Require Export IntegrableFunction.
Require Export BoundedFunction.
Require Export CRmetric.
Require Export CRArith.
Require Import LinfDistMonad.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import Integral.
Require Import StepQsec.
Require Import OpenUnit.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import QposMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import Qround.
Require Import L1metric.
Require Import LinfMetric.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import ContinuousCorrect.
Require Import IntegrationRules.
Require Import MoreIntegrals.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Opaque Qmax Qabs inj_Q.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Effective Integration


The first step in defining integration is to define the unit function on [0,1] as a Bounded Function. This is defined to be the limit of step functions approximating the unit function.
For efficenty reasons we want this approximation to be as good as we can muster because the number of steps this approximation returns will be the number of samples that we will take of the function we want to integrate. Furthermore, we want the tree structure defining the step function to be as balanced as possible.
First we create a step function with n steps that appoximates the identity function, stepSample.

Lemma oddGluePoint (p:positive) : 0 < Psucc p # xI p Psucc p # xI p < 1.
 split; unfold Qlt.
 rewrite Pmult_comm.
 apply Zlt_left_rev.
 rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism, Zpos_xI.
 unfold Zsucc.
 auto with ×.

Open Local Scope setoid_scope.
Open Local Scope sfstscope.
Open Local Scope StepQ_scope.

Definition stepSample : positiveStepQ := positive_rect2
 (fun _StepQ)
 (fun p rec1 rec2glue (Build_OpenUnit (oddGluePoint p)) (constStepF (Psucc p#xI p:QS) × rec1) ((constStepF (1#(xI p):QS))*(constStepF (Psucc p:QS) + constStepF (p:QS)×rec2)))
 (fun p recglue (ou (1#2)) (constStepF (1#2:QS) × rec) (constStepF (1#2:QS) × (constStepF (1:QS) + rec)))
 (constStepF (1#2:QS)).

We want to prove that stepSample n is within (1/(2*n)) of the identity function, but the identity function doesn't exist yet. Instead we define the SupDistanceToLinear which computes what would the distance to a linear function on [0,1]. This distance function is transitive in the sense that if a step function x is within e1 of a linear function, and a step function y is within e2 of the same linear function, then x and y are really within (e1+e2) of each other (in Linf).
Section id01.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinearBase_pos : (l r:Q) (H:l<r) (x:Q), 0 < Qmax (x-l) (r-x).
 intros l r H x.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec_fast l x) as [H0|H0].
  rewriteQlt_minus_iff in H0.
  unfold Qminus.
  eapply Qlt_le_trans; [|apply Qmax_ub_l].
 rewriteQlt_minus_iff in H.
 eapply Qlt_le_trans; [|apply Qmax_ub_r].
 eapply Qlt_le_trans.
  apply H.
 unfold Qminus.
 apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft;simpl;auto with ×.

Definition SupDistanceToLinear := StepFfold
 (fun (x:QS) (l r:Q) (H:l < r) ⇒ mkQpos (SupDistanceToLinearBase_pos H x))
 (fun b f g l r H
  (Qpos_max (f _ _ (affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual b) H)) (g _ _ (affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual b) H)))).

Various properties of SupDistanceToLinear
Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_glue : o l r a b (H:a < b),
 (SupDistanceToLinear (glue o l r) H ==
 Qmax (SupDistanceToLinear l (affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) H))
      (SupDistanceToLinear r (affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) H)))%Q.
 intros o l r a b H.
 unfold SupDistanceToLinear at 1.
 autorewrite with QposElim.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_wd1 : x l1 r1 (H1:l1 < r1) l2 r2 (H2:l2 < r2),
 (l1 == l2r1 == r2
  SupDistanceToLinear x H1 == SupDistanceToLinear x H2)%Q.
 induction x using StepF_ind; intros l1 r1 H1 l2 r2 H2 Hl Hr.
  unfold SupDistanceToLinear.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 do 2 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_glue.
 assert (X:(affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) l1 r1==affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) l2 r2)%Q).
 apply Qmax_compat.
  apply IHx1; auto.
 apply IHx2; auto.

