
Require Export NRootIR.
Require Export FunctSums.
Require Import CornTac.

Section Definitions_and_Basic_Results.


Constructively, continuity is the most fundamental property of any function---so strongly that no example is known of a constructive function that is not continuous. However, the classical definition of continuity is not good for our purposes, as it is not true, for example, that a function which is continuous in a compact interval is uniformly continuous in that same interval (for a discussion of this see Bishop 1967). Thus, our notion of continuity will be the uniform one. Similar remarks apply to convergence of sequences of functions, which we will define ahead, and elsewhere; we will refrain from discussing this issue at those places.
Throughout this section, a and b will be real numbers, I will denote the compact interval [a,b] and F, G, H will denote arbitrary partial functions with domains respectively P, Q and R.

Definitions and Basic Results

Here we define continuity and prove some basic properties of continuous functions.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable F : PartIR.

Definition Continuous_I := included I P and ( e, [0] [<] e{d : IR | [0] [<] d |
  x y, I xI y Hx Hy, AbsIR (x[-]y) [<=] dAbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy) [<=] e}).

For convenience, we distinguish the two properties of continuous functions.

Lemma contin_imp_inc : Continuous_Iincluded (Compact Hab) P.
 intro H; elim H; intros; assumption.

Lemma contin_prop : Continuous_I e, [0] [<] e{d : IR | [0] [<] d |
  x y, I xI y Hx Hy, AbsIR (x[-]y) [<=] dAbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy) [<=] e}.
 intro H; elim H; do 2 intro; assumption.

Assume F to be continuous in I. Then it has a least upper bound and a greater lower bound on I.

Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I.

Lemma Continuous_I_imp_tb_image : totally_bounded (fun_image F I).
 assert (H := compact_is_totally_bounded a b Hab).
 elim contF; intros H0 H1.
  elim H; clear H; intros H2 H3.
  elim H2; clear H2; intros x H.
   (Part F x (H0 _ H)).
   x; split.
   apply H0; auto.
 intros e H2.
 elim (H1 _ H2).
 intros d H3 H4.
 clear H1.
 elim H; clear H.
 intros non_empty H.
 elim H with d; clear H.
  intros l Hl' Hl.
  2: assumption.
  (map2 F l (fun (x : IR) (Hx : member x l) ⇒ H0 x (Hl' x Hx))).
  intros x H.
  clear Hl; induction l as [| a0 l Hrecl].
   elimtype False; assumption.
  simpl in H; elim H; clear H; intro H1.
   cut ( x : IR, member x lcompact a b Hab x).
    intro H.
    apply Hrecl with H.
    eapply map2_wd.
    apply H1.
   intros x0 H.
   apply Hl'; left; assumption.
   apply Hl'; right; algebra.
   apply H0; apply Hl'; right; algebra.
  intro; eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply H1.
 intros x H; simpl in |- ×.
 elim H; intros x0 H1.
 elim H1; clear H1; intros Hy' H1.
 elim H1; intros Hy'' Hy.
 elim (Hl x0 Hy'); intros x1 Hx1 H5.
  (F x1 (H0 x1 (Hl' x1 Hx1))).
  apply map2_pres_member; assumption.
 astepr (F x0 Hy''[-]F x1 (H0 x1 (Hl' x1 Hx1))).
 apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
 apply H4.
  apply Hl'; assumption.
 apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR; assumption.

Lemma Continuous_I_imp_lub : {x : IR | fun_lub_IR F I x}.
 unfold fun_lub_IR in |- ×.
 apply totally_bounded_has_lub.
 apply Continuous_I_imp_tb_image.

Lemma Continuous_I_imp_glb : {x : IR | fun_glb_IR F I x}.
 unfold fun_glb_IR in |- ×.
 apply totally_bounded_has_glb.
 apply Continuous_I_imp_tb_image.

We now make this glb and lub into operators.
These operators have the expected properties.

Lemma lub_is_lub : fun_lub_IR F I lub_funct.
 exact (ProjT2 Continuous_I_imp_lub).

Lemma glb_is_glb : fun_glb_IR F I glb_funct.
 exact (ProjT2 Continuous_I_imp_glb).

Lemma glb_prop : x : IR, I x Hx, glb_funct [<=] F x Hx.
 elim glb_is_glb.
 apply a0.
 split; algebra.

Lemma lub_prop : x : IR, I x Hx, F x Hx [<=] lub_funct.
 elim lub_is_lub.
 apply a0.
 split; algebra.

The norm of a function is defined as being the supremum of its absolute value; that is equivalent to the following definition (which is often more convenient to use).
The norm effectively bounds the absolute value of a function.

Lemma norm_bnd_AbsIR : x, I x Hx, AbsIR (F x Hx) [<=] Norm_Funct.
 generalize lub_is_lub.
 generalize glb_is_glb.
 intros; simpl in |- *; unfold ABSIR in |- ×.
 apply Max_leEq.
  apply leEq_transitive with lub_funct.
   apply lub_prop; auto.
  unfold Norm_Funct in |- *; apply lft_leEq_Max.
 apply leEq_transitive with ( [--]glb_funct).
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  apply glb_prop; auto.
 unfold Norm_Funct in |- *; apply rht_leEq_Max.

The following is another way of characterizing the norm:

Lemma Continuous_I_imp_abs_lub : {z : IR | x, I x Hx, AbsIR (F x Hx) [<=] z}.
 exact norm_bnd_AbsIR.

We now prove some basic properties of the norm---namely that it is positive, and that it provides a least upper bound for the absolute value of its argument.

Lemma positive_norm : [0] [<=] Norm_Funct.
 apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (FRestr Hinc' a (compact_inc_lft _ _ _))).
  apply AbsIR_nonneg.
 simpl in |- *; apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; unfold I in |- *; apply compact_inc_lft.

Lemma norm_fun_lub : e, [0] [<] e{x : IR | I x and ( Hx, Norm_Funct[-]e [<] AbsIR (F x Hx))}.
 intros e H.
 cut {x : IR | I x and ( Hx' : P x, Norm_Funct [<] AbsIR (F x Hx') [+]e)}.
  intro H0.
  elim H0; intros y Hy.
  elim Hy; clear H0 Hy; intros Hy Hy'.
   y; split.
  intro; apply shift_minus_less; apply Hy'.
 generalize lub_is_lub.
 generalize glb_is_glb.
 intros H0 H1.
 cut {x : IR | I x and ( Hx' : P x, F x Hx' [<] glb_funct[+]e [/]TwoNZ)}.
  cut {x : IR | I x and ( Hx' : P x, lub_funct[-]e [/]TwoNZ [<] F x Hx')}.
   intros H2 H3.
   elim H2; intros x Hx.
   elim Hx; clear H2 Hx; intros Hx Hx0.
   elim H3; intros x' Hx'.
   elim Hx'; clear H3 Hx'; intros Hx' Hx'0.
   elim (less_cotransitive_unfolded _ _ _ (pos_div_two _ _ H) ( [--]glb_funct[-]lub_funct)); intro H2.
     x'; split.
    unfold Norm_Funct in |- ×.
    intro; eapply less_wdl.
     2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht.
     apply shift_less_plus.
     rstepl ( [--] (glb_funct[+]e)).
     eapply less_leEq_trans.
      2: apply inv_leEq_AbsIR.
     apply inv_resp_less.
     eapply less_transitive_unfolded.
      apply Hx'0 with (Hx' := Hx'1).
     apply plus_resp_less_lft.
     apply pos_div_two'; assumption.
    astepl ([0][+]lub_funct); apply less_leEq; apply shift_plus_less.
    x; split.
   unfold Norm_Funct in |- ×.
   intro; apply less_leEq_trans with (lub_funct[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
    apply Max_less.
     apply shift_less_plus'; astepl ZeroR.
     apply pos_div_two; assumption.
    apply shift_less_plus'; assumption.
   apply shift_leEq_plus.
   rstepl (lub_funct[-]e [/]TwoNZ).
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply less_leEq; apply Hx0 with (Hx' := Hx'1).
   apply leEq_AbsIR.
  elim H1; clear H1; intros H2 H3.
  elim (H3 _ (pos_div_two _ _ H)).
  intros x Hx; elim Hx; clear Hx; intros y Hx'; elim Hx'; clear Hx';
    intros Hx' Hx''; elim Hx''; clear Hx''; intros Hx'' Hx'''.
   y; split.
  intro; apply shift_minus_less; apply shift_less_plus'.
  eapply less_wdl; [ apply q | algebra ].
 elim H0; clear H0; intros H2 H3.
 elim (H3 _ (pos_div_two _ _ H)).
 intros x Hx; elim Hx; clear Hx; intros y Hx'; elim Hx'; clear Hx';
   intros Hx' Hx''; elim Hx''; clear Hx''; intros Hx'' Hx'''.
  y; split.
 intro; apply shift_less_plus'.
 eapply less_wdl; [ apply q | algebra ].

Lemma leEq_Norm_Funct : e, ( x, I x Hx, AbsIR (F x Hx) [<=] e) → Norm_Funct [<=] e.
 intros e H.
 astepr ([0][+]e); apply shift_leEq_plus.
 apply approach_zero_weak.
 intros d Hd.
 apply shift_minus_leEq.
 elim (norm_fun_lub d Hd); intros x Hx.
 elim Hx; clear Hx; intros Hx Hx'.
 apply plus_cancel_leEq_rht with ( [--] (AbsIR (F x (Hinc' x Hx)))).
 astepl (Norm_Funct[-]AbsIR (F x (Hinc' x Hx))).
 apply less_leEq; apply less_leEq_trans with d.
  apply shift_minus_less; apply shift_less_plus'; apply Hx'.
 rstepr (d[+] (e[-]AbsIR (F x (Hinc' x Hx)))).
 astepl (d[+][0]); apply plus_resp_leEq_lft.
 apply shift_leEq_minus; astepl (AbsIR (F x (Hinc' x Hx))); apply H; assumption.

Lemma less_Norm_Funct : e, ( x, I x Hx, AbsIR (F x Hx) [<] e) → Norm_Funct [<=] e.
 intros x H.
 apply leEq_Norm_Funct.
 intros; apply less_leEq; apply H; assumption.

End Definitions_and_Basic_Results.

Implicit Arguments Continuous_I [a b].
Implicit Arguments Norm_Funct [a b Hab F].

Section Local_Results.

Algebraic Properties

We now state and prove some results about continuous functions. Assume that I is included in the domain of both F and G.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables F G : PartIR.

Hypothesis incF : included (Compact Hab) P.
Hypothesis incG : included (Compact Hab) Q.

The first result does not require the function to be continuous; however, its preconditions are easily verified by continuous functions, which justifies its inclusion in this section.

Lemma cont_no_sign_change : e, [0] [<] e x y, I xI y
  Hx Hy, AbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy) [<=] ee [<] AbsIR (F x Hx) →
 ([0] [<] F x Hx[0] [<] F y Hy) and (F x Hx [<] [0]F y Hy [<] [0]).
 intros e H x y H0 H1 Hx Hy H2 H3.
 set (fx := F x Hx) in ×.
 set (fy := F y Hy) in ×.
 split; intro H4.
  cut (e [<] fx).
   intro H5.
   astepl (e[-]e).
   apply shift_minus_less; apply shift_less_plus'.
   apply less_leEq_trans with (fx[-]fy).
    apply minus_resp_less; assumption.
   eapply leEq_transitive; [ apply leEq_AbsIR | assumption ].
  elim (less_AbsIR _ _ H H3); intro H6.
  elimtype False.
  cut ([0] [<] [--]e).
   intro; cut (e [<] [0]).
    exact (less_antisymmetric_unfolded _ _ _ H).
   astepl ( [--][--]e); astepr ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; assumption.
  apply less_transitive_unfolded with fx; assumption.
 astepr (e[-]e).
 apply shift_less_minus.
 apply less_leEq_trans with (fy[-]fx).
  2: eapply leEq_transitive.
   3: apply H2.
  2: eapply leEq_wdr; [ apply leEq_AbsIR | apply AbsIR_minus ].
 unfold cg_minus in |- *; apply plus_resp_less_lft.
 elim (less_AbsIR _ _ H H3); intro H6.
  apply less_transitive_unfolded with ZeroR.
   apply less_transitive_unfolded with fx; assumption.
  astepl ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; assumption.
 astepl ( [--][--]e); apply inv_resp_less; assumption.

Lemma cont_no_sign_change_pos : e, [0] [<] e x y, I xI y Hx Hy,
 AbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy) [<=] ee [<] AbsIR (F x Hx) → e [<] F x Hx[0] [<] F y Hy.
 intros e H x y H0 H1 Hx Hy H2 H3 H4.
 elim (cont_no_sign_change e H x y H0 H1 Hx Hy H2 H3); intros H5 H6.
 apply H5.
 apply less_transitive_unfolded with e; auto.

Lemma cont_no_sign_change_neg : e, [0] [<] e x y, I xI y Hx Hy,
 AbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy) [<=] ee [<] AbsIR (F x Hx) → F x Hx [<] [--]eF y Hy [<] [0].
 intros e H x y H0 H1 Hx Hy H2 H3 H4.
 elim (cont_no_sign_change e H x y H0 H1 Hx Hy H2 H3); intros H5 H6.
 apply H6.
 apply less_transitive_unfolded with ( [--]e).
 astepr ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; assumption.

Being continuous is an extensional property.

Lemma Continuous_I_wd : Feq I F GContinuous_I Hab FContinuous_I Hab G.
 intros H H0.
 elim H0; clear H0; intros Hinc H0.
 elim H; clear H; intros incF' H'.
 elim H'; clear H'; intros incG' H.
  apply incG'.
 intros e He; elim (H0 e He); clear H0; intros d H0 H1.
 intros x y H2 H3 Hx Hy H4.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (F x (incF' x H2) [-]F y (incF' y H3))).
  apply H1; assumption.
 simpl in H.
 apply AbsIR_wd.
 apply cg_minus_wd; apply H; assumption.

A continuous function remains continuous if you restrict its domain.

Lemma included_imp_contin : c d Hcd,
 included (compact c d Hcd) (Compact Hab) → Continuous_I Hab FContinuous_I Hcd F.
 intros c d Hcd H H0.
 elim H0; clear H0; intros incF' contF.
  apply included_trans with (Compact Hab); [ apply H | apply incF' ].
 intros e He; elim (contF e He); intros e' H0 H1.
 intros; apply H1.
   apply H; assumption.
  apply H; assumption.

Constant functions and identity are continuous.

Lemma Continuous_I_const : c : IR, Continuous_I Hab [-C-]c.
 intros; OneR.
  apply pos_one.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR [0]).
  astepl ZeroR; apply less_leEq; assumption.

Lemma Continuous_I_id : Continuous_I Hab FId.
 intros; e.
 intros; assumption.

Assume F and G are continuous in I. Then functions derived from these through algebraic operations are also continuous, provided (in the case of reciprocal and division) some extra conditions are met.

Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

Lemma Continuous_I_plus : Continuous_I Hab (F{+}G).
 clear incF incG.
 elim contF; intros incF' contF'.
 elim contG; intros incG' contG'.
 elim (contF' (e [/]TwoNZ)).
  elim (contG' (e [/]TwoNZ)).
   clear contF contG contF' contG'.
   2: apply pos_div_two; assumption.
  2: apply pos_div_two; assumption.
 intros df H0 H1 dg H2 H3.
  (Min df dg).
  apply less_Min; assumption.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (F x (ProjIR1 Hx) [-]F y (ProjIR1 Hy) [+]
   (G x (ProjIR2 Hx) [-]G y (ProjIR2 Hy)))).
  rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply triangle_IR.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   simpl in |- *; apply H3; try assumption.
   apply leEq_transitive with (Min df dg); [ assumption | apply Min_leEq_rht ].
  simpl in |- *; apply H1; try assumption.
  apply leEq_transitive with (Min df dg); [ assumption | apply Min_leEq_lft ].
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Continuous_I_inv : Continuous_I Hab {--}F.
 clear incF.
 elim contF; intros incF' contF'.
 intros e H.
 elim (contF' e H).
 intros d H0 H1.
 intros; simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (F x Hx[-]F y Hy)).
  apply H1; assumption.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply AbsIR_inv.
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Continuous_I_mult : Continuous_I Hab (F{*}G).
 clear incF incG.
 elim contF; intros incF' contF'.
 elim contG; intros incG' contG'.
 split; [ Included | intros e H ].
 cut {xf : IR | (x : IR) (Hx : I x) (Hx' : P x), AbsIR (F x Hx') [<=] xf}.
  cut {xg : IR | (x : IR) (Hx : I x) (Hx' : Q x), AbsIR (G x Hx') [<=] xg}.
   2: unfold I, Q in |- *; apply Continuous_I_imp_abs_lub; assumption.
  2: unfold I, P in |- *; apply Continuous_I_imp_abs_lub; assumption.
 intros H0 H1.
 elim H0; clear H0; intros x H2.
 elim H1; clear H1; intros x0 H0.
 elim (contF' (e [/]TwoNZ[/] Max x [1][//]max_one_ap_zero _)); clear contF.
  elim (contG' (e [/]TwoNZ[/] Max x0 [1][//]max_one_ap_zero _)); clear contG.
   intros dg H1 H3 df H4 H5.
   2: apply div_resp_pos.
    2: apply pos_max_one.
   2: apply pos_div_two; assumption.
  2: apply div_resp_pos.
   2: apply pos_max_one.
  2: apply pos_div_two; assumption.
  (Min df dg).
  apply less_Min; assumption.
 intros; simpl in |- ×.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (F x1 (ProjIR1 Hx) [*] (G x1 (ProjIR2 Hx) [-]G y (ProjIR2 Hy)) [+]
   (F x1 (ProjIR1 Hx) [-]F y (ProjIR1 Hy)) [*]G y (ProjIR2 Hy))).
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply triangle_IR.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
   apply leEq_transitive with (x0[*]AbsIR (G x1 (ProjIR2 Hx) [-]G y (ProjIR2 Hy))).
    apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
     apply H0; assumption.
    apply AbsIR_nonneg.
   apply leEq_transitive with (Max x0 [1][*]AbsIR (G x1 (ProjIR2 Hx) [-]G y (ProjIR2 Hy))).
    apply mult_resp_leEq_rht; [ apply lft_leEq_Max | apply AbsIR_nonneg ].
   astepl (AbsIR (G x1 (ProjIR2 Hx) [-]G y (ProjIR2 Hy)) [*]Max x0 [1]).
   apply shift_mult_leEq with (max_one_ap_zero x0);
     [ apply pos_max_one | simpl in |- *; apply H3 ]; try assumption.
   apply leEq_transitive with (Min df dg); [ assumption | apply Min_leEq_rht ].
  eapply leEq_wdl.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
  apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (F x1 (ProjIR1 Hx) [-]F y (ProjIR1 Hy)) [*]x).
   apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; [ apply H2 | apply AbsIR_nonneg ]; assumption.
  apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (F x1 (ProjIR1 Hx) [-]F y (ProjIR1 Hy)) [*]Max x [1]).
   apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; [ apply lft_leEq_Max with (y := OneR) | apply AbsIR_nonneg ].
  apply shift_mult_leEq with (max_one_ap_zero x);
    [ apply pos_max_one | simpl in |- *; apply H5 ]; try assumption.
  apply leEq_transitive with (Min df dg); [ assumption | apply Min_leEq_lft ].
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Continuous_I_max : Continuous_I Hab (FMax F G).
 clear incF incG.
 elim contF; intros incF contF'.
 elim contG; intros incG contG'.
 intros e He.
 elim (contF' (e [/]TwoNZ) (pos_div_two _ _ He)); intros dF dFpos HdF.
 elim (contG' (e [/]TwoNZ) (pos_div_two _ _ He)); intros dG dGpos HdG.
 clear contF contG contF' contG'.
  (Min dF dG).
  apply less_Min; auto.
 intros x y Hx' Hy' Hx Hy Hxy.
 assert (AbsIR (x[-]y) [<=] dF).
  eapply leEq_transitive; [ apply Hxy | apply Min_leEq_lft ].
 assert (AbsIR (x[-]y) [<=] dG).
  eapply leEq_transitive; [ apply Hxy | apply Min_leEq_rht ].
 assert (HF := HdF x y Hx' Hy' (ProjIR1 Hx) (ProjIR1 Hy) H).
 assert (HG := HdG x y Hx' Hy' (ProjIR2 Hx) (ProjIR2 Hy) H0).
 Opaque AbsIR Max.
 simpl in |- ×.
 Transparent AbsIR Max.
 set (Fx := F x (ProjIR1 Hx)) in ×.
 set (Fy := F y (ProjIR1 Hy)) in ×.
 set (Gx := G x (ProjIR2 Hx)) in ×.
 set (Gy := G y (ProjIR2 Hy)) in ×.
 elim (AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall _ _ HF); intros HF1 HF2.
 elim (AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall _ _ HG); intros HG1 HG2.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Max Fx Gx[-]Max Fx Gy[+] (Max Fx Gy[-]Max Fy Gy))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both; apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR; split.
    apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
    rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Max Fx Gx[-]Max Fx Gy).
    apply shift_zero_leEq_minus.
    apply Max_leEq.
     apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Fx).
      apply shift_leEq_plus; astepl ZeroR; apply less_leEq; apply pos_div_two; auto.
     apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply lft_leEq_Max.
    apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Gx).
     2: apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply rht_leEq_Max.
    apply shift_leEq_plus.
    apply inv_cancel_leEq; rstepr (Gx[-]Gy); auto.
   apply shift_minus_leEq; apply Max_leEq.
    apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Fx).
     apply shift_leEq_plus; astepl ZeroR; apply less_leEq; apply pos_div_two; auto.
    apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply lft_leEq_Max.
   apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Gy).
    2: apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply rht_leEq_Max.
   apply shift_leEq_plus; auto.
  apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
  rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Max Fx Gy[-]Max Fy Gy).
  apply shift_zero_leEq_minus.
  apply Max_leEq.
   apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Fx).
    apply shift_leEq_plus.
    apply inv_cancel_leEq; rstepr (Fx[-]Fy); auto.
   apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply lft_leEq_Max.
  apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Gy).
   2: apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply rht_leEq_Max.
  apply shift_leEq_plus; astepl ZeroR; apply less_leEq; apply pos_div_two; auto.
 apply shift_minus_leEq; apply Max_leEq.
  apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Fy).
   apply shift_leEq_plus; auto.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply lft_leEq_Max.
 apply leEq_transitive with (e [/]TwoNZ[+]Gy).
  apply shift_leEq_plus; astepl ZeroR; apply less_leEq; apply pos_div_two; auto.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_lft; apply rht_leEq_Max.

Hypothesis Hg' : bnd_away_zero I G.
Hypothesis Hg'' : x Hx, I xG x Hx [#] [0].

Lemma Continuous_I_recip : Continuous_I Hab {1/}G.
 clear incF incG.
 elim contG; intros incG' contG'.
  Included; assumption.
 elim Hg'; intros Haux Hg2.
 elim Hg2; clear Haux Hg2; intros c H H0.
 elim contG' with (c[*]c[*]e); clear contG contG'.
  intros d H2 H3.
  intros x y H4 H5 Hx Hy H6.
  simpl in |- ×.
  set (Hxx := incG' x H4) in ×.
  set (Hyy := incG' y H5) in ×.
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (G y Hyy[-]G x Hxx[/] _[//]
    mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (Hg'' x Hxx H4) (Hg'' y Hyy H5))).
   apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (G y Hyy[-]G x Hxx) [/] _[//] AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _
     (mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (Hg'' x Hxx H4) (Hg'' y Hyy H5))).
    apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (G y Hyy[-]G x Hxx) [/] _[//]
      mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (pos_ap_zero _ _ H) (pos_ap_zero _ _ H)).
     rstepl (AbsIR (G y Hyy[-]G x Hxx) [*] ([1][/] _[//] AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _
       (mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (Hg'' x Hxx H4) (Hg'' y Hyy H5)))).
     rstepr (AbsIR (G y Hyy[-]G x Hxx) [*] ([1][/] _[//]
       mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (pos_ap_zero _ _ H) (pos_ap_zero _ _ H))).
     apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
      apply recip_resp_leEq.
       astepl (ZeroR[*][0]); apply mult_resp_less_both; try apply leEq_reflexive; assumption.
      eapply leEq_wdr.
       2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
      apply mult_resp_leEq_both; try (apply less_leEq; assumption).
       eapply leEq_wdr; [ apply (H0 x Hxx H4) | algebra ].
      eapply leEq_wdr; [ apply (H0 y Hyy H5) | algebra ].
     apply AbsIR_nonneg.
    apply shift_div_leEq'.
     astepl (ZeroR[*][0]); apply mult_resp_less_both; try apply leEq_reflexive; assumption.
    eapply leEq_wdl.
     2: apply AbsIR_minus.
    apply H3; assumption.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_division.
  apply AbsIR_wd.
 astepl (ZeroR[*][0]); apply mult_resp_less_both; try apply leEq_reflexive.
  astepl (ZeroR[*][0]); apply mult_resp_less_both; try apply leEq_reflexive; assumption.

Lemma Continuous_I_NRoot : n Hn, ( x Hx, I x[0][<=]F x Hx) →
 Continuous_I Hab (FNRoot F n Hn).
 intros n Hn H.
 intros e He.
 destruct contF as [contF'' contF'].
 destruct (contF' (e[^]n)) as [d Hd H0]; clear contF contF'.
  apply nexp_resp_pos; assumption.
 intros x y Hx0 Hy0 Hx Hy Hxy.
 set (x':=FNRoot F n Hn x Hx).
 set (y':=FNRoot F n Hn y Hy).
 stepl (Max x' y'[-]Min x' y'); [|apply eq_symmetric;apply Abs_Max].
 apply shift_minus_leEq.
 apply power_cancel_leEq with n; try assumption.
  apply plus_resp_nonneg.
   apply less_leEq; assumption.
  apply leEq_Min; apply: NRoot_nonneg.
 apply leEq_transitive with (e[^]n[+]Min x' y'[^]n).
  apply shift_leEq_plus.
  set (Hx':=(ProjT1 (ext2_a IR (Dom F) (fun (x0 : IR) (Hx1 : Dom F x0) ⇒ [0][<=]F x0 Hx1) x Hx))).
  set (Hy':=(ProjT1 (ext2_a IR (Dom F) (fun (x0 : IR) (Hx1 : Dom F x0) ⇒ [0][<=]F x0 Hx1) y Hy))).
  stepl (AbsIR (F x Hx'[-]F y Hy')).
   apply H0; try assumption.
  stepr (AbsIR (x'[^]n[-]y'[^]n)).
   apply AbsIR_wd.
   apply: bin_op_wd_unfolded; apply eq_symmetric; try apply un_op_wd_unfolded; apply: NRoot_power.
  csetoid_rewrite (Abs_Max (x'[^]n) (y'[^]n)).
  apply: bin_op_wd_unfolded; try apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
   change (Max ((FId{^}n) x' True_constr) ((FId{^}n) y' True_constr)[=]((FId{^}n) (Max x' y') True_constr)).
   apply Max_monotone.
   simpl; intros r s _ _ X0 X1 X2.
   apply: nexp_resp_leEq; try assumption.
   eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply X0].
   apply leEq_Min; apply: NRoot_nonneg.
  change (Min ((FId{^}n) x' True_constr) ((FId{^}n) y' True_constr)[=]((FId{^}n) (Min x' y') True_constr)).
  apply Min_monotone.
  simpl; intros r s _ _ X0 X1 X2.
  apply: nexp_resp_leEq; try assumption.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply X0].
  apply leEq_Min; apply: NRoot_nonneg.
 apply power_plus_leEq; try assumption.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 apply leEq_Min; apply: NRoot_nonneg.

End Local_Results.

Hint Resolve contin_imp_inc: included.

Section Corolaries.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables F G : PartIR.

Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

The corresponding properties for subtraction, division and multiplication by a scalar are easily proved as corollaries; exponentiation is proved by induction, appealing to the results on product and constant functions.

Lemma Continuous_I_minus : Continuous_I Hab (F{-}G).
 apply Continuous_I_wd with (F{+}{--}G).
 apply Continuous_I_plus.
  apply contF.
 apply Continuous_I_inv; apply contG.

Lemma Continuous_I_scal : c : IR, Continuous_I Hab (c{**}F).
 unfold Fscalmult in |- ×.
 apply Continuous_I_mult.
  apply Continuous_I_const.
 apply contF.

Lemma Continuous_I_nth : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (F{^}n).
 simple induction n.
  apply Continuous_I_wd with ( [-C-]OneR).
   apply FNth_zero'; apply contin_imp_inc; auto.
  apply Continuous_I_const.
 clear n; intros.
 apply Continuous_I_wd with (F{*}F{^}n).
  apply FNth_mult'; apply contin_imp_inc; auto.
 apply Continuous_I_mult; assumption.

Lemma Continuous_I_min : Continuous_I Hab (FMin F G).
 unfold FMin in |- ×.
 apply Continuous_I_inv; apply Continuous_I_max; apply Continuous_I_inv; auto.

Lemma Continuous_I_abs : Continuous_I Hab (FAbs F).
 unfold FAbs in |- ×.
 apply Continuous_I_max; try apply Continuous_I_inv; auto.

Hypothesis Hg' : bnd_away_zero I G.
Hypothesis Hg'' : x Hx, I xG x Hx [#] [0].

Lemma Continuous_I_div : Continuous_I Hab (F{/}G).
 apply Continuous_I_wd with (F{*}{1/}G).
 apply Continuous_I_mult.
 apply Continuous_I_recip; assumption.

End Corolaries.

Section Other.

Section Sums.

We finally prove that the sum of an arbitrary family of continuous functions is still a continuous function.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.
Hypothesis Hab' : a [<] b.

Lemma Continuous_I_Sum0 : f : natPartIR,
 ( n, Continuous_I Hab (f n)) → n, Continuous_I Hab (FSum0 n f).
 induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  eapply Continuous_I_wd.
   apply FSum0_0.
   2: apply Continuous_I_const.
  intro; apply contin_imp_inc; auto.
 eapply Continuous_I_wd.
  apply FSum0_S.
  intro; apply contin_imp_inc; auto.
 apply Continuous_I_plus; auto.

Lemma Continuous_I_Sumx : n (f : i, i < nPartIR),
 ( i Hi, Continuous_I Hab (f i Hi)) → Continuous_I Hab (FSumx n f).
 intro; induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros f contF.
  simpl in |- *; apply Continuous_I_const.
 simpl in |- *; apply Continuous_I_plus.
  apply Hrecn.
  intros; apply contF.
 apply contF.

Lemma Continuous_I_Sum : f : natPartIR,
 ( n, Continuous_I Hab (f n)) → m n, Continuous_I Hab (FSum m n f).
 eapply Continuous_I_wd.
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply FSum_FSum0'.
  intro; apply contin_imp_inc; auto.
 apply Continuous_I_minus; apply Continuous_I_Sum0; auto.

