CUGL 3.0
Cornell University Game Library
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cugl::Display Class Reference

#include <CUDisplay.h>

Public Types

enum class  Orientation : unsigned int {
typedef std::function< void(Orientation previous, Orientation current, bool display)> Listener

Public Member Functions

std::string getTitle () const
void setTitle (const std::string title)
void show ()
void hide ()
const std::string getGraphicsDescription () const
Rect getBounds () const
Rect getSafeBounds () const
float getPixelDensity () const
bool isLandscape () const
bool isPortrait () const
bool hasNotch () const
Orientation getInitialOrientation () const
Orientation getDisplayOrientation () const
Orientation getDeviceOrientation () const
Orientation getDefaultOrientation () const
bool hasOrientationListener () const
const Listener getOrientationListener () const
void setOrientationListener (Listener listener)
bool removeOrientationListener ()
void clear (Color4f color)
void refresh ()
void restoreRenderTarget ()
void queryRenderTarget ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool start (std::string title, Rect bounds, Uint32 flags)
static void stop ()
static Displayget ()

Static Public Attributes

static Uint32 INIT_HIGH_DPI
static Uint32 INIT_CENTERED
static Uint32 INIT_VSYNC

Protected Member Functions

 Display ()
bool init (std::string title, Rect bounds, Uint32 flags)
void dispose ()
 ~Display ()

Protected Attributes

std::string _title
SDL_Window * _window
SDL_GLContext _glContext
int _display
int _framebuffer
int _rendbuffer
bool _fullscreen
Rect _bounds
Rect _usable
float _scale
bool _notched
Listener _orientationListener
Orientation _initialOrientation
Orientation _displayOrientation
Orientation _deviceOrientation
Orientation _defaultOrientation

Static Protected Attributes

static Display_thedisplay


class Application

Detailed Description

This class is a singleton representing the native display.

The static methods of this class start() and stop() the SDL video system. Without it, you cannot draw anything. This should be the first and last methods called in any application. The Application class does this for you automatically.

The primary purpose of the display object is to initialize (and dispose) the OpenGL context. Any start-up features for OpenGL should go in this class. That are set via static attributes (like Application#setFullscreen(bool) that are read by the method start(). Setting these attributes after the display has started will have no effect (though this may be a feature for later releases).

The singleton display object also has several methods to get the (current) screen resolution and aspect ratio. The most important of these two is the the aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is one of the most unportable parts of cross-platform development. Everything else can be scaled to the screen, but the aspect ratio is fixed from the very beginning.

The singleton display also has information about the display and device orientation for mobile devices. In fact, is is possible to assign a listener to the object to respond to changes in device orientation.

If the device has multiple displays, this singleton will only refer to the main display.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Listener

This type represents a listener for an orientation change.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. For simplicity, Displays only have a single listener that handles both display and device changes (see getDisplayOrientation() and getDeviceOrientation().) If you wish for more than one listener, then your listener should handle its own dispatch.

Since the device orientation will always change when the display orientation does, this callback can easily safely handle both. The boolean parameter in the callback indicates whether or not a display orientation change has happened as well.

Unlike other events, this callback will be invoked at the end of an animation frame, after the screen has been drawn. So it will be processed before any input events waiting for the next frame.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(Orientation previous, Orientation current, bool display)>
previousThe previous device orientation (before the change)
currentThe current device orientation (after the change)
displayWhether the display orientation has changed as well

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Orientation

enum class cugl::Display::Orientation : unsigned int

The possible device/display orientations.

We use the same orientations for device and display even though these may not always agree (such as when the user has locked the display)


The orientation that of a fixed display.

This is the orientation for desktops and laptops. This orientation will never change.


Landscape orientation with the right side up.

One notched devices, this will put the notch to the left. On devices with a home button, the button will be to the right.


Standard portrait orientation

One notched devices, this will put the notch to the top. On devices with a home button, the button will be to the bottom.


Landscape orientation with the left side up.

One notched devices, this will put the notch to the right. On devices with a home button, the button will be to the left.


Reversed portrait orientation

One notched devices, this will put the notch to the bottom. On devices with a home button, the button will be to the top.

Many devices (e.g. iPhones) do not allow this mode as it interferes with the camera and incoming calls.


The device is face up.

This is a device-only orientation, not a display orientation. Some devices will not report this orientation.


The device is face down.

This is a device-only orientation, not a display orientation. Some devices will not report this orientation.


The orientation is unknown.

This is rarely ever reported, and may mean an issue with the accelerometer in the case of a mobile device.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Display()

cugl::Display::Display ( )

Creates a new, unitialized Display.

