CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
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cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld Class Reference

#include <CUObstacleWorld.h>

Inheritance diagram for cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld:

Public Member Functions

 ObstacleWorld ()
 ~ObstacleWorld ()
void dispose ()
bool init (const Rect bounds)
bool init (const Rect bounds, const Vec2 gravity)
b2World * getWorld ()
bool isLockStep () const
void setLockStep (bool flag)
float getStepsize () const
void setStepsize (float step)
int getVelocityIterations () const
void setVelocityIterations (int velocity)
int getPositionIterations () const
void setPositionIterations (int position)
const Vec2 getGravity () const
void setGravity (const Vec2 gravity)
void update (float dt)
const Rect getBounds () const
bool inBounds (Obstacle *obj)
const std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > > & getObstacles () const
virtual void addObstacle (const std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > &obj)
virtual void removeObstacle (const std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > &obj)
const std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< Joint > > getJoints () const
virtual void addJoint (const std::shared_ptr< Joint > &joint)
virtual void removeJoint (const std::shared_ptr< Joint > &joint)
void garbageCollect ()
void clear ()
void activateCollisionCallbacks (bool flag)
bool enabledCollisionCallbacks () const
void BeginContact (b2Contact *contact) override
void EndContact (b2Contact *contact) override
void PreSolve (b2Contact *contact, const b2Manifold *oldManifold) override
void PostSolve (b2Contact *contact, const b2ContactImpulse *impulse) override
void activateFilterCallbacks (bool flag)
bool enabledFilterCallbacks () const
bool ShouldCollide (b2Fixture *fixtureA, b2Fixture *fixtureB) override
void activateDestructionCallbacks (bool flag)
bool enabledDestructionCallbacks () const
virtual void SayGoodbye (b2Joint *joint) override
virtual void SayGoodbye (b2Fixture *fixture) override
void queryAABB (std::function< bool(b2Fixture *fixture)> callback, const Rect aabb) const
void rayCast (std::function< float(b2Fixture *fixture, const Vec2 point, const Vec2 normal, float fraction)> callback, const Vec2 point1, const Vec2 point2) const

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< ObstacleWorldalloc (const Rect bounds)
static std::shared_ptr< ObstacleWorldalloc (const Rect bounds, const Vec2 gravity)

Public Attributes

std::function< void(b2Contact *contact)> onBeginContact
std::function< void(b2Contact *contact)> onEndContact
std::function< void(b2Contact *contact, const b2Manifold *oldManifold)> beforeSolve
std::function< void(b2Contact *contact, const b2ContactImpulse *impulse)> afterSolve
std::function< bool(b2Fixture *fixtureA, b2Fixture *fixtureB)> shouldCollide
std::function< void(b2Fixture *fixture)> destroyFixture
std::function< void(b2Joint *joint)> destroyJoint

Protected Attributes

b2World * _world
bool _lockstep
float _stepssize
int _itvelocity
int _itposition
Vec2 _gravity
std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > > _obstacles
std::unordered_map< b2Joint *, std::shared_ptr< Joint > > _joints
Rect _bounds
bool _collide
bool _filters
bool _destroy

Detailed Description

A CUGL wrapper for a Box2d world.

This module provides a wrapper to Box2d that for use with CUGL obstacle heirarchy. Obstacles provide a simple and direct way to create physics objects that does not require the multi-step approach of Box2D. It also supports shared pointers for simply memory management.

In addition, this class provides a modern callback approach supporting closures assigned to attributes. This allows you to modify the callback functions while the program is running.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ObstacleWorld()

cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::ObstacleWorld ( )

Creates a new degenerate ObstacleWorld on the stack.

The scene has no backing Box2d world and must be initialized.

NEVER USE A CONSTRUCTOR WITH NEW. If you want to allocate an object on the heap, use one of the static constructors instead.

