Definition of the notion of reals
The reals are defined as a Cauchy-closed Archimedean constructive ordered field in which we have a maximum function. The maximum function is definable, using countable choice, but in a rather tricky way. Cauchy completeness is stated by assuming a function lim that returns a real number for every Cauchy sequence together with a proof that this number is the limit.Record is_CReals (R : COrdField) (lim : CauchySeq R → R) : CProp :=
{ax_Lim : ∀ s : CauchySeq R, SeqLimit s (lim s);
ax_Arch : ∀ x : R, {n : nat | x [<=] nring n}}.
Record CReals : Type :=
{crl_crr :> COrdField;
crl_lim : CauchySeq crl_crr → crl_crr;
crl_proof : is_CReals crl_crr crl_lim}.
Definition Lim : ∀ IR : CReals, CauchySeq IR → IR := crl_lim.
Implicit Arguments Lim [IR].