
Require Import
 Unicode.Utf8 Program
 CRArith CRabs
 Qauto Qround Qmetric

Require Qinf QnonNeg QnnInf CRball.
  QnonNeg Qinf.notations QnonNeg.notations QnnInf.notations CRball.notations
  Qabs propholds.

Require Import metric FromMetric2 AbstractIntegration SimpleIntegration BanachFixpoint.
Require Import canonical_names decision setoid_tactics util.

Close Scope uc_scope. Open Scope signature_scope.
Bind Scope mc_scope with Q.

Local Notation ball := mspc_ball.

Lemma Qinf_lt_le (x y : Qinf) : x < y x y.
destruct x as [x |]; destruct y as [y |]; [| easy..].
change (x < yx y). intros; solve_propholds.

Instance Q_nonneg (rx : QnonNeg) : PropHolds (@le Q _ 0 rx).
Proof. apply (proj2_sig rx). Qed.

Instance Q_nonempty : NonEmpty Q := inhabits 0.

Program Instance sig_nonempty `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X}
  (r : QnonNeg) (x : X) : NonEmpty (sig (ball r x)) := inhabits x.
Next Obligation. apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds. Qed.

Instance prod_nonempty `{NonEmpty X, NonEmpty Y} : NonEmpty (X × Y).
match goal with H : NonEmpty X |- _destruct H as [x] end.
match goal with H : NonEmpty Y |- _destruct H as [y] end.
exact (inhabits (x, y)).

Global Instance Qmsd : MetricSpaceDistance Q := λ x y, abs (x - y).

Global Instance Qmsc : MetricSpaceClass Q.
Proof. intros x1 x2; apply gball_Qabs; reflexivity. Qed.

Section Extend.

Context `{ExtMetricSpaceClass Y} (a : Q) (r : QnonNeg).

Lemma mspc_ball_edge_l : ball r a (a - `r).
destruct r as [e ?]; simpl.
apply gball_Qabs. mc_setoid_replace (a - (a - e)) with e by ring.
change (abs e e). rewrite abs.abs_nonneg; [reflexivity | trivial].

Lemma mspc_ball_edge_r : ball r a (a + `r).
destruct r as [e ?]; simpl.
apply Qmetric.gball_Qabs. mc_setoid_replace (a - (a + e)) with (-e) by ring.
change (abs (-e) e). rewrite abs.abs_negate, abs.abs_nonneg; [reflexivity | trivial].

Context (f : sig (ball r a) → Y).

Program Definition extend : QY :=
  λ x, if (decide (x < a - r))
       then f ((a - r) mspc_ball_edge_l)
       else if (decide (a + r < x))
            then f ((a + r) mspc_ball_edge_r)
            else f (x _).
Next Obligation.
apply mspc_ball_Qle.
apply orders.not_lt_le_flip in H1. apply orders.not_lt_le_flip in H2. now split.

Global Instance extend_uc `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu_f} : IsUniformlyContinuous extend mu_f.
Proof with (solve_propholds || (apply orders.not_lt_le_flip; assumption) || reflexivity).
constructor; [apply (uc_pos f mu_f) |].
intros e x1 x2 e_pos A.
assert (a - to_Q r a + to_Q r) by
  (destruct r; simpl; transitivity a;
    [apply rings.nonneg_minus_compat | apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r]; (easy || reflexivity)).
unfold extend.
destruct (decide (x1 < a - to_Q r)); destruct (decide (x2 < a - to_Q r)).
× apply mspc_refl...
× destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x2)); apply (uc_prf f mu_f); trivial.
  + apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...
  + apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...
× destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x1)); apply (uc_prf f mu_f); trivial.
  + apply mspc_symm; apply mspc_symm in A. apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...
  + apply mspc_symm; apply mspc_symm in A. apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...
× destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x1)); destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x2));
  apply (uc_prf f mu_f); trivial.
  + apply mspc_refl'; now apply Qinf_lt_le, (uc_pos f mu_f).
  + apply mspc_symm; apply mspc_symm in A. apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...
  + apply (nested_balls _ _ A)...

End Extend.

Lemma extend_inside `{ExtMetricSpaceClass Y} (a x : Q) (r : QnonNeg) :
  ball r a x p : ball r a x, f : sig (ball r a) → Y,
    extend a r f x = f (x p).
intros A. apply mspc_ball_Qle in A. destruct A as [A1 A2]. unfold extend.
destruct (decide (x < a - to_Q r)) as [H1 | H1].
× apply orders.lt_not_le_flip in H1; elim (H1 A1).
× destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x)) as [H2 | H2].
  + apply orders.lt_not_le_flip in H2; elim (H2 A2).
  + eexists; intro f; reflexivity.

Section Bounded.

Class Bounded {X : Type} (f : XCR) (M : Q) := bounded : x, abs (f x) 'M.