◆ ~ObstacleWorld()

cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::~ObstacleWorld ( )

Deletes this world, disposing all resources

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateCollisionCallbacks()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::activateCollisionCallbacks ( bool  flag)

Activates the collision callbacks.

If flag is false, then the collision callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (on collision) if they are defined.

flagwhether to activate the collision callbacks.

◆ activateDestructionCallbacks()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::activateDestructionCallbacks ( bool  flag)

Activates the destruction callbacks.

If flag is false, then the destruction callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (on body destruction) if they are defined.

flagwhether to activate the collision callbacks.

◆ activateFilterCallbacks()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::activateFilterCallbacks ( bool  flag)

Activates the collision filter callbacks.

If flag is false, then the collision filter callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (to test a collision) if they are defined.

flagwhether to activate the collision callbacks.

◆ addJoint()

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::addJoint ( const std::shared_ptr< Joint > &  joint)

Immediately adds a joint to the physics world

This method will fail if the joint obstacles are not in this world. The joint will be activated so that it contains those two obstacles. The physics world will include the joint in its next call to update.

The joint will be retained by this world, preventing it from being garbage collected.

jointThe joint to add

Reimplemented in cugl::physics2::distrib::NetWorld.

◆ addObstacle()

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::addObstacle ( const std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > &  obj)

Immediately adds the obstacle to the physics world

Adding an obstacle activates the underlying physics. It will now have a body. The physics world will include the obstacle in its next call to update.

The obstacle will be retained by this world, preventing it from being garbage collected.

objThe obstacle to add

Reimplemented in cugl::physics2::distrib::NetWorld.

◆ alloc() [1/2]

static std::shared_ptr< ObstacleWorld > cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::alloc ( const Rect  bounds)

Returns a newly allocated physics world

The specified bounds are in terms of the Box2d world, not the screen. A view attached to this Box2d world should have ways to convert between the coordinate systems.

This constructor will use the default gravitational value.

boundsThe game bounds in Box2d coordinates
a newly allocated physics world

◆ alloc() [2/2]

static std::shared_ptr< ObstacleWorld > cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::alloc ( const Rect  bounds,
const Vec2  gravity 

Returns a newly allocated physics world

The specified bounds are in terms of the Box2d world, not the screen. A view attached to this Box2d world should have ways to convert between the coordinate systems.

boundsThe game bounds in Box2d coordinates
gravityThe gravitational force on this Box2d world
a newly allocated physics world

◆ BeginContact()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::BeginContact ( b2Contact *  contact)

Called when two fixtures begin to touch

This method is the static callback required by the Box2d API. It should not be altered.

contactthe contact information

◆ clear()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::clear ( )

Remove all objects, emptying this physics world.

This method is different from dispose() in that the world can still receive new objects.

◆ dispose()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::dispose ( )

Disposes all of the resources used by this world.

A disposed ObstacleWorld can be safely reinitialized. Any obstacles owned by this world will be deactivates. They will be deleted if no other object owns them.

◆ enabledCollisionCallbacks()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::enabledCollisionCallbacks ( ) const

Returns true if the collision callbacks are active

If this value is false, then the collision callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (on collision) if they are defined.

true if the collision callbacks are active

◆ enabledDestructionCallbacks()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::enabledDestructionCallbacks ( ) const

Returns true if the destruction callbacks are active

If this value is false, then the destruction callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (on body destruction) if they are defined.

true if the destruction callbacks are active

◆ enabledFilterCallbacks()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::enabledFilterCallbacks ( ) const

Returns true if the collision filter callbacks are active

If this value is false, then the collision filter callbacks (even if defined) will be ignored. Otherwise, the callbacks will be executed (to test a collision) if they are defined.

true if the collision filter callbacks are active

◆ EndContact()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::EndContact ( b2Contact *  contact)

Called when two fixtures cease to touch

This method is the static callback required by the Box2d API. It should not be altered.

contactthe contact information

◆ garbageCollect()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::garbageCollect ( )

Remove all objects (obstacles and joints) marked for removal.

