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CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
This is the complete list of members for cugl::Mat4, including all inherited members.
add(const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
add(const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
add(const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
add(const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
add(float scalar) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
add(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
createLookAt(const Vec3 eye, const Vec3 target, const Vec3 up) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createLookAt(const Vec3 eye, const Vec3 target, const Vec3 up, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createOrthographic(float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createOrthographic(float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createOrthographicOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createOrthographicOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createPerspective(float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createPerspective(float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createRotation(const Quaternion &quat) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createRotation(const Quaternion &quat, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createRotation(const Vec3 axis, float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createRotation(const Vec3 axis, float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createRotationX(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createRotationX(float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createRotationY(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createRotationY(float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createRotationZ(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createRotationZ(float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createScale(float scale) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createScale(float scale, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createScale(float sx, float sy, float sz) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createScale(float sx, float sy, float sz, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createScale(const Vec3 scale) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createScale(const Vec3 scale, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createTranslation(const Vec3 trans) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createTranslation(const Vec3 trans, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
createTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
createTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
decompose(const Mat4 &mat, Vec3 *scale, Quaternion *rot, Vec3 *trans) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
equals(const Mat4 &mat, float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getBackVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getDeterminant() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getDownVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getForwardVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getInverse() const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
getLeftVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getNegation() const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
getRightVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getRotation() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getScale() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getTranslation() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
getTranspose() const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
getUpVector() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
IDENTITY | cugl::Mat4 | static |
invert(const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
invert(const float *m1, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
invert() | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
isExactly(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
isIdentity(float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
isInvertible(float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
isOrthogonal(float epsilon=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
m | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4() | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44) | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4(const float *mat) | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4(const Mat4 ©) | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4(Mat4 &©) | cugl::Mat4 | |
Mat4(const Quaternion &rotation) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
Mat4(const Affine2 &aff) | cugl::Mat4 | explicit |
multiply(const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
multiply(const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
multiply(const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
multiply(const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
multiply(float scalar) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
multiply(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
negate(const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
negate(const float *m1, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
negate() | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
ONE | cugl::Mat4 | static |
operator Affine2() const | cugl::Mat4 | |
operator std::string() const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator!=(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator*(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator*(float scalar) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator*=(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator*=(float scalar) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator+(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator+=(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator-(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator-() const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator-=(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator=(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator=(Mat4 &&mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator=(const float *array) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator=(const Quaternion &quat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
operator=(const Affine2 &aff) | cugl::Mat4 | |
operator==(const Mat4 &mat) const | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
rotate(const Mat4 &mat, const Quaternion &quat, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
rotate(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 axis, float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
rotate(const Quaternion &q) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
rotate(const Vec3 axis, float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
rotateX(const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
rotateX(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
rotateY(const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
rotateY(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
rotateZ(const Mat4 &mat, float angle, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
rotateZ(float angle) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
scale(const Mat4 &mat, float value, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
scale(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 s, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
scale(const Mat4 &mat, float sx, float sy, float sz, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
scale(float value) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
scale(const Vec3 s) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
scale(float sx, float sy, float sz) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
set(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44) | cugl::Mat4 | |
set(const float *mat) | cugl::Mat4 | |
set(const Quaternion &quat) | cugl::Mat4 | |
set(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | |
set(const Affine2 &aff) | cugl::Mat4 | |
setIdentity() | cugl::Mat4 | |
setZero() | cugl::Mat4 | |
subtract(const Mat4 &mat, float scalar, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
subtract(const float *mat, float scalar, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
subtract(const Mat4 &m1, const Mat4 &m2, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
subtract(const float *m1, const float *m2, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
subtract(float scalar) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
subtract(const Mat4 &mat) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
toString(bool verbose=false) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 point, Vec2 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 point, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, const Rect rect, Rect *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 point, Vec3 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec4 vec, Vec4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Mat4 &mat, float const *input, float *output, size_t size) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const float *mat, float const *input, float *output, size_t size) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transform(const Vec2 point) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transform(const Rect rect) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transform(const Vec3 point) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transform(const Vec4 vec) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transformVector(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec2 vec, Vec2 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transformVector(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 vec, Vec3 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transformVector(const Vec2 vec) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
transformVector(const Vec3 vec) const | cugl::Mat4 | |
translate(const Mat4 &mat, const Vec3 t, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
translate(const Mat4 &mat, float tx, float ty, float tz, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | inlinestatic |
translate(const Vec3 t) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
translate(float tx, float ty, float tz) | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
transpose(const Mat4 &m1, Mat4 *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transpose(const float *m1, float *dst) | cugl::Mat4 | static |
transpose() | cugl::Mat4 | inline |
ZERO | cugl::Mat4 | static |
~Mat4() | cugl::Mat4 | inline |