An abstract interface for integrable uniformly continuous functions from Q to CR,
with a proof that integrals satisfying this interface are unique.
Require Import
Unicode.Utf8 Program
CRArith CRabs
Qauto Qround Qmetric
Require Import metric FromMetric2 SimpleIntegration.
Require Qinf QnonNeg QnnInf CRball.
Import Qinf.notations QnonNeg.notations QnnInf.notations CRball.notations Qabs .
Require CRtrans ARtrans.
Ltac done :=
trivial; hnf; intros; solve
[ repeat (first [solve [trivial | apply: sym_equal; trivial]
| discriminate | contradiction | split])
| match goal with H : ¬ _ |- _ ⇒ solve [case H; trivial] end ].
Local Open Scope Q_scope.
Local Open Scope CR_scope.
Any nonnegative width can be split up into an integral number of
equal-sized pieces no bigger than a given bound:
Add Field Qfield : Qsft
(decidable Qeq_bool_eq,
completeness Qeq_eq_bool,
constants [Qcst],
power_tac Qpower_theory [Qpow_tac]).
Section QFacts.
Open Scope Q_scope.
Lemma Qmult_inv_l (x : Q) : ¬ x == 0 → / x × x == 1.
Proof. intros; rewrite Qmult_comm; apply Qmult_inv_r; trivial. Qed.
Lemma Qinv_0 (x : Q) : / x == 0 ↔ x == 0.
split; intro H; [| now rewrite H].
destruct x as [m n]; destruct m as [| p | p]; unfold Qinv in *; simpl in *; [reflexivity | |];
unfold Qeq in H; simpl in H; rewrite Pos.mul_1_r in H; discriminate H.
Lemma Qinv_not_0 (x : Q) : ¬ / x == 0 ↔ ¬ x == 0.
Proof. now rewrite Qinv_0. Qed.
Lemma Qdiv_l (x y z : Q) : ¬ x == 0 → (x × y == z ↔ y == z / x).
intro H1.
rewrite <- (Qmult_injective_l x H1 y (z / x)). unfold Qdiv.
now rewrite <- Qmult_assoc, (Qmult_inv_l x H1), Qmult_1_r, Qmult_comm.
Lemma Qdiv_r (x y z : Q) : ¬ y == 0 → (x × y == z ↔ x == z / y).
Proof. rewrite Qmult_comm; apply Qdiv_l. Qed.
Lemma Q_of_nat_inj (m n : nat) : m == n ↔ m = n.
split; intro H; [| now rewrite H].
rewrite QArith_base.inject_Z_injective in H. now apply Nat2Z.inj in H.
End QFacts.
Definition split (w: QnonNeg) (bound: QposInf):
{ x: nat × QnonNeg | (fst x × snd x == w)%Qnn ∧ (snd x ≤ bound)%QnnInf }.
Proof with simpl; auto with ×.
unfold QnonNeg.eq. simpl.
destruct bound; simpl.
Focus 2. ∃ (1%nat, w). simpl. split... ring.
induction w using QnonNeg.rect.
∃ (0%nat, 0%Qnn)...
set (p := Qpossec.QposCeiling (QposMake n d / q)%Qpos).
∃ (nat_of_P p, ((QposMake n d / p)%Qpos):QnonNeg)...
rewrite <- Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P.
change (p × ((n#d) × / p) == (n#d))%Q.
field. discriminate.
subst p.
apply Qle_shift_div_r...
rewrite Qpossec.QposCeiling_Qceiling. simpl.
setoid_replace (n#d:Q) with (q × ((n#d) × / q))%Q at 1 by (simpl; field)...
do 2 rewrite (Qmult_comm q).
apply Qmult_le_compat_r...
Riemann sums will play an important role in the theory about integrals, so let's
define very simple summation and a key property thereof:
If the elementwise distance between two summations over the same domain
is bounded, then so is the distance between the summations:
Lemma cmΣ_0 (f : nat → CR) (n : nat) :
(∀ m, (m < n)%nat → f m [=] 0) → cmΣ n f [=] 0.
induction n as [| n IH]; intro H; [reflexivity |].
unfold cmΣ. simpl @cm_Sum. rewrite H by apply lt_n_Sn.
rewrite IH; [apply CRplus_0_l |].
intros m H1; apply H. now apply lt_S.
Lemma CRΣ_gball (f g: nat → CR) (e : Q) (n : nat):
(∀ m, (m < n)%nat → gball e (f m) (g m)) →
(gball (n × e) (cmΣ n f) (cmΣ n g)).
induction n; [reflexivity |].
rewrite Q.S_Qplus.
setoid_replace ((n + 1) × e)%Q with (e + n × e)%Q by ring.
unfold cmΣ. simpl @cm_Sum.
apply CRgball_plus; auto.
Hint Immediate ball_refl Qle_refl.
Next up, the actual interface for integrable functions.
Bind Scope Q_scope with Q.
Section integral_approximation.
Context (f: Q → CR) `{Int: Integrable f}.
The additive property implies that zero width intervals have zero surface:
Lemma zero_width_integral q: ∫ f q 0%Qnn == 0.
Proof with auto.
apply CRplus_eq_l with (∫ f q 0%Qnn).
generalize (integral_additive q 0%Qnn 0%Qnn).
rewrite Qplus_0_r, QnonNeg.plus_0_l, CRplus_0_l...