Global Instance comp_bounded {X Y : Type} (f : XY) (g : YCR)
  `{!Bounded g M} : Bounded (g f) M.
Proof. intro x; unfold Basics.compose; apply bounded. Qed.

Global Instance extend_bounded {a : Q} {r : QnonNeg} (f : {x | ball r a x}CR)
  `{!Bounded f M} : Bounded (extend a r f) M.
intro x. unfold extend.
destruct (decide (x < a - to_Q r)); [| destruct (decide (a + to_Q r < x))]; apply bounded.

Lemma bounded_nonneg {X : Type} (f : XCR) `{!Bounded f M} `{NonEmpty X} :
   (0 M).
match goal with H : NonEmpty X |- _destruct H as [x] end.
apply CRle_Qle. change (@zero CR _ 'M). transitivity (abs (f x)).
+ apply CRabs_nonneg.
+ apply bounded.

End Bounded.

Global Instance bounded_int_uc {f : QCR} {M : Q}
  `{!Bounded f M} `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu_f} (x0 : Q) :
  IsUniformlyContinuous (λ x, int f x0 x) (lip_modulus M).
+ intros. apply lip_modulus_pos; [apply (bounded_nonneg f) | easy].
+ intros e x1 x2 e_pos A. apply mspc_ball_CRabs. rewrite int_diff; [| apply _].
  transitivity ('(abs (x1 - x2) × M)).
  - apply int_abs_bound; [apply _ |]. intros x _; apply bounded.
  - apply CRle_Qle. change (abs (x1 - x2) × M e).
    unfold lip_modulus in A. destruct (decide (M = 0)) as [E | E].
    rewrite E, rings.mult_0_r. now apply orders.lt_le.     apply mspc_ball_Qabs in A. assert (0 M) by apply (bounded_nonneg f).
    apply (orders.order_preserving (.* M)) in A.
    now mc_setoid_replace (e / M × M) with e in A by (field; solve_propholds).

Section Picard.

Context (x0 : Q) (y0 : CR) (rx ry : QnonNeg).

Notation sx := (sig (ball rx x0)).
Notation sy := (sig (ball ry y0)).

Context (v : sx × syCR) `{!Bounded v M} `{!IsUniformlyContinuous v mu_v} (L : Q).

Hypothesis v_lip : x : sx, IsLipschitz (λ y, v (x, y)) L.

Hypothesis L_rx : L × rx < 1.

Context {rx_M : PropHolds (`rx × M ry)}.

Instance L_nonneg : PropHolds (0 L).
assert (B : ball rx x0 x0) by (apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds).
apply (lip_nonneg (λ y, v ((x0 B), y)) L).

Global Instance uc_msd : MetricSpaceDistance (UniformlyContinuous sx sy) := λ f1 f2, 2 × ry.

Global Instance uc_msc : MetricSpaceClass (UniformlyContinuous sx sy).
intros f1 f2. unfold msd, uc_msd. intro x. apply (mspc_triangle' ry ry y0).
+ change (to_Q ry + to_Q ry = 2 × (to_Q ry)). ring.
+ apply mspc_symm; apply (proj2_sig (func f1 x)).
+ apply (proj2_sig (func f2 x)).

Definition picard' (f : sxsy) `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu_f} : QCR :=
  λ x, y0 + int (extend x0 rx (v (together f) diag)) x0 x.

Definition picard'' (f : UniformlyContinuous sx sy) : UniformlyContinuous sx CR.
apply (Build_UniformlyContinuous (restrict (picard' f) x0 rx) _ _).

Instance M_nonneg : PropHolds (0 M).
Proof. apply (bounded_nonneg v). Qed.

Lemma picard_sy (f : UniformlyContinuous sx sy) (x : sx) : ball ry y0 (picard'' f x).
destruct x as [x x_sx]. unfold picard''; simpl.
unfold restrict, Basics.compose; simpl.
unfold picard'. apply mspc_ball_CRabs.
rewrite rings.negate_plus_distr, plus_assoc, rings.plus_negate_r, rings.plus_0_l, CRabs_negate.
transitivity ('(abs (x - x0) × M)).
+ apply int_abs_bound; [apply _ |].   intros t A.
  assert (A1 : mspc_ball rx x0 t) by
    (apply (mspc_ball_convex x0 x); [apply mspc_refl, (proj2_sig rx) | |]; trivial).
  apply extend_inside in A1. destruct A1 as [p A1]. rewrite A1. apply bounded.
+ apply CRle_Qle. change (abs (x - x0) × M ry). transitivity (`rx × M).
  - now apply (orders.order_preserving (.* M)), mspc_ball_Qabs_flip.
  - apply rx_M.

