
Require Import
 Ring interfaces.naturals abstract_algebra natpair_integers.
Require Export

Lemma to_ring_involutive `{Integers Z} Z2 `{Integers Z2} x :
  integers_to_ring Z2 Z (integers_to_ring Z Z2 x) = x.
  rapply (proj2 (@categories.initials_unique' _ _ _ _ _ _ (rings.object Z) (rings.object Z2) _
    integers_initial _ integers_initial) tt x).

Lemma to_ring_unique `{Integers Z} `{Ring R} (f: Z R) {h: SemiRing_Morphism f} x :
  f x = integers_to_ring Z R x.
  pose proof (rings.encode_morphism_and_ops (f:=f)).
  set (@varieties.arrow rings.theory _ _ _ (rings.encode_variety_and_ops _) _ _ _ (rings.encode_variety_and_ops _) (λ _, f) _).
  exact (integers_initial _ a tt x).

Lemma to_ring_unique_alt `{Integers Z} `{Ring R} (f g: Z R) `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism g} x :
  f x = g x.
Proof. now rewrite (to_ring_unique f), (to_ring_unique g). Qed.

Lemma morphisms_involutive `{Integers Z} `{Integers Z2} (f: Z Z2) (g: Z2 Z)
  `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism g} x : f (g x) = x.
Proof. now apply (to_ring_unique_alt (f g) id). Qed.

Lemma to_ring_twice `{Integers Z} `{Ring R1} `{Ring R2} (f : R1 R2) (g : Z R1) (h : Z R2)
     `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism g} `{!SemiRing_Morphism h} x :
  f (g x) = h x.
Proof. now apply (to_ring_unique_alt (f g) h). Qed.

Lemma to_ring_self `{Integers Z} (f : Z Z) `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} x : f x = x.
Proof. now apply (to_ring_unique_alt f id). Qed.

Lemma to_ring_injective `{Integers Z} `{Ring R} (f: R Z) (g: Z R) `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism g} :
  Injective g.
  repeat (split; try apply _). intros x y E.
  rewrite <-(to_ring_self (f g) x), <-(to_ring_self (f g) y).
  unfold compose. now rewrite E.

Instance integers_to_integers_injective `{Integers Z} `{Integers Z2} (f: Z Z2) `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} :
  Injective f.
Proof. apply (to_ring_injective (integers_to_ring Z2 Z) _). Qed.

Instance naturals_to_integers_injective `{Integers Z} `{Naturals N} (f: N Z) `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} :
  Injective f.
  split; try apply _. intros x y E.
  apply (injective (cast N (SRpair N))).
  now rewrite <-2!(naturals.to_semiring_twice (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair N)) f (cast N (SRpair N))), E.

Section retract_is_int.
  Context `{Integers Z} `{Ring Z2}.
  Context (f : Z Z2) `{!Inverse f} `{!Surjective f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism f} `{!SemiRing_Morphism (f⁻¹)}.

  Definition retract_is_int_to_ring : IntegersToRing Z2 := λ Z2 _ _ _ _ _, integers_to_ring Z Z2 f⁻¹.

  Section for_another_ring.
    Context `{Ring R}.

    Instance: SemiRing_Morphism (integers_to_ring Z R f⁻¹) := {}.
    Context (h : Z2 R) `{!SemiRing_Morphism h}.

    Lemma same_morphism: integers_to_ring Z R f⁻¹ = h.
    Proof with auto.
      intros x y F. rewrite <-F.
      transitivity ((h (f f⁻¹)) x).
       symmetry. unfold compose. apply (to_ring_unique (h f)).
      unfold compose. now rewrite jections.surjective_applied.
  End for_another_ring.

  Program Instance retract_is_int: Integers Z2 (U:=retract_is_int_to_ring).
  Next Obligation. unfold integers_to_ring, retract_is_int_to_ring. apply _. Qed.
  Next Obligation. apply integer_initial. intros. now apply same_morphism. Qed.
End retract_is_int.

Section contents.
Context `{Integers Z}.

Global Program Instance: x y: Z, Decision (x = y) | 10 := λ x y,
  match decide (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat) x = integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat) y) with
  | left Eleft _
  | right Eright _
Next Obligation. now apply (injective (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat))). Qed.

Global Program Instance slow_int_abs `{Naturals N} : IntAbs Z N | 10 := λ x,
  match int_abs_sig (SRpair N) N (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair N) x) with
  | inl (nE) ⇒ inl n
  | inr (nE) ⇒ inr n
Next Obligation.
  apply (injective (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair N))).
  rewrite <-E. apply (naturals.to_semiring_twice _ _ _).
Next Obligation.
  apply (injective (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair N))).
  rewrite rings.preserves_negate, <-E.
  now apply (naturals.to_semiring_twice _ _ _).

Instance: PropHolds ((1:Z) 0).
  intros E.
  apply (rings.is_ne_0 (1:nat)).
  apply (injective (naturals_to_semiring nat Z)).
  now rewrite rings.preserves_0, rings.preserves_1.

Global Instance: ZeroProduct Z.
  intros x y E.
  destruct (zero_product (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat) x) (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat) y)).
    now rewrite <-rings.preserves_mult, E, rings.preserves_0.
   left. apply (injective (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat))). now rewrite rings.preserves_0.
  right. apply (injective (integers_to_ring Z (SRpair nat))). now rewrite rings.preserves_0.

Global Instance: IntegralDomain Z := {}.
End contents.