Require Import
Program QArith ZArith BigZ Qpossec
MetricMorphisms Qmetric Qdlog ARArith
theory.int_pow theory.nat_pow
stdlib_rationals stdlib_binary_integers fast_integers dyadics.
Add Field Q : (dec_fields.stdlib_field_theory Q).
Notation bigD := (Dyadic bigZ).
Instance inject_bigZ_Q: Cast bigZ Q_as_MetricSpace := inject_Z ∘ BigZ.to_Z.
Instance inject_Z_bigD: Cast Z bigD := dy_inject ∘ BigZ.of_Z.
Instance inject_N_bigZ: Cast N bigZ := BigZ.of_Z ∘ Z_of_N.
Instance inject_bigD_Q: Cast bigD Q_as_MetricSpace := DtoQ inject_bigZ_Q.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_bigZ_Q.
Proof. unfold inject_bigZ_Q. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_Z_bigD.
Proof. unfold inject_Z_bigD. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_N_bigZ.
Proof. unfold inject_N_bigZ. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_bigD_Q.
Proof. unfold inject_bigD_Q. apply _. Qed.
Lemma inject_bigD_Q_correct x : cast bigD Q x = 'mant x × 2 ^ (cast bigZ Z (expo x)).
unfold cast at 1, inject_bigD_Q.
unfold inject_bigZ_Q.
rewrite (DtoQ_correct _ _ (reflexivity x)).
unfold DtoQ_slow.
now rewrite (preserves_int_pow_exp (f:=cast bigZ Z)).
Program Instance bigD_div: AppDiv bigD := λ x y k,
BigZ.div (BigZ.shiftl (mant x) (-('k - 1) + expo x - expo y)) (mant y) ▼ ('k - 1).
Lemma Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv (x y : Z) :
'Zdiv x y ≤ ('x / 'y : Q) < 'Zdiv x y + 1.
rewrite Qround.Zdiv_Qdiv.
now apply Qround.Qfloor_le.
rewrite <-(rings.preserves_1 (f:=cast Z Q)).
rewrite <-rings.preserves_plus.
now apply Qround.Qlt_floor.
Lemma Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl (x n : Z) :
'Z.shiftl x n ≤ cast Z Q x × 2 ^ n < 'Z.shiftl x n + 1.
destruct (total (≤) 0 n) as [En | En].
rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by trivial.
rewrite inject_Z_mult.
rewrite Qpower.Zpower_Qpower by trivial.
split; try reflexivity.
apply semirings.pos_plus_lt_compat_r.
now apply (semirings.lt_0_1 (R:=Q)).
rewrite Z.shiftl_div_pow2 by trivial.
assert (('x × 2 ^ n : Q) = 'x / 'Zpower 2 (-n)).
rewrite Qpower.Zpower_Qpower.
rewrite <-Qpower.Qpower_opp, Zopp_involutive.
now apply rings.flip_nonpos_negate in En.
transitivity ('x / 'Zpower 2 (-n) : Q).
now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
apply orders.eq_le. now symmetry.
apply orders.le_lt_trans with ('x / 'Zpower 2 (-n) : Q).
now apply orders.eq_le.
now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
Lemma bigD_div_correct (x y : bigD) (k : Z) : Qball (2 ^ k) ('app_div x y k) ('x / 'y).
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
('xm × 2 ^ xe : Q) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q) = ('xm × 2 ^ (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) / 'ym × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E1.
rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_plus by solve_propholds.
rewrite dec_fields.dec_recip_distr.
rewrite 2!int_pow_negate.
transitivity ('xm / 'ym × 2 ^ xe / 2 ^ ye × (2 ^ (k - 1) / 2 ^ (k - 1)) : Q); [| ring].
rewrite dec_recip_inverse by solve_propholds. ring.
