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cugl::Spline2 Class Reference

#include <CUSpline2.h>

Public Member Functions

 Spline2 ()
 Spline2 (const Vec2 point)
 Spline2 (const Vec2 start, const Vec2 end)
 Spline2 (const Vec2 *points, size_t size)
 Spline2 (const std::vector< Vec2 > &points)
 Spline2 (const Spline2 &spline)
 Spline2 (Spline2 &&spline)
 ~Spline2 ()
Spline2operator= (const Spline2 &spline)
Spline2operator= (Spline2 &&spline)
Spline2operator= (const Vec2 point)
Spline2set (const Vec2 point)
Spline2set (const Vec2 start, const Vec2 end)
Spline2set (const Vec2 *points, size_t size)
Spline2set (const std::vector< float > &points)
Spline2set (const std::vector< Vec2 > &points)
Spline2set (const Spline2 &spline)
size_t size () const
bool isClosed () const
void setClosed (bool flag)
Vec2 getPoint (float tp) const
void setPoint (float tp, const Vec2 point)
Vec2 getAnchor (size_t index) const
void setAnchor (size_t index, const Vec2 point)
bool isSmooth (size_t index) const
void setSmooth (size_t index, bool flag)
Vec2 getTangent (size_t index) const
void setTangent (size_t index, const Vec2 tang, bool symmetric=false)
Polynomial getPolynomialX (size_t segment) const
Polynomial getPolynomialY (size_t segment) const
const std::vector< Vec2 > & getControlPoints () const
size_t addAnchor (const Vec2 point)
size_t addAnchor (const Vec2 point, const Vec2 tang)
size_t addBezier (const Vec2 control1, const Vec2 control2, const Vec2 point)
size_t addQuad (const Vec2 control, const Vec2 point)
void deleteAnchor (size_t index)
void insertAnchor (float param)
void clear ()
Vec2 nearestPoint (const Vec2 point) const
float nearestParameter (const Vec2 point) const
Sint64 nearestAnchor (const Vec2 point, float threshold) const
Sint64 nearestTangent (const Vec2 point, float threshold) const

Protected Member Functions

Vec2 getPoint (size_t segment, float tp) const
void insertAnchor (size_t segment, float param)
void subdivide (size_t segment, float tp, std::vector< Vec2 > &left, std::vector< Vec2 > &rght) const
Polynomial getProjectionPolynomial (const Vec2 point, size_t segment) const
Vec2 getProjectionSlow (const Vec2 point, size_t segment) const
Vec2 getProjectionFast (const Vec2 point, size_t segment) const
bool checkSmooth (size_t index)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void subdivide (const Vec2 *src, float tp, std::vector< Vec2 > &left, std::vector< Vec2 > &rght)


class SplinePather

Detailed Description

This class represents a spline of cubic beziers.

A bezier spline is a sequence of beziers, where the start of one is the begining of the other. A bezier spline may be open or closed. In a closed spline, the end of the last bezier is the beginning of the first (or in the case of a degenerate bezier, a bezier with the same beginning and end).

A single cubic bezier is represented by the four points. There are the two anchor points P1 and P2. These represent the start and end of the curve. In addition, each of these points has a tangent: T1 and T2. The curve is defined so that P1 has a right tangent of T1, and P2 has a left tangent of T2. The tangents themselves are given as points, not vectors (so the tangent vector is Tn-Pn). These four points are known as the control points. When we represent a bezier, we typically represent it as a list of four points in this order: P1, T1, T2, and P2.

In a bezier spline, the first anchor point of the next curve is the same as the last anchor point of the previous one. There is no need to duplicate this information. However, the tanget is not a duplicate, since anchor points on the interior of the spline have both a left and right tangent. Therefore, the control point list always has two tangents between any two anchors. Thus bezier spline of n beziers will contain 3n+1 control points.

This class does not contain any drawing functionality at all. If you wish to draw a bezier, create a Path2 with the SplinePather factory. This factory creates a line-segment approximation of the spline, in much the same way that we approximate circles or ellipses when drawing them. You can then use the many features for drawing a path object, such as extrusion or wireframes.

This class has a lot of advanced methods to detect the nearest anchor, tanget, or curve location to a point. These are designed so that you can edit a bezier in a level editor for your game. These methods determine the part of the bezier closest to you mouse location, so that you can select and edit them.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Spline2() [1/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( )

Creates an empty spline.

This is a (super) degenerate spline with no control points; it is open.

