CS280 - Discrete Structures

(05/21)   The final exam scores and the course letter grades are now available.
(05/21)   Want to look at your final exam? You'll have an opportunity to do so this Wednesday.
(05/20)   Our solutions to the final exam have been posted.
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General Information Lecture times, course staff, review sessions, office hours, grading, etc.
Other Pages Notes on grading, lecture slides from Fall 1999, picking up graded and regraded work, solutions, requesting a regrade, induction guidelines, weights and statistics, all notices.
FA99 Lecture Slides Sorting - 5 slides, Tree Traversal - 4 slides, Trees - 3 slides, Planar Graphs & Graph Coloring - 5 slides, earlier lectures...
Reaching us Questions? If you would like to contact the CS280 staff electronically, you can post to the course newsgroup (cornell.class.cs280) or send a message to the course email address (cs280@cs.cornell.edu).