The objects will be released immediately. The physics will be deactivated and they will be removed from the Box2D world.

Removing an obstacle or joint does not automatically delete the obstacle itself. However, this world releases ownership, which may lead to it being garbage collected.

This method is the efficient, preferred way to remove obstacles or joints.

◆ getBounds()

const Rect cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getBounds ( ) const

Returns the bounds for the world controller.

the bounds for the world controller.

◆ getGravity()

const Vec2 cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getGravity ( ) const

Returns the global gravity vector.

the global gravity vector.

◆ getJoints()

const std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< Joint > > cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getJoints ( ) const

Returns a read-only reference to the set of active joints.

a read-only reference to the set of active joints.

◆ getObstacles()

const std::unordered_set< std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > > & cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getObstacles ( ) const

Returns a read-only reference to the set of active obstacles.

a read-only reference to the set of active obstacles.

◆ getPositionIterations()

int cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getPositionIterations ( ) const

Returns number of position iterations for the constrain solvers

number of position iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ getStepsize()

float cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getStepsize ( ) const

Returns the amount of time for a single engine step.

This attribute is only relevant if isLockStep() is true.

the amount of time for a single engine step.

◆ getVelocityIterations()

int cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getVelocityIterations ( ) const

Returns number of velocity iterations for the constrain solvers

number of velocity iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ getWorld()

b2World * cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::getWorld ( )

Returns a (weak) reference to the Box2d world.

This accessor is for any world methods that are not encapsulated by this constroller. We have largely limited the controller to functionality that requires b2WorldCallbacks, as those classes are antiquated in the face of modern closures.

As a weak reference, this physics world does not transfer ownership of this object. In addition, the value may be a nullptr.

a reference to the Box2d world.

◆ inBounds()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::inBounds ( Obstacle obj)

Returns true if the object is in bounds.

This assertion is useful for debugging the physics.

objThe object to check.
true if the object is in bounds.

◆ init() [1/2]

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::init ( const Rect  bounds)

Initializes a new physics world

The specified bounds are in terms of the Box2d world, not the screen. A view attached to this Box2d world should have ways to convert between the coordinate systems.

This constructor will use the default gravitational value.

boundsThe game bounds in Box2d coordinates
true if the controller is initialized properly, false otherwise.

◆ init() [2/2]

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::init ( const Rect  bounds,
const Vec2  gravity 

Initializes a new physics world

The specified bounds are in terms of the Box2d world, not the screen. A view attached to this Box2d world should have ways to convert between the coordinate systems.

boundsThe game bounds in Box2d coordinates
gravityThe gravitational force on this Box2d world
true if the controller is initialized properly, false otherwise.

◆ isLockStep()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::isLockStep ( ) const

Returns true if the physics is locked to a constant timestep.

If this is false, the physics timestep will vary with the graphics framerate.

true if the physics is locked to a constant timestep.

◆ PostSolve()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::PostSolve ( b2Contact *  contact,
const b2ContactImpulse *  impulse 

Called after the solver is finished.

This callback lets you inspect a contact after the solver is finished. This is useful for inspecting impulses.

Note: the contact manifold does not include time of impact impulses, which can be arbitrarily large if the sub-step is small. Hence the impulse is provided explicitly in a separate data structure. Note: this is only called for contacts that are touching, solid, and awake.

This method is the static callback required by the Box2d API. It should not be altered.

contactthe contact information
impulsethe impulse produced by the solver

◆ PreSolve()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::PreSolve ( b2Contact *  contact,
const b2Manifold *  oldManifold 

Called after a contact is updated.

This callback allows you to inspect a contact before it goes to the solver. If you are careful, you can modify the contact manifold (e.g. disable contact).

A copy of the old manifold is provided so that you can detect changes.

Note: this is called only for awake bodies. Note: this is called even when the number of contact points is zero. Note: this is not called for sensors. Note: if you set the number of contact points to zero, you will not get an EndContact callback. However, you may get a BeginContact callback the next step.

