
Require Export CAbGroups.
Require Export Peano_dec.


Let G be an abelian group.

Section Sums.

Variable G : CAbGroup.
Fixpoint Sumlist (l : list G) : G :=
  match l with
  | nil[0]:G
  | cons x kx[+]Sumlist k

Fixpoint Sumx n : ( i : nat, i < nG) → G :=
  match n return (( i : nat, i < nG) → G) with
  | Ofun _[0]:G
  | S mfun fSumx m (fun i lf i (lt_S _ _ l)) [+]f m (lt_n_Sn m)

It is sometimes useful to view a function defined on {0, ... i-1} as a function on the natural numbers which evaluates to Zero when the input is greater than or equal to i.

Definition part_tot_nat_fun n (f : i, i < nG) : natG.
 intros i.
 elim (le_lt_dec n i).
  intro a; apply ([0]:G).
 intro b; apply (f i b).

Lemma part_tot_nat_fun_ch1 : n (f : i, i < nG),
 nat_less_n_fun f i Hi, part_tot_nat_fun n f i [=] f i Hi.
 intros n f Hf i Hi.
 unfold part_tot_nat_fun in |- ×.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro.
  elimtype False; apply (le_not_lt n i); auto.
 simpl in |- *; apply Hf; auto.

Lemma part_tot_nat_fun_ch2 : n (f : i, i < nG) i,
 n ipart_tot_nat_fun n f i [=] [0].
 intros n f i Hi.
 unfold part_tot_nat_fun in |- ×.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro.
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 elimtype False; apply (le_not_lt n i); auto.

0 defines the sum for i=0..(n-1)

Fixpoint 0 (n:nat) (f : natG) {struct n} : G :=
  match n with
  | O[0]:G
  | S m0 m f[+]f m

1 defines the sum for i=m..(n-1)

Definition 1 m n f := 0 n f[-]0 m f.

Definition m n : (natG) → G := 1 m (S n).

2 is similar to 1, but does not require the summand to be defined outside where it is being added.

Definition 2 m n (h : i : nat, m ii nG) : G.
 apply ( m n).
 intro i.
 elim (le_lt_dec m i); intro H.
  elim (le_lt_dec i n); intro H0.
   apply (h i H H0).
  apply ([0]:G).
 apply ([0]:G).

Lemma Sum_one : n f, n n f [=] f n.
 intros n f.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 Step_final (f n[+]0 n f[-]0 n f).

Hint Resolve Sum_one: algebra.

Lemma Sum_empty : n f, 0 < n n (pred n) f [=] [0].
 intros n f H.
 unfold in |- ×.
 rewrite <- (S_pred _ _ H).
 unfold 1 in |- *; algebra.

Hint Resolve Sum_empty: algebra.

Lemma Sum_Sum : l m n f, l m f[+] (S m) n f [=] l n f.
 intros l m n f.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 astepl (0 (S n) f[-]0 (S m) f[+] (0 (S m) f[-]0 l f)).
 astepl (0 (S n) f[-]0 (S m) f[+]0 (S m) f[-]0 l f).
 astepl (0 (S n) f[-] (0 (S m) f[-]0 (S m) f) [-]0 l f).
 astepl (0 (S n) f[-][0][-]0 l f).
 astepl (0 (S n) f[+] [--][0][-]0 l f).
 Step_final (0 (S n) f[+][0][-]0 l f).

Hint Resolve Sum_Sum: algebra.

Lemma Sum_first : m n f, m n f [=] f m[+] (S m) n f.
 intros m n f.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 astepr (f m[+]0 (S n) f[-]0 (S m) f).
 astepr (0 (S n) f[+]f m[-]0 (S m) f).
 astepr (0 (S n) f[+] (f m[-]0 (S m) f)).
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
 simpl in |- ×.
 astepr (f m[+] [--] (f m[+]0 m f)).
 astepr (f m[+] ([--] (f m) [+] [--] (0 m f))).
 astepr (f m[+] [--] (f m) [+] [--] (0 m f)).
 astepr ([0][+] [--] (0 m f)).