Iterating the additive property yields:
Lemma integral_repeated_additive (a: Q) (b: QnonNeg) (n: nat):
cmΣ n (fun i: nat ⇒ ∫ f (a + i × ` b) b) == ∫ f a (n × b)%Qnn.
Proof with try ring.
unfold cmΣ.
induction n; simpl @cm_Sum.
setoid_replace (QnonNeg.from_nat 0) with 0%Qnn by reflexivity.
rewrite QnonNeg.mult_0_l, zero_width_integral...
rewrite IHn.
rewrite CRplus_comm.
setoid_replace (S n × b)%Qnn with (n × b + b)%Qnn.
rewrite integral_additive...
change (S n × b == n × b + b)%Q.
rewrite S_Qplus...
As promised, we now move toward the aforementioned generalizations of the
boundedness property. We start by generalizing mid to CR:
Lemma bounded_with_real_mid (from: Q) (width: Qpos) (mid: CR) (r: Qpos):
(∀ x, from ≤ x ≤ from+width → ball r (f x) mid) →
ball (width × r) (∫ f from width) (scale width mid).
Proof with auto.
intros H d1 d2.
simpl approximate.
destruct (Qscale_modulus_pos width d2) as [P E].
rewrite E. simpl.
set (v := (exist (Qlt 0) (/ width × d2)%Q P)).
setoid_replace (d1 + width × r + d2)%Qpos with (d1 + width × (r + v))%Qpos by
(unfold QposEq; simpl; field)...
apply regFunBall_Cunit.
apply integral_bounded_prim.
apply ball_triangle with mid...
apply ball_approx_r.
Next, we generalize r to QnonNeg:
Lemma bounded_with_nonneg_radius (from: Q) (width: Qpos) (mid: CR) (r: QnonNeg):
(∀ (x: Q), (from ≤ x ≤ from+width) → gball r (f x) mid) →
gball (width × r) (∫ f from width) (scale width mid).
Proof with auto.
pattern r.
apply QnonNeg.Qpos_ind.
intros ?? E.
split. intros H ?. rewrite <- E. apply H. intros. rewrite E...
intros H ?. rewrite E. apply H. intros. rewrite <- E...
rewrite Qmult_0_r, gball_0.
apply ball_eq. intro .
setoid_replace e with (width × (e × Qpos_inv width))%Qpos by (unfold QposEq; simpl; field)...
apply bounded_with_real_mid.
intros q ?.
setoid_replace (f q) with mid...
apply → (@gball_0 CR)...
apply (ball_gball (width × q)%Qpos), bounded_with_real_mid.
intros. apply ball_gball...
Next, we generalize r to a full CR:
Lemma bounded_with_real_radius (from: Q) (width: Qpos) (mid: CR) (r: CR) (rnn: CRnonNeg r):
(∀ (x: Q), from ≤ x ≤ from+` width → CRball r mid (f x)) →
CRball (scale width r) (∫ f from width) (scale width mid).
Proof with auto.
intro A.
unfold CRball.
unfold CRball in A.
setoid_replace q with (width × (q / width))%Q by (simpl; field; auto).
assert (r ≤ ' (q / width)).
apply (mult_cancel_leEq CRasCOrdField) with (' width).
simpl. apply CRlt_Qlt...
rewrite mult_commutes.
change (' width × r ≤ ' (q / width) × ' width).
rewrite CRmult_Qmult.
unfold Qdiv.
rewrite <- Qmult_assoc.
rewrite (Qmult_comm (/width)).
rewrite Qmult_inv_r...
rewrite Qmult_1_r.
rewrite CRmult_scale...
assert (0 ≤ (q / width))%Q as E.
apply CRle_Qle.
apply CRle_trans with r...
apply → CRnonNeg_le_0...
apply (bounded_with_nonneg_radius from width mid (exist _ _ E)).
intros. simpl. apply gball_sym...
Finally, we generalize to nonnegative width:
Lemma integral_bounded (from: Q) (width: QnonNeg) (mid: CR) (r: CR) (rnn: CRnonNeg r)
(A: ∀ (x: Q), (from ≤ x ≤ from+` width) → CRball r mid (f x)):
CRball (scale width r) (∫ f from width) (scale width mid).
Proof with auto.
revert A.
pattern width.
apply QnonNeg.Qpos_ind; intros.
intros ?? E.
split; intro; intros.
rewrite <- E. apply H. intros. apply A. rewrite <- E...
rewrite E. apply H. intros. apply A. rewrite E...
rewrite zero_width_integral, scale_0, scale_0.
apply CRball.reflexive, CRnonNeg_0.
apply (bounded_with_real_radius from q mid r rnn)...
In some context a lower-bound-upper-bound formulation is more convenient
than the the ball-based formulation:
Lemma integral_lower_upper_bounded (from: Q) (width: QnonNeg) (lo hi: CR):
(∀ (x: Q), (from ≤ x ≤ from+` width)%Q → lo ≤ f x ∧ f x ≤ hi) →
scale (` width) lo ≤ ∫ f from width ∧ ∫ f from width ≤ scale (` width) hi.
