides constant angular velocity and is torque minimal. However, it is not commutative and is very computationally expensive.

The slerp method provided here is intended for interpolation of principal rotations. It treats +q and -q as the same principal rotation and is at liberty to use the negative of either input. The resulting path is always the shorter arc.

nlerp (normalized linear interpolation): The interpolation curve gives a straight line in quaternion space, but normalizes the result. When the input quaternions are themselves unit quaternions, this provides a fast alternative to slerp. Again, it does not provide constant angular velocity, but it is communitative and is torque minimal.

The nlerp method provided here interpolates uses lerp as its base.

This class is in standard layout with fields of uniform type. This means that it is safe to reinterpret_cast objects to float arrays.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Quaternion() [1/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( )

Constructs a quaternion initialized to (0, 0, 0, 1).

◆ Quaternion() [2/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  w 

Constructs a quaternion initialized to the specified values.

xThe x component of the quaternion.
yThe y component of the quaternion.
zThe z component of the quaternion.
wThe w component of the quaternion.

◆ Quaternion() [3/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( float *  array)

Constructs a new quaternion from the values in the specified array.

The elements of the array are in the order x, y, z, and w.

arrayAn array containing the elements of the quaternion.

◆ Quaternion() [4/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle 

Constructs a quaternion equal to the rotation from the specified axis and angle.

axisA vector describing the axis of rotation.
angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).

◆ Quaternion() [5/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( const Vec4  vector)

Creates a quaternion from the given vector.

vectorThe vector to convert

◆ Quaternion() [6/6]

cugl::Quaternion::Quaternion ( const Mat4 m)

Constructs a quaternion equal to the rotational part of the specified matrix.

This constructor may fail, particularly if the scale component of the matrix is too small. In that case, this method intializes this quaternion to the zero quaternion.

mThe matrix to extract the rotation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::add ( const Quaternion q)

Adds the specified quaternion to this one in place.

qThe quaternion to add.
this quaternion, after addition

◆ add() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::add ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
Quaternion dst 

Adds the specified quaternions and stores the result in dst.

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ conjugate() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::conjugate ( )

Sets this quaternion to the conjugate of itself.

this quaternion, after conjugation

◆ conjugate() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::conjugate ( const Quaternion quat,
Quaternion dst 

Conjugates the specified quaternion and stores the result in dst.

quatThe quaternion to conjugate.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createFromAxisAngle()

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::createFromAxisAngle ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle,
Quaternion dst 

Creates this quaternion equal to the rotation from the specified axis and angle.

The result is stored in dst.

axisA vector describing the axis of rotation.
angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
dstA quaternion to store the conjugate in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ createFromRotationMatrix()

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::createFromRotationMatrix ( const Mat4 m,
Quaternion dst 

Creates a quaternion equal to the rotational part of the matrix.

The result is stored in dst.

mThe matrix.
dstA quaternion to store the conjugate in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ divide() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::divide ( const Quaternion q)

Divides this quaternion by the specified one in place.

Division is the same as multiplication by the inverse of q.

qThe quaternion to divide by.
this quaternion, after division

◆ divide() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::divide ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
Quaternion dst 

Divides a quaternion by another and stores the result in dst.

This method performs standard quaternion division. That is, it multiplies the first quaternion by the inverse of the second.

q1The initial quaternion.
q2The quaternion to divide by.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ dot() [1/2]

float cugl::Quaternion::dot ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns the dot product of this quaternion with the specified one.

qThe quaternion to compute the dot product with.
The dot product.

◆ dot() [2/2]

static float cugl::Quaternion::dot ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2 

Returns the dot product of the two quaternions

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
The dot product.

◆ equals()

bool cugl::Quaternion::equals ( const Quaternion q,
float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON 
) const

Returns true if the quaternions are within tolerance of each other.

The tolerance bounds the norm of the difference between the two quaternions

qThe vector to compare against.
epsilonThe comparison tolerance.
true if the quaternions are within tolerance of each other.

◆ getConjugate()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getConjugate ( ) const

Returns the conjugate of this quaternion.

the conjugate of this quaternion.

◆ getInverse()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getInverse ( ) const

Gets the inverse of this quaternion.

Note that the inverse of a quaternion is equal to its conjugate when the quaternion is unit-length. For this reason, it is more efficient to use the conjugate method directly when you know your quaternion is already unit-length.

If the inverse cannot be computed, this method returns a quaternion with all NaN values instead.

the inverse of this quaternion.