Lemma Sum_last : m n f, m (S n) f [=] m n f[+]f (S n).
 intros m n f.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 astepl (0 n f[+]f n[+] (f (S n) [+] [--] (0 m f))).
 astepr (0 n f[+]f n[+] ([--] (0 m f) [+]f (S n))).

Hint Resolve Sum_last: algebra.

Lemma Sum_last' : m n f, 0 < n m n f [=] m (pred n) f[+]f n.
 intros m n f H. induction n as [| n Hrecn].
 elim (lt_irrefl 0 H).
 apply Sum_last.

We add some extensionality results which will be quite useful when working with integration.

Lemma Sum0_strext : f g n, 0 n f [#] 0 n g{i:nat | i < n | f i [#] g i}.
 intros f g n H.
 induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  simpl in H.
  elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _ H).
 simpl in H.
 cut ({i : nat | i < n | f i [#] g i} or f n [#] g n).
  intro H0.
  elim H0; intro H1.
   elim H1; intros i H2 H3; i; auto with arith.
   n; auto with arith.
 cut (0 n f [#] 0 n g or f n [#] g n).
  intro H0; elim H0; intro H1.
   left; apply Hrecn; assumption.
 apply bin_op_strext_unfolded with (csg_op (c:=G)).

Lemma Sum_strext : f g m n, m S n
  m n f [#] m n g{i : nat | m i i n | f i [#] g i}.
 intros f g m n H H0.
 induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H); intro H2.
   cut (m = 0).
    intro H1.
    rewrite H1; 0; auto.
    rewrite H1 in H0.
    astepl ( 0 0 f); astepr ( 0 0 g); assumption.
   inversion H2; [ auto | inversion H3 ].
  elimtype False.
  cut (0 = pred 1); [ intro H3 | auto ].
  rewrite H3 in H0.
  rewrite H2 in H0.
  apply (ap_irreflexive_unfolded G [0]).
  eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
   eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
    apply H0.
   apply Sum_empty; auto.
  apply Sum_empty; auto.
 elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H); intro Hmn.
  cut ( m n f [#] m n g or f (S n) [#] g (S n)).
   intro H1; elim H1; intro H2.
    cut {i : nat | m i i n | f i [#] g i}.
     intro H3; elim H3; intros i H4 H5; elim H4; intros H6 H7; clear H1 H4.
      i; try split; auto with arith.
    apply Hrecn; auto with arith.
    (S n); try split; auto with arith.
  apply bin_op_strext_unfolded with (csg_op (c:=G)).
  astepl ( m (S n) f); astepr ( m (S n) g); assumption.
 clear Hrecn.
 elimtype False.
 cut (S n = pred (S (S n))); [ intro H1 | auto ].
 rewrite H1 in H0.
 rewrite Hmn in H0.
 apply (ap_irreflexive_unfolded G [0]).
 eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
  eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
   apply H0.
  apply Sum_empty; auto with arith.
 apply Sum_empty; auto with arith.

Lemma Sumx_strext : n f g, nat_less_n_fun fnat_less_n_fun g
 Sumx _ f [#] Sumx _ g{N : nat | {HN : N < n | f N HN [#] g N HN}}.
 intro n; induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  intros f g H H0 H1.
  elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _ H1).
 intros f g H H0 H1.
 simpl in H1.
 elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H1); clear H1; intro H1.
  cut (nat_less_n_fun (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ f i (lt_S _ _ l)));
    [ intro H2 | red in |- *; intros; apply H; assumption ].
  cut (nat_less_n_fun (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ g i (lt_S _ _ l)));
    [ intro H3 | red in |- *; intros; apply H0; assumption ].
  elim (Hrecn _ _ H2 H3 H1); intros N HN.
  elim HN; clear HN; intros HN H'.
   N. (lt_S _ _ HN).
  eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
   eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
    apply H'.
  n. (lt_n_Sn n).
 eapply ap_wdl_unfolded.
  eapply ap_wdr_unfolded.
   apply H1.

