CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
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Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Friends | List of all members
cugl::GameController Class Reference

#include <CUGameController.h>

Public Types

enum class  Button : int {
  INVALID = -1 , A = 0 , B = 1 , X = 2 ,
  Y = 3 , BACK = 4 , GUIDE = 5 , START = 6 ,
  DPAD_UP = 11 , DPAD_DOWN = 12 , DPAD_LEFT = 13 , DPAD_RIGHT = 14 ,
enum class  Axis : int {
  INVALID = -1 , LEFT_X = 0 , LEFT_Y = 1 , RIGHT_X = 2 ,
enum class  DPad : int {
  CENTERED = 0 , LEFT_UP = 1 , UP = 2 , RIGHT_UP = 3 ,
  RIGHT = 4 , RIGHT_DOWN = 5 , DOWN = 6 , LEFT_DOWN = 7 ,
  LEFT = 8
typedef std::function< void(const GameControllerAxisEvent &event, bool focus)> AxisListener
typedef std::function< void(const GameControllerDPadEvent &event, bool focus)> DPadListener
typedef std::function< void(const GameControllerButtonEvent &event, bool focus)> ButtonListener

Public Member Functions

 GameController ()
 ~GameController ()
void close ()
std::string getName () const
std::string getUID () const
bool hasRumble () const
bool hasRumbleTriggers () const
void applyRumble (Uint16 low_freq, Uint16 high_freq, Uint32 duration)
void hasRumbleTriggers (Uint16 left, Uint16 right, Uint32 duration) const
bool requestFocus (Uint32 key)
bool isListener (Uint32 key) const
bool hasAxis (Axis axis) const
float getAxisPosition (Axis axis) const
bool axisDidChange (Axis axis) const
const AxisListener getAxisListener (Uint32 key) const
bool addAxisListener (Uint32 key, AxisListener listener)
bool removeAxisListener (Uint32 key)
bool hasButton (Button button) const
bool isButtonDown (Button button) const
bool isButtonPressed (Button button) const
bool isButtonReleased (Button button) const
const ButtonListener getButtonListener (Uint32 key) const
bool addButtonListener (Uint32 key, ButtonListener listener)
bool removeButtonListener (Uint32 key)
bool hasDPad () const
DPad getDPadPosition () const
bool dPadDidChange () const
const DPadListener getDPadListener (Uint32 key) const
bool addDPadListener (Uint32 key, DPadListener listener)
bool removeDPadListener (Uint32 key)

Protected Attributes

SDL_GameController * _input
std::string _uid
std::string _name
std::vector< bool > _axisState
std::vector< bool > _buttonState
bool _dpadState
Uint32 _focus
std::unordered_map< Uint32, AxisListener_axisListeners
std::unordered_map< Uint32, ButtonListener_buttonListeners
std::unordered_map< Uint32, DPadListener_dpadListeners


class GameControllerInput

Detailed Description

This class is a reference to single game controller.

This class is built on top of the SDL GameController interface. This allows the developer to use a uniform input independent of the controller input type (i.e. D-input vs Xinput). This API is slightly more restrictive than the SDL joystick interface, in that it does not have support for hats or track balls). Instead, the types of input are limited to the following:

In this interface, D-Pads are treated as buttons and not hats. However, we do abstract out a D-Pad interface to replicate joystick hat functionality.

Note that SDL game controllers also support sensors (accelerometers) and touch pads (such as the PS4 touchpad). None of that is support currently.

The advantage of the SDL game controller API is that layout is uniform. All controllers have buttons and axes in the same place. Our API uses the XBox names of buttons (A, B, X, Y) instead of the Playstation names, as they are easier to reference.

There should only be one instance of a specific controller at any given time. In addition, controllers can be connected and removed while the application is running. For that reason, this class does not allow you to allocate an game controller object. Instead, you must access each game controller through the GameControllerInput interface.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AxisListener

This type represents an axis listener for the GameController class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

An event is delivered whenever an axis changes its position. See the method GameController#getAxisPosition for more information.

Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While game controller listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the game controller.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const GameControllerAxisEvent event, bool focus)>
eventThe axis event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

◆ ButtonListener

This type represents a button listener for the GameController class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

A button event is delivered whenever a buttons changes state between up and/or down. See the methods GameController#isButtonPressed and GameController#isButtonReleased for more information. Note that this listener is ptotentially redundant to the DPadListener, as that listener will also report D-Pad state.

Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While game controller listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the game controller.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const GameControllerButtonEvent event, bool focus)>
eventThe button event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

◆ DPadListener

This type represents a DPad listener for the GameController class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

A DPad event is delivered whenever a D-Pad button is pressed or released, changing the overall direction of the D-pad. See the method GameController#getDPadPosition for more information. Note that this listener is ptotentially redundant to the ButtonListener, as that listener will also report D-Pad state (as they are buttons).

Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While game controller listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the game controller.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const GameControllerHatEvent event, bool focus)>
eventThe hat event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Axis

enum class cugl::GameController::Axis : int

An enumeration of the supported axes.

This is the list of all axes supported by this interface. Note that not all game controllers support all axes. For example, classic Nintendo gamepads have no axes at all! To determine if an axis is supported, use the method GameController#hasAxis.


An invalid axis


The horizontal component of the left analog joystick


The vertical component of the left analog joystick


The horizontal component of the right analog joystick


The vertical component of the right analog joystick


The left trigger


The right trigger

◆ Button

enum class cugl::GameController::Button : int

An enumeration of the supported buttons.

This is the list of all buttons supported by this interface. Note that not all game controllers support all buttons. For example, most game controllers do not support the paddles found on the XBox elite controller. To determine if a button is supported, use the method GameController#hasButton.


An invalid button

The A/cross button

The B/circle button

The X/square button

The Y/triangle button


The back button


The menu/guide button


The start button


The left-stick press


The right-stick press


The left shoulder/bumper


The right shoulder/bumper


The up D-Pad button


The down D-Pad button


The left D-Pad button


The right D-Pad button


A miscellaneous button (X-Box share button, PS5 mike button)

◆ DPad

enum class cugl::GameController::DPad : int

An enumeration of the D-Pad positions.

Even though D-Pads are buttons, we allow the user to query the current direction as a function of the (cumulative) pressed buttons. A D-Pad has nine states – the center and the eight cardinal directions.


A D-Pad at rest


A D-Pad pressed upwards to the left


A D-Pad pressed entirely upwards


A D-Pad pressed upwards to the right


A D-Pad pressed entirely to the right


A D-Pad pressed downwards to the right


A D-Pad pressed entirely downwards


A D-Pad pressed downwards to the left


A D-Pad pressed upwards to the left

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GameController()

cugl::GameController::GameController ( )

Creates a degnerate game controller

This game controller is not actually attached to any devices. To activate a game controller, use GameControllerInput#open instead.

◆ ~GameController()

cugl::GameController::~GameController ( )

Deletes this input device, disposing of all resources

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAxisListener()

bool cugl::GameController::addAxisListener ( Uint32  key,
AxisListener  listener 

Adds an axis motion listener for the given object key

There can only be one axis listener for a given key (though you may share keys across other listener types). If a listener already exists for the key, the method will fail and return false. You must remove a listener before adding a new one for the same key.

This listener is invoked when an axis changes position.

keyThe identifier for the listener
listenerThe listener to add
true if the listener was succesfully added

◆ addButtonListener()

bool cugl::GameController::addButtonListener ( Uint32  key,
ButtonListener  listener 

Adds a button listener for the given object key

There can only be one button listener for a given key (though you may share keys across other listener types). If a listener already exists for the key, the method will fail and return false. You must remove a listener before adding a new one for the same key.

This listener is invoked when the button changes state. So it is invoked on a press or a release, but not a hold.

keyThe identifier for the listener
listenerThe listener to add
true if the listener was succesfully added

◆ addDPadListener()

bool cugl::GameController::addDPadListener ( Uint32  key,
DPadListener  listener 

Adds a D-Pad listener for the given object key

There can only be one D-Pad listener for a given key (though you may share keys across other listener types). If a listener already exists for the key, the method will fail and return false. You must remove a listener before adding a new one for the same key.

