
Require Export RefLemma.

Section I.


Having proved the main properties of partitions and refinements, we will define the integral of a continuous function F in the interval [a,b] as the limit of the sequence of Sums of for even partitions of increasing number of points.
All throughout, a,b will be real numbers, the interval [a,b] will be denoted by I and F,G will be continuous functions in I.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Section Darboux_Sum.

Definition integral_seq : natIR.
 intro n.
 apply Even_Partition_Sum with a b Hab F (S n).

Lemma Cauchy_Darboux_Seq : Cauchy_prop integral_seq.
 red in |- *; intros e He.
 set (e' := e[/] _[//]mult_resp_ap_zero _ _ _ (two_ap_zero _) (max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a))) in ×.
 cut ([0] [<] e').
  intro He'.
  set (d := proj1_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' e' He')) in ×.
  generalize (proj2b_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' e' He'));
    generalize (proj2a_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' e' He')); fold d in |- *; intros H0 H1.
  set (N := ProjT1 (Archimedes (b[-]a[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ H0))) in ×.
   N; intros.
  apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
  apply leEq_transitive with (Two[*]e'[*] (b[-]a)).
   rstepr (e'[*] (b[-]a) [+]e'[*] (b[-]a)).
   unfold integral_seq in |- ×.
   elim (even_partition_refinement _ _ Hab _ _ (O_S m) (O_S N)).
   intros w Hw.
   elim Hw; clear Hw; intros Hw H2 H3.
   unfold Even_Partition_Sum in |- ×.
   unfold I in |- *; apply second_refinement_lemma with (a := a) (b := b) (F := F) (contF := contF)
     (Q := Even_Partition Hab w Hw) (He := He') (He' := He').
    eapply leEq_wdl.
     2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply even_partition_Mesh.
    apply shift_div_leEq.
     apply pos_nring_S.
    apply shift_leEq_mult' with (pos_ap_zero _ _ H0).
    apply leEq_transitive with (nring (R:=IR) N).
     exact (ProjT2 (Archimedes (b[-]a[/] d[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ H0))).
    apply nring_leEq; apply le_S; assumption.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply even_partition_Mesh.
   apply shift_div_leEq.
    apply pos_nring_S.
   apply shift_leEq_mult' with (pos_ap_zero _ _ H0).
   apply leEq_transitive with (nring (R:=IR) N).
    exact (ProjT2 (Archimedes (b[-]a[/] d[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ H0))).
   apply nring_leEq; apply le_n_Sn.
  unfold e' in |- ×.
  rstepl (e[*] (b[-]a) [/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a)).
  apply shift_div_leEq.
   apply pos_max_one.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply lft_leEq_Max.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 unfold e' in |- ×.
 apply div_resp_pos.
  apply mult_resp_pos.
   apply pos_two.
  apply pos_max_one.

Definition I := Lim (Build_CauchySeq _ _ Cauchy_Darboux_Seq).

End Darboux_Sum.

Section Integral_Thm.

The following shows that in fact the integral of F is the limit of any sequence of partitions of mesh converging to 0.
Let e be a positive real number and P be a partition of I with n points and mesh smaller than the modulus of continuity of F for e. Let fP be a choice of points respecting P.

Variable n : nat.

Variable P : Partition Hab n.

Variable e : IR.
Hypothesis He : [0] [<] e.

Hypothesis HmeshP : Mesh P [<] d.

Variable fP : i : nat, i < nIR.
Hypothesis HfP : Points_in_Partition P fP.
Hypothesis HfP' : nat_less_n_fun fP.

Hypothesis incF : included (Compact Hab) (Dom F).