◆ Spline2() [2/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( const Vec2  point)

Creates a degenerate spline of one point

This resulting spline consists of a single point, but it is still size 0. That is because it has no segments (and as a degenerate spline, it is open).

This constructor is useful for building up a spline incrementally.

pointThe bezier anchor point

◆ Spline2() [3/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( const Vec2  start,
const Vec2  end 

Creates a spline of two points

The minimum spline possible has 4 points: two anchors and two tangents. This sets the start to be the first anchor point, and end to be the second. The tangents, are the same as the anchor points, which means that the tangents are degenerate. This has the effect of making the bezier a straight line from start to end. The spline is open, unless start and end are the same.

startThe first bezier anchor point
endThe second bezier anchor point

◆ Spline2() [4/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( const Vec2 points,
size_t  size 

Creates a spline from the given control points.

The control points must be specified in the form

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

That is, starts and ends with anchors, and every two anchors have two tangents (right of the first, left of the second) in between. As each point is two floats, the value size must be equal to 2 mod 6.

The created spline is open.

pointsThe array of control points
sizeThe number of points in the array

◆ Spline2() [5/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  points)

Creates a spline from the given control points.

The control points must be specified in the form

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

That is, starts and ends with anchors, and every two anchors have two tangents (right of the first, left of the second) in between. The size of this vector must be equal to 1 mod 3.

The created spline is open.

pointsThe vector of control points

◆ Spline2() [6/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( const Spline2 spline)

Creates a copy of the given spline.

splineThe spline to copy

◆ Spline2() [7/7]

cugl::Spline2::Spline2 ( Spline2 &&  spline)

Creates a spline with the resources of the given one

splineThe spline to take from

◆ ~Spline2()

cugl::Spline2::~Spline2 ( )

Deletes this spline, releasing all resources

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAnchor() [1/2]

size_t cugl::Spline2::addAnchor ( const Vec2  point)

Adds the given point to the end of the spline, creating a new segment.

Assuming that the spline is open, the new segment will start at the end of the previous last segment and extend it to the given point. This method will add a degenerate left tangent (e.g the tangent point is the same as an anchor point).

As the previous end point could not have been smooth, it will remain that way (so the right tangent of that point will be degenerate – equal to the anchor). Use setSmooth to change the characteristic of an interior point. If the spline was super degenerate (there were no control points at all), then this method will simply add the given anchor, but keep the segment size as 0.

As closed splines have no end, this method will fail on closed splines. You should use insertAnchor instead for closed splines.

pointThe new anchor point to add to the end
the new number of segments in this spline

◆ addAnchor() [2/2]

size_t cugl::Spline2::addAnchor ( const Vec2  point,
const Vec2  tang 

Adds the given point to the end of the spline, creating a new segment.

Assuming that the spline is open, the new segment will start at the end of the previous last segment and extend it to the given point. The value tang is the left tangent of the new anchor point.

As the previous end point could not have been smooth, it will remain that way (so the right tangent of that point will be degenerate – equal to the anchor). Use setSmooth to change the characteristic of an interior point. If the spline was super degenerate (there were no control points at all), then this method will simply add the given anchor, but keep the segment size as 0.

As closed splines have no end, this method will fail on closed splines. You should use insertAnchor instead for closed splines.

pointthe new anchor point to add to the end
tangthe left tangent of the new anchor point
the new number of segments in this spline

◆ addBezier()

size_t cugl::Spline2::addBezier ( const Vec2  control1,
const Vec2  control2,
const Vec2  point 

Adds a (cubic) bezier path from the end of the spline to point.

Assuming that the spline is open, the new segment will start at the end of the previous last segment and extend it to the given point. The given control points will define the right tangent of the previous end point, and the left tangent of point, respectively.

This method will compute whether or not the previous end point is smooth from the new right tangent. If the spline was super degenerate (there were no control points at all), then this method will build the bezier from the origin.

As closed splines have no end, this method will fail on closed splines.

control1The first bezier control point
control2The second bezier control point
pointThe new anchor point
the new number of segments in this spline

◆ addQuad()

size_t cugl::Spline2::addQuad ( const Vec2  control,
const Vec2  point 

Adds a (quadratic) bezier path from the end of the spline to point.

Assuming that the spline is open, the new segment will start at the end of the previous last segment and extend it to the given point. The new right and left tangents will be computed from the given quadratic control point.

This method will compute whether or not the previous end point is smooth from the new right tangent. If the spline was super degenerate (there were no control points at all), then this method will build the bezier from the origin.

