Require Import
Setoid CornTac
stdlib_omissions.Q QMinMax QposMinMax Qposclasses
RSetoid CSetoids
Complete Prelength
Open Local Scope uc_scope.
Section metric_embedding.
Context `{Setoid X'} {Y : MetricSpace}.
Context (f : X' → Y) {inj : Injective f}.
Definition Eball (q: Qpos) (x y: X'): Prop := ball q (f x) (f y).
Local Existing Instance injective_mor.
Global Instance Eball_wd : Proper (QposEq ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) Eball.
intros ?? E ?? F ?? G. unfold Eball.
now rewrite E, F, G.
Let is_MetricSpace: is_MetricSpace (mcSetoid_as_RSetoid X') Eball.
constructor; unfold ball; repeat intro.
now apply ball_refl.
now apply ball_sym.
now eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
now apply ball_closed.
apply (injective f). now apply ball_eq.
Program Definition Emetric: MetricSpace := Build_MetricSpace _ is_MetricSpace.
Next Obligation. apply Eball_wd; assumption. Qed.
Let X := Emetric.
Lemma Eball_spec ε (x y : X) : ball ε x y ↔ ball ε (f x) (f y).
Proof. intuition. Qed.
Lemma Eball_ex_spec ε (x y : X) : ball_ex ε x y ↔ ball_ex ε (f x) (f y).
Proof. destruct ε; intuition. Qed.
Lemma metric_embed_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (f : X → Y) Qpos2QposInf.
Proof. now intros ε x y E. Qed.
Definition metric_embed_uc : X --> Y
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction metric_embed_uc_prf.
End metric_embedding.
Class AppInverse `(f : X → Y) := app_inverse : Y → Qpos → X.
Implicit Arguments app_inverse [[X] [Y] [AppInverse]].
Class DenseEmbedding `{Equiv X} {Y : MetricSpace} (f : X → Y) `{!AppInverse f} := {
dense_embed_setoid : Setoid X ;
dense_injective :> Injective f ;
dense_inverse : ∀ x ε, ball ε (f (app_inverse f x ε)) x
Section dense_prelength_embedding.
Context `{Setoid X'} {Y : MetricSpace} (plY : PrelengthSpace Y) (f : X' → Y)
`{!AppInverse f} `{!DenseEmbedding f}.
Let X := Emetric f.
Lemma Qpos_lt_1_mult_l (x : Qpos) (y : Q) : (y < 1 → y × x < x)%Q.
Proof with auto with qarith.
intros E. autorewrite with QposElim.
rewrite <-(Qmult_1_l x) at 2.
apply Qmult_lt_compat_r...
Lemma EPrelengthSpace_aux (x y : Qpos) (z : Q) :
(z < 1 → 0 < x - z × Qpos_min x y)%Q.
Proof with auto.
intros E.
apply (proj1 (Qlt_minus_iff _ _)).
destruct (Qle_total y x) as [F|F].
rewrite (proj1 (Qpos_le_min_r x y) F).
apply Qlt_le_trans with y...
apply Qpos_lt_1_mult_l...
rewrite (proj1 (Qpos_le_min_l x y) F).
apply Qpos_lt_1_mult_l...
Lemma EPrelengthSpace : PrelengthSpace X.
Proof with auto with qarith.
intros x y ε δ1 δ2 E F.
simpl in ×.
destruct (Qpos_lt_plus E) as [γ Eγ].
assert (1#3 < 1)%Q as G...
pose proof (EPrelengthSpace_aux δ1 γ (1#3) G) as E1.
pose proof (EPrelengthSpace_aux δ2 γ (1#3) G) as E2.
destruct (@plY (f x) (f y) ε (mkQpos E1) (mkQpos E2)) as [z Ez1 Ez2]...
replace RHS with (ε + (γ - (2 # 3) × Qpos_min γ (Qpos_min
(Qpos_min ((1 # 2) × δ1 + (1 # 2) × δ2) ((1 # 2) × γ + (1 # 2) × δ2))
((1 # 2) × δ1 + (1 # 2) × γ))))%Q.