Lemma partition_Sum_conv_integral : AbsIR (Partition_Sum HfP incF[-]I) [<=] e[*] (b[-]a).
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Partition_Sum HfP (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contF) [-]I)).
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Cauchy_const (Partition_Sum HfP (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contF))) [-]
   2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd; [ apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const | algebra ].
  unfold I in |- ×.
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_minus (Cauchy_const
    (Partition_Sum HfP (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contF))) (Build_CauchySeq _ _ Cauchy_Darboux_Seq))))).
   2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply Lim_minus.
  eapply leEq_wdl.
   2: apply Lim_abs.
  astepr ([0][+]e[*] (b[-]a)); apply shift_leEq_plus; apply approach_zero_weak.
  intros e' He'.
  set (ee := e'[/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a)) in ×.
  apply leEq_transitive with (ee[*] (b[-]a)).
   cut ([0] [<] ee).
    intro Hee.
    set (d' := proj1_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' _ Hee)) in ×.
    generalize (proj2b_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' _ Hee));
      generalize (proj2a_sig2T _ _ _ (contF' _ Hee)); fold d' in |- *; intros Hd' Hd'0.
    elim (Archimedes (b[-]a[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd')); intros k Hk.
    apply shift_minus_leEq.
    eapply leEq_wdr.
     2: apply cag_commutes_unfolded.
    apply str_seq_leEq_so_Lim_leEq.
     k; simpl in |- *; intros.
    unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum in |- ×.
    apply refinement_lemma with contF He Hee.
      fold d' in |- ×.
      eapply less_wdl.
       2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply even_partition_Mesh.
      apply shift_div_less.
       apply pos_nring_S.
      apply shift_less_mult' with (pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd').
      apply leEq_less_trans with (nring (R:=IR) k).
      apply nring_less; auto with arith.
    red in |- *; do 3 intro.
    rewrite H0; intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.
   unfold ee in |- *; apply div_resp_pos.
    apply pos_max_one.
  unfold ee in |- ×.
  rstepl (e'[*] (b[-]a[/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a))).
  rstepr (e'[*][1]).
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply shift_div_leEq.
    apply pos_max_one.
   astepr (Max (b[-]a) [1]); apply lft_leEq_Max.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
  unfold Partition_Sum in |- ×.
  apply Sumx_wd; intros.

End Integral_Thm.

End I.

Section Basic_Properties.

The usual extensionality and strong extensionality results hold.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Notation I := (I _ _ Hab).

Section Well_Definedness.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

Lemma integral_strext : I F contF [#] I G contG
 {x : IR | I x | Hx Hx', F x Hx [#] G x Hx'}.
 intro H.
 unfold I in H.
 elim (Lim_ap_imp_seq_ap' _ _ H); intros N HN; clear H.
 simpl in HN.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in HN.
 set (f' := fun (i : nat) (H : i < S N) ⇒ Part F _ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contF _
   (compact_partition_lemma _ _ Hab _ (O_S N) _ (lt_le_weak _ _ H))) [*]
     (Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) _ H[-] Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) i (lt_le_weak _ _ H))) in ×.
 set (g' := fun (i : nat) (H : i < S N) ⇒ Part G _ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contG _
   (compact_partition_lemma _ _ Hab _ (O_S N) _ (lt_le_weak _ _ H))) [*]
     (Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) _ H[-] Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) i (lt_le_weak _ _ H))) in ×.
 cut (nat_less_n_fun f'); intros.
  cut (nat_less_n_fun g'); intros.
   cut (Sumx f' [#] Sumx g'). intros H1.
    elim (Sumx_strext _ _ _ _ H H0 H1).
    intros n Hn.
    elim Hn; clear Hn; intros Hn H'.
     (a[+]nring n[*] (b[-]a[/] nring _[//]nring_ap_zero' _ _ (O_S N))).
     unfold I in |- *; apply compact_partition_lemma; auto.
     apply lt_le_weak; assumption.
    elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H'); clear H'; intro.
     eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
      eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
       apply a0.
    elimtype False; generalize b0; exact (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _).
   eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
    eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
     apply HN.
    unfold g', Partition_imp_points in |- *; apply Sumx_wd; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
   unfold f', Partition_imp_points in |- *; apply Sumx_wd; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
  do 3 intro.
  rewrite H0; unfold g' in |- *; intros; algebra.
 do 3 intro.
 rewrite H; unfold f' in |- *; intros; algebra.