Lemma Qmax_affineCombo : x a b o, a < b → (Qmax (Qmax (x - a) (affineCombo o a b - x))
   (Qmax (x - affineCombo o a b) (b - x)) == Qmax (x - a) (b - x))%Q.
 intros x a b o H.
 rewrite <- Qmax_assoc.
 rewrite → (Qmax_assoc (affineCombo o a b - x)).
 rewrite → (Qmax_comm (affineCombo o a b - x)).
 rewrite <- (Qmax_assoc (x - affineCombo o a b)).
 apply Qmax_compat.
  rewrite <- Qle_max_l.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft;simpl; auto with ×.
 rewrite <- Qle_max_r.
 apply: plus_resp_leEq;simpl;auto with ×.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_split :
  x o a b c (H0:a < c) (H1:c < b),
 (c == affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) a b)%Q
(Qmax (SupDistanceToLinear (SplitL x o) H0)
   (SupDistanceToLinear (SplitR x o) H1) ==
 SupDistanceToLinear x (Qlt_trans _ _ _ H0 H1))%Q.
 induction x using StepF_ind.
  intros o a b c H0 H1 Hc.
  unfold SupDistanceToLinear.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qmax_affineCombo; auto with ×.
  apply Qlt_trans with c; assumption.
 intros p a b c H0 H1 Hc.
 apply SplitLR_glue_ind; intros H.
   do 2 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_glue.
    apply Qmax_compat; apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity; rewriteHc; unfold affineCombo;
      simpl; field; auto with ×.
   unfold affineCombo.
   field; auto with ×.
  do 2 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_glue.
  rewrite <- Qmax_assoc.
   apply Qmax_compat; apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity; rewriteHc; unfold affineCombo;
     simpl; field; auto with ×.
  unfold affineCombo.
  field; auto with ×.
 apply Qmax_compat; apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity; rewriteHc; unfold affineCombo;
   simpl; rewriteH; field; auto with ×.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_wd2 : x1 x2 a b (H: a < b), x1 == x2
(SupDistanceToLinear x1 H == SupDistanceToLinear x2 H)%Q.
 induction x1 using StepF_ind.
  induction x2 using StepF_ind.
   intros a b H Hx.
   unfold SupDistanceToLinear.
   simpl in ×.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   change (x == x0)%Q in Hx.
  intros a b H Hx.
  destruct Hx as [H0 H1] using (eq_glue_ind x2_1).
  rewrite <- IHx2_1; auto with ×.
  rewrite <- IHx2_2; auto with ×.
  unfold SupDistanceToLinear.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  rewrite <- Qmax_assoc.
  rewrite → (Qmax_assoc (affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) a b - x)).
  rewrite → (Qmax_comm (affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) a b - x)).
  rewrite <- (Qmax_assoc (x - affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) a b)).
  apply Qmax_compat.
   rewrite <- Qle_max_l.
   apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft;simpl;auto with ×.
  rewrite <- Qle_max_r.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq;simpl; auto with ×.
 intros x2 a b H Hx.
 destruct Hx as [H0 H1] using (glue_eq_ind x1_1).
 rewrite → (IHx1_1 _ _ _ (affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) H) H0).
 rewrite → (IHx1_2 _ _ _ (affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) H) H1).
 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_split; [|reflexivity].
 apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_translate :
  x c a b (H:a < b) (H0:a+c < b + c),
  (SupDistanceToLinear x H == SupDistanceToLinear (constStepF (c:QS) + x) H0)%Q.
 induction x using StepF_ind.
  intros; unfold SupDistanceToLinear; simpl.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qmax_compat; ring.
 intros c a b H H0.
 change (constStepF (X:=QS) c + glue o x1 x2)
   with (glue o (constStepF (c:QS) + x1) (constStepF (c:QS) + x2)).
 do 2 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_glue.
 set (A:=(affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) H)).
 apply Qmax_compat.
  eapply Seq_trans.
    apply Q_Setoid.
   apply (IHx1 c _ _ A (proj2 (Qplus_lt_l _ _ c) A)).
  apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity.
  unfold affineCombo; ring.
 set (B:=(affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) H)).
 eapply Seq_trans.
   apply Q_Setoid.
  apply (IHx2 c _ _ B (proj2 (Qplus_lt_l _ _ c) B)).
 apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity.
 unfold affineCombo; ring.

Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_scale :
  x c a b (H:a < b) (H0:c×a < c×b),
  (c×SupDistanceToLinear x H == SupDistanceToLinear (constStepF (c:QS) × x) H0)%Q.
 intros x c a b H H0.
 assert (X:0 < c).
  rewriteQlt_minus_iff in *|-.
  apply: (mult_cancel_less _ 0 c (b + - a))%Q; simpl; auto with ×.
  replace LHS with 0 by simpl; ring.
  replace RHS with (c× b + - (c×a))%Q by simpl; ring.
 revert c a b H H0 X.
 induction x using StepF_ind.
  intros; unfold SupDistanceToLinear; simpl.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  rewriteQmax_mult_pos_distr_r; auto with ×.
  apply Qmax_compat; ring.
 intros c a b H H0 X.
 change (constStepF (X:=QS) c × glue o x1 x2)
   with (glue o (constStepF (c:QS) × x1) (constStepF (c:QS) × x2)).
 do 2 rewriteSupDistanceToLinear_glue.
 eapply Seq_trans.
   apply Q_Setoid.
  apply Qmax_mult_pos_distr_r; auto with ×.
 set (A:=(affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) H)).
 apply Qmax_compat.
  eapply Seq_trans.
    apply Q_Setoid.
   apply (IHx1 c _ _ A (mult_resp_less_lft _ _ _ _ A X)); auto with ×.
  apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity.
  unfold affineCombo; ring.
 set (B:=(affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) H)).
 eapply Seq_trans.
   apply Q_Setoid.
  apply (IHx2 c _ _ B (mult_resp_less_lft _ _ _ _ B X)); auto with ×.
 apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; try reflexivity.
 unfold affineCombo; ring.

This is the "transitivity" of the SupDistanceToLinear function.
Lemma SupDistanceToLinear_trans :
  x y a b (H:a < b), StepFSupBall (SupDistanceToLinear x H + SupDistanceToLinear y H) x y.
 apply: StepF_ind2.
   intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht H a b Hab.
   rewrite <- Hs, <- Ht at 2.
   setoid_replace (SupDistanceToLinear s0 Hab + SupDistanceToLinear t0 Hab)%Qpos
     with (SupDistanceToLinear s Hab + SupDistanceToLinear t Hab)%Qpos.
    apply H.
   unfold QposEq.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   apply Qplus_wd; apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd2; auto.
  intros x x0 a b H.
  unfold StepFSupBall, StepFfoldProp.
  unfold SupDistanceToLinear.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qabs_case; intros H0.
   setoid_replace (x - x0)%Q with ((x - a) + (a - b) + (b - x0))%Q; [| now simpl; ring].
   apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; simpl; auto with ×.
   replace RHS with (Qmax (x-a) (b-x) + 0)%Q by simpl; ring.
   apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; simpl; auto with ×.
   apply Qlt_le_weak.
   rewriteQlt_minus_iff in ×.
   replace RHS with (b + -a)%Q by simpl; ring.
  setoid_replace (-(x - x0))%Q with ((b - x) + - (b - a) + (x0 - a))%Q; [| now simpl; ring].
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; simpl; auto with ×.
  replace RHS with (Qmax (x-a) (b-x) + 0)%Q by simpl; ring.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; simpl; auto with ×.
  apply Qlt_le_weak.
  rewriteQlt_minus_iff in ×.
  replace RHS with (b + -a)%Q by simpl; ring.
 intros o s s0 t t0 H0 H1 a b H.
 assert (X: (o : OpenUnit) (l r : StepQ) (a b : Q) (H : a < b),
   QposEq (SupDistanceToLinear (glue o l r) H)
     (Qpos_max (SupDistanceToLinear l (affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) H))
       (SupDistanceToLinear r (affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) H)))%Q).
  unfold QposEq.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply SupDistanceToLinear_glue.
 do 2 rewriteX.
  apply: ball_weak_le;[|simpl; apply H0].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qplus_le_compat; apply Qmax_ub_l.
 apply: ball_weak_le;[|simpl; apply H1].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply Qplus_le_compat; apply Qmax_ub_r.