All of the values are set to 0 or UNKNOWN, depending on their type. You must initialize the Display to access its values.

WARNING: This class is a singleton. You should never access this constructor directly. Use the start() method instead.

◆ ~Display()

cugl::Display::~Display ( )

Deletes this object, releasing all resources.

This method quits the SDL video system and disposes the OpenGL context, effectively exitting and shutting down the entire program.

WARNING: This class is a singleton. You should never access this destructor directly. Use the stop() method instead.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void cugl::Display::clear ( Color4f  color)

Clears the screen to the given clear color.

This method should be called before any user drawing happens.

colorThe clear color

◆ dispose()

void cugl::Display::dispose ( )

Uninitializes this object, releasing all resources.

This method quits the SDL video system and disposes the OpenGL context, effectively exitting and shutting down the entire program.

WARNING: This class is a singleton. You should never access this method directly. Use the stop() method instead.

◆ get()

static Display * cugl::Display::get ( )

Returns the singleton instance for the display

You must call this static method first to get information about your specific display. This method will return nullptr until start() is called first.

the singleton instance for the display

◆ getBounds()

Rect cugl::Display::getBounds ( ) const

Returns the full screen resolution for this display in pixels.

This method returns the bounds for the current resolution, not the maximum resolution. You should never change the resolution of a display. Allow the user to have their preferred resolution. Instead, you should adjust your camera to scale the viewport.

the full screen resolution for this display in pixels.

◆ getDefaultOrientation()

Orientation cugl::Display::getDefaultOrientation ( ) const

Returns the default orientation of this device.

The default orientation corresponds to the intended orientiation that this mobile device should be held. For devices with home buttons, this home button is always expected at the bottom. For the vast majority of devices, this means the intended orientation is Portrait. However, some Samsung tablets have the home button oriented for Landscape.

This is important because the accelerometer axis is oriented relative to the default orientation. So a default landscape device will have a different accelerometer orientation than a portrait device.

If this display is not a mobile device, it will always return Orientation::FIXED.

the default orientation of this device.

◆ getDeviceOrientation()

Orientation cugl::Display::getDeviceOrientation ( ) const

Returns the current device orientation.

The device orientation is the orientation of a mobile device, as held by the user. It may or may not agree with the display orientation, which is how the screen is drawn. For example, if the screen is locked to landscape orientation, it is still possible for the device to have portrait orientation when it is held on its side.

This method is useful when you want to switch game modes for a different orientation (e.g. Powerpuff Girls Flipped Out).

If this display is not a mobile device, this method will always return Orientation::FIXED.

the current device orientation.

◆ getDisplayOrientation()

Orientation cugl::Display::getDisplayOrientation ( ) const

Returns the current display orientation.

This value is the current display orientation. The display orientation is the orientation of the coordinate space for drawing on a mobile device. In other words, the origin is at the bottom left of the screen in this device orientation.

This display orientation may or may not agree with the device orientation. In particular, it will not agree if the display orientation is locked (to say portrait or landscape only). However, this is the orientation that is important for drawing to the screen. To get the device orientation, call getDeviceOrientation().

If this display is not a mobile device, this method will always return Orientation::FIXED.

the current display orientation.

◆ getGraphicsDescription()

const std::string cugl::Display::getGraphicsDescription ( ) const

Returns a description of this graphics API for this display.

For example, if this application is backed by OpenGL, this method returns the OpenGL version. If it is a headless client, it returns "Headless".

a description of this graphics API for this display.

◆ getInitialOrientation()

Orientation cugl::Display::getInitialOrientation ( ) const

Returns the initial display orientation.

This value is the display orientation at startup. The display orientation is the orientation of the coordinate space for drawing on a mobile device. In other words, the origin is at the bottom left of the screen in this device orientation.

This display orientation may or may not agree with the device orientation. In particular, it will not agree if the display orientation is locked (to say portrait or landscape only). However, this is the orientation that is important for drawing to the screen. To get the device orientation, call getDeviceOrientation().

If this display is not a mobile device, this method will always return Orientation::FIXED.

the initial display orientation.

◆ getOrientationListener()

const Listener cugl::Display::getOrientationListener ( ) const

Returns the listener for the display orientation.

This listener handles changes in either the device orientation (see getDeviceOrientation() or the display orientation (see getDeviceOrientation(). Since the device orientation will always change when the display orientation does, this callback can easily safely handle both. The boolean parameter in the callback indicates whether or not a display orientation change has happened as well.