This method is the static callback required by the Box2d API. It should not be altered.

contactthe contact information
oldManifoldthe contact manifold last iteration

◆ queryAABB()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::queryAABB ( std::function< bool(b2Fixture *fixture)>  callback,
const Rect  aabb 
) const

Query the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the provided AABB.

The AABB is specified by a Cocos2d rectangle.

callbackA user implemented callback function.
aabbThe axis-aligned bounding box

◆ rayCast()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::rayCast ( std::function< float(b2Fixture *fixture, const Vec2 point, const Vec2 normal, float fraction)>  callback,
const Vec2  point1,
const Vec2  point2 
) const

Ray-cast the world for all fixtures in the path of the ray.

The callback controls whether you get the closest point, any point, or n-points. The ray-cast ignores shapes that contain the starting point.

callbacka user implemented callback function.
point1The ray starting point
point2The ray ending point

◆ removeJoint()

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::removeJoint ( const std::shared_ptr< Joint > &  joint)

Immediately removes a joint from the physics world

The joint will be released immediately. The physics will be deactivated and it will be removed from the Box2D world. Note that only the joint is removed. The bodies attached to the joint will still be present.

This method of removing joints is very heavy weight, and should only be used for single joint removal. If you want to remove multiple joints, then you should mark them for removal and call garbageCollect.

Removing a joint does not automatically delete the joint itself. However, this world releases ownership, which may lead to it being garbage collected.

jointThe joint to remove

Reimplemented in cugl::physics2::distrib::NetWorld.

◆ removeObstacle()

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::removeObstacle ( const std::shared_ptr< Obstacle > &  obj)

Immediately removes an obstacle from the physics world

The obstacle will be released immediately. The physics will be deactivated and it will be removed from the Box2D world. This method of removing obstacles is very heavy weight, and should only be used for single object removal. If you want to remove multiple obstacles, then you should mark them for removal and call garbageCollect.

Removing an obstacle does not automatically delete the obstacle itself. However, this world releases ownership, which may lead to it being garbage collected.

objThe obstacle to remove

Reimplemented in cugl::physics2::distrib::NetWorld.

◆ SayGoodbye() [1/2]

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::SayGoodbye ( b2Fixture *  fixture)

Called when a fixture is about to be destroyed.

This function is only called when the destruction is the result of the destruction of its parent body.

fixturethe fixture to be destroyed

◆ SayGoodbye() [2/2]

virtual void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::SayGoodbye ( b2Joint *  joint)

Called when a joint is about to be destroyed.

This function is only called when the destruction is the result of the destruction of one of its attached bodies.

jointthe joint to be destroyed

Reimplemented in cugl::physics2::distrib::NetWorld.

◆ setGravity()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::setGravity ( const Vec2  gravity)

Sets the global gravity vector.

Any change will take effect at the time of the next call to update.

gravitythe global gravity vector.

◆ setLockStep()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::setLockStep ( bool  flag)

Sets whether the physics is locked to a constant timestep.

If this is false, the physics timestep will vary with the graphics framerate. Any change will take effect at the time of the next call to update.

flagwhether the physics is locked to a constant timestep.

◆ setPositionIterations()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::setPositionIterations ( int  position)

Sets number of position iterations for the constrain solvers

Any change will take effect at the time of the next call to update.

positionnumber of position iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ setStepsize()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::setStepsize ( float  step)

Sets the amount of time for a single engine step.

This attribute is only relevant if isLockStep() is true. Any change will take effect at the time of the next call to update.

stepthe amount of time for a single engine step.

◆ setVelocityIterations()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::setVelocityIterations ( int  velocity)

Sets number of velocity iterations for the constrain solvers

Any change will take effect at the time of the next call to update.

velocitynumber of velocity iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ ShouldCollide()

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::ShouldCollide ( b2Fixture *  fixtureA,
b2Fixture *  fixtureB 

Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes.

