
Require Import
  stdlib_rationals Qinf Qpossec QposInf QnonNeg abstract_algebra QType_rationals additional_operations.
Require Import Qauto QOrderedType.
Require Import theory.rings theory.dec_fields orders.rings orders.dec_fields nat_pow.
Require Import interfaces.naturals interfaces.orders.
Import peano_naturals.

Require Import CRGeometricSum.
Import Qround Qpower.
Require Import metric.

Local Notation ball := mspc_ball.
Local Notation "x ²" := (x × x) (at level 30) : mc_scope.

Section BanachFixpoint.

Add Field Q : (stdlib_field_theory Q).

Context `{MetricSpaceClass X} {Xlim : Limit X} {Xcms : CompleteMetricSpaceClass X}.

Context (f : XX) `{!IsContraction f q} (x0 : X).

Let x n := nat_iter n f x0.

Arguments x n%mc.

Lemma x_Sn : n, x (1 + n) = f (x n).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Let d := msd (x 0) (x 1).

Instance : PropHolds (0 d).
Proof. apply msd_nonneg. Qed.

Instance : PropHolds (0 q).
Proof. apply (lip_nonneg f q).

Instance : PropHolds (q < 1).
Proof. apply (contr_lt_1 f q). Qed.

Instance : PropHolds (0 < 1 - q).
assert (A := contr_lt_1 f q).
rewrite <- flip_lt_negate in A. apply (strictly_order_preserving (1 +)) in A.
now rewrite plus_negate_r in A.

Global Instance : q : Q, PropHolds (0 < q) → PropHolds (q 0).
Proof. apply lt_ne_flip. Qed.

Lemma dist_xn_xSn : n : nat, ball (d × q^n) (x n) (x (1 + n)).
induction n using nat_induction.
+ rewrite nat_pow_0, right_identity; subst d; apply mspc_distance.
+ rewrite nat_pow_S. mc_setoid_replace (d × (q × q ^ n)) with (q × (d × q^n)) by ring.
  change (x (1 + n)) with (f (x n)); change (x (1 + (1 + n))) with (f (x (1 + n))).
  now apply contr_prf.

Lemma dist_xm_xn : m n : nat, ball (d × q^m × (1 - q^n) / (1 - q)) (x m) (x (m + n)).
intro m; induction n as [| n IH] using nat_induction.
+ rewrite right_identity; apply mspc_refl.
  now rewrite nat_pow_0, plus_negate_r, right_absorb, left_absorb.
+ apply (mspc_triangle' (d × q^m × (1 - q^n) / (1 - q))%mc (d × q^(m + n))%mc (x (m + n))); trivial.
  - rewrite nat_pow_S, nat_pow_exp_plus. field; solve_propholds.
  - mc_setoid_replace (m + (1 + n)) with (1 + (m + n)) by ring. apply dist_xn_xSn.

Lemma dist_xm_xn' : m n : nat, ball (d × q^m / (1 - q)) (x m) (x (m + n)).
intros m n. apply (mspc_monotone (d × q^m × (1 - q^n) / (1 - q))%mc); [| apply dist_xm_xn].
apply (order_preserving (.* /(1 - q))). rewrite <- associativity.
apply (order_preserving (d *.)). rewrite <- (mult_1_r (q^m)) at 2.
apply (order_preserving (q^m *.)). rewrite <- (plus_0_r 1) at 2.
apply (order_preserving (1 +)). rewrite <- negate_0.
apply flip_le_negate. solve_propholds.

Lemma Qpower_mc_power (e : Q) (n : nat) : (e ^ n)%Q = (e ^ n)%mc.
induction n as [| n IH] using nat_induction.
+ now rewrite nat_pow_0.
+ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add, Qpower_plus'.
  - now rewrite nat_pow_S, IH.
  - rewrite <- Nat2Z.inj_add; change 0%Z with (Z.of_nat 0); rewrite Nat2Z.inj_iff;
    apply not_eq_sym, O_S.

Lemma Qstepl : (x y z : Q), x yx = zz y.
Proof. intros ? ? ? ? A2; now rewrite <- A2. Qed.

Lemma Qstepr : (x y z : Q), x yy = zx z.
Proof. intros ? ? ? ? A2; now rewrite <- A2. Qed.

Declare Left Step Qstepl.
Declare Right Step Qstepr.