Definition picard (f : UniformlyContinuous sx sy) : UniformlyContinuous sx sy.
set (g := picard'' f).
set (h x := exist _ (g x) (picard_sy f x)).
assert (C : IsUniformlyContinuous h (uc_mu g)); [| exact (Build_UniformlyContinuous _ _ C)].
+ apply (uc_pos g), (uc_proof g).
+ intros e x1 x2 e_pos A. change (ball e (g x1) (g x2)). apply (uc_prf g (uc_mu g)); assumption.

Global Instance picard_contraction : IsContraction picard (L × rx).
constructor; [| exact L_rx].
constructor; [solve_propholds |].
intros f1 f2 e A [x ?].
change (ball (L × rx × e) (picard' f1 x) (picard' f2 x)).
unfold picard'. apply mspc_ball_CRplus_l, mspc_ball_CRabs.
rewrite <- int_minus. transitivity ('(abs (x - x0) × (L × e))).
+ apply int_abs_bound; [apply _ |].   intros x' B. assert (B1 : ball rx x0 x') by
    (apply (mspc_ball_convex x0 x); [apply mspc_refl | |]; solve_propholds).
  unfold plus, negate, ext_plus, ext_negate.
  apply extend_inside in B1. destruct B1 as [p B1]. rewrite !B1.
  apply mspc_ball_CRabs. unfold diag, together,, Basics.compose; simpl.
  apply (lip_prf (λ y, v (_, y)) L), A.
+ apply CRle_Qle. mc_setoid_replace (L × rx × e) with ((to_Q rx) × (L × e)) by ring.
  assert (0 e) by apply (radius_nonneg f1 f2 e A).
  change ((abs (x - x0) × (L × e)) ((to_Q rx) × (L × e))).
  apply (orders.order_preserving (.* (L × e))).
  now apply mspc_ball_Qabs_flip.

Program Definition f0 : UniformlyContinuous sx sy :=
  Build_UniformlyContinuous (λ x, y0) (λ e, Qinf.infinite) _.
Next Obligation. apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds. Qed.

Next Obligation.
+ intros; easy.
+ intros e x1 x2 e_pos B. change (ball e y0 y0). apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds.

Lemma ode_solution : let f := fp picard f0 in picard f = f.
Proof. apply banach_fixpoint. Qed.

End Picard.

Import theory.rings orders.rings.

Section Computation.

Definition x0 : Q := 0.
Definition y0 : CR := 1.
Definition rx : QnonNeg := (1 # 2)%Qnn.
Definition ry : QnonNeg := 1.

Notation sx := (sig (ball rx x0)). Notation sy := (sig (ball ry y0)).

Definition v (z : sx × sy) : CR := ` (snd z).
Definition M : Q := 2.
Definition mu_v (e : Q) : Qinf := e.
Definition L : Q := 1.

Instance : Bounded v M.
intros [x [y H]]. unfold v; simpl. unfold M, ry, y0 in ×.
apply mspc_ball_CRabs, CRdistance_CRle in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
change (1 - 1 y) in H1. change (y 1 + 1) in H2. change (abs y 2).
rewrite plus_negate_r in H1. apply CRabs_AbsSmall. split; [| assumption].
change (-2 y). transitivity (0 : CR); [| easy]. rewrite <- negate_0.
apply flip_le_negate; solve_propholds.

Instance : IsUniformlyContinuous v mu_v.
× now intros.
× unfold mu_v. intros e z1 z2 e_pos H. now destruct H.

Instance v_lip (x : sx) : IsLipschitz (λ y : sy, v (x, y)) L.
× unfold L. solve_propholds.
× intros y1 y2 e H. unfold L; rewrite mult_1_l. apply H.

Lemma L_rx : L × rx < 1.
unfold L, rx; simpl. rewrite mult_1_l. change (1 # 2 < 1)%Q. auto with qarith.

Instance rx_M : PropHolds (`rx × M ry).
unfold rx, ry, M; simpl. rewrite Qmake_Qdiv. change (1 × / 2 × 2 1)%Q.
rewrite <- Qmult_assoc, Qmult_inv_l; [auto with qarith | discriminate].

Let f := @fp _ _ _ _ _ _ (picard x0 y0 rx ry v) _ (picard_contraction x0 y0 rx ry v L v_lip L_rx) (f0 x0 y0 rx ry).

Theorem f_fixpoint : picard x0 y0 rx ry v f = f.
Proof. apply ode_solution. Qed.

Definition picard_iter (n : nat) := nat_iter n (picard x0 y0 rx ry v) (f0 x0 y0 rx ry).

Definition answer (n : positive) (r : CR) : Z :=
 let m := (iter_pos n _ (Pmult 10) 1%positive) in
 let (a,b) := (approximate r (1#m)%Qpos)*m in
 Zdiv a b.

Program Definition half : sx := 1 # 2.
Next Obligation.
apply mspc_ball_Qabs_flip. unfold x0. rewrite negate_0, plus_0_r.
rewrite abs.abs_nonneg; [reflexivity |].
change (0 1 # 2)%Q. auto with qarith.

End Computation.