Lemma integral_strext' : c d Hcd HF1 HF2,
 I a b Hab F HF1 [#] I c d Hcd F HF2a [#] c or b [#] d.
 intros c d Hcd HF1 HF2 H.
 clear contF contG.
 unfold I in H.
 elim (Lim_strext _ _ H).
 clear H; intros N HN.
 simpl in HN.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in HN.
 set (f1 := fun (i : nat) (Hi : i < S N) ⇒ Part _ _ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ HF1 _
   (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ (Partition_imp_points_1 _ _ _ _ (Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N))) i
     Hi)) [*] (Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) _ Hi[-]
       Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S N) _ (lt_le_weak _ _ Hi))) in ×.
 set (f2 := fun (i : nat) (Hi : i < S N) ⇒ Part _ _ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ HF2 _
   (Pts_part_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ (Partition_imp_points_1 _ _ _ _ (Even_Partition Hcd _ (O_S N))) i
     Hi)) [*] (Even_Partition Hcd _ (O_S N) _ Hi[-]
       Even_Partition Hcd _ (O_S N) _ (lt_le_weak _ _ Hi))) in ×.
 cut (nat_less_n_fun f1); intros.
  cut (nat_less_n_fun f2); intros.
   elim (Sumx_strext _ _ _ _ H H0 HN).
   clear H0 H HN; intros i Hi.
   elim Hi; clear Hi; intros Hi Hi'.
   unfold f1, f2 in Hi'; clear f1 f2.
   elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi'); clear Hi'; intro.
    assert (H := pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ a0).
    clear a0; simpl in H.
    elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intro.
     left; auto.
    elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
     elimtype False; generalize a0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
    elim (div_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
     elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ a0); clear a0; intro.
      right; auto.
     left; auto.
    elimtype False; generalize b0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
   elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
    simpl in a0.
    elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ a0); clear a0; intro.
     left; auto.
    elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
     elimtype False; generalize a0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
    elim (div_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
     elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ a0); clear a0; intro.
      right; auto.
     left; auto.
    elimtype False; generalize b0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
   elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
    left; auto.
   elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
    elimtype False; generalize a0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
   elim (div_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
    elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ a0); clear a0; intro.
     right; auto.
    left; auto.
   elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ b0); clear b0; intro.
    elimtype False; generalize a0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
   elimtype False; generalize b0; apply ap_irreflexive_unfolded.
  red in |- ×.
  do 3 intro.
  rewrite H0; clear H0; intros.
  unfold f2 in |- ×.
 red in |- ×.
 do 3 intro.
 rewrite H; clear H; intros.
 unfold f1 in |- ×.

Lemma integral_wd : Feq (Compact Hab) F GI F contF [=] I G contG.
 intro H.
 apply not_ap_imp_eq.
 intro H0.
 elim (integral_strext H0).
 intros x H1 H2.
 elim H; intros H3 H4.
 inversion_clear H4.
 generalize (H2 (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contF x H1) (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contG x H1)).
 apply eq_imp_not_ap.

Lemma integral_wd' : a' b' Hab' contF',
 a [=] a'b [=] b'I F contF [=] I a' b' Hab' F contF'.
 unfold I in |- ×.
 apply Lim_wd'.
 intro; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
 apply Sumx_wd; intros; apply mult_wd.
  apply pfwdef; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 simpl in |- ×.
 repeat first [ apply cg_minus_wd | apply bin_op_wd_unfolded | apply mult_wd
   | apply div_wd ]; algebra.

End Well_Definedness.

Section Linearity_and_Monotonicity.

Opaque Even_Partition.

The integral is a linear and monotonous function; in order to prove these facts we also need the important equalities ∫abdx=b-a and ∫aa=0.

Lemma integral_one : H, I ( [-C-] [1]) H [=] b[-]a.
 unfold I in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
 apply Lim_wd'.
 intro; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply Mengolli_Sum with (f := fun (i : nat) (Hi : i S n) ⇒ Even_Partition Hab _ (O_S n) i Hi).
   red in |- *; intros.
   apply prf1; auto.
  intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
 apply cg_minus_wd; [ apply finish | apply start ].