This listener is invoked when the D-Pad changes position.

keyThe identifier for the listener
listenerThe listener to add
true if the listener was succesfully added

◆ applyRumble()

void cugl::GameController::applyRumble ( Uint16  low_freq,
Uint16  high_freq,
Uint32  duration 

Starts a rumble effect for this controller.

low_freqThe intensity of the low frequency (left) rumble motor
high_freqThe intensity of the high frequency (right) rumble motor
durationThe rumble duration in milliseconds

◆ axisDidChange()

bool cugl::GameController::axisDidChange ( Axis  axis) const

Returns true if the given axis changed position this frame.

axisThe axis index
true if the given axis changed position this frame.

◆ close()

void cugl::GameController::close ( )

Closes this game controller, releasing all resources.

This method not invalidates this game controller, so any shared pointers still referring to this controller are no longer usable. The only way to access the game controller again is to call GameControllerInput#open.

It is often better to call the method GameControllerInput#close instead of this one.

◆ dPadDidChange()

bool cugl::GameController::dPadDidChange ( ) const

Returns true if the D-Pad changed position this frame.

true if the D-Pad changed position this frame.

◆ getAxisListener()

const AxisListener cugl::GameController::getAxisListener ( Uint32  key) const

Returns the axis motion listener for the given object key

This listener is invoked when an axis changes position.

If there is no listener for the given key, it returns nullptr.

keyThe identifier for the listener
the axis motion listener for the given object key

◆ getAxisPosition()

float cugl::GameController::getAxisPosition ( Axis  axis) const

Returns the current axis position.

The default value of any axis is 0. The joysticks all range from -1 to 1 (with negative values being left and down). The triggers all range from 0 to 1.

Note that the SDL only guarantees that a trigger at rest will be within 0.2 of zero. Most applications implement "dead zones" to ignore values in this range. However, this class does not implement any dead zones; that is the responsibility of the user.

If the axis is not supported by this controller, this method will return 0.

axisThe axis index
the current axis position.

◆ getButtonListener()

const ButtonListener cugl::GameController::getButtonListener ( Uint32  key) const

Returns the button listener for the given object key

This listener is invoked when the button changes state. So it is invoked on a press or a release, but not a hold.

If there is no listener for the given key, it returns nullptr.

keyThe identifier for the listener
the button listener for the given object key

◆ getDPadListener()

const DPadListener cugl::GameController::getDPadListener ( Uint32  key) const

Returns the D-Pad listener for the given object key

This listener is invoked when the D-Pad changes position.

If there is no listener for the given key, it returns nullptr.

keyThe identifier for the listener
the D-Pad listener for the given object key

◆ getDPadPosition()

DPad cugl::GameController::getDPadPosition ( ) const

Returns the D-Pad position

This method converts the current D-Pad button state into a directional state. This state can be centered (untouched) or one of the eight cardinal directions.

If this controller does not have a D-Pad, this method will always return CENTERED.

the D-Pad position

◆ getName()

std::string cugl::GameController::getName ( ) const

Returns the name of this game controller.

Names are descriptions provided by the vendor. They are not unique, and it is possible to have multiple devices with the same name connected at once.

the name of this game controller.

◆ getUID()

std::string cugl::GameController::getUID ( ) const

Returns the UID of this game controller.

UIDs are unique identifiers assigned by GameControllerInput.

the UID of this game controller.

◆ hasAxis()

bool cugl::GameController::hasAxis ( Axis  axis) const

Returns true if this game controller supports the specified axis

Note that not all game controllers support all axes. In particular, the classic Nintendo controllers have no axes at all.

axisThe axis to query
true if this game controller supports the specified axis

◆ hasButton()

bool cugl::GameController::hasButton ( Button  button) const

Returns true if this game controller supports the specified button

Note that not all game controllers support all buttons. In the paddles are currently unique to the XBox Elite controller.

buttonThe button to query
true if this game controller supports the specified button

◆ hasDPad()

bool cugl::GameController::hasDPad ( ) const

Returns true if the controller has a directional pad.

This method is the same a querying all four D-pad buttons.

true if the controller has a directional pad.