The stepSample p is as close to the virtual identity function as we expect.
Lemma stepSampleDistanceToId : ( p, QposEq (@SupDistanceToLinear (stepSample p) 0 1 (@pos_one _)) (1#(2×p))).
 unfold QposEq.
 induction p using positive_rect2.
   replace (stepSample (xI p))
     with (glue (Build_OpenUnit (oddGluePoint p)) (constStepF (Psucc p#xI p:QS) × (stepSample (Psucc p))) ((constStepF (1#(xI p):QS))*(constStepF (Psucc p:QS) + constStepF (p:QS)*(stepSample p))))
       by (symmetry;apply: positive_rect2_red1).
   generalize (@affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual (Build_OpenUnit (oddGluePoint p))) 0 1 (pos_one Q_as_COrdField))
     (@affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual (Build_OpenUnit (oddGluePoint p))) 0 1 (pos_one Q_as_COrdField)).
   intros A B.
   set (C:=(pos_one Q_as_COrdField)) in ×.
   transitivity (Qmax (1#2×xI p) (1#2×xI p))%Q;[|apply Qmax_idem].
   apply Qmax_compat.
    set (LHS := (SupDistanceToLinear (constStepF (X:=QS) (Psucc p # xI p) × stepSample (Psucc p)) A)).
    transitivity ((Psucc p#xI p)*(SupDistanceToLinear (stepSample (Psucc p)) C))%Q; [|rewriteIHp;
      change ((Psucc p × 1 × (2 × (2× p + 1)) = 2× (Psucc p + p × (2× (Psucc p))))%Z);
        repeat rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism; ring].
    assert (X:(Psucc p # xI p) ×0 < (Psucc p # xI p) ×1).
    rewrite → (fun aSupDistanceToLinear_scale a C X).
    apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1.
     simpl; ring.
    unfold affineCombo; simpl; ring.
   set (LHS := (SupDistanceToLinear (constStepF (X:=QS) (1 # xI p) ×
     (constStepF (X:=QS) (Psucc p) + constStepF (X:=QS) p × stepSample p)) B)%Q).
   transitivity ((1#xI p)*(p*(SupDistanceToLinear (stepSample (p)) C)))%Q; [|rewriteIHp0;
     change ((p × 1 × (2 × (2× p + 1)) = 2× (p + p × (2× p)))%Z); ring].
   assert (X0:(p ×0 < p ×1)).
   rewrite → (fun aSupDistanceToLinear_scale a C X0).
   assert (X1:(p×0 + Psucc p < p×1 + Psucc p)).
    apply: plus_resp_less_rht.
   rewrite → (fun aSupDistanceToLinear_translate a X0 X1).
   assert (X2:((1# xI p)*(p×0 + Psucc p) < (1#xI p)*(p×1 + Psucc p))).
    apply: mult_resp_less_lft;simpl; auto with ×.
   rewrite → (fun aSupDistanceToLinear_scale a X1 X2).
   apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1.
    unfold affineCombo; simpl.
    repeat rewriteZpos_succ_morphism; repeat rewriteQmake_Qdiv; repeat rewriteZpos_xI;
      field; auto with ×.
   change (2*(p×1) + 1 = ((p×1×1 + Psucc p×1)*1))%Z.
   rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism; ring.
  change (1#2×xO p)%Q with ((1#2)*(1#(2×p)))%Q.
  replace (stepSample (xO p)) with (glue (ou (1#2)) (constStepF (1#2:QS) × (stepSample p))
    (constStepF (1#2:QS) × (constStepF (1:QS) + (stepSample p))))
      by (symmetry;apply: positive_rect2_red2).
  generalize (@affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual (ou (1#2))) 0 1 (pos_one Q_as_COrdField))
    (@affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual (ou (1#2))) 0 1 (pos_one Q_as_COrdField)).
  intros A B.
  set (C:=(pos_one Q_as_COrdField)) in ×.
  transitivity (Qmax ((1#2)*(1#2 × p)) ((1#2)*(1#2 × p)))%Q;[|apply Qmax_idem].
  set (D1:=(SupDistanceToLinear (constStepF (X:=QS) (1 # 2) × stepSample p) A)).
  set (D2:=(SupDistanceToLinear
    (constStepF (X:=QS) (1 # 2) × (constStepF (X:=QS) 1 + stepSample p)) B)).
  rewrite <- IHp.
  apply Qmax_compat.
   assert (X:((1#2) ×0 < (1#2) ×1)).
   rewrite → (fun a cSupDistanceToLinear_scale a c X).
   apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; constructor.
  assert (X0:0 + 1 < 1 +1).
  rewrite → (fun a cSupDistanceToLinear_translate a c X0).
  assert (X1:(1#2)*(0 + 1) < (1#2)*(1 +1)).
  rewrite → (fun aSupDistanceToLinear_scale a X0 X1).
  apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; constructor.

Given a requested error of q, what is smallest n for stepSample n that will satifiy this error requirement.

Definition id01_raw_help (q:QposInf) : positive :=
match q with
|QposInfinity ⇒ 1%positive
|Qpos2QposInf qQposCeiling ((1#2)/q)

Lemma id01_raw_help_le : (q:Qpos),
 ((1#2×id01_raw_help q) q)%Q.
Proof with auto with ×.
 intros q.
 unfold id01_raw_help, QposCeiling.
 generalize (Qle_ceiling ((1#2)*/q)).
 generalize (Qceiling ((1#2)*/q)).
 intros [|p|p] H.
   elim (Qle_not_lt _ _ H).
   apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat...
   apply Qinv_lt_0_compat...
  autorewrite with QposElim in ×.
  rewriteQmake_Qdiv in ×.
  rewrite Zpos_xO.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  change ((2%positive × p)%Z:Q) with (2%positive × p)%Q.
  replace RHS with (((2×q)/(2×p))*(p - 1%positive/2%positive×/q))%Q.
   apply: mult_resp_nonneg; simpl; auto with ×.
   apply Qlt_le_weak.
   apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat...
  simpl. field. split...
 elim (Qle_not_lt _ _ H).
 apply Qlt_trans with 0...
 apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat...
 apply Qinv_lt_0_compat...