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

Lemma integral_comm_scal : (c : IR) Hf', I (c{**}F) Hf' [=] c[*]I F contF.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Lim (Cauchy_const c) [*]I F contF);
   unfold I in |- ×.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply Lim_mult.
  apply Lim_wd'; intro; simpl in |- ×.
  unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply Sumx_comm_scal'.
  apply Sumx_wd; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
 apply mult_wdl.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.

Lemma integral_plus : Hfg, I (F{+}G) Hfg [=] I F contF[+]I G contG.
 unfold I in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply Lim_plus.
 apply Lim_wd'; intro; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Sumx_plus_Sumx.
 apply Sumx_wd; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.

Transparent Even_Partition.

Lemma integral_empty : a [=] bI F contF [=] [0].
 unfold I in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
 apply Lim_wd'.
 intros; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Sumx (fun (i : nat) (H : i < S n) ⇒ ZeroR)).
  apply Sumx_wd; intros; simpl in |- ×.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply dist_2a.
  apply x_minus_x.
  apply mult_wdr.
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  astepl (nring (S i) [*] (b[-]b[/] _[//]nring_ap_zero' _ _ (O_S n))).
  astepr (nring i[*] (b[-]b[/] _[//]nring_ap_zero' _ _ (O_S n))).
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply sumx_const.

End Linearity_and_Monotonicity.

Section Linearity_and_Monotonicity'.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

Let alpha, beta : IR and assume that h := alpha{**}F{+}beta{**}G is continuous.

Variables alpha beta : IR.
Hypothesis contH : Continuous_I Hab h.

Lemma linear_integral : I h contH [=] alpha[*]I F contF[+]beta[*]I G contG.
 assert (H : Continuous_I Hab (alpha{**}F)). Contin.
  assert (H0 : Continuous_I Hab (beta{**}G)). Contin.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (I _ H[+]I _ H0).
  unfold h in |- ×.
  apply integral_plus.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; apply integral_comm_scal.

Lemma monotonous_integral : ( x, I x Hx Hx', F x Hx [<=] G x Hx') →
 I F contF [<=] I G contG.
 unfold I in |- ×.
 apply Lim_leEq_Lim.
 intro n; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum, Partition_Sum in |- ×.
 apply Sumx_resp_leEq; intros i Hi.
 apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
  apply H.
  Opaque nring.
  unfold I, Partition_imp_points in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
  apply compact_partition_lemma; auto with arith.
 apply leEq_transitive with (AntiMesh (Even_Partition Hab (S n) (O_S n))).
  apply AntiMesh_nonneg.
 apply AntiMesh_lemma.

Transparent nring.

End Linearity_and_Monotonicity'.

Section Corollaries.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

As corollaries we can calculate integrals of group operations applied to functions.

Lemma integral_const : c H, I ( [-C-]c)H [=] c[*] (b[-]a).
 assert (H0 : Continuous_I Hab (c{**}[-C-][1])). Contin.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (I _ H0).
  apply integral_wd; FEQ.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply integral_comm_scal with (contF := Continuous_I_const a b Hab [1]).
 apply mult_wdr.
 apply integral_one.

Lemma integral_minus : H, I (F{-}G) H [=] I F contF[-]I G contG.
 assert (H0 : Continuous_I Hab ([1]{**}F{+}[--][1]{**}G)). Contin.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (I _ H0).
  apply integral_wd; FEQ.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply linear_integral with (contF := contF) (contG := contG).

Lemma integral_inv : H, I ( {--}F) H [=] [--] (I F contF).
 assert (H0 : Continuous_I Hab ([0]{**}F{+}[--][1]{**}F)). Contin.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (I _ H0).
  apply integral_wd; FEQ.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply linear_integral with (contF := contF) (contG := contF).

We can also bound integrals by bounding the integrated functions.

Lemma lb_integral : c, ( x, I x Hx, c [<=] F x Hx) → c[*] (b[-]a) [<=] I F contF.
 apply leEq_wdl with (I _ (Continuous_I_const a b Hab c)).
  2: apply integral_const.
 apply monotonous_integral.
 simpl in |- *; auto.