As closed splines have no end, this method will fail on closed splines.

controlThe quadratic control point
pointThe new anchor point
the new number of segments in this spline

◆ checkSmooth()

bool cugl::Spline2::checkSmooth ( size_t  index)

Returns true if the anchor point at the given index should be smooth.

An anchor point should be smooth if the it is not an end point and the left and right tangents are (suitably) parallel.

indexThe anchor point index
true if the anchor point at the given index should be smooth.

◆ clear()

void cugl::Spline2::clear ( )

Clears all control points, producing a degenerate spline.

◆ deleteAnchor()

void cugl::Spline2::deleteAnchor ( size_t  index)

Deletes the anchor point at the given index.

The point is deleted as well as both of its tangents (left and right). All remaining anchors after the deleted one will shift their indices down by one. Deletion is allowed on closed splines; the spline will remain closed after deletion.

If an open spline has n segments, then it has n+1 anchors. Similiarly, a closed spline had n anchors. The value index should be in the appropriate range.

indexthe anchor index to delete

◆ getAnchor()

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getAnchor ( size_t  index) const

Returns the anchor point at the given index.

If an open spline has n segments, then it has n+1 anchors. Similiarly, a closed spline has n anchors. The value index should be in the appropriate range.

indexthe anchor index (0..n+1 or 0..n)
the anchor point at the given index.

◆ getControlPoints()

const std::vector< Vec2 > & cugl::Spline2::getControlPoints ( ) const

Returns the spline control points.

If the spline has n segments, then the list will have 6n+2 elements in it, representing the n+1 anchor points and the 2n tangents. The values will alternate

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

This is true even if the curve is closed. In that case, the first and last anchor points will be the same.

the spline control points.

◆ getPoint() [1/2]

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getPoint ( float  tp) const

Returns the spline point for parameter tp.

A bezier spline is a parameterized curve. For a single bezier, it is parameterized with tp in 0..1, with tp = 0 representing the first anchor and tp = 1 representing the second. In the spline, we generalize this idea, where tp is an anchor if it is an int, and is inbetween the anchors floor(tp) and ceil(tp) otherwise.

tpthe parameterization value
the spline point for parameter tp

◆ getPoint() [2/2]

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getPoint ( size_t  segment,
float  tp 
) const

Returns the spline point for parameter tp.

This method is like the public getPoint(), except that it is restricted to a single bezier segment. A bezier is parameterized with tp in 0..1, with tp = 0 representing the first anchor and tp = 1 representing the second. This method is used by the public getPoint() to compute its value.

segmentthe bezier segment to select from
tpthe parameterization value
the spline point for parameter tp

◆ getPolynomialX()

Polynomial cugl::Spline2::getPolynomialX ( size_t  segment) const

Returns the x-axis bezier polynomial for the given segment.

Bezier polynomials define the curve parameterization. They are two dimension polynomials that give a point. Rather than extend polynomial to support multidimensional data, we extract each axis separately.

We also cannot define a single polynomial for the entire spline, but we can do it for each segment. The result is a cubic poly, hence the name Spline2.

the x-axis bezier polynomial for the given segment.

◆ getPolynomialY()

Polynomial cugl::Spline2::getPolynomialY ( size_t  segment) const

Returns the y-axis bezier polynomial for the given segment.

Bezier polynomials define the curve parameterization. They are two dimension polynomials that give a point. Rather than extend polynomial to support multidimensional data, we extract each axis separately.

We also cannot define a single polynomial for the entire spline, but we can do it for each segment. The result is a cubic poly, hence the name Spline2.

the y-axis bezier polynomial for the given segment.

◆ getProjectionFast()

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getProjectionFast ( const Vec2  point,
size_t  segment 
) const

Returns the parameterization of the nearest point on the bezier segment.

The value is effectively the projection of the point onto the parametrized curve. See getPoint() for an explanation of how the parameterization work.

The value is effectively the projection of the point onto the parametrized curve. See getPoint() for an explanation of how the parameterization work. We compute this value using the projection polynomial, described at

The value returned is a pair of the parameter, and its distance value. This allows us to compare this result to other segments, picking the best value for the entire spline.

This algorithm uses the projection polynomial, and searches for roots to find the best (max of 5) candidates. However, root finding may fail, do to singularities in Bairstow's Method. If the root finder fails, then the first element of the pair will be -1 (an invalid parameter).

pointthe point to project
segmentthe bezier segment to project upon
the parameterization of the nearest point on the spline.