Now define id01, the identity funciton on [0,1] as a bounded function, to be the limit of these stepSample functions.
Definition id01_raw (q:QposInf) : StepQ := stepSample (id01_raw_help q).

Lemma id01_prf : is_RegularFunction (id01_raw:QposInfLinfStepQ).
 intros a b.
 unfold id01_raw.
 apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2*(id01_raw_help a)) + (1#2*(id01_raw_help b)))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; apply id01_raw_help_le.
 simpl (ball (m:=LinfStepQ)).
 do 2 rewrite <- stepSampleDistanceToId.
 apply SupDistanceToLinear_trans.

Definition id01 : BoundedFunction :=
Build_RegularFunction id01_prf.

End id01.

StepFunctions distribute over Completion

The distribution function maps StepF (Complete X) to Complete (StepF X).
Definition distribComplete_raw (x:StepF CR) (e:QposInf) : LinfStepQ :=
StepFunction.Map (fun zapproximate z e) x.

Lemma distribComplete_prf : (x:StepF CR), is_RegularFunction (distribComplete_raw x).
 unfold distribComplete_raw.
 intros x a b.
 induction x using StepF_ind.
  apply: regFun_prf.
 simpl (ball (m:=LinfStepQ)).
 set (f:=(fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpaceapproximate z a)) in ×.
 set (g:=(fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpaceapproximate z b)) in ×.
 change (Map f (glue o x1 x2)) with (glue o (Map f x1:StepQ) (Map f x2)).
 change (Map g (glue o x1 x2)) with (glue o (Map g x1:StepQ) (Map g x2)).

Definition distribComplete (x:StepF CR) : BoundedFunction :=
Build_RegularFunction (distribComplete_prf x).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Given a uniformly continuous function f, and a step function g, the composition f o g is a bounded function. The map from g to f o g is uniformly continuous with modulus mu f.
The same thing does not work for integrable functions becuase The map from g to f o g may not be uniformly continuous with modulus mu f. However, I have not found a counter example where f o g is not uniformly continuous. In fact, when f is lipschitz, then the map from g to f o g is Lipschitz. However Lipschitz functions haven't been formalized yet.

Definition ComposeContinuous_raw (f:Q_as_MetricSpace-->CR) (z:LinfStepQ) : BoundedFunction := dist (uc_stdFun f ^@> z).
Lemma ComposeContinuous_prf (f:Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR) :
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (ComposeContinuous_raw f) (mu f).
 intros e a b.
 revert a b e.
 apply: StepF_ind2.
   intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht H e H0.
   change (st_car LinfStepQ) in s, s0, t, t0.
   rewrite <- Hs, <- Ht.
   apply H.
   destruct (mu f e); try constructor.
   change (ball q s t).
   rewriteHs, Ht.
  intros x y e H.
  change (ball e (f x) (f y)).
  apply uc_prf.
  destruct (mu f e); try solve [constructor].
 intros o s s0 t t0 H0 H1 e H.
 unfold ComposeContinuous_raw in ×.
 repeat rewriteMapGlue, dist_glue.
 intros d1 d2.
 apply ball_weak_le with (((1#2)*((1#2)*d1)) + e + ((1#2)*((1#2)*d2)))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 unfold Cap_slow_raw.
 split; [apply H0 | apply H1]; destruct (mu f e); try constructor; simpl in *;
   rewriteStepFSupBallGlueGlue in H; tauto.

Definition ComposeContinuous (f:Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR) : LinfStepQ --> BoundedFunction :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (ComposeContinuous_prf f).

Riemann-Stieltjes Integral

A measure on the reals is represented by the inverse of it's cumlative distribution function as a bounded function. So at the moment we can only integrate over bounded intervals. This effectively the Stieltjes integral Integral f d(g^-1).
The Riemann Integral uses the uniform measure on [0,1]. The inverse of its cumlative distribution function is id01.
Integrating a different range is just a matter of scaling and translating a little:
Definition Integrate (f: Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR) (from width: Q): CR :=
  (' width × Integrate01 (f Qplus_uc from Qscale_uc width))%CR.