Lemma Sum0_strext' : f g n, 0 n f [#] 0 n g{i : nat | f i [#] g i}.
 intros f g n H.
 elim (Sum0_strext _ _ _ H); intros i Hi Hi'; i; auto.

Lemma Sum_strext' : f g m n, m n f [#] m n g{i : nat | f i [#] g i}.
 intros f g m n H.
 unfold , 1 in H.
 elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H1; elim (Sum0_strext _ _ _ H1);
   intros i Hi Hi'; i; assumption.

Lemma Sum0_wd : m f f', ( i, f i [=] f' i) → 0 m f [=] 0 m f'.
 intros m f f' H.
 elim m; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma Sum_wd : m n f f', ( i, f i [=] f' i) → m n f [=] m n f'.
 intros m n f f' H.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply Sum0_wd; exact H.
 apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
 apply Sum0_wd; exact H.

Lemma Sumx_wd : n f g, ( i H, f i H [=] g i H) → Sumx n f [=] Sumx n g.
 intro n; elim n; intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma Sum_wd' : m n, m S n f f',
 ( i, m ii nf i [=] f' i) → m n f [=] m n f'.
 intros m n. induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros H f f' H0.
 inversion H.
   unfold in |- ×. unfold 1 in |- ×. Step_final ([0]:G).
   inversion H2. astepl (f 0). astepr (f' 0). auto.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec m (S (S n)) H); intro H1.
  astepl ( m n f[+]f (S n)).
  astepr ( m n f'[+]f' (S n)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; auto with arith.
 rewrite H1.
 unfold in |- ×. unfold 1 in |- ×. Step_final ([0]:G).

Lemma Sum2_wd : m n, m S n f g,
 ( i Hm Hn, f i Hm Hn [=] g i Hm Hn) → 2 m n f [=] 2 m n g.
 intros m n H f g H0.
 unfold 2 in |- ×.
 apply Sum_wd'.
 intros i H1 H2.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro H3; [ simpl in |- × | elimtype False; apply (le_not_lt i n); auto ].
 elim le_lt_dec; intro H4; [ simpl in |- × | elimtype False; apply (le_not_lt m i); auto ].

Lemma Sum0_plus_Sum0 : f g m, 0 m (fun if i[+]g i) [=] 0 m f[+]0 m g.
 intros f g m.
 elim m.
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 intros n H.
 simpl in |- ×.
 astepl (0 n f[+]0 n g[+] (f n[+]g n)).
 astepl (0 n f[+] (0 n g[+] (f n[+]g n))).
 astepl (0 n f[+] (0 n g[+]f n[+]g n)).
 astepl (0 n f[+] (f n[+]0 n g[+]g n)).
 astepl (0 n f[+] (f n[+]0 n g) [+]g n).
 Step_final (0 n f[+]f n[+]0 n g[+]g n).
Hint Resolve Sum0_plus_Sum0: algebra.

Lemma Sum_plus_Sum : f g m n, m n (fun if i[+]g i) [=] m n f[+] m n g.
 intros f g m n.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 astepl (0 (S n) f[+]0 (S n) g[-] (0 m f[+]0 m g)).
 astepl (0 (S n) f[+]0 (S n) g[-]0 m f[-]0 m g).
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 astepr (0 (S n) f[+] [--] (0 m f) [+]0 (S n) g[+] [--] (0 m g)).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  astepl (0 (S n) f[+] (0 (S n) g[+] [--] (0 m f))).
  astepl (0 (S n) f[+] ([--] (0 m f) [+]0 (S n) g)).

