
  implementations.stdlib_rationals positive_semiring_elements.
Require Import
  CornTac workaround_tactics
  stdlib_omissions.Q Qdlog Qmetric Qabs Qclasses QMinMax
  RSetoid CSetoids MetricMorphisms
  orders.minmax orders.dec_fields theory.abs theory.shiftl theory.int_pow.
Require Export
  abstract_algebra interfaces.additional_operations interfaces.orders.

Class AppDiv AQ := app_div : AQ AQ Z AQ.
Class AppApprox AQ := app_approx : AQ Z AQ.

Class AppRationals AQ {e plus mult zero one inv} `{Apart AQ} `{Le AQ} `{Lt AQ}
     {AQtoQ : Cast AQ Q_as_MetricSpace}
    `{!AppInverse AQtoQ} {ZtoAQ : Cast Z AQ} `{!AppDiv AQ} `{!AppApprox AQ}
    `{!Abs AQ} `{!Pow AQ N} `{!ShiftL AQ Z}
    `{ x y : AQ, Decision (x = y)} `{ x y : AQ, Decision (x y)} : Prop := {
  aq_ring :> @Ring AQ e plus mult zero one inv ;
  aq_trivial_apart :> TrivialApart AQ ;
  aq_order_embed :> OrderEmbedding AQtoQ ;
  aq_strict_order_embed :> StrictOrderEmbedding AQtoQ ;
  aq_ring_morphism :> SemiRing_Morphism AQtoQ ;
  aq_dense_embedding :> DenseEmbedding AQtoQ ;
  aq_div : x y k, ball (2 ^ k) ('app_div x y k) ('x / 'y) ;
  aq_compress : x k, ball (2 ^ k) ('app_approx x k) ('x) ;
  aq_shift :> ShiftLSpec AQ Z (≪) ;
  aq_nat_pow :> NatPowSpec AQ N (^) ;
  aq_ints_mor :> SemiRing_Morphism ZtoAQ

Lemma order_embedding_iff `{OrderEmbedding A B f} x y :
  x y f x f y.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma strict_order_embedding_iff `{StrictOrderEmbedding A B f} x y :
  x < y f x < f y.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Section approximate_rationals_more.
  Context `{AppRationals AQ}.

  Lemma AQtoQ_ZtoAQ (x : Z) : cast AQ Q (cast Z AQ x) = cast Z Q x.
  Proof. now apply (integers.to_ring_twice _ _ _). Qed.

  Global Instance: Injective (cast AQ Q).
  Proof. change (Injective (cast AQ Q_as_MetricSpace)). apply _. Qed.

  Global Instance: StrongSetoid AQ.
  Proof strong_setoids.dec_strong_setoid.

  Global Instance: StrongSetoid_Morphism (cast AQ Q).
  Proof strong_setoids.dec_strong_morphism (cast AQ Q).

  Global Instance: StrongInjective (cast AQ Q).
  Proof strong_setoids.dec_strong_injective (cast AQ Q).

  Global Instance: Injective (cast Z AQ).
    split; try apply _.
    intros x y E.
    apply (injective (cast Z Q)).
    rewrite <-2!AQtoQ_ZtoAQ.
    now rewrite E.

  Global Instance: FullPseudoSemiRingOrder (_ : Le AQ) (_ : Lt AQ).
    apply (projected_full_pseudo_ring_order (cast AQ Q)).
     apply order_embedding_iff.
    apply strict_order_embedding_iff.

  Lemma aq_shift_correct (x : AQ) (k : Z) : '(x k) = 'x × 2 ^ k.
  Proof. rewrite preserves_shiftl. apply shiftl_int_pow. Qed.

  Lemma aq_shift_1_correct (k : Z) : '((1:AQ) k) = 2 ^ k.
  Proof. now rewrite aq_shift_correct, rings.preserves_1, rings.mult_1_l. Qed.

  Lemma aq_shift_opp_1 (x : AQ) : '(x (-1 : Z)) = 'x / 2.
  Proof. now rewrite aq_shift_correct. Qed.

  Lemma aq_shift_opp_2 (x : AQ) : '(x (-2 : Z)) = 'x / 4.
  Proof. now rewrite aq_shift_correct. Qed.