Lemma ub_integral : c, ( x, I x Hx, F x Hx [<=] c) → I F contF [<=] c[*] (b[-]a).
 apply leEq_wdr with (I _ (Continuous_I_const a b Hab c)).
  2: apply integral_const.
 apply monotonous_integral.
 simpl in |- *; auto.

Lemma integral_leEq_norm : AbsIR (I F contF) [<=] Norm_Funct contF[*] (b[-]a).
 simpl in |- *; unfold ABSIR in |- ×.
 apply Max_leEq.
  apply ub_integral.
  intros; eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply leEq_AbsIR.
  unfold I in |- *; apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.
 astepr ( [--][--] (Norm_Funct contF[*] (b[-]a))).
 astepr ( [--] ( [--] (Norm_Funct contF) [*] (b[-]a))).
 apply inv_resp_leEq.
 apply lb_integral.
 intros; astepr ( [--][--] (Part F x Hx)).
 apply inv_resp_leEq.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply inv_leEq_AbsIR.
 unfold I in |- *; apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.

End Corollaries.

Section Integral_Sum.

We now relate the sum of integrals in adjoining intervals to the integral over the union of those intervals.
Let c be a real number such that c∈[a,b].

Variable F : PartIR.

Variable c : IR.

Hypothesis Hac : a [<=] c.
Hypothesis Hcb : c [<=] b.

Hypothesis Hab' : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis Hac' : Continuous_I Hac F.
Hypothesis Hcb' : Continuous_I Hcb F.

Section Partition_Join.

We first prove that every pair of partitions, one of [a,c] and another of [c,b] defines a partition of [a,b] the mesh of which is less or equal to the maximum of the mesh of the original partitions (actually it is equal, but we don't need the other inequality).
Let P,Q be partitions respectively of [a,c] and [c,b] with n and m points.

Variables n m : nat.
Variable P : Partition Hac n.
Variable Q : Partition Hcb m.

Definition partition_join_fun : i, i S (n + m) → IR.
 elim (le_lt_dec i n); intros.
  apply (P i a0).
 cut (i - S n m); [ intro | apply partition_join_aux; assumption ].
 apply (Q _ H0).

fP, fQ are choices of points respecting P and Q.

Variable fP : i : nat, i < nIR.
Hypothesis HfP : Points_in_Partition P fP.
Hypothesis HfP' : nat_less_n_fun fP.

Variable fQ : i : nat, i < mIR.
Hypothesis HfQ : Points_in_Partition Q fQ.
Hypothesis HfQ' : nat_less_n_fun fQ.

Definition partition_join_pts : i, i < S (n + m) → IR.
 elim (le_lt_dec i n); intros.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ a0); intro.
   apply (fP i a1).
  apply c.
 cut (i - S n < m); [ intro | apply partition_join_aux'; assumption ].
 apply (fQ _ H0).

Lemma partition_join_Pts_in_partition : Points_in_Partition partition_join partition_join_pts.
 red in |- *; intros.
 rename Hi into H.
 cut ( H', compact (partition_join i (lt_le_weak _ _ H)) (partition_join (S i) H) H'
   (partition_join_pts i H)); auto.
 unfold partition_join in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold partition_join_fun in |- ×.
 elim le_lt_dec; elim le_lt_dec; intros; simpl in |- ×.
    elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ a1); intro.
     elim (HfP _ a2); intros.
     apply compact_wd with (fP i a2).
      2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_1.
      eapply leEq_wdl.
       apply a3.
      apply prf1; auto.
     eapply leEq_wdr.
      apply b0.
     apply prf1; auto.
    elimtype False; clear H'; rewrite b0 in a0; apply (le_Sn_n _ a0).
   cut (i = n); [ intro | clear H'; apply le_antisym; auto with arith ].
   generalize H a0 b0 H'; clear H' a0 b0 H; rewrite H0; intros.
   apply compact_wd with c.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_2; auto.
    apply eq_imp_leEq; apply finish.
   apply eq_imp_leEq; apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   cut ( H, Q (n - n) H [=] c); auto.
   cut (n - n = 0); [ intro | auto with arith ].
   rewrite H1; intros; apply start.
  elimtype False; apply le_not_lt with n i; auto with arith.
 elim (HfQ _ (partition_join_aux' _ _ _ b1 H)); intros.
 apply compact_wd with (fQ _ (partition_join_aux' _ _ _ b1 H)).
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_3; assumption.
  eapply leEq_wdl.
   apply a0.
  apply prf1; auto.
 eapply leEq_wdr.
  apply b2.
 apply prf1; rewrite minus_Sn_m; auto with arith.