◆ getLerp()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getLerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Returns an interpolation between this quaternion and another.

The interpolation curve for linear interpolation between quaternions gives a straight line in quaternion space.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

an interpolation between this quaternion and another.

◆ getNegation()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getNegation ( ) const

Returns a negated copy of this quaternion.

Note: This method does not modify the quaternion

a negated copy of this quaternion.

◆ getNlerp()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getNlerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Returns a normalized linear interpolation between this quaternion and another.

Normalized linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
a spherical linear interpolation of this quaternion.

◆ getNormalization()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getNormalization ( ) const

Returns a normalized copy of this quaternion.

If the quaternion already has unit length or if the length of the quaternion is zero, this method simply copies this quaternion.

Note: This method does not modify the quaternion

a normalized copy of this quaternion.

◆ getRotation()

Vec3 cugl::Quaternion::getRotation ( const Vec3  v)

Returns a copy of the vector rotated by this quaternion.

The rotation is defined by the matrix associated with the vector. *

vThe vector to rotate.
a copy of the vector rotated by this quaternion.

◆ getSlerp()

Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::getSlerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Returns a spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and another.

Spherical linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
a spherical linear interpolation of this quaternion.

◆ invert() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::invert ( )

Sets this quaternion to the inverse of itself.

Note that the inverse of a quaternion is equal to its conjugate when the quaternion is unit-length. For this reason, it is more efficient to use the conjugate method directly when you know your quaternion is already unit-length.

If the inverse cannot be computed, this method sets the quaternion to have NaN values.

this quaternion, after inverting

◆ invert() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::invert ( const Quaternion quat,
Quaternion dst 

Inverts the specified quaternion and stores the result in dst.

Note that the inverse of a quaternion is equal to its conjugate when the quaternion is unit-length. For this reason, it is more efficient to use the conjugate method directly when you know your quaternion is already unit-length.

If the inverse cannot be computed, this method stores a quaternion with NaN values in dst.

quatThe quaternion to invert.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ isIdentity()

bool cugl::Quaternion::isIdentity ( ) const

Returns true if this quaternion is the identity.

true if this quaternion is the identity.

◆ isNearIdentity()

bool cugl::Quaternion::isNearIdentity ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this quaternion is near the identity.

The tolerance bounds the quaternion norm of the differences.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this quaternion is near the identity.

◆ isNearZero()

bool cugl::Quaternion::isNearZero ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this quaternion is with tolerance of the zero quaternion.

The tolerance bounds the quaternion norm.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this quaternion is with tolerance of the zero quaternion.

◆ isUnit()

bool cugl::Quaternion::isUnit ( float  epsilon = CU_MATH_EPSILON) const

Returns true if this vector is a unit vector.

epsilonThe comparison tolerance
true if this vector is a unit vector.

◆ isZero()

bool cugl::Quaternion::isZero ( ) const

Returns true this quaternion contains all zeros.

Comparison is exact, which may be unreliable given that the attributes are floats.

true if this quaternion contains all zeros, false otherwise.

◆ lerp() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::lerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Interpolates between this quaternion and another.

The interpolation curve for linear interpolation between quaternions gives a straight line in quaternion space.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
this quaternion, after interpolation.

◆ lerp() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::lerp ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
float  t,
Quaternion dst 

Interpolates between two quaternions using linear interpolation.

The interpolation curve for linear interpolation between quaternions gives a straight line in quaternion space.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ multiply() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::multiply ( const Quaternion q)

Multiplies this quaternion by the specified one in place.

qThe quaternion to multiply.
this quaternion, after multiplication

◆ multiply() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::multiply ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
Quaternion dst 

Multiplies the specified quaternions and stores the result in dst.

This method performs standard quaternion multiplication

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ negate() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::negate ( )

Negates this quaternion in place.

this quaternion, after negation

◆ negate() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::negate ( const Quaternion quat,
Quaternion dst 

Negates the specified quaternion and stores the result in dst.

quatThe quaternion to negate.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ nlerp() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::nlerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Interpolates between this quaternion and another with normalized linear interpolation.

Normalized linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
this quaternion, after interpolation.

◆ nlerp() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::nlerp ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
float  t,
Quaternion dst 

Interpolates between two quaternions using normalized linear interpolation.

Normalized linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ norm()

float cugl::Quaternion::norm ( ) const

Returns the norm of this quaternion.