  Lemma aq_div_dlog2 (x y : AQ) (ε : Q) :
    ball ε ('app_div x y (Qdlog2 ('ε))) ('x / 'y).
    eapply ball_weak_le.
     now apply Qpos_dlog2_spec.
    now apply: aq_div.

  Lemma aq_approx_dlog2 (x : AQ) (ε : Q) :
    ball ε ('app_approx x (Qdlog2 ('ε))) ('x).
    eapply ball_weak_le.
     now apply Qpos_dlog2_spec.
    now apply: aq_compress.

  Definition app_div_above (x y : AQ) (k : Z) : AQ := app_div x y k + 1 k.

  Lemma aq_div_above (x y : AQ) (k : Z) : ('x / 'y : Q) 'app_div_above x y k.
    unfold app_div_above.
    pose proof (aq_div x y k) as P.
    apply in_Qball in P. destruct P as [_ P].
    rewrite rings.preserves_plus.
    rewrite aq_shift_correct.
    now rewrite rings.preserves_1, left_identity.

  Global Instance: IntegralDomain AQ.
    split; try apply _.
     intros E.
     destruct (rings.is_ne_0 (1:Q)).
     rewrite <-(rings.preserves_1 (f:=cast AQ Q)).
     rewrite <-(rings.preserves_0 (f:=cast AQ Q)).
     now rewrite E.
    intros x [? [y [? E]]].
    destruct (no_zero_divisors ('x : Q)). split.
     now apply rings.injective_ne_0.
     ('y : Q). split.
     now apply rings.injective_ne_0.
    rewrite <-rings.preserves_mult, E.
    apply rings.preserves_0.

  Lemma aq_lt_mid (x y : Q) : (x < y)%Q { z : AQ | (x < 'z 'z < y)%Q }.
  Proof with auto with qarith.
    intros E.
    destruct (Qpos_lt_plus E) as [γ ].
     (app_inverse (cast AQ Q) ((1#2) × (x + y)) ((1#3) × γ)%Qpos)%Q.
     apply Qlt_le_trans with (x + (1#6) × γ)%Q.
      rewrite <-(rings.plus_0_r x) at 1.
      apply Qplus_lt_r...
     replace LHS with ((1 # 2) × (x + y) - ((1 # 3) × γ)%Qpos)%Q...
      autorewrite with QposElim.
      apply (in_Qball ((1#3)*γ)), ball_sym, dense_inverse.
     rewrite . simpl. ring.
    apply Qle_lt_trans with (y - (1#6) × γ)%Q.
     replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × (x + y) + ((1 # 3) × γ)%Qpos)%Q...
      autorewrite with QposElim.
      apply (in_Qball ((1#3)*γ)), ball_sym, dense_inverse.
     rewrite . simpl. ring.
    setoid_replace y with (y - 0)%Q at 2 by ring.
    apply Qplus_lt_r.
    apply Qopp_Qlt_0_r...

  Instance: MeetSemiLattice_Morphism (cast AQ Q).
    split; try apply _; apply lattices.order_preserving_meet_sl_mor.

  Instance: JoinSemiLattice_Morphism (cast AQ Q).
    split; try apply _; apply lattices.order_preserving_join_sl_mor.

  Lemma aq_preserves_min x y : '(x y) = Qmin ('x) ('y).
    rewrite lattices.preserves_meet; symmetry; apply Qmin_coincides.

  Lemma aq_preserves_max x y : '(x y) = Qmax ('x) ('y).
    rewrite lattices.preserves_join; symmetry; apply Qmax_coincides.

  Global Program Instance AQposAsQ: Cast (AQ) Q := cast AQ Q cast (AQ) AQ.

  Global Program Instance AQposAsQpos: Cast (AQ) (Q) := λ x, ('x : Q).
  Next Obligation.
    destruct x as [x Ex]. simpl.
    posed_rewrite <-(rings.preserves_0 (f:=cast AQ Q)).
    now apply: (strictly_order_preserving (cast AQ Q)).

  Lemma AQposAsQpos_preserves_1 : cast (AQ) (Q) 1 = 1.
  Proof. change (cast AQ Q 1 = 1). apply rings.preserves_1. Qed.

  Lemma AQposAsQpos_preserves_4 : cast (AQ) (Q) 4 = 4.
  Proof. change (cast AQ Q 4 = 4). apply rings.preserves_4. Qed.
End approximate_rationals_more.