Lemma binom_ineq (a : Q) (n : nat) : -1 a → 1 + (n : Q) × a (1 + a)^n.
intro A.
assert (A1 : 0 1 + a) by (now apply (order_preserving (1 +)) in A; rewrite plus_negate_r in A).
induction n as [| n IH] using nat_induction.
+ rewrite nat_pow_0; change (1 + 0 × a 1); now rewrite mult_0_l, plus_0_r.
+ rewrite nat_pow_S. transitivity ((1 + a) × (1 + (n : Q) × a)).
  - rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add, inject_Z_plus.
    stepr (1 + (1 + (n : Q)) × a + (n : Q) × a²) by ring.
    apply nonneg_plus_le_compat_r. apply nonneg_mult_compat; [solve_propholds | apply square_nonneg].
  - now apply (order_preserving ((1 + a) *.)) in IH.

Lemma nat_pow_recip `{DecField A} `{Naturals B} `{!NatPowSpec A B pw} :
  ( x y : A, Decision (x = y)) →
     (a : A) (n : B), (/a) ^ n = /(a ^ n).
intros D a. apply naturals.induction.
+ intros n1 n2 E; now rewrite E.
+ rewrite !nat_pow_0; symmetry; apply dec_recip_1.
+ intros n IH. now rewrite !nat_pow_S, dec_recip_distr, IH.

Lemma power_tends_to_zero (e : Q) (n : nat) :
  0 < eZ.to_nat (Qceiling (/(e × (1 - q)))%mc) nq ^ n e.
intros A1 A2.
assert (A3 : 0 < n).
+ let T := type of A2 in match T with (?lhs _) ⇒ apply lt_le_trans with (y := lhs) end; [| trivial].
  apply Q.Qlt_lt_of_nat_inject_Z; change (0 < / (e × (1 - q))); solve_propholds.
+ destruct n as [| n]; [elim (lt_irrefl _ A3) |].
  rewrite <- Qpower_mc_power.
  apply GeometricCovergenceLemma with (e := e A1); [solve_propholds .. |].
  apply (Q.le_Qle_Qceiling_to_nat _ (S n)), A2.

Lemma const_x (N : Qnat) : d = 0 → cauchy x N.
intro eq_d_0.
assert (A := mspc_distance (x 0) (x 1)).
subst d; rewrite eq_d_0 in A.
assert (C : n, x n = x 0).
+ induction n as [| n IH] using nat_induction; [easy |].
  change (x (1 + n)) with (f (x n)). rewrite IH. symmetry; apply A.
+ intros e e_pos m n _ _. rewrite (C m), (C n).   apply mspc_refl. solve_propholds.

Lemma cauchy_x : cauchy x (λ e, Z.to_nat (Qceiling (d / (e × (1 - q))%mc)).
assert (d_nonneg : 0 d) by solve_propholds.
assert (d_pos_0 : 0 = d 0 < d) by now apply le_equiv_lt.
destruct d_pos_0 as [d_0 | d_pos]; [now apply const_x |].
intros e e_pos.
match goal with
|- m n, @?G m nintros m n; assert (A : m n, m nG m n)
+ clear m n; intros m n le_m_n A _.
  rewrite <- (cut_minus_le n m); trivial. rewrite plus_comm.
  apply (mspc_monotone (d × q^m / (1 - q))%mc); [| apply dist_xm_xn'].
  cut (q ^ m e × (1 - q) / d).
  - intro A1. apply (order_preserving (d *.)), (order_preserving (.* /(1 - q))) in A1.
    apply (po_proper' A1); [easy | field; split; solve_propholds].
  - apply power_tends_to_zero; [solve_propholds |].
    apply (po_proper' A); [| easy]. apply f_equal, Qceiling_comp.
    match goal with |- (Qeq ?l ?r) ⇒ change (l = r) end.
    field; repeat split; solve_propholds.
+ assert (A1 : TotalRelation (A := nat) (≤)) by apply _; destruct (A1 m n).
  - now apply A.
  - intros; apply mspc_symm; now apply A.

Definition fp := lim (reg_fun x _ cauchy_x).

Lemma banach_fixpoint : f fp = fp.
assert (C := cauchy_x).
eapply (iter_fixpoint f x); [easy | apply seq_lim_lim].

End BanachFixpoint.