Unlike other events, this listener will be invoked at the end of an animation frame, after the screen has been drawn. So it will be processed before any input events waiting for the next frame.

The display may only have one orientation listener at a time. If there is no listener, this method returns nullptr.

the orientation listener (if any) for this display

◆ getPixelDensity()

float cugl::Display::getPixelDensity ( ) const

Returns the number of pixels for each point.

A point is a logical screen pixel. If you are using a traditional display, points and pixels are the same. However, on Retina displays and other high dpi monitors, they may be different. In particular, the number of pixels per point is a scaling factor times the point.

You should never need to use these scaling factor for anything, as it is not useful for determining anything other than whether a high DPI display is present. It does not necessarily refer to physical pixel on the screen. In some cases (macOS Retina displays), it refers to the pixel density of the backing framebuffer, which may be different from the physical framebuffer.

the number of pixels for each point.

◆ getSafeBounds()

Rect cugl::Display::getSafeBounds ( ) const

Returns the usable full screen resolution for this display in pixels.

Usable is a subjective term defined by the operating system. In general, it means the full screen minus any space used by important user interface elements, like a status bar (iPhone), menu bar (macOS), or task bar (Windows), or a notch (modern phones). In the case of the latter, you can specify whether you want to use the display orientation or the device orientation.

This method computes the bounds for the current resolution, not the maximum resolution. You should never change the resolution of a display. Allow the user to have their preferred resolution. Instead, you should adjust your camera to scale the viewport.

the usable full screen resolution for this display in points.

◆ getTitle()

std::string cugl::Display::getTitle ( ) const

Returns the title of this display

On a desktop, this title will be displayed at the top of the window.

the title of this display

◆ hasNotch()

bool cugl::Display::hasNotch ( ) const

Returns true if this device has a notch.

Notched devices are edgeless smartphones or tablets that include at dedicated area in the screen for a camera. Examples include the iPhone X.

If a device is notched you should call getSafeBounds() before laying out UI elements. It is acceptable to animate and draw backgrounds behind the notch, but it is not acceptable to place UI elements outside of these bounds.

true if this device has a notch.

◆ hasOrientationListener()

bool cugl::Display::hasOrientationListener ( ) const

Returns true if this display has an orientation listener

This listener handles changes in either the device orientation (see getDeviceOrientation() or the display orientation (see getDeviceOrientation(). Since the device orientation will always change when the display orientation does, this callback can easily safely handle both. The boolean parameter in the callback indicates whether or not a display orientation change has happened as well.

Unlike other events, this listener will be invoked at the end of an animation frame, after the screen has been drawn. So it will be processed before any input events waiting for the next frame.

The display may only have one orientation listener at a time.

true if this display has an orientation listener

◆ hide()

void cugl::Display::hide ( )

Hides the window for this display (assuming it was visible).

This method does nothing if the window was not visible.

◆ init()

bool cugl::Display::init ( std::string  title,
Rect  bounds,
Uint32  flags 

Initializes the display with the current screen information.

This method creates a display with the given title and bounds. As part of this initialization, it will create the OpenGL context, using the flags provided. The bounds are ignored if the display is fullscreen. In that case, it will use the bounds of the display.

This method gathers the native resolution bounds, pixel density, and orientation using platform-specific tools.

WARNING: This class is a singleton. You should never access this initializer directly. Use the start() method instead.

titleThe window/display title
boundsThe window/display bounds
flagsThe initialization flags
true if initialization was successful.

◆ isLandscape()

bool cugl::Display::isLandscape ( ) const

Returns true if this device has a landscape orientation

true if this device has a landscape orientation

◆ isPortrait()

bool cugl::Display::isPortrait ( ) const

Returns true if this device has a portrait orientation

true if this device has a portrait orientation

◆ queryRenderTarget()

void cugl::Display::queryRenderTarget ( )

Queries the identity of the default frame/render buffer.

This is necessary when you are using a graphics::RenderTarget and want to restore control the frame buffer. It is necessary because 0 is NOT necessarily the correct id of the default framebuffer (particularly on iOS).

◆ refresh()

void cugl::Display::refresh ( )

Refreshes the display.

This method will swap the framebuffers, drawing the screen. This method should be called after any user drawing happens.

It will also reassess the orientation state and call the listener as necessary

◆ removeOrientationListener()

bool cugl::Display::removeOrientationListener ( )

Removes the display orientation listener for this display.

This listener handles changes in either the device orientation (see getDeviceOrientation() or the display orientation (see getDeviceOrientation(). Since the device orientation will always change when the display orientation does, this callback can easily safely handle both. The boolean parameter in the callback indicates whether or not a display orientation change has happened as well.