Proof with auto with ×.
intro A.
assert (from ≤ from ≤ from + `width) as B.
rewrite <- (Qplus_0_r from) at 1.
apply Qplus_le_compat...
assert (lo ≤ hi) as lohi by (destruct (A _ B); now apply CRle_trans with (f from)).
set (r := ' (1#2) × (hi - lo)).
set (mid := ' (1#2) × (lo + hi)).
assert (mid - r == lo) as loE by (subst mid r; ring).
assert (mid + r == hi) as hiE by (subst mid r; ring).
rewrite <- loE, <- hiE.
rewrite scale_CRplus, scale_CRplus, scale_CRopp, CRdistance_CRle, CRdistance_comm.
apply CRball.as_distance_bound.
apply integral_bounded.
subst r.
apply CRnonNeg_le_0.
apply mult_resp_nonneg.
simpl. apply CRle_Qle...
rewrite <- (CRplus_opp lo).
apply (CRplus_le_r lo hi (-lo))...
apply CRball.as_distance_bound. apply → CRdistance_CRle.
rewrite loE, hiE...
We now work towards unicity, for which we use that implementations must agree with Riemann
approximations. But since those are only valid for locally uniformly continuous functions, our proof
of unicity only works for such functions. Todo: There should really be a proof that does not depend
on continuity.
Iterating this result shows that Riemann sums are arbitrarily good approximations:
Open Scope Q_scope.
Lemma luc_gball (a w delta eps x y : Q) :
0 < eps →
(delta ≤ lmu a w eps)%Qinf →
gball w a x → gball w a y → gball delta x y → gball eps (f x) (f y).
intros A A1 A2 A3 A4.
destruct (luc_prf f lmu a w) as [_ H].
change (f x) with (restrict f a w (exist _ _ A2)).
change (f y) with (restrict f a w (exist _ _ A3)).
apply H; [apply A |].
destruct (lmu a w eps) as [q |] eqn:A5; [| easy].
apply (mspc_monotone delta); [apply A1 | apply A4].
Lemma Riemann_sums_approximate_integral (a: Q) (w: QnonNeg) (e: Qpos) (iw: Q) (n: nat):
(S n × iw == w)%Q →
(iw ≤ lmu a w e)%Qinf →
gball (e × w) (cmΣ (S n) (fun i ⇒ 'iw × f (a + i × iw))%CR) (∫ f a w).
intros A B.
assert (ne_sn_0 : ¬ S n == 0) by
(change 0 with (inject_Z (Z.of_nat 0)); rewrite Q_of_nat_inj; apply S_O).
assert (iw_nn : 0 ≤ iw) by
(apply Qdiv_l in A; [| assumption]; rewrite A; apply Qmult_le_0_compat; [now auto|];
apply Qinv_le_0_compat, Qle_nat). set (iw' := exist _ iw iw_nn : QnonNeg ).
change iw with (QnonNeg.to_Q iw').
change (S n × iw' == w)%Qnn in A.
rewrite <- A at 2.
rewrite <- integral_repeated_additive.
setoid_replace (e × w)%Q with (S n × (iw × e))%Q by
(unfold QnonNeg.eq in A; simpl in A;
rewrite Qmult_assoc; rewrite A; apply Qmult_comm).
apply CRΣ_gball.
intros m H.
rewrite CRmult_scale.
apply gball_sym. apply CRball.rational.
setoid_replace (' (iw × e)) with (scale iw' (' ` e)) by now rewrite <- scale_Qmult.
apply integral_bounded; [apply CRnonNegQpos |].
intros x [A1 A2]. apply CRball.rational. apply (luc_gball a w (`iw')); trivial.
+ apply gball_Qabs.
setoid_replace (a - (a + m × iw')) with (- (m × iw')) by ring.
rewrite Qabs_opp. apply Qabs_le_nonneg; [Qauto_nonneg |].
apply Qle_trans with (y := (S n × iw')).
apply Qmult_le_compat_r. apply Qlt_le_weak. rewrite <- Zlt_Qlt. now apply inj_lt.
apply (proj2_sig iw').
change (S n × iw' == w) in A. rewrite <- A; reflexivity.
+ apply gball_Qabs, Qabs_Qle_condition.
apply Qplus_le_l with (z := x), Qplus_le_l with (z := w).
setoid_replace (- w + x + w) with x by ring. setoid_replace (a - x + x + w) with (a + w) by ring.
apply Qle_trans with (y := (a + m × ` iw' + ` iw')); [easy |].
setoid_rewrite <- (Qmult_1_l (` iw')) at 2. change 1%Q with (inject_Z (Z.of_nat 1)).
rewrite <- Qplus_assoc, <- Qmult_plus_distr_l, <- Zplus_Qplus, <- Nat2Z.inj_add.
apply Qplus_le_r. change (S n × iw' == w) in A. rewrite <- A.
apply Qmult_le_compat_r. rewrite <- Zle_Qle. apply inj_le. rewrite Plus.plus_comm.
now apply lt_le_S.
apply (proj2_sig iw').
apply Qplus_le_l with (z := x), Qplus_le_l with (z := -w).
setoid_replace (a - x + x + - w) with (a - w) by ring.
setoid_replace (w + x + - w) with x by ring.
apply Qle_trans with (y := a). rewrite <- (Qplus_0_r a) at 2.
apply Qplus_le_r. change 0 with (-0). apply Qopp_le_compat, (proj2_sig w).
apply Qle_trans with (y := a + m × ` iw'); [| easy].
rewrite <- (Qplus_0_r a) at 1. apply Qplus_le_r, Qmult_le_0_compat; [apply Qle_nat | apply (proj2_sig iw')].