rewrite <-(Qplus_0_r ε) at 1.
apply Qplus_lt_r.
apply EPrelengthSpace_aux...
autorewrite with QposElim.
rewrite (Qmin_comm γ). rewrite <-Qmin_assoc.
setoid_replace (γ:Q) with ((1#2) × γ + (1#2) × γ)%Q at 6 by ring.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_plus_distr_l.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_plus_distr_r.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_mult_pos_distr_r...
unfold Qminus at 3. rewrite Qplus_assoc. rewrite <-Eγ.
∃ (app_inverse f z ((1#3) × Qpos_min γ (Qpos_min δ1 δ2))).
setoid_replace δ1 with (mkQpos E1 + ((1#3) × Qpos_min δ1 γ))%Qpos at 1 by (unfold QposEq; simpl; ring).
eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
eapply ball_weak_le. 2: now apply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
simpl. autorewrite with QposElim.
apply Qmult_le_compat_l; eauto with qarith.
setoid_replace δ2 with (((1#3) × Qpos_min δ2 γ + mkQpos E2))%Qpos at 1 by (unfold QposEq; simpl; ring).
eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
eapply ball_weak_le. 2: now apply dense_inverse.
simpl. autorewrite with QposElim.
apply Qmult_le_compat_l; eauto with qarith.
Let plX := EPrelengthSpace.
Definition Eembed : Complete X --> Complete Y := Cmap plX (metric_embed_uc f).
Instance: Setoid_Morphism Eembed := {}.
Instance Eembed_injective: Injective Eembed.
split; try apply _.
intros x y E ε1 ε2. apply Eball_spec, E.
Lemma dense_regular_prf (y : Y) : is_RegularFunction_noInf _ (app_inverse f y : Qpos → X).
intros ε1 ε2. simpl.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
now eapply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
Definition dense_regular (y : Y) : Complete X
:= mkRegularFunction (app_inverse f y 1 : X) (dense_regular_prf y).
Definition metric_embed_back_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction dense_regular Qpos2QposInf.
intros ε x y E δ1 δ2.
simpl in ×.
eapply ball_triangle.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
apply E.
now eapply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
Definition metric_embed_back_uc : Y --> Complete X
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction metric_embed_back_prf.
Definition Eembed_inverse : Complete Y --> Complete X := Cbind plY metric_embed_back_uc.
Global Instance: Inverse Eembed := Eembed_inverse.
Instance: Setoid_Morphism Eembed_inverse := {}.
Instance Eembed_surjective : Surjective Eembed.
split; [| apply _].
intros x y E. rewrite <-E.
intros ε1 ε2.
simpl. unfold Cjoin_raw. simpl.
setoid_replace (ε1 + ε2)%Qpos with ((1#2) × ε1 + ((1#2) × ε1 + ε2))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
now apply regFun_prf.
Global Instance: Bijective Eembed := {}.
Global Instance: Inverse Eembed_inverse := Eembed.
Global Instance: Bijective Eembed_inverse.
Proof. apply jections.flip_bijection. Qed.
Let F := Eembed.
Section unary_functions.
Context (g' : X' → X') (h : Y --> Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x, f (g' x) = h (f x)).
Lemma unary_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g' : X → X) (mu h).
intros ε ? ? ?. apply Eball_spec. rewrite 2!g_eq_h.
eapply uc_prf. now destruct (mu h ε).
Definition unary_uc : X --> X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction unary_uc_prf.
Let g := unary_uc.
Lemma preserves_unary_fun x : F (Cmap plX g x) = Cmap plY h (F x).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. rewrite QposInf_bind_id.
rewrite g_eq_h. apply ball_refl.
End unary_functions.
Section binary_functions.
Context (g' : X' → X → X) (h : Y --> Y --> Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x y, f (g' x y) = h (f x) (f y)).
Program Let g'' (x : X) := unary_uc (g' x) (h (f x)) _.