Our integral on [0,1] is correct.
Lemma Integrate01_correct : F (H01:[0][<=]([1]:IR)) (HF:Continuous_I H01 F)
 (f:Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR),
 ( (o:Q) H, (0 o 1) → (f o == IRasCR (F (inj_Q IR o) H)))%CR
 (IRasCR (integral [0] [1] H01 F HF)==Integrate01 f)%CR.
 intros F H01' HF' f Hf.
 assert (H01:(inj_Q IR 0)[<=](inj_Q IR 1)).
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 assert (HF:Continuous_I H01 F).
  apply (included_imp_contin _ _ H01').
   apply included_compact.
    apply (compact_wd _ _ H01' [0]).
     apply compact_inc_lft.
    apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
   apply (compact_wd _ _ H01' [1]).
    apply compact_inc_rht.
   rstepl (nring 1:IR).
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 transitivity (IRasCR (integral _ _ H01 F HF)).
  apply IRasCR_wd.
  apply integral_wd'.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
  rstepl (nring 1:IR).
  apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 clear H01' HF'.
 apply ball_eq.
 intros e.
 setoid_replace e with ((1#2)*e + (1#2)*e)%Qpos; [| now QposRing].
 generalize ((1#2)*e)%Qpos.
 clear e.
 intros e.
 eapply ball_triangle; [|apply (@ball_approx_l Q_as_MetricSpace)].
 change (Cunit (approximate (Integrate01 f) e)) with ('(approximate (Integrate01 f) e))%CR.

 setoid_replace ('(approximate (Integrate01 f) e))%CR
   with ('((1-0)*(approximate (Integrate01 f) e))%Q)%CR.
  Focus 2.
  change (' approximate (Integrate01 f) e == ' ((1 - 0) × approximate (Integrate01 f) e)%Q)%CR.
 rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball.
 stepl ('((1-0)*e)%Q)%CR; [| apply inject_Q_CR_wd; change ((1 - 0) × e == e)%Q; ring].
 set (z:=(integral (inj_Q IR 0) (inj_Q IR 1) H01 F HF)).
 unfold Cjoin_raw.
 unfold distribComplete_raw.
 unfold id01_raw.
 assert (X:=stepSampleDistanceToId (id01_raw_help (mu f ((1 # 2) × e)))).
 revert X.
 generalize (stepSample (id01_raw_help (mu f ((1 # 2) × e)))).
 intros s Hs.
 assert (X:QposInf_le (SupDistanceToLinear s (pos_one Q_as_COrdField)) (mu f ((1 # 2) × e))).
  destruct (mu f ((1#2) ×e)); try constructor.
  unfold QposEq in Hs.
  apply id01_raw_help_le.
 clear Hs.
 rename X into Hs.
 revert s Hs.
 generalize (pos_one Q_as_COrdField).
 intros c s Hs.
 simpl in c, Hs.
 revert c s Hs.
 unfold z.
 clear z.
 revert H01 HF.
 revert Hf.
 generalize 0 1.
 intros a b Hf Hab HF Hab0 s Hs.
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hab0) as [ba Hba].
 stepl ('(ba×e)%Qpos)%CR; [| now (apply inject_Q_CR_wd; unfold canonical_names.equiv, stdlib_rationals.Q_eq; rewriteHba; QposRing)].
 revert a b Hab0 ba Hba F Hab HF Hf Hs.
 induction s using StepF_ind; intros a b Hab0 ba Hba F Hab HF Hf Hs.
  change (AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) ('(ba×e)%Qpos)%CR (IRasCR (integral _ _ Hab F HF)[-]
    ('((b-a)*(approximate (f x) ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos))%Q)%CR)).
  rewrite <- IR_inj_Q_as_CR.
  rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball.
  unfold cg_minus.
  eapply AbsSmall_wdr;[|apply IR_minus_as_CR].
  eapply AbsSmall_wdl;[|apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
  rewrite <- IR_AbsSmall_as_CR.
  unfold SupDistanceToLinear in Hs.
  simpl in Hs.
  set (a0:=inj_Q IR (approximate (f x) ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos)).
  set (e':=(inj_Q IR (e:Q))).
  assert (X: y : IR, Compact Hab y Hy : Dom F y, AbsSmall e' ((F y Hy)[-]a0)).
   intros y Hy Hyf.
   unfold e'.
   apply AbsSmall_wdr with (IRasCR (F y Hyf)[-]IRasCR a0)%CR;[|apply eq_symmetric; apply IR_minus_as_CR].
   eapply AbsSmall_wdl;[|apply eq_symmetric; apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
   unfold a0; rewriteIR_inj_Q_as_CR.
   assert (X0:( (q : Q) (Hq : Dom F (inj_Q IR q)), clcr (inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR b) (inj_Q IR q) →
     (Cbind QPrelengthSpace f (' q) == IRasCR (F (inj_Q IR q) Hq))%CR)).
    intros q Hq [Hq0 H1].
    rewrite → (Cbind_correct QPrelengthSpace f (' q))%CR.
    rewrite → (BindLaw1 f).
    apply Hf.
     apply (leEq_inj_Q IR).
    apply (leEq_inj_Q IR).
   assert (X:=@ContinuousCorrect (clcr (inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR b)) (inj_Q_less _ _ _ Hab0) F (Continuous_Int (clcr (inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR b)) Hab Hab F HF)
     (Cbind QPrelengthSpace f) X0 y Hyf Hy).
   set (z:=(' approximate (f x) ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos)%CR).
   setoid_replace e with ((1#2)*e + (1#2)*e)%Qpos; [| now QposRing].
   apply ball_triangle with (f x); [|apply ball_approx_r].
   rewrite <- (BindLaw1 f).
   rewrite <- (Cbind_correct QPrelengthSpace f (Cunit_fun Q_as_MetricSpace x)).
   set (z0:=(Cbind QPrelengthSpace f (Cunit_fun Q_as_MetricSpace x))).
   apply: uc_prf.
   clear z X X0 Hyf.
   set (z:=(mu f ((1#2)*e)%Qpos)) in ×.
   change (@mu CR CR (@Cbind Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace QPrelengthSpace f)
     (Qpos_mult (QposMake xH (xO xH)) e)) with z.
   destruct z as [z|];[|constructor].
   unfold ball_ex.
   eapply ball_weak_le.
    apply Hs.
   change (Cunit_fun Q_as_MetricSpace x) with ('x)%CR.
   rewrite <- IR_inj_Q_as_CR.
   rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   unfold cg_minus; simpl.
   eapply AbsSmall_wdr;[|apply IR_minus_as_CR].
   eapply AbsSmall_wdl;[|apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
   rewrite <- IR_AbsSmall_as_CR.
   apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
   assert(X:=leEq_or_leEq _ (inj_Q IR x) y).
   intros Y.
   apply X.
   clear X.
   intros X.
   revert Y.
   change (Not (inj_Q IR (Qmax (x - a) (b - x))[<]AbsIR (y[-]inj_Q IR x))).
   rewrite <- leEq_def.
   apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
   destruct X as [X|X].
    apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
     apply shift_leEq_lft; assumption.
    apply leEq_transitive with (inj_Q IR (b - x)%Q).
     stepr ((inj_Q IR b)[-](inj_Q IR x)); [| now (apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_minus)].
     apply minus_resp_leEq.
     destruct Hy; assumption.
    apply inj_Q_leEq.
    apply Qmax_ub_r.
   apply AbsSmall_minus.
   apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
    apply shift_leEq_lft; assumption.
   apply leEq_transitive with (inj_Q IR (x - a)%Q).
    stepr ((inj_Q IR x)[-](inj_Q IR a)); [| now (apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_minus)].
    apply minus_resp_leEq_rht.
    destruct Hy; assumption.
   apply inj_Q_leEq.
   apply Qmax_ub_l.
   apply shift_leEq_minus.
   stepl (([--]e'[+]a0)[*](inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)).
    apply lb_integral.
    intros y Hy Hyf.
