
Require Import Program Qpossec QposInf QArith.Qminmax.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Definition T := sig (Qle 0).

Program Definition eq: TTProp := Qeq.
Program Definition zero: T := 0.
Program Definition one: T := 1.

Local Infix "==" := eq.
Local Notation "0" := zero.
Local Notation "1" := one.

Global Instance: Equivalence eq.
Proof. split; repeat intro; firstorder. unfold eq. etransitivity; eauto. Qed.

Section binop.

    (o: QQQ)
    (o_ok: x y, 0 x → 0 y → 0 o x y)
    (o_proper: Proper (Qeq ==> Qeq ==> Qeq) o)
    (o_comm: ( x y, o x y == o y x)%Q)
    (o_assoc: ( x y z, o x (o y z) == o (o x y) z)%Q).

  Program Definition binop: TTT := o.

  Lemma binop_comm (x y: T): binop x y == binop y x.
  Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply o_comm. Qed.

  Lemma binop_assoc (x y z: T): binop x (binop y z) == binop (binop x y) z.
  Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply o_assoc. Qed.

  Global Instance binop_proper: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) binop.
  Proof. unfold eq. intros ?? H ??. exact (o_proper _ _ H _ _). Qed.

End binop.

Lemma Qplus_nonneg (x y: Q): 0 x → 0 y → 0 x + y.
Proof. apply (Qplus_le_compat 0 x 0); assumption. Qed.

Lemma Qmin_nonneg (x y: Q): 0 x → 0 y → 0 Qmin x y.
Proof. apply Q.min_glb; assumption. Qed.

Lemma Qmax_nonneg (x y: Q): 0 x → 0 y → 0 Qmax x y.
Proof. intros. apply Qle_trans with x. assumption. apply Q.le_max_l. Qed.

Definition plus := binop Qplus Qplus_nonneg.
Definition mult := binop Qmult Qmult_le_0_compat.
Definition min := binop Qmin Qmin_nonneg.
Definition max := binop Qmax Qmax_nonneg.

Local Infix "+" := plus.
Local Infix "×" := mult.

Lemma plus_comm: x y, x + y == y + x. Proof binop_comm _ _ Qplus_comm.
Lemma mult_comm: x y, x × y == y × x. Proof binop_comm _ _ Qmult_comm.
Lemma min_comm: x y, min x y == min y x. Proof binop_comm _ _ Q.min_comm.
Lemma max_comm: x y, max x y == max y x. Proof binop_comm _ _ Q.max_comm.
Lemma plus_assoc: x y z, x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z. Proof binop_assoc _ _ Qplus_assoc.
Lemma mult_assoc: x y z, x × (y × z) == (x × y) × z. Proof binop_assoc _ _ Qmult_assoc.
Lemma max_assoc: x y z, max x (max y z) == max (max x y) z. Proof binop_assoc _ _ Q.max_assoc.
Lemma min_assoc: x y z, min x (min y z) == min (min x y) z. Proof binop_assoc _ _ Q.min_assoc.

Global Instance: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) plus. Proof. unfold plus. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) mult. Proof. unfold mult. apply _. Qed.

Lemma plus_0_l x: 0 + x == x. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qplus_0_l. Qed.
Lemma plus_0_r x: x + 0 == x. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qplus_0_r. Qed.
Lemma mult_1_l x: 1 × x == x. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qmult_1_l. Qed.
Lemma mult_1_r x: x × 1 == x. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qmult_1_r. Qed.
Lemma mult_0_l q: 0 × q == 0. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qmult_0_l. Qed.
Lemma mult_0_r q: q × 0 == 0. Proof. unfold eq. simpl. apply Qmult_0_r. Qed.

Program Definition inv: TT := Qinv.

Next Obligation. destruct x as [[[] ?] ?]; auto. Qed.

Global Instance: Proper (eq ==> eq) inv.
Proof. unfold eq. repeat intro. simpl. apply Qinv_comp. assumption. Qed.

Program Coercion from_Qpos (q: Qpos): T := q.

Lemma from_Qpos_plus_homo (x y: Qpos): (x + y)%Qpos == x + y.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Global Instance from_Qpos_Proper: Proper (QposEq ==> eq) from_Qpos.
Proof. repeat intro. assumption. Qed.

Global Program Coercion from_nat (n: nat): T := n#1.

Next Obligation. unfold Qle. simpl. auto with zarith. Qed.

Definition to_Q: TQ := @proj1_sig Q (Qle 0).

Global Coercion to_Q: T >-> Q.

Global Instance: Proper (eq ==> Qeq) to_Q.
Proof. repeat intro. assumption. Qed.

Program Definition hash (num: nat) (den: positive): T := Qmake (Z_of_nat num) den.

Next Obligation.
 unfold Qle.
 rewrite Zmult_1_r.
 apply Zle_0_nat.

Lemma min_case (P: TType):
  ( x y: T, x == yP xP y) → n m, P nP mP (min n m).
Proof with auto.
 intros. unfold min, binop.
 generalize (binop_obligation_1 Qmin Qmin_nonneg n m).
 apply Q.min_case; intros.
   pose proof q.
   rewrite <- H in H0.
   apply X with (exist (Qle 0) x H0)...
  apply X with n... reflexivity.
 apply X with m... reflexivity.

Lemma proj1_sig_nonNeg (q: T): 0 `q.
Proof. apply proj2_sig. Qed.

Hint Immediate proj1_sig_nonNeg.

Lemma rect (P: TType)
  (P0: (d: positive) H, P (exist (Qle 0) (0#d) H))
  (Pp: (n d: positive) H, P (exist (Qle 0) (n#d) H)): q, P q.
 intros [[qn qd] E].
 destruct qn.
   apply P0.
  apply Pp.
 apply E.

Lemma Qpos_ind (P: TProp) (Pwd: Proper (eq ==> iff) P) (P0: P 0) (Pp: q: Qpos, P q): q, P q.
Proof with auto.
 apply rect; intros.
  apply (Pwd 0)...
 apply (Pwd (QposMake n d))...

Module notations.

  Delimit Scope Qnn_scope with Qnn.

  Global Infix "==" := eq: Qnn_scope.
  Global Infix "≤" := le: Qnn_scope.
  Global Infix "<" := lt: Qnn_scope.
  Global Infix "+" := plus: Qnn_scope.
  Global Infix "×" := mult: Qnn_scope.
  Global Infix "#" := hash: Qnn_scope.
  Global Notation "0" := zero: Qnn_scope.
  Global Notation "1" := one: Qnn_scope.
  Global Notation QnonNeg := T.

End notations.