Lemma binary_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g'' : X → (X --> X)) (mu h).
intros ε x y E z.
apply Eball_spec. simpl. rewrite 2!g_eq_h.
apply (uc_prf h).
now destruct (mu h ε).
Definition binary_uc : X --> X --> X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction binary_uc_prf.
Let g := binary_uc.
Lemma preserves_binary_fun x y : F (Cmap2 plX plX g x y) = Cmap2 plY plY h (F x) (F y).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. unfold Cap_raw. simpl.
rewrite g_eq_h. rewrite 2!QposInf_bind_id.
apply ball_refl.
End binary_functions.
Section unary_complete_functions.
Context (g' : X' → Complete X) (h : Y --> Complete Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x, F (g' x) = h (f x)).
Definition unary_complete_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g' : X → Complete X) (mu h).
intros ε x y E δ1 δ2. apply Eball_spec.
apply ball_closed. intros δ3.
setoid_replace (δ1 + ε + δ2 + δ3) with ((δ1 + (1#4) × δ3) + ((1#4) × δ3 + ε + (1#4) × δ3) + (δ2 + (1#4) × δ3))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
2: apply ball_sym, (g_eq_h y).
eapply ball_triangle.
apply (g_eq_h x).
apply Eball_ex_spec in E.
now apply (uc_prf h).
Definition unary_complete_uc : X --> Complete X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction unary_complete_uc_prf.
Let g := unary_complete_uc.
Lemma preserves_unary_complete_fun x : F (Cbind plX g x) = Cbind plY h (F x).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. unfold Cjoin_raw. simpl.
rewrite QposInf_bind_id.
apply ball_weak.
setoid_replace ε with ((1#2) × ε + (1#2) × ε)%Qpos at 1 by QposRing.
now apply (g_eq_h (approximate x (mu h ((1 # 2) × ε)))).
End unary_complete_functions.
End dense_prelength_embedding.
Require Import
Setoid CornTac
stdlib_omissions.Q QMinMax QposMinMax Qposclasses
RSetoid CSetoids
Complete Prelength
Open Local Scope uc_scope.
Section metric_embedding.
Context `{Setoid X'} {Y : MetricSpace}.
Context (f : X' → Y) {inj : Injective f}.
Definition Eball (q: Qpos) (x y: X'): Prop := ball q (f x) (f y).
Local Existing Instance injective_mor.
Global Instance Eball_wd : Proper (QposEq ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) Eball.
intros ?? E ?? F ?? G. unfold Eball.
now rewrite E, F, G.
Let is_MetricSpace: is_MetricSpace (mcSetoid_as_RSetoid X') Eball.
constructor; unfold ball; repeat intro.
now apply ball_refl.
now apply ball_sym.
now eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
now apply ball_closed.
apply (injective f). now apply ball_eq.
Program Definition Emetric: MetricSpace := Build_MetricSpace _ is_MetricSpace.
Next Obligation. apply Eball_wd; assumption. Qed.
Let X := Emetric.
Lemma Eball_spec ε (x y : X) : ball ε x y ↔ ball ε (f x) (f y).
Proof. intuition. Qed.
Lemma Eball_ex_spec ε (x y : X) : ball_ex ε x y ↔ ball_ex ε (f x) (f y).
Proof. destruct ε; intuition. Qed.
Lemma metric_embed_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (f : X → Y) Qpos2QposInf.
Proof. now intros ε x y E. Qed.
Definition metric_embed_uc : X --> Y
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction metric_embed_uc_prf.
End metric_embedding.
Class AppInverse `(f : X → Y) := app_inverse : Y → Qpos → X.
Implicit Arguments app_inverse [[X] [Y] [AppInverse]].
Class DenseEmbedding `{Equiv X} {Y : MetricSpace} (f : X → Y) `{!AppInverse f} := {
dense_embed_setoid : Setoid X ;
dense_injective :> Injective f ;
dense_inverse : ∀ x ε, ball ε (f (app_inverse f x ε)) x
Section dense_prelength_embedding.
