
Require Export Metric.
Require Export QposInf.
Require Import List.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

This extended notition of ball operates over QposInf, allowing one to say, ball Infinity a b, holds for all a and b.

Definition ball_ex (X: MetricSpace) (e: QposInf): XXProp :=
 match e with
  | Qpos2QposInf e'ball e'
  | QposInfinityfun a bTrue
Lemma ball_ex_weak_le : (X:MetricSpace) (e d:QposInf) (a b:X), QposInf_le e dball_ex e a bball_ex d a b.
 intros X e d a b Hed Hab.
 destruct d as [d|]; destruct e as [e|].
    eapply (ball_weak_le X).
     apply Hed.
   elim Hed.

Lemma ball_ex_dec : (X:MetricSpace), ( e (a b:X), {ball e a b}+{¬ball e a b}) → e (a b:X), {ball_ex e a b}+{¬ball_ex e a b}.
 intros X ball_dec e a b.
 destruct e as [e|].
  apply (ball_dec e a b).

Section UniformlyContinuousFunction.

Uniform Continuity

Variable X Y : MetricSpace.

This is the traditional definitition of uniform continuity with an explicitly given modulus of continuity
Definition is_UniformlyContinuousFunction
 (f: XY) (mu: QposQposInf) :=
  e a b, ball_ex (mu e) a bball e (f a) (f b).

Every uniformly continuous function is automatically well defined
Lemma is_UniformlyContinuousFunction_wd : (f1 f2:XY) (mu1 mu2: QposQposInf),
 ( x, st_eq (f1 x) (f2 x)) →
 ( x, QposInf_le (mu2 x) (mu1 x)) →
 (is_UniformlyContinuousFunction f1 mu1) →
 (is_UniformlyContinuousFunction f2 mu2).
 intros f1 f2 mu1 mu2 Hf Hmu H e a b Hab.
 do 2 rewrite <- Hf.
 apply H.
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le.
  apply Hmu.

A uniformly continuous function consists of a function, a modulus of continuity, and a proof that the function is uniformly continuous with that modulus
Given a uniformly continuous function with a modulus mu, it is also uniformly continuous with any smaller modulus
Lemma uc_prf_smaller : (f:UniformlyContinuousFunction) (mu2 : QposQposInf),
 ( e, QposInf_le (mu2 e) (mu f e)) →
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (ucFun f) mu2.
 intros f my2 H.
 eapply is_UniformlyContinuousFunction_wd.
   intros; reflexivity.
  apply H.
 apply uc_prf.

The metric space of uniformly continuous functions

The space of uniformly continuous functions from a metric space
Definition ucEq (f g : UniformlyContinuousFunction) :=
  x, st_eq (f x) (g x).

Lemma uc_setoid : Setoid_Theory UniformlyContinuousFunction ucEq.
   intros x a.
  intros x y H a.
  apply H.
 intros x y z H1 H2 a.
 transitivity (y a).
  apply H1.
 apply H2.

Definition uc_Setoid : RSetoid := (Build_RSetoid uc_setoid).

Definition ucBall e (f g : UniformlyContinuousFunction) := a, ball e (f a) (g a).

Lemma uc_is_MetricSpace : is_MetricSpace uc_Setoid ucBall.
     firstorder using ball_refl.
    firstorder using ball_sym.
   intros e1 e2 f g h H1 H2 a.
   apply ball_triangle with (g a); auto.
  intros e f g H a.
  apply ball_closed.
 intros f g H a.
 apply ball_eq.

Lemma ucBall_wd : (e1 e2:Qpos), (QposEq e1 e2) →
             (x1 x2 : uc_Setoid), (st_eq x1 x2) →
             (y1 y2 : uc_Setoid), (st_eq y1 y2) →
            (ucBall e1 x1 y1 ucBall e2 x2 y2).
 unfold ucEq in ×.
 unfold ucBall in ×.
 simpl in H0, H1.
 unfold ucEq in H0, H1.
  rewrite <- H.
  rewrite <- H0.
  rewrite <- H1.

mu_ex generalizes mu analogous to how ball_ex generalizes ball:

Definition mu_ex (f: UniformlyContinuousFunction) (e: QposInf): QposInf :=
  match e with
  | Qpos2QposInf e'mu f e'
  | QposInfinityQposInfinity

Lemma uc_ex_prf (u: UniformlyContinuousFunction) (e: QposInf) (a b: X):
  ball_ex (mu_ex u e) a bball_ex e (ucFun u a) (ucFun u b).
Proof with auto.
 destruct e...
 simpl in ×.
 apply uc_prf.

End UniformlyContinuousFunction.

Definition UniformlyContinuousSpace (X Y:MetricSpace) : MetricSpace :=
Build_MetricSpace (@ucBall_wd X Y) (@uc_is_MetricSpace X Y).

Notation "x --> y" := (UniformlyContinuousSpace x y) (at level 55, right associativity) : uc_scope.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

The category of metric spaces.

Metric spaces with uniformly continuous functions form a category.
The identity function is uniformly continuous.
Lemma uc_id_prf (X:MetricSpace) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun (x:X) ⇒ x) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e a b Hab.

Definition uc_id (X:MetricSpace) : UniformlyContinuousFunction X X :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (uc_id_prf X).

The composition of two uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous
Lemma uc_compose_prf (X Y Z:MetricSpace) (g: Y --> Z) (f:X --> Y) :
is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun xg (f x)) (fun eQposInf_bind (mu f) (mu g e)).
 revert g f.
 intros [g mu_g Hg] [f mu_f Hf] e a b Hab.
 unfold is_UniformlyContinuousFunction in ×.
 simpl in ×.
 apply Hg.
 clear Hg.
 destruct (mu_g e) as [mge|]; firstorder.

Definition uc_compose (X Y Z:MetricSpace) (g: Y --> Z) (f:X --> Y) : X --> Z :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (uc_compose_prf g f).

Notation "f ∘ g" := (uc_compose f g) (at level 40, left associativity) : uc_scope.

Lemma is_uc_uc_compose0 : X Y Z (f:Y-->Z),
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@uc_compose X Y Z f) (mu f).
 intros X Y Z f e x y Hxy z.
 simpl in Hxy.
 apply uc_prf.
 destruct (mu f e); auto.
 apply Hxy.

Definition uc_compose_uc0 X Y Z (f:Y-->Z) : (X-->Y) --> X --> Z :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (is_uc_uc_compose0 f).

Lemma is_uc_uc_compose : X Y Z,
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@uc_compose_uc0 X Y Z) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros X Y Z e x y Hxy z z0.
 apply Hxy.

Definition uc_compose_uc X Y Z : (Y-->Z)-->(X-->Y)-->X-->Z :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@is_uc_uc_compose X Y Z).