Lemma Sumx_plus_Sumx : n f g, Sumx n f[+]Sumx n g [=] Sumx n (fun i Hif i Hi[+]g i Hi).
 intro n; induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 intros f g; simpl in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Sumx _ (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ f i (lt_S i n l)) [+]
   Sumx _ (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ g i (lt_S i n l)) [+] (f n (lt_n_Sn n) [+]g n (lt_n_Sn n))).
  set (Sf := Sumx _ (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ f i (lt_S i n l))) in ×.
  set (Sg := Sumx _ (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ g i (lt_S i n l))) in ×.
  set (fn := f n (lt_n_Sn n)) in *; set (gn := g n (lt_n_Sn n)) in ×.
  astepl (Sf[+]fn[+]Sg[+]gn).
  astepl (Sf[+] (fn[+]Sg) [+]gn).
  astepl (Sf[+] (Sg[+]fn) [+]gn).
  Step_final (Sf[+]Sg[+]fn[+]gn).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; algebra.

Lemma Sum2_plus_Sum2 : m n, m S n f g,
 2 m n f[+]2 m n g [=] 2 _ _ (fun i Hm Hnf i Hm Hn[+]g i Hm Hn).
 intros m n H f g.
 unfold 2 in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply Sum_plus_Sum.
 apply Sum_wd; intro i.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro H0; simpl in |- *; elim le_lt_dec; intro H1; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma inv_Sum0 : f n, 0 n (fun i[--] (f i)) [=] [--] (0 n f).
 intros f n.
 induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 simpl in |- ×.
 Step_final ([--] (0 n f) [+] [--] (f n)).

Hint Resolve inv_Sum0: algebra.

Lemma inv_Sum : f m n, m n (fun i[--] (f i)) [=] [--] ( m n f).
 intros f a b.
 unfold in |- ×.
 unfold 1 in |- ×.
 astepl ([--] (0 (S b) f) [-][--] (0 a f)).
 astepl ([--] (0 (S b) f) [+] [--][--] (0 a f)).
 Step_final ([--] (0 (S b) f[+] [--] (0 a f))).

Hint Resolve inv_Sum: algebra.

Lemma inv_Sumx : n f, [--] (Sumx n f) [=] Sumx _ (fun i Hi[--] (f i Hi)).
 intro n; induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 intro f; simpl in |- ×.
 astepl ([--] (Sumx _ (fun i (l : i < n) ⇒ f i (lt_S i n l))) [+] [--] (f n (lt_n_Sn n))).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply Hrecn with (f := fun i (l : i < n) ⇒ f i (lt_S i n l)).

Lemma inv_Sum2 : m n : nat, m S n f,
 [--] (2 m n f) [=] 2 _ _ (fun i Hm Hn[--] (f i Hm Hn)).
 intros m n H f.
 unfold 2 in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply inv_Sum.
 apply Sum_wd; intro i.
 elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- *; elim le_lt_dec; intro; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma Sum_minus_Sum : f g m n, m n (fun if i[-]g i) [=] m n f[-] m n g.
 intros f g a b.
 astepl ( a b (fun i : natf i[+] [--] (g i))).
 cut ( a b (fun i : natf i[+] (fun j : nat[--] (g j)) i) [=]
    a b f[+] a b (fun j : nat[--] (g j))).
  intro H.
  astepl ( a b f[+] a b (fun j : nat[--] (g j))).
  Step_final ( a b f[+] [--] ( a b g)).
 change ( a b (fun i : natf i[+] (fun j : nat[--] (g j)) i) [=]
    a b f[+] a b (fun j : nat[--] (g j))) in |- ×.
 apply Sum_plus_Sum.

Hint Resolve Sum_minus_Sum: algebra.

Lemma Sumx_minus_Sumx : n f g,
 Sumx n f[-]Sumx n g [=] Sumx _ (fun i Hif i Hi[-]g i Hi).
 intros n f g; unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply Sumx_plus_Sumx with (f := f) (g := fun i (Hi : i < n) ⇒ [--] (g i Hi)).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; algebra.
 apply inv_Sumx.