Lemma partition_join_Pts_wd : i j,
 i = j Hi Hj, partition_join_pts i Hi [=] partition_join_pts j Hj.
 elim (le_lt_dec i n); intro.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ a0); intro.
   cut (j < n); [ intro | rewrite <- H; assumption ].
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply pjp_1 with (Hi' := a1).
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_1 with (Hi' := H0).
   apply HfP'; auto.
  cut (j = n); [ intro | rewrite <- H; assumption ].
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply pjp_2; auto.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_2; auto.
 cut (n < j); [ intro | rewrite <- H; assumption ].
 cut (i - S n < m); [ intro | omega ].
 cut (j - S n < m); [ intro | omega ].
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply pjp_3 with (Hi' := H1); assumption.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_3 with (Hi' := H2); assumption.
 apply HfQ'; auto.

Lemma partition_join_Sum_lemma :
 Partition_Sum HfP (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ Hac') [+] Partition_Sum HfQ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ Hcb') [=]
 Partition_Sum partition_join_Pts_in_partition (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ Hab').
 unfold Partition_Sum in |- *; apply Sumx_weird_lemma.
       auto with arith.
      Opaque partition_join.
      red in |- *; intros; apply mult_wd; algebra; apply cg_minus_wd; apply prf1; auto.
     red in |- *; intros; apply mult_wd; algebra; apply cg_minus_wd; apply prf1; auto.
    red in |- *; intros; apply mult_wd; try apply cg_minus_wd; try apply pfwdef; algebra.
      apply partition_join_Pts_wd; auto.
     apply prf1; auto.
    apply prf1; auto.
   Transparent partition_join.
   intros; apply mult_wd.
    apply pfwdef; apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_1.
   apply cg_minus_wd; simpl in |- ×.
    unfold partition_join_fun in |- *; elim le_lt_dec; simpl in |- *; intro; [ apply prf1; auto
      | elimtype False; apply le_not_lt with n i; auto with arith ].
   unfold partition_join_fun in |- *; elim le_lt_dec; simpl in |- *; intro; [ apply prf1; auto
     | elimtype False; apply le_not_lt with i n; auto with arith ].
  intros; apply mult_wd.
   apply pfwdef.
   cut (i = S (n + i) - S n); [ intro | omega ].
   generalize Hi; clear Hi; pattern i at 1 2 in |- *; rewrite H; intro.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjp_3; auto with arith.
  apply cg_minus_wd; simpl in |- ×.
   Opaque minus.
   unfold partition_join, partition_join_fun in |- ×.
   elim le_lt_dec; simpl in |- *; intro.
    elimtype False; apply le_Sn_n with n; eapply le_trans.
     2: apply a0.
    auto with arith.
   Transparent minus.
   apply prf1; transitivity (S (n + i) - n); auto with arith.
  Opaque minus.
  unfold partition_join, partition_join_fun in |- ×.
  elim le_lt_dec; simpl in |- *; intro.
   elimtype False; apply le_Sn_n with n; eapply le_trans.
    2: apply a0.
   auto with arith.
  Transparent minus.
  apply prf1; transitivity (n + i - n); auto with arith.
 intro; apply x_mult_zero.
 astepr (partition_join _ Hi[-]partition_join _ Hi).
 apply cg_minus_wd.
 unfold partition_join in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with c; unfold partition_join_fun in |- *;
   elim le_lt_dec; simpl in |- ×.
    intro; apply finish.
   intro; elimtype False; apply (lt_irrefl _ b0).
  intro; elimtype False; apply (le_Sn_n _ a0).
 intro; apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Q _ (le_O_n _)).
  apply prf1; auto with arith.
 apply start.