    apply shift_plus_leEq.
    destruct (X y Hy Hyf); assumption.
   rstepl ([--]((inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)[*]e') [+] (inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)[*]a0).
   csetoid_replace (inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR (b-a)%Q);
     [|apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_minus].
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
    apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
    unfold e'.
    stepl (inj_Q IR ((b-a)*e)%Q); [| now apply inj_Q_mult].
    apply: inj_Q_wd;simpl.
    autorewrite with QposElim.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_mult.
  apply shift_minus_leEq.
  stepr ((e'[+]a0)[*](inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)).
   apply ub_integral.
   intros y Hy Hyf.
   apply shift_leEq_plus.
   destruct (X y Hy Hyf); assumption.
  rstepl (((inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)[*]e') [+] (inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a)[*]a0).
  csetoid_replace (inj_Q IR b[-]inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR (b-a)%Q);
    [|apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_minus].
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   unfold e'.
   stepl (inj_Q IR ((b-a)*e)%Q); [| now apply inj_Q_mult].
   apply: inj_Q_wd;simpl.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_mult.
 set (z:=(IntegralQ (glue o (Map (fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace
   approximate z ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos) (Map f s1):StepQ) (Map
     (fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpaceapproximate z ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos) (Map f s2))))).
 change (AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) ('(ba× e)%Qpos)%CR
   (IRasCR (integral _ _ Hab F HF)[-]'((b-a)*z)%Q)%CR).
 set (c:=(affineCombo (OpenUnitDual o) a b:Q)).
 assert (Hac:inj_Q IR a[<=]inj_Q IR c).
  unfold c.
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  simpl; auto with ×.
 assert (Hcb:inj_Q IR c[<=]inj_Q IR b).
  unfold c.
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  simpl; auto with ×.
 assert (HFl :Continuous_I Hac F).
  revert HF.
  apply included_imp_contin.
  intros x [Hxl Hxr].
  split; auto.
  apply leEq_transitive with (inj_Q IR c); auto.
 assert (HFr :Continuous_I Hcb F).
  revert HF.
  apply included_imp_contin.
  intros x [Hxl Hxr].
  split; auto.
  apply leEq_transitive with (inj_Q IR c); auto.
 setoid_replace (IRasCR (integral _ _ Hab F HF))
   with (IRasCR (integral _ _ Hac F HFl)+IRasCR (integral _ _ Hcb F HFr))%CR;
     [| now (rewrite <- IR_plus_as_CR;apply IRasCR_wd; apply eq_symmetric; apply integral_plus_integral)].
 unfold z.
 clear z.
 set (zl:=IntegralQ (Map (fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace
   approximate z ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos) (Map f s1))).
 set (zr:=IntegralQ (Map (fun z : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace
   approximate z ((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos) (Map f s2))).
 setoid_replace ((b - a) × (o × zl + (1 - o) × zr))%Q with ((c - a)*zl + (b - c)*zr)%Q;
   [| now (unfold c, affineCombo, OpenUnitDual; simpl; ring)].
 assert (Hac0: a < c).
  unfold c; auto with×.
 assert (Hcb0: c < b).
  unfold c; auto with×.
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hac0) as [ca Hca].
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hcb0) as [bc Hbc].
 assert (Z:(QposEq ba (ca + bc))%Qpos).
  unfold QposEq.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  rewriteHba in Hbc.
  rewriteHca in Hbc.
  replace LHS with (- a + (a + ba))%Q by simpl; ring.
 clear Z.
 setoid_replace ((ca + bc)*e)%Qpos with (ca×e + bc×e)%Qpos; [| now QposRing].
 rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball.
 stepr ((IRasCR (integral (inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR c) Hac F HFl)[-]('((c-a)*zl))%Q)+
   ((IRasCR (integral (inj_Q IR c) (inj_Q IR b) Hcb F HFr)[-]('((b - c) × zr))))%Q)%CR.
  stepl ('(ca × e)%Qpos + '(bc × e)%Qpos)%CR.
   apply: AbsSmall_plus.
    apply (IHs1 _ _ Hac0); auto.
     intros o0 H [H0 H1].
     apply Hf.
     split; eauto with qarith.
    destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e)) as [q|];[|constructor].
    simpl in Hs|-*.
    eapply Qle_trans;[|apply Hs].
    replace LHS with (SupDistanceToLinear s1 (affineCombo_gt (OpenUnitDual o) Hab0):Q).
     apply Qmax_ub_l.
    apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; reflexivity.
   apply (IHs2 _ _ Hcb0); auto.
    intros o0 H [H0 H1].
    apply Hf.
    clear - H0 H1 Hac0.
    split; eauto with qarith.
   destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e)) as [q|];[|constructor].
   simpl in Hs|-*.
   eapply Qle_trans;[|apply Hs].
   replace LHS with (SupDistanceToLinear s2 (affineCombo_lt (OpenUnitDual o) Hab0):Q).
    apply Qmax_ub_r.
   apply SupDistanceToLinear_wd1; reflexivity.
  change (' (ca × e)%Qpos + ' (bc × e)%Qpos==(' (ca × e + bc × e)%Qpos))%CR.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 generalize (IRasCR (integral (inj_Q IR a) (inj_Q IR c) Hac F HFl))
   (IRasCR (integral (inj_Q IR c) (inj_Q IR b) Hcb F HFr)).
 intros x y.
 clear - x y.
 change ((x-' ((c - a) × zl)%Q + (y-' ((b - c) × zr)%Q))== (x + y)-(' ((c - a) × zl + (b - c) × zr)%Q))%CR.