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
'Zdiv (Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) ym × 2 ^ (k - 1) - 2 ^ k ≤ ('xm × 2 ^ xe) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q)) as Pleft.
clear x y.
assert (∀ z : Q, z × 2 ^ (k - 1) - 2 ^ k = ((z - 1) - 1) × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E2.
mc_setoid_replace k with ((k - 1) + 1) at 2 by ring.
rewrite (int_pow_exp_plus (k - 1)) by solve_propholds.
ring_simplify. apply sm_proper. now rewrite commutativity.
intros. rewrite E1, E2.
apply (order_preserving (.* _)).
apply rings.flip_le_minus_l.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
transitivity ('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) / 'ym - 1 : Q).
apply (order_preserving (+ -1)). now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
destruct (orders.le_or_lt 0 ym) as [E | E].
apply rings.flip_le_minus_l.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
apply (maps.order_preserving_flip_nonneg (.*.) (/ 'ym : Q)).
apply dec_fields.nonneg_dec_recip_compat.
now apply semirings.preserves_nonneg.
now apply Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
transitivity (('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) + 1) / 'ym : Q).
rewrite rings.plus_mult_distr_r.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat; [reflexivity |].
rewrite rings.mult_1_l.
apply rings.flip_le_negate.
rewrite rings.negate_involutive, dec_fields.dec_recip_negate.
apply dec_fields.flip_le_dec_recip_l; [solve_propholds |].
rewrite <-rings.preserves_negate.
apply semirings.preserves_ge_1.
apply rings.flip_le_negate.
rewrite rings.negate_involutive.
now apply nat_int.le_iff_lt_plus_1.
apply semirings.flip_nonpos_mult_r.
apply dec_fields.nonpos_dec_recip_compat.
apply semirings.preserves_nonpos.
now apply orders.lt_le.
now apply orders.lt_le, Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
('xm × 2 ^ xe) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q) ≤ '(Zdiv (Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) ym) × 2 ^ (k - 1) + 2 ^ k) as Pright.
clear x y.
assert (∀ z : Q, z × 2 ^ (k - 1) + 2 ^ k = ((z + 1) + 1) × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E2.
mc_setoid_replace k with ((k - 1) + 1) at 2 by ring.
rewrite (int_pow_exp_plus (k - 1)) by solve_propholds.
ring_simplify. apply sm_proper. now apply commutativity.
intros. rewrite E1, E2.
apply (order_preserving (.* _)).
transitivity ('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) / 'ym + 1 : Q).
2: now apply (order_preserving (+1)); apply orders.lt_le, Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
destruct (orders.le_or_lt ym 0) as [E3 | E3].
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
apply semirings.flip_nonpos_mult_r.
apply dec_fields.nonpos_dec_recip_compat.
now apply semirings.preserves_nonpos.
now apply Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
transitivity (('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) + 1) / ' ym : Q).
apply (maps.order_preserving_flip_nonneg (.*.) (/ 'ym : Q)).
apply dec_fields.nonneg_dec_recip_compat.
apply semirings.preserves_nonneg.
now apply orders.lt_le.
now apply orders.lt_le, Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
rewrite rings.plus_mult_distr_r.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat; [reflexivity |].
rewrite rings.mult_1_l.
apply dec_fields.flip_le_dec_recip_l; [solve_propholds |].
apply semirings.preserves_ge_1.
now apply nat_int.lt_iff_plus_1_le in E3.
unfold cast. rewrite 3!inject_bigD_Q_correct.
destruct x as [xm xe], y as [ym ye]. simpl.
unfold cast, inject_bigZ_Q, cast, "∘". simpl. BigZ.zify.
apply in_Qball. split. apply Pleft. apply Pright.
Instance inverse_Q_bigD: AppInverse inject_bigD_Q := λ x ε,
app_div ('Qnum x) ('(Qden x : Z)) (Qdlog2 ε).
Instance bigD_approx : AppApprox bigD := λ x k,
BigZ.shiftl (mant x) (-('k - 1) + expo x) ▼ ('k - 1).
Lemma bigD_approx_correct (x : bigD) (k : Z) : Qball (2 ^ k) ('app_approx x k) ('x).
setoid_replace (app_approx x k) with (app_div x 1 k).
setoid_replace ('x : Q) with ('x / '1 : Q).
now apply bigD_div_correct.
rewrite rings.preserves_1, dec_fields.dec_recip_1.
now rewrite rings.mult_1_r.
unfold app_div, bigD_div.
simpl. rewrite BigZ.div_1_r.
setoid_replace (-('k - 1) + expo x - 0) with (-('k - 1) + expo x); [reflexivity |].
now rewrite rings.negate_0, rings.plus_0_r.
