
Require Import
  Program Morphisms Setoid canonical_names.

Section pointwise_dependent_relation.
  Context A (B: A Type) (R: a, relation (B a)).

  Definition pointwise_dependent_relation: relation ( a, B a) :=
    λ f f', a, R _ (f a) (f' a).

  Global Instance pdr_equiv `{ a, Equivalence (R a)}: Equivalence pointwise_dependent_relation.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.
End pointwise_dependent_relation.

Definition iffT (A B: Type): Type := prod (A B) (B A).

Class NonEmpty (A : Type) : Prop := non_empty : inhabited A.
Class NonEmptyT (A : Type) : Type := non_emptyT : A.

Definition uncurry {A B C} (f: A B C) (p: A × B): C := f (fst p) (snd p).

Definition is_sole `{Equiv T} (P: T Prop) (x: T) : Prop := P x y, P y y = x.

Definition DN (T: Type): Prop := (T False) False.
Class Stable P := stable: DN P P.

Class Obvious (T : Type) := obvious: T.

Section obvious.
  Context (A B C: Type).

  Global Instance: Obvious (A A) := id.
  Global Instance: Obvious (False A) := False_rect _.
  Global Instance: Obvious (A A + B) := inl.
  Global Instance: Obvious (A B + A) := inr.
  Global Instance obvious_sum_src `{Obvious (A C)} `{Obvious (B C)}: Obvious (A+B C).
  Proof. repeat intro. intuition. Defined.
  Global Instance obvious_sum_dst_l `{Obvious (A B)}: Obvious (A B+C).
  Proof. repeat intro. intuition. Defined.
  Global Instance obvious_sum_dst_r `{Obvious (A B)}: Obvious (A C+B).
  Proof. repeat intro. intuition. Defined.
End obvious.

Lemma not_symmetry `{Symmetric A R} (x y: A): ¬R x y ¬R y x.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma biinduction_iff `{Biinduction R}
  (P1 : Prop) (P2 : R Prop) (P2_proper : Proper ((=) ==> iff) P2) :
  (P1 P2 0) ( n, P2 n P2 (1 + n)) n, P1 P2 n.
Proof. intros ? ?. apply biinduction; [solve_proper | easy | firstorder]. Qed.

Definition is_Some `(x : option A) :=
  match x with
  | NoneFalse
  | Some _True

Lemma is_Some_def `(x : option A) :
  is_Some x y, x Some y.
Proof. unfold is_Some. destruct x; firstorder (eauto; discriminate). Qed.

Definition is_None `(x : option A) :=
  match x with
  | NoneTrue
  | Some _False

Lemma is_None_def `(x : option A) :
  is_None x x None.
Proof. unfold is_None. destruct x; firstorder discriminate. Qed.

Lemma None_ne_Some `(x : option A) y :
  x None x Some y.
Proof. congruence. Qed.