◆ getProjectionPolynomial()

Polynomial cugl::Spline2::getProjectionPolynomial ( const Vec2  point,
size_t  segment 
) const

Returns the projection polynomial for the given point.

The projection polynomial is used to find the nearest value to point on the spline, as described at

There is no one projection polynomial for the entire spline. Each segment bezier has its own polynomial.

pointthe point to project
segmentthe bezier segment to project upon

◆ getProjectionSlow()

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getProjectionSlow ( const Vec2  point,
size_t  segment 
) const

Returns the parameterization of the nearest point on the bezier segment.

The value is effectively the projection of the point onto the parametrized curve. See getPoint() for an explanation of how the parameterization work.

This version does not use the projection polynomial. Instead, it picks a parameter resolution and walks the entire length of the curve. The result is both slow and inexact (as the actual point may be in-between chose parameters). This version is only picked when getProjectionFast fails because of an error with root finding.

The value returned is a pair of the parameter, and its distance value. This allows us to compare this result to other segments, picking the best value for the entire spline.

pointthe point to project
segmentthe bezier segment to project upon
the parameterization of the nearest point on the spline.

◆ getTangent()

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::getTangent ( size_t  index) const

Returns the tangent at the given index.

Tangents are specified as points, not vectors. To get the tangent vector for an anchor, you must subtract the anchor from its tangent point. Hence a curve is degenerate when the tangent and the anchor are the same.

If a spline has n segments, then it has 2n tangents. This is true regardless of whether it is open or closed. The value index should be in the appropriate range. An even index is a right tangent, while an odd index is a left tangent. If the spline is closed, then 2n-1 is the left tangent of the first point.

indexthe tangent index (0..2n)
the tangent at the given index.

◆ insertAnchor() [1/2]

void cugl::Spline2::insertAnchor ( float  param)

Inserts a new anchor point at parameter tp.

Inserting an anchor point does not change the curve. It just makes an existing point that was not an anchor, now an anchor. This is the natural behavior for inserting an index, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

A bezier spline is a parameterized curve. For a single bezier, it is parameterized with tp in 0..1, with tp = 0 representing the first anchor and tp = 1 representing the second. In the spline, we generalize this idea, where tp is an anchor if it is an int, and is inbetween the anchors floor(tp) and ceil(tp) otherwise.

The tangents of the new anchor point will be determined by de Castlejau's. This is the natural behavior for inserting an anchor mid bezier, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

paramthe parameterization value

◆ insertAnchor() [2/2]

void cugl::Spline2::insertAnchor ( size_t  segment,
float  param 

Inserts a new anchor point at parameter tp.

Inserting an anchor point does not change the curve. It just makes an existing point that was not an anchor, now an anchor. This is the natural behavior for inserting an index, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

This version of insertAnchor() specifies the segment for insertion, simplifying the parameterization. For a single bezier, it is parameterized with tp in 0..1, with tp = 0 representing the first anchor and tp = 1 representing the second.

The tangents of the new anchor point will be determined by de Castlejau's. This is the natural behavior for inserting an anchor mid bezier, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

segmentthe bezier segment to insert into
paramthe parameterization value

◆ isClosed()

bool cugl::Spline2::isClosed ( ) const

Returns true if the spline is closed.

A closed spline is one where the first and last anchor are the same. Hence the first and last tangents are tangents (right, and left, respectively) of the same point. This is relevant for the setTangent() method, particularly if the change is meant to be symmetric.

When closing a spline, the end point is not a smooth point. This can be changed by calling setSmooth.

A closed spline has no end. Therefore, anchors cannot be added to a closed spline. They may only be inserted between two other anchors.

true if the spline is closed

◆ isSmooth()

bool cugl::Spline2::isSmooth ( size_t  index) const

Returns the smoothness for the anchor point at the given index.

A smooth anchor is one in which the derivative of the curve at the anchor is continuous. Practically, this means that the left and right tangents are always parallel. Only a non-smooth anchor may form a "hinge".

If an open spline has n segments, then it has n+1 anchors. However, the two end anchors can never be smooth. A closed spline with the same number of segments has n anchors, but all anchors have the potential to be smooth.

indexthe anchor index (0..n+1 or 0..n)
the smoothness for the anchor point at the given index.

◆ nearestAnchor()

Sint64 cugl::Spline2::nearestAnchor ( const Vec2  point,
float  threshold 
) const

Returns the index of the anchor nearest the given point.