Instance: DenseEmbedding inject_bigD_Q.
split; try apply _.
intros [n d] ε.
unfold app_inverse, inverse_Q_bigD.
apply ball_weak_le with (2 ^ Qdlog2 ε)%Qpos.
now apply (Qpos_dlog2_spec ε).
simpl. rewrite Qmake_Qdiv.
rewrite 2!(integers.to_ring_unique_alt inject_Z (inject_bigD_Q ∘ dy_inject ∘ BigZ.of_Z)).
apply bigD_div_correct.
Instance bigD_Zshiftl: ShiftL bigD Z := λ x n, x ≪ 'n.
Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) bigD_Zshiftl.
Proof. unfold bigD_Zshiftl. solve_proper. Qed.
Instance: ShiftLSpec bigD Z bigD_Zshiftl.
split; try apply _; unfold shiftl, bigD_Zshiftl.
intros x. rewrite rings.preserves_0. now apply shiftl_0.
intros x n. rewrite rings.preserves_plus. now apply shiftl_S.
Instance bigD_Npow: Pow bigD N := λ x n, (mant x) ^ n ▼ 'n × expo x.
Instance: NatPowSpec bigD N bigD_Npow.
split; unfold "^", bigD_Npow, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow.
intros [xm xe] [ym ye] E1 e1 e2 E2. simpl in ×.
rewrite E2. clear e1 E2.
rewrite 2!(preserves_nat_pow (f:=integers.integers_to_ring bigZ Q)).
rewrite 2!(commutativity ('e2 : bigZ)).
rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_mult.
rewrite 2!(int_pow_nat_pow (f:=cast N bigZ)).
rewrite <-2!nat_pow_base_mult.
now rewrite E1.
intros [xm xe]. simpl.
rewrite rings.preserves_0, left_absorb.
now rewrite nat_pow_0.
intros [xm xe] n. simpl.
rewrite nat_pow_S.
rewrite rings.preserves_plus, rings.preserves_1.
now rewrite distribute_r, left_identity.
Instance: AppRationals bigD.
split; try apply _; intros.
split; apply _.
now apply bigD_div_correct.
now apply bigD_approx_correct.
Notation ARbigD := (AR (AQ:=bigD)).
Program QArith ZArith BigZ Qpossec
MetricMorphisms Qmetric Qdlog ARArith
theory.int_pow theory.nat_pow
stdlib_rationals stdlib_binary_integers fast_integers dyadics.
Add Field Q : (dec_fields.stdlib_field_theory Q).
Notation bigD := (Dyadic bigZ).
Instance inject_bigZ_Q: Cast bigZ Q_as_MetricSpace := inject_Z ∘ BigZ.to_Z.
Instance inject_Z_bigD: Cast Z bigD := dy_inject ∘ BigZ.of_Z.
Instance inject_N_bigZ: Cast N bigZ := BigZ.of_Z ∘ Z_of_N.
Instance inject_bigD_Q: Cast bigD Q_as_MetricSpace := DtoQ inject_bigZ_Q.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_bigZ_Q.
Proof. unfold inject_bigZ_Q. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_Z_bigD.
Proof. unfold inject_Z_bigD. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_N_bigZ.
Proof. unfold inject_N_bigZ. apply _. Qed.
Instance: SemiRing_Morphism inject_bigD_Q.
Proof. unfold inject_bigD_Q. apply _. Qed.
Lemma inject_bigD_Q_correct x : cast bigD Q x = 'mant x × 2 ^ (cast bigZ Z (expo x)).
unfold cast at 1, inject_bigD_Q.
unfold inject_bigZ_Q.
rewrite (DtoQ_correct _ _ (reflexivity x)).
unfold DtoQ_slow.
now rewrite (preserves_int_pow_exp (f:=cast bigZ Z)).
Program Instance bigD_div: AppDiv bigD := λ x y k,
BigZ.div (BigZ.shiftl (mant x) (-('k - 1) + expo x - expo y)) (mant y) ▼ ('k - 1).
Lemma Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv (x y : Z) :
'Zdiv x y ≤ ('x / 'y : Q) < 'Zdiv x y + 1.
rewrite Qround.Zdiv_Qdiv.
now apply Qround.Qfloor_le.
rewrite <-(rings.preserves_1 (f:=cast Z Q)).
rewrite <-rings.preserves_plus.
now apply Qround.Qlt_floor.