+ apply gball_Qabs, Qabs_Qle_condition; split.
apply (Qplus_le_r (x + `iw')).
setoid_replace (x + `iw' + - `iw') with x by ring.
setoid_replace (x + `iw' + (a + m × iw' - x)) with (a + m × iw' + `iw') by ring. apply A2.
apply (Qplus_le_r (x - `iw')).
setoid_replace (x - `iw' + (a + m × iw' - x)) with (a + m × iw' - `iw') by ring.
setoid_replace (x - `iw' + `iw') with x by ring.
apply Qle_trans with (y := a + m × iw'); [| easy].
apply Qminus_less. apply (proj2_sig iw').
Definition step (w : Q) (n : positive) : Q := w × (1 # n).
Lemma step_nonneg (w : Q) (n : positive) : 0 ≤ w → 0 ≤ step w n.
Proof. intros w_nn; unfold step; Qauto_nonneg. Qed.
Lemma step_0 (n : positive) : step 0 n == 0.
Proof. unfold step; now rewrite Qmult_0_l. Qed.
Lemma step_mult (w : Q) (n : positive) : (n : Q) × step w n == w.
unfold step.
rewrite Qmake_Qdiv. unfold Qdiv. rewrite Qmult_1_l, (Qmult_comm w), Qmult_assoc.
rewrite Qmult_inv_r, Qmult_1_l; [reflexivity | auto with qarith].
Definition riemann_sum (a w : Q) (n : positive) :=
let iw := step w n in
cmΣ (Pos.to_nat n) (fun i ⇒ 'iw × f (a + i × iw))%CR.
Lemma riemann_sum_0 (a : Q) (n : positive) : riemann_sum a 0 n [=] 0%CR.
unfold riemann_sum. apply cmΣ_0.
intros m _. rewrite step_0.
now setoid_replace (0 × f (a + m × 0))%CR with 0%CR by ring.
Lemma Riemann_sums_approximate_integral' (a : Q) (w : QnonNeg) (e : Qpos) (n : positive) :
(step w n ≤ lmu a w e)%Qinf →
gball (e × w) (riemann_sum a w n) (∫ f a w).
intro A; unfold riemann_sum.
destruct (Pos2Nat.is_succ n) as [m M]. rewrite M.
apply Riemann_sums_approximate_integral; [rewrite <- M | easy].
unfold step. change (Pos.to_nat n × (w × (1 # n)) == w).
rewrite positive_nat_Z. unfold inject_Z. rewrite !Qmake_Qdiv; field; auto.
Lemma integral_approximation (a : Q) (w : QnonNeg) (e : Qpos) :
∃ N : positive, ∀ n : positive, (N ≤ n)%positive →
mspc_ball e (riemann_sum a w n) (∫ f a w).
destruct (Qlt_le_dec 1 w) as [A1 | A1].
× assert (0 < w) by (apply (Qlt_trans _ 1); auto with qarith).
set (N := Z.to_pos (Qceiling (comp_inf (λ x, w / x) (lmu a w) 0 (e / w)))).
∃ N; intros n A2.
setoid_replace (QposAsQ e) with (e / w × w) by (field; auto with qarith).
assert (P : 0 < e / w) by (apply Qmult_lt_0_compat; [| apply Qinv_lt_0_compat]; auto).
change (e / w) with (QposAsQ (mkQpos P)).
apply Riemann_sums_approximate_integral'.
change (QposAsQ (mkQpos P)) with (e / w).
destruct (lmu a w (e / w)) as [mu |] eqn:A3; [| easy].
subst N; unfold comp_inf in A2; rewrite A3 in A2.
change (step w n ≤ mu); unfold step.
rewrite Qmake_Qdiv, injZ_One; unfold Qdiv; rewrite Qmult_assoc, Qmult_1_r.
assert (A4 : 0 < mu) by (change ( 0 mu); rewrite <- A3;
apply (uc_pos (restrict f a w) (lmu a w)); trivial).
apply Qle_div_l; auto.
now apply Z.Ple_Zle_to_pos, Q.Zle_Qle_Qceiling in A2.
× set (N := Z.to_pos (Qceiling (comp_inf (λ x, 1 / x) (lmu a w) 0 e))).
∃ N; intros n A2.
apply (mspc_monotone (e × w)).
+ change (e × w ≤ e). rewrite <- (Qmult_1_r e) at 2. apply Qmult_le_compat_l; auto.
+ apply Riemann_sums_approximate_integral'.
destruct (lmu a w e) as [mu |] eqn:A3; [| easy].
subst N; unfold comp_inf in A2; rewrite A3 in A2.
change (step w n ≤ mu); unfold step.
rewrite Qmake_Qdiv, injZ_One; unfold Qdiv; rewrite Qmult_assoc, Qmult_1_r.
assert (A4 : 0 < mu) by (change ( 0 mu); rewrite <- A3;
apply (uc_pos (restrict f a w) (lmu a w)), (proj2_sig e)).
apply Qle_div_l; auto.
apply Z.Ple_Zle_to_pos, Q.Zle_Qle_Qceiling in A2.
apply (Qle_trans _ (1 / mu)); trivial. apply Qmult_le_compat_r; trivial.
now apply Qinv_le_0_compat, Qlt_le_weak.
Unicity itself will of course have to be stated w.r.t. *two* integrals:
If f==g, then an integral for f is an integral for g.
Lemma Integrable_proper_l (f g: Q → CR) {fint: Integral f}:
canonical_names.equiv f g → Integrable f → @Integrable g fint.