Context `{Setoid X'} {Y : MetricSpace} (plY : PrelengthSpace Y) (f : X' → Y)
`{!AppInverse f} `{!DenseEmbedding f}.
Let X := Emetric f.
Lemma Qpos_lt_1_mult_l (x : Qpos) (y : Q) : (y < 1 → y × x < x)%Q.
Proof with auto with qarith.
intros E. autorewrite with QposElim.
rewrite <-(Qmult_1_l x) at 2.
apply Qmult_lt_compat_r...
Lemma EPrelengthSpace_aux (x y : Qpos) (z : Q) :
(z < 1 → 0 < x - z × Qpos_min x y)%Q.
Proof with auto.
intros E.
apply (proj1 (Qlt_minus_iff _ _)).
destruct (Qle_total y x) as [F|F].
rewrite (proj1 (Qpos_le_min_r x y) F).
apply Qlt_le_trans with y...
apply Qpos_lt_1_mult_l...
rewrite (proj1 (Qpos_le_min_l x y) F).
apply Qpos_lt_1_mult_l...
Lemma EPrelengthSpace : PrelengthSpace X.
Proof with auto with qarith.
intros x y ε δ1 δ2 E F.
simpl in ×.
destruct (Qpos_lt_plus E) as [γ Eγ].
assert (1#3 < 1)%Q as G...
pose proof (EPrelengthSpace_aux δ1 γ (1#3) G) as E1.
pose proof (EPrelengthSpace_aux δ2 γ (1#3) G) as E2.
destruct (@plY (f x) (f y) ε (mkQpos E1) (mkQpos E2)) as [z Ez1 Ez2]...
replace RHS with (ε + (γ - (2 # 3) × Qpos_min γ (Qpos_min
(Qpos_min ((1 # 2) × δ1 + (1 # 2) × δ2) ((1 # 2) × γ + (1 # 2) × δ2))
((1 # 2) × δ1 + (1 # 2) × γ))))%Q.
rewrite <-(Qplus_0_r ε) at 1.
apply Qplus_lt_r.
apply EPrelengthSpace_aux...
autorewrite with QposElim.
rewrite (Qmin_comm γ). rewrite <-Qmin_assoc.
setoid_replace (γ:Q) with ((1#2) × γ + (1#2) × γ)%Q at 6 by ring.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_plus_distr_l.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_plus_distr_r.
repeat rewrite <-Qmin_mult_pos_distr_r...
unfold Qminus at 3. rewrite Qplus_assoc. rewrite <-Eγ.
∃ (app_inverse f z ((1#3) × Qpos_min γ (Qpos_min δ1 δ2))).
setoid_replace δ1 with (mkQpos E1 + ((1#3) × Qpos_min δ1 γ))%Qpos at 1 by (unfold QposEq; simpl; ring).
eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
eapply ball_weak_le. 2: now apply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
simpl. autorewrite with QposElim.
apply Qmult_le_compat_l; eauto with qarith.
setoid_replace δ2 with (((1#3) × Qpos_min δ2 γ + mkQpos E2))%Qpos at 1 by (unfold QposEq; simpl; ring).
eapply ball_triangle; eauto.
eapply ball_weak_le. 2: now apply dense_inverse.
simpl. autorewrite with QposElim.
apply Qmult_le_compat_l; eauto with qarith.
Let plX := EPrelengthSpace.
Definition Eembed : Complete X --> Complete Y := Cmap plX (metric_embed_uc f).
Instance: Setoid_Morphism Eembed := {}.
Instance Eembed_injective: Injective Eembed.
split; try apply _.
intros x y E ε1 ε2. apply Eball_spec, E.
Lemma dense_regular_prf (y : Y) : is_RegularFunction_noInf _ (app_inverse f y : Qpos → X).
intros ε1 ε2. simpl.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
now eapply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
Definition dense_regular (y : Y) : Complete X
:= mkRegularFunction (app_inverse f y 1 : X) (dense_regular_prf y).