◆ hasRumble()

bool cugl::GameController::hasRumble ( ) const

Returns true if this controller supports general rumble effects

true if this controller supports general rumble effects

◆ hasRumbleTriggers() [1/2]

bool cugl::GameController::hasRumbleTriggers ( ) const

Returns true if this controller supports trigger rumble effects

true if this controller supports trigger rumble effects

◆ hasRumbleTriggers() [2/2]

void cugl::GameController::hasRumbleTriggers ( Uint16  left,
Uint16  right,
Uint32  duration 
) const

Starts a rumble effect for this controller.

leftThe intensity of the left trigger rumble motor
rightThe intensity of the right trigger rumble motor
durationThe rumble duration in milliseconds

◆ isButtonDown()

bool cugl::GameController::isButtonDown ( Button  button) const

Returns true if the given button is currently down.

This method does not distinguish presses or releases and will return true the entire duration of a button hold.

If the button is not supported by this controller, this method will return false.

buttonThe button to query
true if the given button is currently down.

◆ isButtonPressed()

bool cugl::GameController::isButtonPressed ( Button  button) const

Returns true if the given button was pressed this frame.

A press means that the button is down this animation frame, but was not down the previous frame.

If the button is not supported by this controller, this method will return false.

buttonThe button to query
true if the given button was pressed this frame.

◆ isButtonReleased()

bool cugl::GameController::isButtonReleased ( Button  button) const

Returns true if the given button was released this frame.

A release means that the button is up this animation frame, but was not up the previous frame.

If the button is not supported by this controller, this method will return false.

buttonThe button to query
true if the given button was released this frame.

◆ isListener()

bool cugl::GameController::isListener ( Uint32  key) const

Returns true if key represents a listener object

An object is a listener if it is a listener for any of the three actions: axis movement, button press/release, or D-Pad movement

keyThe identifier for the listener
true if key represents a listener object

◆ removeAxisListener()

bool cugl::GameController::removeAxisListener ( Uint32  key)

Removes the axis motion listener for the given object key

If there is no active listener for the given key, this method fails and returns false.

This listener is invoked when an axis changes position.

keyThe identifier for the listener
true if the listener was succesfully removed

◆ removeButtonListener()

bool cugl::GameController::removeButtonListener ( Uint32  key)

Removes the button listener for the given object key

If there is no active listener for the given key, this method fails and returns false.

This listener is invoked when the button changes state. So it is invoked on a press or a release, but not a hold.

keyThe identifier for the listener
true if the listener was succesfully removed

◆ removeDPadListener()

bool cugl::GameController::removeDPadListener ( Uint32  key)

Removes the D-Pad listener for the given object key

If there is no active listener for the given key, this method fails and returns false.

This listener is invoked when the D-Pad changes position.

keyThe identifier for the listener
true if the listener was succesfully removed

◆ requestFocus()

bool cugl::GameController::requestFocus ( Uint32  key)

Requests focus for the given identifier

Only an active listener can have focus. This method returns false if the key does not refer to an active listener (of any type). Note that keys may be shared across listeners of different types, but must be unique for each listener type.

keyThe identifier for the focus object
false if key does not refer to an active listener

Member Data Documentation

◆ _axisListeners

std::unordered_map<Uint32, AxisListener> cugl::GameController::_axisListeners

The set of listeners called on axis movement

◆ _axisState

std::vector<bool> cugl::GameController::_axisState

Whether an axis changed state this animation frame

◆ _buttonListeners

std::unordered_map<Uint32, ButtonListener> cugl::GameController::_buttonListeners

The set of listeners called on button state changes

◆ _buttonState

std::vector<bool> cugl::GameController::_buttonState

Whether a button changed state this animation frame

◆ _dpadListeners

std::unordered_map<Uint32, DPadListener> cugl::GameController::_dpadListeners

The set of listeners called on D-Pad movement

◆ _dpadState

bool cugl::GameController::_dpadState

Whether the D-Pad changed state this animation frame

◆ _focus

Uint32 cugl::GameController::_focus

The listener with focus

◆ _input

SDL_GameController* cugl::GameController::_input

The SDL game controller reference

◆ _name

std::string cugl::GameController::_name

The game controller description

◆ _uid

std::string cugl::GameController::_uid

The joystick UID assigned by GameControllerInput

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