Proof with auto.
replace (@integrate g) with (@integrate f) by reflexivity.
apply integral_additive.
replace (@integrate g) with (@integrate f) by reflexivity.
apply integral_bounded_prim...
rewrite (H x x (refl_equal _))...
replace (@integrate g) with (@integrate f) by reflexivity.
apply integral_wd...
Import canonical_names abstract_algebra.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Add Ring CR : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory CR).
Lemma mult_comm `{SemiRing R} : Commutative (.*.).
Proof. apply commonoid_commutative with (Aunit := one), _. Qed.
Lemma mult_assoc `{SemiRing R} (x y z : R) : x × (y × z) = x × y × z.
Proof. apply sg_ass, _. Qed.
Lemma CRabs_nonneg (x : CR) : 0 ≤ abs x.
apply → CRabs_cases; [| apply _ | apply _].
split; [trivial | apply (proj1 (rings.flip_nonpos_negate x))].
Lemma cmΣ_empty {M : CMonoid} (f : nat → M) : cmΣ 0 f = [0].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma cmΣ_succ {M : CMonoid} (n : nat) (f : nat → M) : cmΣ (S n) f = f n [+] cmΣ n f.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma cmΣ_plus (n : nat) (f g : nat → CR) : cmΣ n (f + g) = cmΣ n f + cmΣ n g.
induction n as [| n IH].
+ symmetry; apply cm_rht_unit.
+ rewrite !cmΣ_succ. rewrite IH.
change (f n + g n + (cmΣ n f + cmΣ n g) = f n + cmΣ n f + (g n + cmΣ n g)).
change (CRasCMonoid : Type) with (CR : Type). ring.
Lemma cmΣ_negate (n : nat) (f : nat → CR) : cmΣ n (- f) = - cmΣ n f.
induction n as [| n IH].
+ change ((0 : CR) = - 0). ring.
+ rewrite !cmΣ_succ. rewrite IH.
change (- f n - cmΣ n f = - (f n + cmΣ n f)).
change (CRasCMonoid : Type) with (CR : Type). ring.
Lemma cmΣ_const (n : nat) (m : CR) : cmΣ n (λ _, m) = m × '(n : Q).
induction n as [| n IH].
+ rewrite cmΣ_empty. change (0 = m × 0). symmetry; apply rings.mult_0_r.
+ rewrite cmΣ_succ, IH, S_Qplus, <- CRplus_Qplus.
change (m + m × '(n : Q) = m × ('(n : Q) + 1)). ring.
Lemma riemann_sum_const (a : Q) (w : Q) (m : CR) (n : positive) :
riemann_sum (λ _, m) a w n = 'w × m.
unfold riemann_sum. rewrite cmΣ_const, positive_nat_Z.
change ('step w n × m × '(n : Q) = 'w × m).
rewrite (mult_comm _ ('(n : Q))), mult_assoc, CRmult_Qmult, step_mult; reflexivity.
Lemma riemann_sum_plus (f g : Q → CR) (a w : Q) (n : positive) :
riemann_sum (f + g) a w n = riemann_sum f a w n + riemann_sum g a w n.
unfold riemann_sum. rewrite <- cmΣ_plus. apply cm_Sum_eq. intro k.
change (
cast Q CR (step w n) × (f (a + (k : Q) × step w n) + g (a + (k : Q) × step w n)) =
cast Q CR (step w n) × f (a + (k : Q) × step w n) + cast Q CR (step w n) × g (a + (k : Q) × step w n)).
apply rings.plus_mult_distr_l. Qed.
Lemma riemann_sum_negate (f : Q → CR) (a w : Q) (n : positive) :
riemann_sum (- f) a w n = - riemann_sum f a w n.
unfold riemann_sum. rewrite <- cmΣ_negate. apply cm_Sum_eq. intro k.
change ('step w n × (- f (a + (k : Q) × step w n)) = -('step w n × f (a + (k : Q) × step w n))).
Section RiemannSumBounds.
Context (f : Q → CR).
Global Instance Qle_nat (n : nat) : PropHolds (0 ≤ (n : Q)).
Proof. apply Qle_nat. Qed.
Instance step_nonneg' (w : Q) (n : positive) : PropHolds (0 ≤ w) → PropHolds (0 ≤ step w n).
Proof. apply step_nonneg. Qed.
Lemma index_inside_l (a w : Q) (k : nat) (n : positive) :
0 ≤ w → k < Pos.to_nat n → a ≤ a + (k : Q) × step w n.
Proof. intros; apply semirings.nonneg_plus_le_compat_r; solve_propholds. Qed.
Lemma index_inside_r (a w : Q) (k : nat) (n : positive) :
0 ≤ w → k < Pos.to_nat n → a + (k : Q) × step w n ≤ a + w.
intros A1 A2. apply (orders.order_preserving (a +)).
mc_setoid_replace w with ((n : Q) × (step w n)) at 2 by (symmetry; apply step_mult).
apply (orders.order_preserving (.* step w n)).
rewrite <- Zle_Qle, <- positive_nat_Z. apply inj_le. change (k ≤ Pos.to_nat n). solve_propholds.