Unlike other events, this listener will be invoked at the end of an animation frame, after the screen has been drawn. So it will be processed before any input events waiting for the next frame.

A display may only have one orientation listener at a time. If this display does not have an orientation listener, this method will fail.

true if the listener was succesfully removed

◆ restoreRenderTarget()

void cugl::Display::restoreRenderTarget ( )

Restores the default frame/render buffer.

This is necessary when you are using a graphics::RenderTarget and want to restore control the frame buffer. It is necessary because 0 is NOT necessarily the correct id of the default framebuffer (particularly on iOS).

◆ setOrientationListener()

void cugl::Display::setOrientationListener ( Listener  listener)

Sets the orientation listener for this display.

This listener handles changes in either the device orientation (see getDeviceOrientation() or the display orientation (see getDeviceOrientation(). Since the device orientation will always change when the display orientation does, this callback can easily safely handle both. The boolean parameter in the callback indicates whether or not a display orientation change has happened as well.

A display may only have one orientation listener at a time. If this display already has an orientation listener, this method will replace it for the once specified.

Unlike other events, this listener will be invoked at the end of an animation frame, after the screen has been drawn. So it will be processed before any input events waiting for the next frame.

listenerThe listener to use

◆ setTitle()

void cugl::Display::setTitle ( const std::string  title)

Sets the title of this display

On a desktop, the title will be displayed at the top of the window.

titleThe title of this display

◆ show()

void cugl::Display::show ( )

Shows the window for this display (assuming it was hidden).

This method does nothing if the window was not hidden.

◆ start()

static bool cugl::Display::start ( std::string  title,
Rect  bounds,
Uint32  flags 

Starts up the SDL display and video system.

This static method needs to be the first line of any application, though it is handled automatically in the Application class.

This method creates the display with the given title and bounds. As part of this initialization, it will create the OpenGL context, using the flags provided. The bounds are ignored if the display is fullscreen. In that case, it will use the bounds of the display.

Once this method is called, the get() method will no longer return a null value.

titleThe window/display title
boundsThe window/display bounds
flagsThe initialization flags
true if the display was successfully initialized

◆ stop()

static void cugl::Display::stop ( )

Shuts down the SDL display and video system.

This static method needs to be the last line of any application, though it is handled automatically in the Application class. It will dipose of the display and the OpenGL context.

Once this method is called, the get() method will return nullptr. More importantly, no SDL function calls will work anymore.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Application

friend class Application

This is called by the application loop

Member Data Documentation

◆ _bounds

Rect cugl::Display::_bounds

The full screen resolution of this device

◆ _defaultOrientation

Orientation cugl::Display::_defaultOrientation

The value of the default orientation

◆ _deviceOrientation

Orientation cugl::Display::_deviceOrientation

The value of the device orientation

◆ _display

int cugl::Display::_display

The display index (for multiscreen displays)

◆ _displayOrientation

Orientation cugl::Display::_displayOrientation

The value of the display orientation

◆ _framebuffer

int cugl::Display::_framebuffer

The default framebuffer associated with the display

◆ _fullscreen

bool cugl::Display::_fullscreen

Whether we are using full screen

◆ _glContext

SDL_GLContext cugl::Display::_glContext

The associated OpenGL drawing context

◆ _initialOrientation

Orientation cugl::Display::_initialOrientation

The value of the initial orientation

◆ _notched

bool cugl::Display::_notched

Whether this device has a notch in it

◆ _orientationListener

Listener cugl::Display::_orientationListener

A listener for the orientation

◆ _rendbuffer

int cugl::Display::_rendbuffer

The default renderbuffer associated with the display

◆ _scale

float cugl::Display::_scale

The pixel density of the device

◆ _thedisplay

Display* cugl::Display::_thedisplay

The display singleton

◆ _title

std::string cugl::Display::_title

The title (Window name) of the display

◆ _usable

Rect cugl::Display::_usable

The full screen resolution minus menu bars and other features

◆ _window

SDL_Window* cugl::Display::_window

The SDL window, which provides the OpenGL drawing context


Uint32 cugl::Display::INIT_CENTERED

Whether this display should be centered (on windowed screens)


Uint32 cugl::Display::INIT_FULLSCREEN

Whether this display should use the fullscreen


Uint32 cugl::Display::INIT_HIGH_DPI

Whether this display should support a High DPI screen


Uint32 cugl::Display::INIT_MULTISAMPLED

Whether this display should be multisampled


Uint32 cugl::Display::INIT_VSYNC

Whether this display should have VSync enabled

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