Lemma Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl (x n : Z) :
'Z.shiftl x n ≤ cast Z Q x × 2 ^ n < 'Z.shiftl x n + 1.
destruct (total (≤) 0 n) as [En | En].
rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by trivial.
rewrite inject_Z_mult.
rewrite Qpower.Zpower_Qpower by trivial.
split; try reflexivity.
apply semirings.pos_plus_lt_compat_r.
now apply (semirings.lt_0_1 (R:=Q)).
rewrite Z.shiftl_div_pow2 by trivial.
assert (('x × 2 ^ n : Q) = 'x / 'Zpower 2 (-n)).
rewrite Qpower.Zpower_Qpower.
rewrite <-Qpower.Qpower_opp, Zopp_involutive.
now apply rings.flip_nonpos_negate in En.
transitivity ('x / 'Zpower 2 (-n) : Q).
now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
apply orders.eq_le. now symmetry.
apply orders.le_lt_trans with ('x / 'Zpower 2 (-n) : Q).
now apply orders.eq_le.
now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
Lemma bigD_div_correct (x y : bigD) (k : Z) : Qball (2 ^ k) ('app_div x y k) ('x / 'y).
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
('xm × 2 ^ xe : Q) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q) = ('xm × 2 ^ (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) / 'ym × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E1.
rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_plus by solve_propholds.
rewrite dec_fields.dec_recip_distr.
rewrite 2!int_pow_negate.
transitivity ('xm / 'ym × 2 ^ xe / 2 ^ ye × (2 ^ (k - 1) / 2 ^ (k - 1)) : Q); [| ring].
rewrite dec_recip_inverse by solve_propholds. ring.
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
'Zdiv (Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) ym × 2 ^ (k - 1) - 2 ^ k ≤ ('xm × 2 ^ xe) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q)) as Pleft.
clear x y.
assert (∀ z : Q, z × 2 ^ (k - 1) - 2 ^ k = ((z - 1) - 1) × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E2.
mc_setoid_replace k with ((k - 1) + 1) at 2 by ring.
rewrite (int_pow_exp_plus (k - 1)) by solve_propholds.
ring_simplify. apply sm_proper. now rewrite commutativity.
intros. rewrite E1, E2.
apply (order_preserving (.* _)).
apply rings.flip_le_minus_l.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
transitivity ('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) / 'ym - 1 : Q).
apply (order_preserving (+ -1)). now apply Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
destruct (orders.le_or_lt 0 ym) as [E | E].
apply rings.flip_le_minus_l.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
apply (maps.order_preserving_flip_nonneg (.*.) (/ 'ym : Q)).
apply dec_fields.nonneg_dec_recip_compat.
now apply semirings.preserves_nonneg.
now apply Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
transitivity (('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) + 1) / 'ym : Q).
rewrite rings.plus_mult_distr_r.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat; [reflexivity |].
rewrite rings.mult_1_l.
apply rings.flip_le_negate.
rewrite rings.negate_involutive, dec_fields.dec_recip_negate.
apply dec_fields.flip_le_dec_recip_l; [solve_propholds |].
rewrite <-rings.preserves_negate.
apply semirings.preserves_ge_1.
apply rings.flip_le_negate.
rewrite rings.negate_involutive.
now apply nat_int.le_iff_lt_plus_1.
apply semirings.flip_nonpos_mult_r.
apply dec_fields.nonpos_dec_recip_compat.
apply semirings.preserves_nonpos.
now apply orders.lt_le.
now apply orders.lt_le, Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
assert (∀ xm xe ym ye : Z,
('xm × 2 ^ xe) / ('ym × 2 ^ ye : Q) ≤ '(Zdiv (Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye)) ym) × 2 ^ (k - 1) + 2 ^ k) as Pright.
clear x y.
assert (∀ z : Q, z × 2 ^ (k - 1) + 2 ^ k = ((z + 1) + 1) × 2 ^ (k - 1)) as E2.
mc_setoid_replace k with ((k - 1) + 1) at 2 by ring.
rewrite (int_pow_exp_plus (k - 1)) by solve_propholds.
ring_simplify. apply sm_proper. now apply commutativity.
intros. rewrite E1, E2.
apply (order_preserving (.* _)).
transitivity ('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) / 'ym + 1 : Q).