Lemma riemann_sum_bounds (a w : Q) (m : CR) (e : Q) (n : positive) :
0 ≤ w → (∀ (x : Q), (a ≤ x ≤ a + w) → gball e (f x) m) →
gball (w × e) (riemann_sum f a w n) ('w × m).
intros w_nn A. rewrite <- (riemann_sum_const a w m n). unfold riemann_sum.
rewrite <- (step_mult w n), <- (Qmult_assoc n _ e), <- (positive_nat_Z n).
apply CRΣ_gball. intros k A1. apply CRball.gball_CRmult_Q_nonneg; [now apply step_nonneg |].
apply A. split; [apply index_inside_l | apply index_inside_r]; trivial.
End RiemannSumBounds.
Section IntegralBound.
Context (f : Q → CR) `{Integrable f}.
Lemma scale_0_r (x : Q) : scale x 0 = 0.
Proof. rewrite <- CRmult_scale; change (cast Q CR x × 0 = 0); ring. Qed.
Require Import propholds.
Lemma integral_abs_bound (from : Q) (width : QnonNeg) (M : Q) :
(∀ (x : Q), (from ≤ x ≤ from + width) → CRabs (f x) ≤ 'M) →
CRabs (∫ f from width) ≤ '(`width × M).
intro A. rewrite <- (CRplus_0_r (∫ f from width)), <- CRopp_0.
apply CRball.as_distance_bound. rewrite <- (scale_0_r width).
rewrite <- CRmult_Qmult, CRmult_scale.
apply integral_bounded; trivial.
+ apply CRnonNeg_le_0.
apply CRle_trans with (y := CRabs (f from)); [apply CRabs_nonneg |].
apply A. split; [reflexivity |].
apply semirings.nonneg_plus_le_compat_r; change (0 ≤ width)%Q; Qauto_nonneg.
+ intros x A2. apply CRball.as_distance_bound. rewrite CRdistance_comm.
change (CRabs (f x - 0) ≤ 'M).
rewrite rings.minus_0_r; now apply A.
End IntegralBound.
Add Field Q : (dec_fields.stdlib_field_theory Q).
Lemma plus_assoc `{SemiRing R} : ∀ (x y z : R), x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z.
Proof. exact simple_associativity. Qed.
Section RingFacts.
Context `{Ring R}.
Lemma plus_left_cancel (z x y : R) : z + x = z + y ↔ x = y.
+ apply (left_cancellation (+) z).
+ intro A; now rewrite A.
Lemma plus_right_cancel (z x y : R) : x + z = y + z ↔ x = y.
Proof. rewrite (rings.plus_comm x z), (rings.plus_comm y z); apply plus_left_cancel. Qed.
Lemma plus_eq_minus (x y z : R) : x + y = z ↔ x = z - y.
split; intro A.
+ apply (right_cancellation (+) y).
now rewrite <- plus_assoc, rings.plus_negate_l, rings.plus_0_r.
+ apply (right_cancellation (+) (-y)).
now rewrite <- plus_assoc, rings.plus_negate_r, rings.plus_0_r.
Lemma minus_eq_plus (x y z : R) : x - y = z ↔ x = z + y.
Proof. now rewrite plus_eq_minus, rings.negate_involutive. Qed.
Lemma negate_inj (x y : R) : -x = -y ↔ x = y.
Proof. now rewrite rings.flip_negate, rings.negate_involutive. Qed.
End RingFacts.
Import interfaces.orders orders.minmax theory.rings.
Lemma join_comm `{JoinSemiLatticeOrder L} : Commutative join.
intros x y. apply antisymmetry with (R := (≤)); [apply _ | |];
(apply join_lub; [apply join_ub_r | apply join_ub_l]).
Lemma meet_comm `{MeetSemiLatticeOrder L} : Commutative meet.
intros x y. apply antisymmetry with (R := (≤)); [apply _ | |];
(apply meet_glb; [apply meet_lb_r | apply meet_lb_l]).
Definition Range (T : Type) := prod T T.
Instance contains_Q : Contains Q (Range Q) := λ x s, (fst s ⊓ snd s ≤ x ≤ fst s ⊔ snd s).
Lemma Qrange_comm (a b x : Q) : x ∈ (a, b) ↔ x ∈ (b, a).
unfold contains, contains_Q; simpl.
rewrite join_comm, meet_comm; reflexivity.
Lemma range_le (a b : Q) : a ≤ b → ∀ x, a ≤ x ≤ b ↔ x ∈ (a, b).
intros A x; unfold contains, contains_Q; simpl.
mc_setoid_replace (meet a b) with a by now apply lattices.meet_l.
mc_setoid_replace (join a b) with b by now apply lattices.join_r. reflexivity.
Lemma CRabs_negate (x : CR) : abs (-x) = abs x.
change (abs (-x)) with (CRabs (-x)).
rewrite CRabs_opp; reflexivity.
Lemma mspc_ball_Qle (r a x : Q) : mspc_ball r a x ↔ a - r ≤ x ≤ a + r.
Proof. rewrite mspc_ball_Qabs; apply Qabs_diff_Qle. Qed.
Lemma mspc_ball_convex (x1 x2 r a x : Q) :
mspc_ball r a x1 → mspc_ball r a x2 → x ∈ (x1, x2) → mspc_ball r a x.
intros A1 A2 A3.
rewrite mspc_ball_Qle in A1, A2. apply mspc_ball_Qle.
destruct A1 as [A1' A1'']; destruct A2 as [A2' A2'']; destruct A3 as [A3' A3'']. split.
+ now transitivity (meet x1 x2); [apply meet_glb |].
