
Require Import
  abstract_algebra interfaces.naturals theory.categories

Section initial_maps.
  Variable A : Type.

  Class IntegersToRing :=
    integers_to_ring: R `{Mult R} `{Plus R} `{One R} `{Zero R} `{Negate R}, A R.

  Context `{IntegersToRing} `{Ring A} `{ `{Ring B}, SemiRing_Morphism (integers_to_ring B)}.

  Global Instance integer_initial_arrow: InitialArrow (rings.object A).
   intro y.
    (λ u, match u return A y u with ttintegers_to_ring (y tt) end).
   abstract (apply rings.encode_morphism_only; apply _).
  Lemma integer_initial (same_morphism : `{Ring B} {h : A B} `{!SemiRing_Morphism h}, integers_to_ring B = h) :
    Initial (rings.object A).
    intros y [x h] [] ?. simpl in ×.
    apply same_morphism.
      apply rings.decode_variety_and_ops.
     apply (@rings.decode_morphism_and_ops _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h).
End initial_maps.

Instance: Params (@integers_to_ring) 8.

Class Integers A {e plus mult zero one negate} `{U : IntegersToRing A} :=
  { integers_ring:> @Ring A e plus mult zero one negate
  ; integers_to_ring_mor:> `{Ring B}, SemiRing_Morphism (integers_to_ring A B)
  ; integers_initial:> Initial (rings.object A) }.

Section specializable.
  Context (Z N : Type) `{Integers Z} `{Naturals N}.

  Class IntAbs := int_abs_sig : x,
    { n : N | naturals_to_semiring N Z n = x } + { n : N | naturals_to_semiring N Z n = -x }.

  Definition int_abs `{ia : IntAbs} (x : Z) : N :=
    match int_abs_sig x with
    | inl (n_) ⇒ n
    | inr (n_) ⇒ n

  Definition int_to_nat `{Zero N} `{ia : IntAbs} (x : Z) : N :=
    match int_abs_sig x with
    | inl (n_) ⇒ n
    | inr (n_) ⇒ 0
End specializable.

Instance: Params (@int_abs) 10.
Instance: Params (@int_abs_sig) 10.
Instance: Params (@int_to_nat) 11.