Lemma Sum2_minus_Sum2 : m n, m S n f g,
 2 m n f[-]2 m n g [=] 2 _ _ (fun i Hm Hnf i Hm Hn[-]g i Hm Hn).
 intros m n H f g; unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply Sum2_plus_Sum2 with (f := f) (g := fun i (Hm : m i) (Hn : i n) ⇒ [--] (g i Hm Hn));
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
 apply inv_Sum2; assumption.

Lemma Sum_apzero : f m n,
 m n m n f [#] [0]{i : nat | m i i n | f i [#] [0]}.
 intros a k l H H0. induction l as [| l Hrecl].
  0. split; auto. cut (k = 0).
   intro H'. rewrite H' in H0.
   astepl ( 0 0 a). auto.
   inversion H. auto.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec k (S l) H); intro HH.
  cut ( k l a [#] [0] or a (S l) [#] [0]). intro H1.
   elim H1; clear H1; intro H1.
    elim Hrecl; auto with arith.
    intro i. intros H2 H6. i; auto.
    elim H2; intros H3 H4; auto.
    (S l); try split; auto with arith.
  apply cg_add_ap_zero.
  apply ap_wdl_unfolded with ( k (S l) a). auto.
   apply Sum_last.
 rewrite HH in H0.
  (S l); auto.
 astepl ( (S l) (S l) a). auto.

Lemma Sum_zero : f m n, m S n
 ( i, m ii nf i [=] [0]) → m n f [=] [0].
 intros a k l H H0. induction l as [| l Hrecl].
 elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H); clear H; intro H.
   replace k with 0. astepl (a 0). apply H0. auto.
    auto with arith. auto. inversion H. auto. inversion H2.
    rewrite H.
  unfold in |- ×. unfold 1 in |- ×. algebra.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec k (S (S l)) H); intro HH.
  astepl ( k l a[+]a (S l)).
  astepr ([0][+] ([0]:G)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   apply Hrecl; auto with arith.
  apply H0; auto with arith.
 rewrite HH.
 unfold in |- ×. unfold 1 in |- ×. algebra.

Lemma Sum_term : f m i n, m ii n
 ( j, m jj ij nf j [=] [0]) → m n f [=] f i.
 intros a k i0 l H H0 H1.
 astepl ( k i0 a[+] (S i0) l a).
 astepr (a i0[+][0]).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  elim (O_or_S i0); intro H2.
   elim H2; intros m Hm.
   rewrite <- Hm.
   astepl ( k m a[+]a (S m)).
   astepr ([0][+]a (S m)).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
    apply Sum_zero. rewrite Hm; auto.
     intros i H3 H4. apply H1. auto. omega. omega.
  rewrite <- H2 in H. rewrite <- H2.
  inversion H. algebra.
  apply Sum_zero. auto with arith.
  intros. apply H1. omega. omega. auto.

Lemma Sum0_shift : f g n, ( i, f i [=] g (S i)) → g 0[+]0 n f [=] 0 (S n) g.
 intros a b l H. induction l as [| l Hrecl].
 simpl in |- *; algebra.
 simpl in |- ×.
 astepl (b 0[+]0 l a[+]a l).
 Step_final (0 (S l) b[+]a l).

Hint Resolve Sum0_shift: algebra.

Lemma Sum_shift : f g m n,
 ( i, f i [=] g (S i)) → m n f [=] (S m) (S n) g.
 unfold in |- ×. unfold 1 in |- ×. intros a b k l H.
 astepl (0 (S l) a[+]b 0[-]b 0[-]0 k a).
 astepl (0 (S l) a[+]b 0[-] (b 0[+]0 k a)).
 Step_final (b 0[+]0 (S l) a[-] (b 0[+]0 k a)).