+ now transitivity (join x1 x2); [| apply join_lub].
Section IntegralTotal.
Context (f : Q → CR) `{Integrable f}.
Program Definition int (from to : Q) :=
if (decide (from ≤ to))
then integrate f from (to - from)
else -integrate f to (from - to).
Next Obligation.
change (0 ≤ to - from). now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus.
Next Obligation.
change (0 ≤ from - to).
apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus; now apply orders.le_flip.
Lemma integral_additive' (a b : Q) (u v w : QnonNeg) :
a + `u = b → `u + `v = `w → ∫ f a u + ∫ f b v = ∫ f a w.
intros A1 A2. change (u + v = w)%Qnn in A2.
rewrite <- A1, <- A2. now apply integral_additive.
Lemma int_add (a b c : Q) : int a b + int b c = int a c.
Proof with apply integral_additive'; simpl; ring.
unfold int.
destruct (decide (a ≤ b)) as [AB | AB];
destruct (decide (b ≤ c)) as [BC | BC];
destruct (decide (a ≤ c)) as [AC | AC].
+ idtac...
+ assert (A : a ≤ c) by (now transitivity b); elim (AC A).
+ apply minus_eq_plus; symmetry...
+ rewrite minus_eq_plus, (rings.plus_comm (-integrate _ _ _)), <- plus_eq_minus, (rings.plus_comm (integrate _ _ _))...
+ rewrite (rings.plus_comm (-integrate _ _ _)), minus_eq_plus, (rings.plus_comm (integrate _ _ _)); symmetry...
+ rewrite (rings.plus_comm (-integrate _ _ _)), minus_eq_plus, (rings.plus_comm (-integrate _ _ _)), <- plus_eq_minus...
+ assert (b ≤ a) by (now apply orders.le_flip); assert (B : b ≤ c) by (now transitivity a); elim (BC B).
+ rewrite <- rings.negate_plus_distr, negate_inj, (rings.plus_comm (integrate _ _ _))...
Lemma int_diff (a b c : Q) : int a b - int a c = int c b.
Proof. apply minus_eq_plus. rewrite rings.plus_comm. symmetry; apply int_add. Qed.
Lemma int_zero_width (a : Q) : int a a = 0.
Proof. apply (plus_right_cancel (int a a)); rewrite rings.plus_0_l; apply int_add. Qed.
Lemma int_opposite (a b : Q) : int a b = - int b a.
apply rings.equal_by_zero_sum. rewrite rings.negate_involutive, int_add. apply int_zero_width.
Lemma int_abs_bound (a b M : Q) :
(∀ x : Q, x ∈ (a, b) → abs (f x) ≤ 'M) → abs (int a b) ≤ '(abs (b - a) × M).
intros A. unfold int. destruct (decide (a ≤ b)) as [AB | AB];
[| pose proof (orders.le_flip _ _ AB); mc_setoid_replace (b - a) with (-(a - b)) by ring;
rewrite CRabs_negate, abs.abs_negate];
rewrite abs.abs_nonneg by (now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus);
apply integral_abs_bound; trivial;
intros x A1; apply A.
+ apply → range_le; [| easy].
now mc_setoid_replace b with (a + (b - a)) by ring.
+ apply Qrange_comm. apply → range_le; [| easy].
now mc_setoid_replace a with (b + (a - b)) by ring.
End IntegralTotal.
Lemma integrate_plus (f g : Q → CR)
`{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu, !IsUniformlyContinuous g g_mu} (a : Q) (w : QnonNeg) :
∫ (f + g) a w = ∫ f a w + ∫ g a w.
apply mspc_closed. intros e e_pos. mc_setoid_replace (0 + e) with e by ring.
assert (he_pos : 0 < e / 2) by solve_propholds.
assert (qe_pos : 0 < e / 4) by solve_propholds.
destruct (integral_approximation f a w (mkQpos qe_pos)) as [Nf F].
destruct (integral_approximation g a w (mkQpos qe_pos)) as [Ng G].
destruct (integral_approximation (f + g) a w (mkQpos he_pos)) as [Ns S].
set (n := Pos.max (Pos.max Nf Ng) Ns).
assert (Nf ≤ n)%positive by (transitivity (Pos.max Nf Ng); apply Pos.le_max_l).
assert (Ng ≤ n)%positive by (transitivity (Pos.max Nf Ng); [apply Pos.le_max_r | apply Pos.le_max_l]).
assert (Ns ≤ n)%positive by apply Pos.le_max_r.
apply (mspc_triangle' (e / 2) (e / 2) (riemann_sum (f + g) a w n)); [field; discriminate | |].
× apply mspc_symm, S; assumption.
× rewrite riemann_sum_plus.
mc_setoid_replace (e / 2) with (e / 4 + e / 4) by (field; split; discriminate).
now apply mspc_ball_CRplus; [apply F | apply G].
Lemma integrate_negate (f : Q → CR)
`{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu} (a : Q) (w : QnonNeg) : ∫ (- f) a w = - ∫ f a w.
apply mspc_closed. intros e e_pos.
mc_setoid_replace (0 + e) with e by ring.
assert (he_pos : 0 < e / 2) by solve_propholds.
destruct (integral_approximation (- f) a w (mkQpos he_pos)) as [N1 F1].
destruct (integral_approximation f a w (mkQpos he_pos)) as [N2 F2].
set (n := Pos.max N1 N2).
assert (N1 ≤ n)%positive by apply Pos.le_max_l.
assert (N2 ≤ n)%positive by apply Pos.le_max_r.
apply (mspc_triangle' (e / 2) (e / 2) (riemann_sum (- f) a w n)); [field; discriminate | |].