The of the quaternion.


See also

◆ normalize() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::normalize ( )

Normalizes this quaternion to have unit length.

If the quaternion already has unit length or if the length of the quaternion is zero, this method does nothing.

this quaternion, after normalization

◆ normalize() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::normalize ( const Quaternion quat,
Quaternion dst 

Normalizes the specified quaternion and stores the result in dst.

If the quaternion already has unit length or if the length of the quaternion is zero, this method copies quat into dst.

quatThe quaternion to normalize.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ normSquared()

float cugl::Quaternion::normSquared ( ) const

Returns the squared norm of this quaternion.

This method is faster than norm because it does not need to compute a square root. Hence it is best to us this method when it is not necessary to get the exact length of a quaternions (e.g. when simply comparing the norm to a threshold value).

The squared norm of the quaternion.


See also

◆ operator Mat4()

cugl::Quaternion::operator Mat4 ( ) const

Cast from Quaternion to a Matrix.

The matrix is a rotation matrix equivalent to the rotation represented by this quaternion.

◆ operator std::string()

cugl::Quaternion::operator std::string ( ) const

Cast from Quaternion to a string.

◆ operator Vec4()

cugl::Quaternion::operator Vec4 ( ) const

Cast from Quaternion to a Vec4.

◆ operator!=()

bool cugl::Quaternion::operator!= ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns true if this quaternion is not equal to the given quaternion.

Comparison is exact, which may be unreliable given that the attributes are floats.

qThe quaternion to compare quaternion.
True if this quaternion is not equal to the given quaternion.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator* ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns the product of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

This method performs standard quaternion multiplication

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to multiply by.
the product of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator* ( float  s) const

Returns the scalar product of this quaternion with the given value.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

sThe value to scale by.
The scalar product of this quaternion with the given value.

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator*= ( const Quaternion q)

Multiplies this quaternion in place by the given quaternion.

This method performs standard quaternion multiplication

qThe quaternion to multiply by
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator*= ( float  s)

Scales this quaternion in place by the given factor.

sThe value to scale by
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator+()

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator+ ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns the sum of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to add.
The sum of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

◆ operator+=()

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator+= ( const Quaternion q)

Adds the given quaternion to this one in place.

qThe quaternion to add
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator- ( ) const

Returns the negation of this quaternion.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

The negation of this quaternion.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator- ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns the difference of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to subtract.
The difference of this quaternion with the given quaternion.

◆ operator-=()

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator-= ( const Quaternion q)

Subtracts the given quaternion from this one in place.

qThe quaternion to subtract
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator/ ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns a copy of this quaternion divided by the given quaternion.

This method is the same as multiplying by the inverse of the given quaternion. If the quaternion is not invertible this method will store NaN in the current quaternion.

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

qThe quaternion to divide by
a copy of this quaternion divided by the given quaternion.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::operator/ ( float  s) const

Returns a copy of this quaternion divided by the given constant

Note: this does not modify this quaternion.

sthe constant to divide this quaternion with
A copy of this vector quaternion by the given constant

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator/= ( const Quaternion q)

Divides this quaternion in place by the given quaternion.

This method is the same as multiplying by the inverse of the given quaternion. If the quaternion is not invertible this method will store NaN in the current quaternion.

qThe quaternion to divide by
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator/= ( float  s)

Divides this quaternion in place by the given factor.

sThe scalar to divide by
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator= ( const float *  array)

Sets the elements of this quaternion from the values in the specified array.

The elements of the array are in the order x, y, z, and w.

arrayAn array containing the elements of the quaternion.
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ operator=() [2/3]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator= ( const Mat4 m)

Sets quaternion equal to the rotational part of the specified matrix.

This constructor may fail, particularly if the scale component of the matrix is too small. In that case, this method intializes this quaternion to the zero quaternion.

mThe matrix to extract the rotation.
A reference to this (modified) Qauternion for chaining.

◆ operator=() [3/3]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::operator= ( const Vec4  vector)

Sets the coordinates of this quaternion to those of the given vector.

vectorThe vector to convert
A reference to this (modified) Qauternion for chaining.

◆ operator==()

bool cugl::Quaternion::operator== ( const Quaternion q) const

Returns true if this quaternion is equal to the given quaternion.

Comparison is exact, which may be unreliable given that the attributes are floats.

qThe quaternion to compare against.
True if this quaternion is equal to the given quaternion.