If there is no anchor whose distance to point is less than the square root of threshold (we use lengthSquared for speed), then this method returns -1.

pointthe point to compare
thresholdthe distance threshold for picking an anchor
the index of the anchor nearest the given point.

◆ nearestParameter()

float cugl::Spline2::nearestParameter ( const Vec2  point) const

Returns the parameterization of the nearest point on the spline.

The value is effectively the projection of the point onto the parametrized curve. See getPoint() for an explanation of how the parameterization work. We compute this value using the projection polynomial, described at

pointthe point to project
the parameterization of the nearest point on the spline.

◆ nearestPoint()

Vec2 cugl::Spline2::nearestPoint ( const Vec2  point) const

Returns the nearest point on the spline to the given point.

The value is effectively the projection of the point onto the curve. We compute this point using the projection polynomial, described at

The point returned does not need to be an anchor point. It can be anywhere on the curve. This allows us a way to select a non-anchor point with the mouse (such as to add a new anchor point) in a level editor or other program.

pointthe point to project
the nearest point on the spline to the given point.

◆ nearestTangent()

Sint64 cugl::Spline2::nearestTangent ( const Vec2  point,
float  threshold 
) const

Returns the index of the tangent nearest the given point.

If there is no tangent whose distance to point is less than the square root of threshold (we use lengthSquared for speed), then this method returns -1.

pointthe point to compare
thresholdthe distance threshold for picking a tangent
the index of the tangent nearest the given point.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::operator= ( const Spline2 spline)

Sets this spline to be a copy of the given spline.

splineThe spline to copy
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ operator=() [2/3]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::operator= ( const Vec2  point)

Sets this spline to be a degenerate degenerate of one point

This resulting spline consists of a single point, but it is still size 0. That is because it has no segments (and as a degenerate spline, it is open).

This assignment is useful for building up a spline incrementally.

pointThe bezier anchor point
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ operator=() [3/3]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::operator= ( Spline2 &&  spline)

Sets this spline to have the resources of the given one

splineThe spline to take from
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [1/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const Spline2 spline)

Sets this spline to be a copy of the given spline.

splineThe spline to copy
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [2/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const std::vector< float > &  points)

Sets this spline to have the given control points.

The control points must be specified in the form

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

That is, starts and ends with anchors, and every two anchors have two tangents (right of the first, left of the second) in between. As each point is two floats, the size of the vector must be equal to 2 mod 6.

This method makes the spline is open.

pointsThe vector of control points as floats
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [3/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const std::vector< Vec2 > &  points)

Sets this spline to have the given control points.

The control points must be specified in the form

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

That is, starts and ends with anchors, and every two anchors have two tangents (right of the first, left of the second) in between. The size of this vector must be equal to 1 mod 3.

This method makes the spline is open.

pointsThe vector of control points
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [4/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const Vec2 points,
size_t  size 

Sets this spline to have the given control points.

The control points must be specified in the form

 anchor, tangent, tangent, anchor, tangent ... anchor

That is, starts and ends with anchors, and every two anchors have two tangents (right of the first, left of the second) in between. As each point is two floats, the value size must be equal to 2 mod 6.

This method makes the spline is open.

pointsThe array of control points
sizeThe number of points in the array
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [5/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const Vec2  point)

Sets this spline to be a degenerate degenerate of one point

This resulting spline consists of a single point, but it is still size 0. That is because it has no segments (and as a degenerate spline, it is open).

This assignment is useful for building up a spline incrementally.

pointThe bezier anchor point
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ set() [6/6]

Spline2 & cugl::Spline2::set ( const Vec2  start,
const Vec2  end 

Sets this spline to be a line between two points

The minimum spline possible has 4 points: two anchors and two tangents. This sets the start to be the first anchor point, and end to be the second. The tangents, are the same as the anchor points, which means that the tangents are degenerate. This has the effect of making the bezier a straight line from start to end. The spline is open, unless start and end are the same.

startThe first bezier anchor point
endThe second bezier anchor point
This spline, returned for chaining

◆ setAnchor()

void cugl::Spline2::setAnchor ( size_t  index,
const Vec2  point 

Sets the anchor point at the given index.

This method will change both the anchor and its associated tangets. The new tangents will have the same relative change in position. As a result, the bezier will still have the same shape locally. This is the natural behavior for changing an anchor, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

If an open spline has n segments, then it has n+1 anchors. Similiarly, a closed spline had n anchors. The value index should be in the appropriate range.

indexthe anchor index (0..n+1 or 0..n)
pointthe new value to assign

◆ setClosed()

void cugl::Spline2::setClosed ( bool  flag)

Sets whether the spline is closed.

