Archived Exams

Prelim II Tuesday, April 10
at 7:30pm in Olin 155 & Olin 165

covered lectures up to March 26, inclusive

practise exam (= prelim 2 from fall 1999)
- solutions to the practise exam

actual exam
- solutions
- notes on grading

calculators were allowed
(but nothing on the exam required a calculator)

the graded exams were handed back at the end of lecture on Monday, April 16
- L. Competillo now has the unclaimed exams

the deadline for regrade requests was Monday, April 23

the regraded exams have been transferred to 4105 Upson

Prelim I Tuesday, March 6
at 7:30pm in the Uris Hall Auditorium

covered lectures up to February 19, inclusive

practise exam (= prelim 1 from fall 1999)
- solutions to the practise exam

actual exam
- solutions (updated slightly)
- notes on grading

calculators were allowed
(but nothing on the exam required a calculator)

outline of the types of problems discussed during the in-class review session

the graded exams were handed back at the end of lecture on Friday, March 9
- L. Competillo now has the unclaimed exams

the deadline for regrade requests was Friday, March 16

the regraded exams have been transferred to 4105 Upson