◆ rotate()

static Vec3 * cugl::Quaternion::rotate ( const Vec3  v,
const Quaternion quat,
Vec3 dst 

Rotates the vector by this quaternion and stores the result in dst.

The rotation is defined by the matrix associated with the vector.

vThe vector to rotate.
quatThe rotation quaternion.
dstA vector to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ scale() [1/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::scale ( const Quaternion q1,
float  s,
Quaternion dst 

Scales the specified quaternion by s and stores the result in dst.

q1The first quaternion.
sThe scalar value.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ scale() [2/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::scale ( float  s)

Scales this quaternion by the specified value in place.

sThe value to scale the quaternion.
this quaternion, after multiplication

◆ set() [1/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( const float *  array)

Sets the elements of this quaternion from the values in the specified array.

The elements of the array are in the order x, y, z, and w.

arrayAn array containing the elements of the quaternion.
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ set() [2/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( const Mat4 m)

Sets quaternion equal to the rotational part of the specified matrix.

This constructor may fail, particularly if the scale component of the matrix is too small. In that case, this method intializes this quaternion to the zero quaternion.

mThe matrix to extract the rotation.
A reference to this (modified) Qauternion for chaining.

◆ set() [3/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( const Quaternion q)

Sets the elements of this quaternion to those in the specified quaternion.

qThe quaternion to copy.
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ set() [4/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( const Vec3  axis,
float  angle 

Sets the quaternion equal to the rotation from the specified axis and angle.

axisThe axis of rotation.
angleThe angle of rotation (in radians).
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ set() [5/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( const Vec4  vector)

Sets the coordinates of this quaternion to those of the given vector.

vectorThe vector to convert
A reference to this (modified) Qauternion for chaining.

◆ set() [6/6]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::set ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  w 

Sets the elements of the quaternion to the specified values.

xThe x component of the quaternion.
yThe y component of the quaternion.
zThe z component of the quaternion.
wThe w component of the quaternion.
A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ setIdentity()

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::setIdentity ( )

Sets this quaternion to be equal to the identity quaternion.

A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ setZero()

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::setZero ( )

Sets this quaternion to be equal to the zero quaternion.

A reference to this (modified) Quaternion for chaining.

◆ slerp() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::slerp ( const Quaternion q,
float  t 

Interpolates between this quaternion and another with spherical linear interpolation.

Spherical linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

qThe quaternion to interpolate.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
this quaternion, after interpolation.

◆ slerp() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::slerp ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
float  t,
Quaternion dst 

Interpolates between two quaternions using spherical linear interpolation.

Spherical linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.

The interpolation coefficient MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Any other values will cause an error.

In addition, the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length. When assertions are enabled, it will test this via the isUnit() method.

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
tThe interpolation coefficient in [0,1].
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ subtract() [1/2]

Quaternion & cugl::Quaternion::subtract ( const Quaternion q)

Subtracts the specified quaternion from this one in place.

qThe quaternion to subtract.
this quaternion, after subtraction

◆ subtract() [2/2]

static Quaternion * cugl::Quaternion::subtract ( const Quaternion q1,
const Quaternion q2,
Quaternion dst 

Subtacts the quaternions q2 from q1 and stores the result in dst.

q1The first quaternion.
q2The second quaternion.
dstA quaternion to store the result in.
A reference to dst for chaining

◆ toAxisAngle()

float cugl::Quaternion::toAxisAngle ( Vec3 e) const

Converts this Quaternion4f to axis-angle notation.

The angle is in radians. The axis is normalized.

eThe Vec3f which stores the axis.
The angle (in radians).

◆ toString()

std::string cugl::Quaternion::toString ( bool  verbose = false) const

Returns a string representation of this quaternion for debuggging purposes.

If verbose is true, the string will include class information. This allows us to unambiguously identify the class.

verboseWhether to include class information
a string representation of this vector for debuggging purposes.

Member Data Documentation


const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::IDENTITY

The identity Quaternion(0,0,0,1)

◆ w

float cugl::Quaternion::w

The scalar component of the quaternion.

◆ x

float cugl::Quaternion::x

The x-value of the quaternion's vector component.

◆ y

float cugl::Quaternion::y

The y-value of the quaternion's vector component.

◆ z

float cugl::Quaternion::z

The z-value of the quaternion's vector component.


const Quaternion cugl::Quaternion::ZERO

The zero to Quaternion(0,0,0,0)

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