A closed spline is one where the first and last anchor are the same. Hence the first and last tangents are tangents (right, and left, respectively) of the same point. This is relevant for the setTangent() method, particularly if the change is meant to be symmetric.

When closing a spline, the end point is not a smooth point. This can be changed by calling setSmooth.

A closed spline has no end. Therefore, anchors cannot be added to a closed spline. They may only be inserted between two other anchors.

flagWhether the spline is closed

◆ setPoint()

void cugl::Spline2::setPoint ( float  tp,
const Vec2  point 

Sets the spline point at parameter tp.

A bezier spline is a parameterized curve. For a single bezier, it is parameterized with tp in 0..1, with tp = 0 representing the first anchor and tp = 1 representing the second. In the spline, we generalize this idea, where tp is an anchor if it is an int, and is inbetween the anchors floor(tp) and ceil(tp) otherwise.

In this method, if tp is an int, it will just reassign the associated anchor value. Otherwise, this will insert a new anchor point at that parameter. This has a side-effect of changing the parameterization values for the curve, as the number of beziers has increased.

tpthe parameterization value
pointthe new value to assign

◆ setSmooth()

void cugl::Spline2::setSmooth ( size_t  index,
bool  flag 

Sets the smoothness for the anchor point at the given index.

A smooth anchor is one in which the derivative of the curve at the anchor is continuous. Practically, this means that the left and right tangents are always parallel. Only a non-smooth anchor may form a "hinge".

If you set a non-smooth anchor to smooth, it will adjust the tangents accordingly. In particular, it will average the two tangents, making them parallel. This is the natural behavior for changing an smoothness, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

If an open spline has n segments, then it has n+1 anchors. However, the two end anchors can never be smooth. A closed spline with the same number of segments has n anchors, but all anchors have the potential to be smooth.

indexthe anchor index (0..n+1 or 0..n)
flagthe anchor smoothness

◆ setTangent()

void cugl::Spline2::setTangent ( size_t  index,
const Vec2  tang,
bool  symmetric = false 

Sets the tangent at the given index.

Tangents are specified as points, not vectors. To get the tangent vector for an anchor, you must subtract the anchor from its tangent point. Hence a curve is degenerate when the tangent and the anchor are the same.

If the associated anchor point is smooth, changing the direction of the tangent vector will also change the direction of the other tangent vector (so that they remain parallel). However, changing only the magnitude will have no effect, unless symmetric is true. In that case, it will modify the other tangent so that it has the same magnitude and parallel direction. This is the natural behavior for changing a tangent, as seen in Adobe Illustrator.

If a spline has n segments, then it has 2n tangents. This is true regardless of whether it is open or closed. The value index should be in the appropriate range. An even index is a right tangent, while an odd index is a left tangent. If the spline is closed, then 2n-1 is the left tangent of the first point.

indexthe tangent index (0..2n)
tangthe new value to assign
symmetricwhether to make the other tangent symmetric

◆ size()

size_t cugl::Spline2::size ( ) const

Returns the number of segments in this spline

Each segment is a bezier. To use the bezier methods associated with this class, you will need to know the correct segment.

the number of segments in this spline

◆ subdivide() [1/2]

static void cugl::Spline2::subdivide ( const Vec2 src,
float  tp,
std::vector< Vec2 > &  left,
std::vector< Vec2 > &  rght 

Applies de Castlejau's to a bezier, putting the result in left & right

de Castlejau's takes a parameter tp in (0,1) and splits the bezier into two, preserving the geometric information, but not the parameterization. The control points for the resulting two beziers are stored in left and right.

This static method is not restricted to the current spline. It can work from any list of control points (and offset into those control points). This is useful for recursive subdivision.

srcthe control point list for the bezier
tpthe parameter to split at
leftvector to store the left bezier
rghtvector to store the right bezier

◆ subdivide() [2/2]

void cugl::Spline2::subdivide ( size_t  segment,
float  tp,
std::vector< Vec2 > &  left,
std::vector< Vec2 > &  rght 
) const

Applies de Castlejau's to the given segment, putting the result in left & right

de Castlejau's takes a parameter tp in (0,1) and splits the bezier into two, preserving the geometric information, but not the parameterization. The control points for the resulting two beziers are stored in left and right.

segmentthe bezier segment of this spine
tpthe parameter to split at
leftvector to store the left bezier
rghtvector to store the right bezier

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ SplinePather

friend class SplinePather

Convert splines into paths

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