Definition metric_embed_back_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction dense_regular Qpos2QposInf.
intros ε x y E δ1 δ2.
simpl in ×.
eapply ball_triangle.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
apply E.
now eapply ball_sym, dense_inverse.
Definition metric_embed_back_uc : Y --> Complete X
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction metric_embed_back_prf.
Definition Eembed_inverse : Complete Y --> Complete X := Cbind plY metric_embed_back_uc.
Global Instance: Inverse Eembed := Eembed_inverse.
Instance: Setoid_Morphism Eembed_inverse := {}.
Instance Eembed_surjective : Surjective Eembed.
split; [| apply _].
intros x y E. rewrite <-E.
intros ε1 ε2.
simpl. unfold Cjoin_raw. simpl.
setoid_replace (ε1 + ε2)%Qpos with ((1#2) × ε1 + ((1#2) × ε1 + ε2))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
now eapply dense_inverse.
now apply regFun_prf.
Global Instance: Bijective Eembed := {}.
Global Instance: Inverse Eembed_inverse := Eembed.
Global Instance: Bijective Eembed_inverse.
Proof. apply jections.flip_bijection. Qed.
Let F := Eembed.
Section unary_functions.
Context (g' : X' → X') (h : Y --> Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x, f (g' x) = h (f x)).
Lemma unary_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g' : X → X) (mu h).
intros ε ? ? ?. apply Eball_spec. rewrite 2!g_eq_h.
eapply uc_prf. now destruct (mu h ε).
Definition unary_uc : X --> X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction unary_uc_prf.
Let g := unary_uc.
Lemma preserves_unary_fun x : F (Cmap plX g x) = Cmap plY h (F x).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. rewrite QposInf_bind_id.
rewrite g_eq_h. apply ball_refl.
End unary_functions.
Section binary_functions.
Context (g' : X' → X → X) (h : Y --> Y --> Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x y, f (g' x y) = h (f x) (f y)).
Program Let g'' (x : X) := unary_uc (g' x) (h (f x)) _.
Lemma binary_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g'' : X → (X --> X)) (mu h).
intros ε x y E z.
apply Eball_spec. simpl. rewrite 2!g_eq_h.
apply (uc_prf h).
now destruct (mu h ε).
Definition binary_uc : X --> X --> X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction binary_uc_prf.
Let g := binary_uc.
Lemma preserves_binary_fun x y : F (Cmap2 plX plX g x y) = Cmap2 plY plY h (F x) (F y).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. unfold Cap_raw. simpl.
rewrite g_eq_h. rewrite 2!QposInf_bind_id.
apply ball_refl.
End binary_functions.
Section unary_complete_functions.
Context (g' : X' → Complete X) (h : Y --> Complete Y) (g_eq_h : ∀ x, F (g' x) = h (f x)).
Definition unary_complete_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (g' : X → Complete X) (mu h).
intros ε x y E δ1 δ2. apply Eball_spec.
apply ball_closed. intros δ3.
setoid_replace (δ1 + ε + δ2 + δ3) with ((δ1 + (1#4) × δ3) + ((1#4) × δ3 + ε + (1#4) × δ3) + (δ2 + (1#4) × δ3))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
2: apply ball_sym, (g_eq_h y).
eapply ball_triangle.
apply (g_eq_h x).
apply Eball_ex_spec in E.
now apply (uc_prf h).
Definition unary_complete_uc : X --> Complete X := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction unary_complete_uc_prf.
Let g := unary_complete_uc.
Lemma preserves_unary_complete_fun x : F (Cbind plX g x) = Cbind plY h (F x).
intros ? ?. apply regFunEq_e. intros ε.
simpl. unfold Cjoin_raw. simpl.
rewrite QposInf_bind_id.
apply ball_weak.
setoid_replace ε with ((1#2) × ε + (1#2) × ε)%Qpos at 1 by QposRing.
now apply (g_eq_h (approximate x (mu h ((1 # 2) × ε)))).
End unary_complete_functions.
End dense_prelength_embedding.