
Require Import
 Setoid Arith
 Qring QposInf

Inductive T: Set := finite (q: Q) | infinite.

Coercion finite: Q >-> T.

Instance eq: Equiv T := λ x y,
  match x, y with
  | infinite, infiniteTrue
  | finite a, finite ba = b
  | _, _False

Instance finite_Proper: Proper (=) finite.
Proof. repeat intro. assumption. Qed.

Instance setoid: Setoid T.
Proof with intuition.
   intros []...
  intros [] [] ?...
 intros [x|] [y|] [z|] ??...
 change (x = z).
 transitivity y...

Definition le (x y: T): Prop :=
  match x, y with
  | _, infiniteTrue
  | infinite, finite _False
  | finite a, finite bQle a b

Instance: Proper (=) le.
 intros [|] [|] E [|] [|] F; intuition; simpl; try reflexivity.
 unfold equiv in × |-. simpl in ×.
 now rewrite E, F.

Definition lt (x y : T) : Prop :=
match x, y with
| finite a, finite bQlt a b
| finite _, infiniteTrue
| infinite, _False

Instance: Proper (=) lt.
intros [x1 |] [x2 |] A1 [y1 |] [y2 |] A2; revert A1 A2;
unfold eq, Q_eq, equiv; simpl; intros A1 A2;
try contradiction; try reflexivity.
rewrite A1, A2; reflexivity.

Instance: Zero T := finite 0%Q.

Instance plus: Plus T := λ x y,
  match x, y with
  | finite a, finite b ⇒ (a + b)%Q
  | _, _infinite

Coercion from_QposInf (q: QposInf): T :=
  match q with
  | QposInfinityinfinite
  | Qpos2QposInf uu

Lemma QposInf_le_QinfLe (x y: QposInf): QposInf_le x y le x y.
Proof. destruct x, y; auto. Qed.

Lemma le_0_plus_compat (x y: T): le 0 x le 0 y le 0 (x + y).
Proof with auto.
 destruct x, y...
 simpl. intros. apply Qplus_nonneg...

Hint Resolve le_0_plus_compat.

Lemma le_0_Qpos (x: Qpos): le 0 x.
Proof. simpl. auto. Qed.

Hint Immediate le_0_Qpos.

Module notations.

  Delimit Scope Qinf_scope with Qinf.

  Global Infix "==" := eq: Qinf_scope.
  Global Infix "≤" := le: Qinf_scope.
  Global Infix "+" := plus: Qinf_scope.
  Global Notation Qinf := T.

End notations.