For performance reasons this is only called when the AABBs begin to overlap.

fixtureAthe first colliding shape
fixtureBthe second colliding shape
true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes.

◆ update()

void cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::update ( float  dt)

Executes a single step of the physics engine.

If isLockStep is true, then this method will run the physics simulation for getStepsize time, no matter the value of dt. Otherwise, it will run the simulation for dt seconds.

dtNumber of seconds to run the (non-lockstep) simulation

Member Data Documentation

◆ _bounds

Rect cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_bounds

The boundary of the world

◆ _collide

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_collide

Whether or not to activate the collision listener

◆ _destroy

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_destroy

Whether or not to activate the destruction listener

◆ _filters

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_filters

Whether or not to activate the filter listener

◆ _gravity

Vec2 cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_gravity

The current gravitational value of the world

◆ _itposition

int cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_itposition

The number of position iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ _itvelocity

int cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_itvelocity

The number of velocity iterations for the constrain solvers

◆ _joints

std::unordered_map<b2Joint*,std::shared_ptr<Joint> > cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_joints

The set of joints in this world

We map from the b2_joint pointer for purposes of cleanup.

◆ _lockstep

bool cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_lockstep

Whether to lock the physic timestep to a constant amount

◆ _obstacles

std::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<Obstacle> > cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_obstacles

The set of obstacles in this world

◆ _stepssize

float cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_stepssize

The amount of time for a single engine step

◆ _world

b2World* cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::_world

Reference to the Box2D world

◆ afterSolve

std::function<void(b2Contact* contact, const b2ContactImpulse* impulse)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::afterSolve

Called after the solver is finished.

This callback lets you inspect a contact after the solver is finished. This is useful for inspecting impulses.

Note: the contact manifold does not include time of impact impulses, which can be arbitrarily large if the sub-step is small. Hence the impulse is provided explicitly in a separate data structure. Note: this is only called for contacts that are touching, solid, and awake.

This attribute is a dynamically assignable callback and may be changed at any given time.

contactthe contact information
impulsethe impulse produced by the solver

◆ beforeSolve

std::function<void(b2Contact* contact, const b2Manifold* oldManifold)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::beforeSolve

Called after a contact is updated.

This callback allows you to inspect a contact before it goes to the solver. If you are careful, you can modify the contact manifold (e.g. disable contact).

A copy of the old manifold is provided so that you can detect changes.

Note: this is called only for awake bodies. Note: this is called even when the number of contact points is zero. Note: this is not called for sensors. Note: if you set the number of contact points to zero, you will not get an EndContact callback. However, you may get a BeginContact callback the next step.

This attribute is a dynamically assignable callback and may be changed at any given time.

contactthe contact information
oldManifoldthe contact manifold last iteration

◆ destroyFixture

std::function<void(b2Fixture* fixture)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::destroyFixture

Called when a fixture is about to be destroyed.

This function is only called when the destruction is the result of the destruction of its parent body.

fixturethe fixture to be destroyed

◆ destroyJoint

std::function<void(b2Joint* joint)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::destroyJoint

Called when a joint is about to be destroyed.

This function is only called when the destruction is the result of the destruction of one of its attached bodies.

jointthe joint to be destroyed

◆ onBeginContact

std::function<void(b2Contact* contact)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::onBeginContact

Called when two fixtures begin to touch

This attribute is a dynamically assignable callback and may be changed at any given time.

contactthe contact information

◆ onEndContact

std::function<void(b2Contact* contact)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::onEndContact

Called when two fixtures cease to touch

This attribute is a dynamically assignable callback and may be changed at any given time.

contactthe contact information

◆ shouldCollide

std::function<bool(b2Fixture* fixtureA, b2Fixture* fixtureB)> cugl::physics2::ObstacleWorld::shouldCollide

Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes.

For performance reasons this is only called when the AABBs begin to overlap.

fixtureAthe first colliding shape
fixtureBthe second colliding shape
true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: