
On density of the image of Q in an arbitrary real number structure

In this file we introduce the image of the concrete rational numbers (as defined earlier) in an arbitrary structure of type CReals. At the end of this file we assign to any real number two rational numbers for which the real number lies betwen image of them; in other words we will prove that the image of rational numbers in dense in any real number structure.

Require Export Cauchy_IR.
Require Export Nmonoid.
Require Export Zring.
Require Import CRing_Homomorphisms.
Require Import Expon.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import CornTac.

Section Rational_sequence_prelogue.

Let R1 be a real number structure.
Variable R1 : CReals.

Injection from Q to an arbitrary real number structure

First we need to define the injection from Q to R1. Note that in Cauchy_CReals we defined inject_Q from an arbitray field F to (R_COrdField F) which was the set of Cauchy sequences of that field. But since R1 is an arbitrary real number structure we can not use inject_Q.
To define the injection we need one elemntary lemma about the denominator:

Lemma den_is_nonzero : x : Q_as_COrdField, nring (R:=R1) (Qden x) [#] [0].
 apply nring_ap_zero.
 absurd (0 < Qden x).
  rewrite H.
  auto with arith.
 apply lt_O_nat_of_P.

And we define the injection in the natural way, using zring and nring. We call this inj_Q, in contrast with inject_Q defined in Cauchy_CReals.

Definition inj_Q : Q_as_COrdFieldR1.
 intro x.
 case x.
 intros num0 den0.
 exact (zring num0[/]nring (R:=R1) den0[//]den_is_nonzero (Qmake num0 den0)).

Next we need some properties of nring, on the setoid of natural numbers:

Lemma nring_strext : m n : nat_as_CMonoid,
 (nring (R:=R1) m [#] nring (R:=R1) n) → m [#] n.
 intros m n.
 case m.
  case n.
   intro H.
   simpl in |- ×.
   red in |- ×.
   simpl in H.
   cut (Not ([0] [#] ([0]:R1))).
    elim H0.
   apply eq_imp_not_ap.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  simpl in |- ×.
  red in |- ×.
 case n.
  simpl in |- ×.
  red in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 red in |- ×.
 cut (Not (nring (R:=R1) (S n1) [#] nring (R:=R1) (S n0))).
  intro H1.
  elim H1.
 apply eq_imp_not_ap.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nring_wd : m n : nat_as_CMonoid,
 (m [=] n) → nring (R:=R1) m [=] nring (R:=R1) n.
 simpl in H.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nring_eq : m n : nat, m = nnring (R:=R1) m [=] nring (R:=R1) n.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nring_leEq : (OF : COrdField) m n,
 m nnring (R:=OF) m [<=] nring (R:=OF) n.
 induction m as [| m Hrecm].
  simpl in |- ×.
  case n.
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply leEq_reflexive.
  apply less_leEq.
  apply pos_nring_S.
 case (le_lt_eq_dec (S m) n H).
  apply less_leEq.
  apply nring_less.
 rewrite e.
 apply leEq_reflexive.

Similarly we prove some properties of zring on the ring of integers:

Lemma zring_strext : m n : Z_as_CRing,
 (zring (R:=R1) m [#] zring n) → m [#] n.
 intros m n.
 case m.
   case n.
     intro H.
     elimtype False.
     cut ([0] [=] ([0]:R1)).
      change (¬ ([0] [=] ([0]:R1))) in |- ×.
      apply ap_imp_neq.
      simpl in H.
     apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    simpl in |- ×.
    red in |- ×.
   simpl in |- ×.
   red in |- ×.
  case n.
    simpl in |- ×.
    red in |- ×.
   simpl in |- ×.
   cut (Not (zring (R:=R1) (BinInt.Zpos p0) [#] zring (R:=R1) (BinInt.Zpos p))).
    intro H1.
    elim H1.
   apply eq_imp_not_ap.
   rewrite H.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  simpl in |- ×.
  red in |- ×.
 case n.
   simpl in |- ×.
   red in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
  red in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 cut (Not (zring (R:=R1) (Zneg p0) [#] zring (R:=R1) (Zneg p))).
  intro H1.
  elim H1.
 apply eq_imp_not_ap.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma zring_wd : m n : Z_as_CRing,
 (m [=] n) → zring (R:=R1) m [=] zring (R:=R1) n.
 simpl in H.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma zring_less : m n : Z_as_CRing,
 (m < n)%Zzring (R:=R1) m [<] zring (R:=R1) n.
 intros m n.
 case m.
   case n.
     apply False_rect.
     generalize H.
     change (¬ (0 < 0)%Z) in |- ×.
     apply Zlt_irrefl.
    simpl in |- ×.
    astepl (nring (R:=R1) 0).
    astepr (nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p)).
    apply nring_less.
    case (ZL4' p).
    intro a.
    intro H0.
    rewrite H0.
    apply lt_O_Sn.
   apply False_rect.
   generalize H.
   change (¬ (0 < Zneg p)%Z) in |- ×.
   apply Zlt_asym.
  case n.
    apply False_rect.
    generalize H.
    change (¬ (BinInt.Zpos p < 0)%Z) in |- ×.
    apply Zlt_asym.
   intros p1 p2.
   simpl in |- ×.
   astepl (nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p2)).
   astepr (nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p1)).
   apply nring_less.
   apply nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism.
   red in H.
   simpl in H.
  intros p1 p2.
  apply False_rect.
  generalize H.
  change (¬ (BinInt.Zpos p2 < Zneg p1)%Z) in |- ×.
  apply Zlt_asym.
 case n.
   simpl in |- ×.
   astepl [--](nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p)).
   astepr ([0]:R1).
   apply inv_cancel_less.
   astepl ([0]:R1).
   astepr (nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p)).
   case (ZL4' p).
   intro h.
   intros H0.
   rewrite H0.
   apply pos_nring_S.
  intros p1 p2.
  simpl in |- ×.
  case (ZL4' p1).
  intro h1.
  case (ZL4' p2).
  intro h2.
  apply less_transitive_unfolded with (y := [0]:R1).
   astepl [--](nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p2)).
   apply inv_cancel_less.
   astepl ([0]:R1).
   astepr (nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p2)).
   rewrite e.
   apply pos_nring_S.
  astepr (nring (R:=R1) p1).
  rewrite e0.
  apply pos_nring_S.
 intros p1 p2.
 simpl in |- ×.
 astepl [--](nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p2)).
 astepr [--](nring (R:=R1) (nat_of_P p1)).
 apply inv_resp_less.
 apply nring_less.
 apply nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism.
 red in H.
 simpl in H. now rewrite ZC4.

Using the above lemmata we prove the basic properties of inj_Q, i.e. it is a setoid function and preserves the ring operations and oreder operation.

Lemma inj_Q_strext : q1 q2, (inj_Q q1 [#] inj_Q q2) → q1 [#] q2.
 intros q1 q2.
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q1).
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q2).
 case q1.
 intros n1 d1.
 case q2.
 intros n2 d2.
 intros H H0 H1.
 simpl in |- ×.
 simpl in H.
 simpl in H0.
 unfold Qap in |- ×.
 unfold Qeq in |- ×.
 unfold Qnum in |- ×.
 unfold Qden in |- ×.
 cut (¬ (inj_Q (Qmake n1 d1) [=] inj_Q (Qmake n2 d2))).
  elim H3.
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply mult_cancel_lft with (z := nring (R:=R1) d1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
   apply mult_resp_ap_zero.
  rstepl (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
  rstepr (zring (R:=R1) n2[*]nring (R:=R1) d1).
  astepr (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × d2)).
   astepr (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]zring (R:=R1) d2).
   apply mult_wdr.
   astepl (zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat (nat_of_P d2))).
   rewrite inject_nat_convert.
  rewrite H2.
  astepl (zring (R:=R1) n2[*]zring (R:=R1) d1).
  apply mult_wdr.
  astepr (zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat (nat_of_P d1))).
  rewrite inject_nat_convert.
 change (inj_Q (Qmake n1 d1)[~=]inj_Q (Qmake n2 d2)) in |- ×.
 apply ap_imp_neq.

Lemma inj_Q_wd : q1 q2, (q1 [=] q2) → inj_Q q1 [=] inj_Q q2.
 apply not_ap_imp_eq.
 cut (¬ (q1 [=] q2)).
  intro H1.
  apply H1.
 change (q1[~=]q2) in |- ×.
 apply ap_imp_neq.
 apply inj_Q_strext.

Lemma inj_Q_plus : q1 q2, inj_Q (q1[+]q2) [=] inj_Q q1[+]inj_Q q2.
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q1).
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q2).
 case q1.
 intros n1 d1.
 case q2.
 intros n2 d2.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply mult_cancel_lft with (z := nring (R:=R1) d1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
  apply mult_resp_ap_zero.
 astepr (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × d2 + n2 × d1)).
  astepr (nring (R:=R1) (d1 × d2)%positive[*]
    (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × d2 + n2 × d1)[/]nring (R:=R1) (d1 × d2)%positive[//]
      den_is_nonzero (Qmake (n1 × d2 + n2 × d1)%Z (d1 × d2)%positive))).
  apply mult_wdl.
  rewrite nat_of_P_mult_morphism.
 astepr (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2[+]zring (R:=R1) n2[*]nring (R:=R1) d1).
  astepl (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × d2)[+]zring (R:=R1) (n2 × d1)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   astepr (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat (nat_of_P d2))).
   rewrite inject_nat_convert.
  astepr (zring (R:=R1) n2[*]zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat (nat_of_P d1))).
  rewrite inject_nat_convert.

Lemma inj_Q_mult : q1 q2, inj_Q (q1[*]q2) [=] inj_Q q1[*]inj_Q q2.
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q1).
 generalize (den_is_nonzero q2).
 case q1.
 intros n1 d1.
 case q2.
 intros n2 d2.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply mult_cancel_lft with (z := nring (R:=R1) d1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
  apply mult_resp_ap_zero.
 astepr (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × n2)).
  astepr (nring (R:=R1) (d1 × d2)%positive[*]
    (zring (R:=R1) (n1 × n2)[/]nring (R:=R1) (d1 × d2)%positive[//]
      den_is_nonzero (Qmake (n1 × n2)%Z (d1 × d2)%positive))).
  apply mult_wdl.
  rewrite nat_of_P_mult_morphism.
 astepr (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]zring (R:=R1) n2).
  apply zring_mult.

Lemma inj_Q_less : q1 q2, (q1 [<] q2) → inj_Q q1 [<] inj_Q q2.
 intros q1 q2.
 case q1.
 intros n1 d1.
 case q2.
 intros n2 d2.
 intro H.
 simpl in H.
 unfold Qlt in H.
 simpl in H.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply mult_cancel_less with (z := nring (R:=R1) d1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
  apply mult_resp_pos.
   elim (ZL4' d1); intros.
   rewrite p.
   apply pos_nring_S.
  elim (ZL4' d2); intros.
  rewrite p.
  apply pos_nring_S.
 rstepl (zring (R:=R1) n1[*]nring (R:=R1) d2).
 rstepr (zring (R:=R1) n2[*]nring (R:=R1) d1).
 apply less_wdl with (x := zring (R:=R1) n1[*]zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat d2)).
  apply less_wdr with (y := zring (R:=R1) n2[*]zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat d1)).
   apply less_wdl with (x := zring (R:=R1) (n1 × d2)).
    apply less_wdr with (y := zring (R:=R1) (n2 × d1)).
     apply zring_less.
     apply CZlt_to.
    rewrite inject_nat_convert.
    apply zring_mult.
   rewrite inject_nat_convert.
   apply zring_mult.

Lemma less_inj_Q : q1 q2, (inj_Q q1 [<] inj_Q q2) → q1 [<] q2.
 cut (q1 [#] q2).
  intro H0.
  case (ap_imp_less _ q1 q2 H0).
  elimtype False.
  cut (inj_Q q2 [<] inj_Q q1).
   change (Not (inj_Q q2 [<] inj_Q q1)) in |- ×.
   apply less_antisymmetric_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_less.
 apply inj_Q_strext.
 apply less_imp_ap.

Lemma inj_Q_ap : q1 q2, (q1 [#] q2) → inj_Q q1 [#] inj_Q q2.
 intros q1 q2 H.
 destruct (ap_imp_less _ _ _ H); [apply less_imp_ap|apply Greater_imp_ap];
   apply inj_Q_less; assumption.

Lemma leEq_inj_Q : q1 q2, (inj_Q q1 [<=] inj_Q q2) → q1 [<=] q2.
 rewriteleEq_def; intro.
 apply less_irreflexive_unfolded with (x := inj_Q q2).
 eapply less_leEq_trans.
  2: apply H.
 apply inj_Q_less.

Lemma inj_Q_leEq : q1 q2, (q1 [<=] q2) → inj_Q q1 [<=] inj_Q q2.
 rewriteleEq_def; intro.
 rewriteleEq_def in H; apply H.
 apply less_inj_Q.

Lemma inj_Q_inv : q1, inj_Q [--]q1 [=] [--](inj_Q q1).
 apply cg_cancel_lft with (x := inj_Q q1).
 astepr (inj_Q (q1[+][--]q1)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_plus.
 astepr (inj_Q [0]).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
 simpl in |- ×.
 rstepl ([0]:R1).

Lemma inj_Q_minus : q1 q2, inj_Q (q1[-]q2) [=] inj_Q q1[-]inj_Q q2.
 astepl (inj_Q (q1[+][--]q2)).
 astepr (inj_Q q1[+]inj_Q [--]q2).
  apply inj_Q_plus.
 astepr (inj_Q q1[+][--](inj_Q q2)).
 apply plus_resp_eq.
 apply inj_Q_inv.

Lemma inj_Q_div : q1 q2 H, inj_Q (q1/q2)%Q [=] (inj_Q q1[/]inj_Q q2[//]H).
 apply mult_cancel_rht with (inj_Q q2);[apply H|].
 apply eq_symmetric.
 eapply eq_transitive;[|apply inj_Q_mult].
 eapply eq_transitive;[apply div_1|].
 apply inj_Q_wd.
 apply inj_Q_strext.
 stepr ([0]:R1).
  apply H.
 rstepl (inj_Q q1[-]inj_Q q1).
 apply eq_symmetric.
 eapply eq_transitive;[|apply inj_Q_minus].
 apply inj_Q_wd.
 unfold cg_minus.

Hint Resolve inj_Q_plus inj_Q_mult inj_Q_inv inj_Q_minus inj_Q_div : algebra.

Moreover, and as expected, the AbsSmall predicate is also preserved under the inj_Q

Lemma inj_Q_AbsSmall : q1 q2,
 AbsSmall q1 q2AbsSmall (inj_Q q1) (inj_Q q2).
 red in |- ×.
 elim H.
  astepl (inj_Q [--]q1).
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 apply inj_Q_leEq.

Lemma AbsSmall_inj_Q : q e,
 AbsSmall (inj_Q e) (inj_Q q) → AbsSmall e q.
 elim H.
  apply leEq_inj_Q.
  apply leEq_wdl with (x := [--](inj_Q e)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_inv.
 apply leEq_inj_Q.

Injection preserves Cauchy property

We apply the above lemmata to obtain following theorem, which says that a Cauchy sequence of elemnts of Q will be Cauchy in R1.

Theorem inj_Q_Cauchy : g : CauchySeq Q_as_COrdField,
 Cauchy_prop (fun ninj_Q (g n)).
 case g.
 intros g_ pg.
 simpl in |- ×.
 red in |- ×.
 intros e H.
 cut {n : nat | ([1][/]e[//]Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H) [<] nring (R:=R1) n}.
  intro H0.
  case H0.
  intros N1 H1.
  unfold Cauchy_prop in pg.
  cut {N : nat | m : nat, N m
    AbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) (Qmake 1%Z (P_of_succ_nat N1)) (g_ m[-]g_ N)}.
   intro H2.
   case H2.
   intro N.
   apply AbsSmall_leEq_trans with (e1 := inj_Q (Qmake 1%Z (P_of_succ_nat N1))).
    apply less_leEq.
    apply mult_cancel_less with (z := nring (R:=R1) (S N1)[*]([1][/]e[//]Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H)).
     apply mult_resp_pos.
      apply pos_nring_S.
     apply div_resp_pos.
     apply pos_one.
    unfold inj_Q in |- ×.
    rewrite <- nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ with N1.
    rstepl ([1][/]e[//]Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H).
    rstepr (nring (R:=R1) (P_of_succ_nat N1)).
    apply less_transitive_unfolded with (y := nring (R:=R1) N1).
    apply nring_less.
    rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
    apply lt_n_Sn.
   astepr (inj_Q (g_ m[-]g_ N)).
   apply inj_Q_AbsSmall.
   apply a.
  apply pg.
  simpl in |- ×.
  red in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
 apply Archimedes'.

Furthermore we prove that applying nring (which is adding the ring unit n times) is the same whether we do it in Q or in R1:

Lemma inj_Q_nring : n, inj_Q (nring n) [=] nring (R:=R1) n.
 simpl in |- ×.
 induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  simpl in |- ×.
 change (inj_Q (nring n[+][1]) [=] nring (R:=R1) n[+][1]) in |- ×.
 astepr (inj_Q (nring n)[+]inj_Q [1]).
  apply inj_Q_plus.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold pring in |- *; simpl in |- ×.

Lemma inj_Q_pring : n, inj_Q (pring _ n) [=] pring R1 n.
 intros n.
 change (inj_Q (zring n)[=]zring n).
 stepr (inj_Q (nring n)).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  rewrite <- inject_nat_convert.
  apply zring_plus_nat.
 stepr (nring n:R1).
  apply inj_Q_nring.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 rewrite <- inject_nat_convert.
 apply zring_plus_nat.

Lemma inj_Q_zring : n, inj_Q (zring n) [=] zring (R:=R1) n.
 intros [|n|n].
  apply inj_Q_pring.
 change (inj_Q ([--](pring _ n))[=][--](pring _ n)).
 stepl ([--](inj_Q (zring (R:=Q_as_COrdField) n))).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_pring.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply inj_Q_inv.

Lemma inj_Q_One : inj_Q [1] [=] [1].
 rstepr ((nring 1):R1).
 apply (inj_Q_nring 1).

Lemma inj_Q_Zero : inj_Q [0] [=] [0].
 rstepr ((nring 0):R1).
 apply (inj_Q_nring 0).

Hint Resolve inj_Q_nring inj_Q_pring inj_Q_zring inj_Q_One inj_Q_Zero : algebra.

Definition inj_Q_hom : RingHom Q_as_CRing R1.
  (Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ _ inj_Q_strext).
   refine inj_Q_plus.
  refine inj_Q_mult.
 refine inj_Q_One.

Lemma inj_Q_power : q1 (n:nat), inj_Q (q1^n)%Q [=] (inj_Q q1[^]n).
 intros q.
 induction n.
  apply inj_Q_One.
 rewrite inj_S.
 unfold Zsucc.
 stepr (inj_Q (q^n×q)%Q).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  apply Qpower_plus'.
  auto with ×.
 stepr (inj_Q (q^n)%Q[*]inj_Q q).
  apply inj_Q_mult.
 apply mult_wdl.

Lemma inj_Q_power_Z : q1 (n:Z) H, inj_Q (q1^n)%Q [=] ((inj_Q q1)[//]H)[^^]n.
 intros q [|n|n] H.
   change (inj_Q (q ^ 0)%Q[=][1]).
   apply inj_Q_One.
  change (inj_Q (q ^ n)%Q[=]inj_Q q[^]n).
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (inj_Q_power q n).
  rewrite inject_nat_convert.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 change ((inj_Q (/q ^ n))%Q[=]([1][/]inj_Q q[//]H)[^]n).
 stepl (inj_Q ((1/q)^n)%Q).
  stepr ((inj_Q (1/q)%Q)[^]n).
   csetoid_rewrite_rev (inj_Q_power (1/q)%Q n).
   rewrite inject_nat_convert.
   apply eq_reflexive.
  apply nexp_wd.
  stepr (inj_Q 1%Q[/]_[//]H).
   apply inj_Q_div.
  apply div_wd.
   rstepr (nring 1:R1).
   apply (inj_Q_nring 1).
  apply eq_reflexive.
 apply inj_Q_wd.
 change (((1 × / q) ^ n)%Q==(/ q ^ n))%Q.
 rewrite <- Qinv_power.

Hint Resolve inj_Q_power inj_Q_power_Z : algebra.

Injection of Q is dense

Finally we are able to prove the density of image of Q in R1. We state this fact in two different ways. Both of them have their specific use.
The first theorem states the fact that any real number can be bound by the image of two rational numbers. This is called start_of_sequence because it can be used as an starting point for the typical "interval trisection" argument, which is ubiquitous in constructive analysis.

Theorem start_of_sequence : x : R1,
 {q1 : Q_as_COrdField | {q2 : Q_as_COrdField | inj_Q q1 [<] x | x [<] inj_Q q2}}.
 cut {n : nat | x [<] nring (R:=R1) n}.
  intro H.
  cut {n : nat | [--]x [<] nring (R:=R1) n}.
   intro H0.
   case H.
   intro n2.
   case H0.
   intro n1.
    (Qmake (- n1) 1).
    (Qmake n2 1).
    simpl in |- ×.
    rstepl (zring (R:=R1) (- Z_of_nat n1)).
    astepl [--](nring (R:=R1) n1).
    apply inv_cancel_less.
    astepr (nring (R:=R1) n1).
   simpl in |- ×.
   rstepr (zring (R:=R1) (Z_of_nat n2)).
   astepr (nring (R:=R1) n2).
  apply Archimedes'.
 apply Archimedes'.

The second version of the density of Q in R1 states that given any positive real number, there is a rational number between it and zero. This lemma can be used to prove the more general fact that there is a rational number between any two real numbers.

Lemma Q_dense_in_CReals : e : R1,
 [0] [<] e{q : Q_as_COrdField | [0] [<] inj_Q q | inj_Q q [<] e}.
 intros e H.
 cut {n : nat | ([1][/] e[//]Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H) [<] nring (R:=R1) n}.
  intro H0.
  case H0.
  intro N.
   (Qmake 1 (P_of_succ_nat N)).
   simpl in |- ×.
   unfold pring in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
   apply mult_cancel_less with (z := nring (R:=R1) N[+][1]).
    change ([0] [<] nring (R:=R1) (S N)) in |- ×.
    apply pos_nring_S.
   astepl ([0]:R1).
   astepr (([0][+][1][-][0][/] nring (P_of_succ_nat N)[//]
     den_is_nonzero (Qmake 1%positive (P_of_succ_nat N)))[*] nring (S N)).
    rewrite <- nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ with N.
    rstepr ([1]:R1).
    apply pos_one.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply swap_div with (z_ := Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H).
    rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
    apply pos_nring_S.
  unfold pring in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
  rstepl ([1][/] e[//]Greater_imp_ap _ e [0] H).
  apply less_transitive_unfolded with (y := nring (R:=R1) N).
  rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
  apply nring_less_succ.
 apply Archimedes'.

Lemma Q_dense_in_CReals' : a b : R1,
 a [<] b{q : Q_as_COrdField | a [<] inj_Q q | inj_Q q [<] b}.
 cut ( a b : R1, [0][<]ba[<]b{q : Q_as_COrdField | a[<]inj_Q q | inj_Q q[<]b}).
  intros H a b Hab.
  destruct (less_cotransitive_unfolded _ _ _ Hab [0]);[|apply H;assumption].
  assert (X:[0][<][--]a).
   rstepl ([--][0]:R1).
   apply inv_resp_less.
  assert (Y:=inv_resp_less _ _ _ Hab).
  destruct (H _ _ X Y) as [q Hqa Hqb].
   stepr ([--](inj_Q q)).
    apply inv_cancel_less.
    stepl (inj_Q q);[assumption|apply eq_symmetric; apply cg_inv_inv].
   apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_inv.
  stepl ([--](inj_Q q)).
   apply inv_cancel_less.
   stepr (inj_Q q);[assumption|apply eq_symmetric; apply cg_inv_inv].
  apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_inv.
 cut ( a b : R1, [0][<]b(a[+][1])[<]b{n : nat | a[<]nring n | nring n[<]b}).
  intros H a b Hb Hab.
  destruct (Q_dense_in_CReals _ (shift_zero_less_minus _ _ _ Hab)) as [q Haq Hbq].
  assert (X0 := pos_ap_zero _ _ Haq).
  assert (X1 : [0][<](b[/]inj_Q q[//]X0)).
   apply div_resp_pos; assumption.
  assert (X2 : (a[/]inj_Q q[//]X0)[+][1][<](b[/]inj_Q q[//]X0)).
   apply shift_plus_less'.
   rstepr ((b[-]a)[/]inj_Q q[//]X0).
   apply shift_less_div.
   rstepl (inj_Q q).
  destruct (H _ _ X1 X2) as [r Hra Hrb].
   ((nring r)[*]q)%Q; csetoid_rewrite (inj_Q_mult (nring r) q).
   eapply shift_less_mult.
   stepr (nring (R:=R1) r).
    apply Hra.
   apply eq_symmetric. apply inj_Q_nring.
  eapply shift_mult_less.
  stepl (nring (R:=R1) r).
   apply Hrb.
  apply eq_symmetric. apply inj_Q_nring.
 intros a b Hb Hab.
 destruct (Archimedes' a) as [n Hn].
 induction n.
   0; try assumption.
 destruct (less_cotransitive_unfolded _ _ _ Hab (nring (R:=R1) (S n))).
  apply IHn.
  apply plus_cancel_less with [1].
  apply c.
  (S n); assumption.

End Rational_sequence_prelogue.

Hint Resolve inj_Q_plus inj_Q_mult inj_Q_inv inj_Q_minus inj_Q_div : algebra.
Hint Resolve inj_Q_nring inj_Q_pring inj_Q_zring : algebra.
Hint Resolve inj_Q_power inj_Q_power_Z : algebra.