2: now apply (order_preserving (+1)); apply orders.lt_le, Qdiv_bounded_Zdiv.
destruct (orders.le_or_lt ym 0) as [E3 | E3].
apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r; [easy |].
apply semirings.flip_nonpos_mult_r.
apply dec_fields.nonpos_dec_recip_compat.
now apply semirings.preserves_nonpos.
now apply Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
transitivity (('Z.shiftl xm (-(k - 1) + xe - ye) + 1) / ' ym : Q).
apply (maps.order_preserving_flip_nonneg (.*.) (/ 'ym : Q)).
apply dec_fields.nonneg_dec_recip_compat.
apply semirings.preserves_nonneg.
now apply orders.lt_le.
now apply orders.lt_le, Qpow_bounded_Zshiftl.
rewrite rings.plus_mult_distr_r.
apply semirings.plus_le_compat; [reflexivity |].
rewrite rings.mult_1_l.
apply dec_fields.flip_le_dec_recip_l; [solve_propholds |].
apply semirings.preserves_ge_1.
now apply nat_int.lt_iff_plus_1_le in E3.
unfold cast. rewrite 3!inject_bigD_Q_correct.
destruct x as [xm xe], y as [ym ye]. simpl.
unfold cast, inject_bigZ_Q, cast, "∘". simpl. BigZ.zify.
apply in_Qball. split. apply Pleft. apply Pright.
Instance inverse_Q_bigD: AppInverse inject_bigD_Q := λ x ε,
app_div ('Qnum x) ('(Qden x : Z)) (Qdlog2 ε).
Instance bigD_approx : AppApprox bigD := λ x k,
BigZ.shiftl (mant x) (-('k - 1) + expo x) ▼ ('k - 1).
Lemma bigD_approx_correct (x : bigD) (k : Z) : Qball (2 ^ k) ('app_approx x k) ('x).
setoid_replace (app_approx x k) with (app_div x 1 k).
setoid_replace ('x : Q) with ('x / '1 : Q).
now apply bigD_div_correct.
rewrite rings.preserves_1, dec_fields.dec_recip_1.
now rewrite rings.mult_1_r.
unfold app_div, bigD_div.
simpl. rewrite BigZ.div_1_r.
setoid_replace (-('k - 1) + expo x - 0) with (-('k - 1) + expo x); [reflexivity |].
now rewrite rings.negate_0, rings.plus_0_r.
Instance: DenseEmbedding inject_bigD_Q.
split; try apply _.
intros [n d] ε.
unfold app_inverse, inverse_Q_bigD.
apply ball_weak_le with (2 ^ Qdlog2 ε)%Qpos.
now apply (Qpos_dlog2_spec ε).
simpl. rewrite Qmake_Qdiv.
rewrite 2!(integers.to_ring_unique_alt inject_Z (inject_bigD_Q ∘ dy_inject ∘ BigZ.of_Z)).
apply bigD_div_correct.
Instance bigD_Zshiftl: ShiftL bigD Z := λ x n, x ≪ 'n.
Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) bigD_Zshiftl.
Proof. unfold bigD_Zshiftl. solve_proper. Qed.
Instance: ShiftLSpec bigD Z bigD_Zshiftl.
split; try apply _; unfold shiftl, bigD_Zshiftl.
intros x. rewrite rings.preserves_0. now apply shiftl_0.
intros x n. rewrite rings.preserves_plus. now apply shiftl_S.
Instance bigD_Npow: Pow bigD N := λ x n, (mant x) ^ n ▼ 'n × expo x.
Instance: NatPowSpec bigD N bigD_Npow.
split; unfold "^", bigD_Npow, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow.
intros [xm xe] [ym ye] E1 e1 e2 E2. simpl in ×.
rewrite E2. clear e1 E2.
rewrite 2!(preserves_nat_pow (f:=integers.integers_to_ring bigZ Q)).
rewrite 2!(commutativity ('e2 : bigZ)).
rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_mult.
rewrite 2!(int_pow_nat_pow (f:=cast N bigZ)).
rewrite <-2!nat_pow_base_mult.
now rewrite E1.
intros [xm xe]. simpl.
rewrite rings.preserves_0, left_absorb.
now rewrite nat_pow_0.
intros [xm xe] n. simpl.
rewrite nat_pow_S.
rewrite rings.preserves_plus, rings.preserves_1.
now rewrite distribute_r, left_identity.
Instance: AppRationals bigD.
split; try apply _; intros.
split; apply _.
now apply bigD_div_correct.
now apply bigD_approx_correct.
Notation ARbigD := (AR (AQ:=bigD)).