Lemma partition_join_mesh : Mesh partition_join [<=] Max (Mesh P) (Mesh Q).
 unfold Mesh at 1 in |- ×.
 apply maxlist_leEq.
  apply length_Part_Mesh_List.
  apply lt_O_Sn.
 intros x H.
 elim (Part_Mesh_List_lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intros i Hi.
 elim Hi; clear Hi; intros Hi Hi'.
 elim Hi'; clear Hi'; intros Hi' Hx.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Hx.
 unfold partition_join in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 unfold partition_join_fun in |- ×.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
  elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply Mesh_lemma.
   apply lft_leEq_Max.
  elimtype False; apply le_not_lt with i n; auto with arith.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
  cut (i = n); [ intro | apply le_antisym; auto with arith ].
  generalize a0 b0 Hi'; clear Hx Hi Hi' a0 b0.
  rewrite H0; intros.
  apply leEq_wdl with ZeroR.
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    2: apply lft_leEq_Max.
   apply Mesh_nonneg.
  astepl (c[-]c).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply cg_minus_wd.
   cut ( H, Q (n - n) H [=] c); auto.
   cut (n - n = 0); [ intro | auto with arith ].
   rewrite H1; intros; apply start.
  apply finish.
 cut (i - n = S (i - S n)); [ intro | omega ].
 cut ( H, Q (i - n) H[-]Q _ (partition_join_aux _ _ _ b1 Hi) [<=] Max (Mesh P) (Mesh Q)); auto.
 rewrite H0; intros; eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply Mesh_lemma.
 apply rht_leEq_Max.

End Partition_Join.

With these results in mind, the following is a trivial consequence:

Lemma integral_plus_integral : I _ _ Hac _ Hac'[+]I _ _ Hcb _ Hcb' [=] I _ Hab'.
 unfold I at 1 2 in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_plus.
 apply cg_inv_unique_2.
 apply AbsIR_approach_zero.
 intros e' He'.
 set (e := e'[/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a)) in ×.
 cut ([0] [<] e).
  intro He.
  set (d := proj1_sig2T _ _ _ (contin_prop _ _ _ _ Hab' e He)) in ×.
  generalize (proj2b_sig2T _ _ _ (contin_prop _ _ _ _ Hab' e He));
    generalize (proj2a_sig2T _ _ _ (contin_prop _ _ _ _ Hab' e He)).
  fold d in |- *; intros Hd Haux.
  clear Haux.
  apply leEq_transitive with (e[*] (b[-]a)).
   elim (Archimedes (b[-]c[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd)); intros n1 Hn1.
   elim (Archimedes (c[-]a[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd)); intros n2 Hn2.
   apply leEq_wdl with (Lim (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_abs (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_plus
     (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_plus (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_Darboux_Seq _ _ Hac _ Hac'))
       (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_Darboux_Seq _ _ Hcb _ Hcb'))))
         (Cauchy_const [--] (I _ Hab'))))))).
    apply str_seq_leEq_so_Lim_leEq.
    set (p := max n1 n2) in *; p; intros.
    astepl (AbsIR (integral_seq _ _ Hac _ Hac' i[+]integral_seq _ _ Hcb _ Hcb' i[-] I _ Hab')).
    unfold integral_seq, Even_Partition_Sum in |- ×.
    set (EP1 := Even_Partition Hac (S i) (O_S i)) in ×.
    set (EP2 := Even_Partition Hcb (S i) (O_S i)) in ×.
    set (P := partition_join _ _ EP1 EP2) in ×.
    cut (nat_less_n_fun (Partition_imp_points _ _ _ _ EP1)); [ intro | apply Partition_imp_points_2 ].
    cut (nat_less_n_fun (Partition_imp_points _ _ _ _ EP2)); [ intro | apply Partition_imp_points_2 ].
    apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Partition_Sum (partition_join_Pts_in_partition _ _ _ _ _
      (Partition_imp_points_1 _ _ _ _ EP1) H0 _ (Partition_imp_points_1 _ _ _ _ EP2) H1)
        (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ Hab') [-]I _ Hab')).
     apply partition_Sum_conv_integral with He; fold d in |- ×.
      eapply leEq_less_trans.
       apply partition_join_mesh.
      apply Max_less.
       unfold EP1 in |- *; eapply less_wdl.
        2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply even_partition_Mesh.
       apply swap_div with (pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd).
         apply pos_nring_S.
       apply leEq_less_trans with (nring (R:=IR) n2).
       apply nring_less.
       apply le_lt_trans with p.
        unfold p in |- *; apply le_max_r.
       auto with arith.
      unfold EP2 in |- *; eapply less_wdl.
       2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply even_partition_Mesh.
      apply swap_div with (pos_ap_zero _ _ Hd).
        apply pos_nring_S.
      apply leEq_less_trans with (nring (R:=IR) n1).
      apply nring_less.
      apply le_lt_trans with p.
       unfold p in |- *; apply le_max_l.
      auto with arith.
     red in |- *; do 3 intro.
     rewrite H2; clear H2; intros.
     apply partition_join_Pts_wd; auto.
    apply AbsIR_wd.
    apply cg_minus_wd.
     2: algebra.
    apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
    unfold Partition_Sum in |- *; apply Sumx_weird_lemma.
         red in |- *; do 3 intro.
         rewrite H2; clear H2; intros; algebra.
        red in |- *; do 3 intro.
        rewrite H2; clear H2; intros; algebra.
       red in |- *; do 3 intro.
       rewrite H2; clear H2; intros; algebra.
      Opaque Even_Partition.
      intros; apply mult_wd.
       apply pfwdef; unfold partition_join_pts in |- ×.
       elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
        elim le_lt_eq_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
         apply Partition_imp_points_2; auto.
        elimtype False; rewrite b0 in Hi; apply (lt_irrefl _ Hi).
       elimtype False; apply le_not_lt with i0 (S i); auto with arith.
      apply cg_minus_wd; simpl in |- ×.
       apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjf_1.
      apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjf_1.
     intros; apply mult_wd.
      apply pfwdef; unfold Partition_imp_points in |- ×.
      unfold partition_join_pts in |- ×.
      elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
       elim le_lt_eq_dec; intro; simpl in |- ×.
        elimtype False; apply le_Sn_n with (S i); eapply le_trans.
         2: apply a0.
        auto with arith.
       elimtype False; apply lt_irrefl with (S i); pattern (S i) at 2 in |- *;
         rewrite <- b0; auto with arith.
      unfold Partition_imp_points in |- *; apply prf1.
      auto with arith.
     apply cg_minus_wd; simpl in |- ×.
      apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjf_3; [ auto with arith | omega ].
     apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply pjf_3; auto with arith.
    intro; apply x_mult_zero.
    astepr (c[-]c).
    apply cg_minus_wd.
     simpl in |- *; apply pjf_2'; auto.
    simpl in |- *; apply pjf_2; auto.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply Lim_abs.
   apply AbsIR_wd.
   unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply Lim_plus.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
  unfold e in |- ×.
  rstepl (e'[*] (b[-]a) [/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero (b[-]a)).
  apply shift_div_leEq.
   apply pos_max_one.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply lft_leEq_Max.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 unfold e in |- ×.
 apply div_resp_pos.
  apply pos_max_one.

End Integral_Sum.

Transparent Even_Partition.

End Basic_Properties.

The following are simple consequences of this result and of previous ones.

Lemma integral_less_norm : a b Hab (F : PartIR) contF,
 let N := Norm_Funct contF in a [<] b x, Compact Hab x Hx,
 AbsIR (F x Hx) [<] NAbsIR (I a b Hab F contF) [<] N[*] (b[-]a).

Lemma integral_gt_zero : a b Hab (F : PartIR) contF, let N := Norm_Funct contF in
 a [<] b x, Compact Hab x Hx, [0] [<] F x Hx
 ( x, Compact Hab x Hx, [0] [<=] F x Hx) → [0] [<] I a b Hab F contF.