End Sums.

For practical purposes, these characterization results are useful:

Lemma lub_charact : a b Hab F (contF : Continuous_I Hab F) z,
 fun_lub_IR F (compact a b Hab) zz [=] lub_funct a b Hab F contF.
 intros a b Hab F contF z H.
 elim H; intros Hz Hz'; clear H.
 assert (H := lub_is_lub _ _ _ _ contF).
 set (y := lub_funct _ _ _ _ contF) in ×.
 elim H; intros Hy Hy'; clear H.
 apply leEq_imp_eq; apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'; apply inv_cancel_leEq;
   astepr ZeroR; apply approach_zero; intros e He.
  rstepl (z[-]y).
  apply shift_minus_less.
  elim (Hz' e He); intros x Hx.
  intro H.
  apply less_leEq_trans with (x[+]e).
   apply shift_less_plus'; auto.
  astepr (y[+]e).
  apply plus_resp_leEq; apply Hy.
 rstepl (y[-]z).
 apply shift_minus_less.
 elim (Hy' e He); intros x Hx.
 intro H.
 apply less_leEq_trans with (x[+]e).
  apply shift_less_plus'; auto.
 astepr (z[+]e).
 apply plus_resp_leEq; apply Hz.

Lemma glb_charact : a b Hab F (contF : Continuous_I Hab F) z,
 fun_glb_IR F (compact a b Hab) zz [=] glb_funct a b Hab F contF.
 intros a b Hab F contF z H.
 elim H; intros Hz Hz'; clear H.
 assert (H := glb_is_glb _ _ _ _ contF).
 set (y := glb_funct _ _ _ _ contF) in ×.
 elim H; intros Hy Hy'; clear H.
 apply leEq_imp_eq; apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'; apply inv_cancel_leEq;
   astepr ZeroR; apply approach_zero; intros e He.
  rstepl (z[-]y).
  apply shift_minus_less.
  elim (Hy' e He); intros x Hx.
  intro H.
  apply leEq_less_trans with x.
   apply Hz; auto.
  apply shift_less_plus; auto.
 rstepl (y[-]z).
 apply shift_minus_less.
 elim (Hz' e He); intros x Hx.
 intro H.
 apply leEq_less_trans with x.
  apply Hy; auto.
 apply shift_less_plus; auto.

The following result is also extremely useful, as it allows us to set a lower bound on the glb of a function.

Lemma leEq_glb : a b Hab (F : PartIR) contF x,
 ( y, Compact Hab y Hy, x [<=] F y Hy) → x [<=] glb_funct a b Hab F contF.
 intros a b Hab F contF x H.
 elim (glb_is_glb _ _ _ _ contF); intros.
 astepr (glb_funct _ _ _ _ contF[+][0]); apply shift_leEq_plus'.
 apply approach_zero_weak.
 intros e H0.
 elim (b0 _ H0); intro y; intros.
 apply less_leEq; eapply leEq_less_trans.
  2: apply q.
 apply minus_resp_leEq.
 elim p; intros z Hz.
 elim Hz; intros H1 H2.
 elim H2; intros H3 H4.
 astepr (F z H3); auto.

The norm is also an extensional property.

Lemma Norm_Funct_wd : a b Hab F G, Feq (compact a b Hab) F G
  contF contG, Norm_Funct (Hab:=Hab) (F:=F) contF [=] Norm_Funct (Hab:=Hab) (F:=G) contG.
 intros a b Hab F G H contF contG.
 elim H; intros incF H''.
 elim H''; clear H''; intros incG H''.
 unfold Norm_Funct in |- *; apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  generalize (lub_is_lub _ _ _ _ contF); intro Hlub.
  apply lub_charact.
  elim Hlub; clear Hlub; intros H0 H1.
   intros x H2.
   apply H0.
   apply fun_image_wd with G.
    apply Feq_symmetric; auto.
  intros e H2.
  elim (H1 e H2); intro x; intros.
   apply fun_image_wd with F; auto.
 apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
 generalize (glb_is_glb _ _ _ _ contF); intro Hglb.
 apply glb_charact.
 elim Hglb; intros H0 H1.
  intros x H2.
  apply H0.
  apply fun_image_wd with G.
   apply Feq_symmetric; auto.
 intros e H2.
 elim (H1 e H2); intro x; intros.
  apply fun_image_wd with F; auto.

The value of the norm is covariant with the length of the interval.