× now apply mspc_symm, F1.
× rewrite riemann_sum_negate. now apply mspc_ball_CRnegate, F2.
Lemma int_plus (f g : Q → CR)
`{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu, !IsUniformlyContinuous g g_mu} (a b : Q) :
int (f + g) a b = int f a b + int g a b.
unfold int; destruct (decide (a ≤ b)); rewrite integrate_plus; ring.
Lemma int_negate (f : Q → CR) `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu} (a b : Q) :
int (- f) a b = - int f a b.
unfold int; destruct (decide (a ≤ b)); rewrite integrate_negate; reflexivity.
Lemma int_minus (f g : Q → CR)
`{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu, !IsUniformlyContinuous g g_mu} (a b : Q) :
int (f - g) a b = int f a b - int g a b.
Proof. rewrite int_plus, int_negate; reflexivity. Qed.
Import interfaces.orders orders.semirings.
Definition Qupper_bound (x : CR) := approximate x 1%Qpos + 1.
Section IntegralLipschitz.
Notation ball := mspc_ball.
Context (f : Q → CR) (x0 : Q) `{!IsLocallyLipschitz f L} `{Integral f, !Integrable f}.
Let F (x : Q) := int f x0 x.
Section IntegralLipschitzBall.
Variables (a r x1 x2 : Q).
Hypotheses (I1 : ball r a x1) (I2 : ball r a x2) (r_nonneg : 0 ≤ r).
Let La := L a r.
Lemma int_lip (e M : Q) :
(∀ x, ball r a x → abs (f x) ≤ 'M) → ball e x1 x2 → ball (M × e) (F x1) (F x2).
intros A1 A2. apply CRball.gball_CRabs. subst F; cbv beta.
change (int f x0 x1 - int f x0 x2)%CR with (int f x0 x1 - int f x0 x2).
rewrite int_diff; [| trivial]. change (abs (int f x2 x1) ≤ '(M × e)).
transitivity ('(M × abs (x1 - x2))).
+ rewrite mult_comm. apply int_abs_bound; trivial. intros x A3; apply A1, (mspc_ball_convex x2 x1); easy.
+ apply CRle_Qle. assert (0 ≤ M).
- apply CRle_Qle. transitivity (abs (f a)); [apply CRabs_nonneg | apply A1, mspc_refl]; easy.
- change (M × abs (x1 - x2) ≤ M × e). apply (orders.order_preserving (M *.)).
apply gball_Qabs, A2.
End IntegralLipschitzBall.
Lemma lipschitz_bounded (a r M x : Q) :
abs (f a) ≤ 'M → ball r a x → abs (f x) ≤ '(M + L a r × r).
intros A1 A2. mc_setoid_replace (f x) with (f x - 0) by ring.
apply mspc_ball_CRabs, mspc_symm.
apply (mspc_triangle _ _ _ (f a)).
+ apply mspc_ball_CRabs. mc_setoid_replace (0 - f a) with (- f a) by ring.
now rewrite CRabs_negate.
+ apply llip; trivial. now apply mspc_refl, (radius_nonneg a x).
Global Instance integral_lipschitz :
IsLocallyLipschitz F (λ a r, Qupper_bound (abs (f a)) + L a r × r).
intros a r r_nonneg. constructor.
+ apply nonneg_plus_compat.
- apply CRle_Qle. transitivity (abs (f a)); [apply CRabs_nonneg | apply upper_CRapproximation].
- apply nonneg_mult_compat; [apply (lip_nonneg (restrict f a r)) |]; auto.
+ intros x1 x2 d A.
destruct x1 as [x1 A1]; destruct x2 as [x2 A2].
change (ball ((Qupper_bound (abs (f a)) + L a r × r) × d) (F x1) (F x2)).
apply (int_lip a r); trivial.
intros x B. now apply lipschitz_bounded; [apply upper_CRapproximation |].
End IntegralLipschitz.
Import minmax Basics.
Section AbsFacts.
Context `{Ring R} `{!FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Rle Rlt} `{!Abs R}.
Definition abs_cases_statement (P : R → Prop) :=
Proper (equiv ==> iff) P → (∀ x, Stable (P x)) →
∀ x : R, (0 ≤ x → P x) ∧ (x ≤ 0 → P (- x)) → P (abs x).
Context `(abs_cases : ∀ P : R → Prop, abs_cases_statement P)
`{le_stable : ∀ x y : R, Stable (x ≤ y)}.
Lemma abs_nonneg' (x : R) : 0 ≤ abs x.
apply abs_cases.
+ intros y1 y2 E; now rewrite E.
+ apply _.
+ split; [trivial |]. intros ?; now apply rings.flip_nonpos_negate.
End AbsFacts.
Lemma Qabs_cases : ∀ P : Q → Prop, abs_cases_statement P.
intros P Pp Ps x [? ?].
destruct (decide (0 ≤ x)) as [A | A];
[rewrite abs.abs_nonneg | apply le_flip in A; rewrite abs.abs_nonpos]; auto.
Lemma Qabs_nonneg (x : Q) : 0 ≤ abs x.
Proof. apply abs_nonneg'; [apply Qabs_cases | apply _]. Qed.