Lemma Sum_big_shift : f g k m n, ( j, m jf j [=] g (j + k)) →
 m S n m n f [=] (m + k) (n + k) g.
 do 3 intro; generalize f g; clear f g.
 induction k as [| k Hreck].
  intros f g n m. repeat rewrite <- plus_n_O.
  intros H H0.
  apply: Sum_wd'. auto.
   intros. set (Hi:= H i). rewrite <- (plus_n_O i) in Hi. apply: Hi. auto.
  intros; repeat rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( (m + k) (n + k) (fun n : natg (S n))).
  2: apply Sum_shift; algebra.
 apply Hreck.
  intros; rewrite plus_n_Sm; apply H; auto with arith.

Lemma Sumx_Sum0 : n f g,
 ( i Hi, f i Hi [=] g i) → Sumx n f [=] 0 n g.
 intro; induction n as [| n Hrecn]; simpl in |- *; algebra.

End Sums.

Implicit Arguments [G].
Implicit Arguments 0 [G].
Implicit Arguments Sumx [G n].
Implicit Arguments 2 [G m n].

The next results are useful for calculating some special sums, often referred to as ``Mengolli Sums''. Let G be an abelian group.

Section More_Sums.

Variable G : CAbGroup.

Lemma Mengolli_Sum : n (f : i, i nG) (g : i, i < nG),
 nat_less_n_fun' f → ( i H, g i H [=] f (S i) H[-]f i (lt_le_weak _ _ H)) →
 Sumx g [=] f n (le_n n) [-]f 0 (le_O_n n).
 intro n; induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros f g Hf H; simpl in |- ×.
  astepl (f 0 (le_n 0) [-]f 0 (le_n 0)).
  apply cg_minus_wd; algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (f _ (le_n (S n)) [-]f _ (le_S _ _ (le_n n)) [+]
   (f _ (le_S _ _ (le_n n)) [-]f 0 (le_O_n (S n)))).
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply cag_commutes_unfolded.
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply H.
   apply cg_minus_wd; apply Hf; algebra.
  set (f' := fun i (H : i n) ⇒ f i (le_S _ _ H)) in ×.
  set (g' := fun i (H : i < n) ⇒ g i (lt_S _ _ H)) in ×.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (f' n (le_n n) [-]f' 0 (le_O_n n)).
   apply Hrecn.
    red in |- *; intros; unfold f' in |- *; apply Hf; algebra.
   intros i Hi.
   unfold f' in |- *; unfold g' in |- ×.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply H.
   apply cg_minus_wd; apply Hf; algebra.
  unfold f' in |- *; apply cg_minus_wd; apply Hf; algebra.
 astepr (f (S n) (le_n (S n)) [+][0][-]f 0 (le_O_n (S n))).
 astepr (f (S n) (le_n (S n)) [+] ([--] (f n (le_S _ _ (le_n n))) [+]f n (le_S _ _ (le_n n))) [-]
   f 0 (le_O_n (S n))).
 Step_final (f (S n) (le_n (S n)) [+] [--] (f n (le_S _ _ (le_n n))) [+]
   f n (le_S _ _ (le_n n)) [-]f 0 (le_O_n (S n))).

Lemma Mengolli_Sum_gen : f g : natG, ( n, g n [=] f (S n) [-]f n) →
  m n, m S n m n g [=] f (S n) [-]f m.
 intros f g H m n; induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intro Hmn.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ Hmn); intro H0.
   cut (m = 0); [ intro H1 | inversion H0; auto with arith; inversion H2 ].
   rewrite H1.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded; [ apply Sum_one | apply H ].
  cut (0 = pred 1); [ intro H1 | auto ].
  rewrite H0; astepr ([0]:G); rewrite H1; apply Sum_empty.
  auto with arith.
 simpl in Hmn; elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ Hmn); intro H0.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (f (S (S n)) [-]f (S n) [+] (f (S n) [-]f m)).
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply Sum_last.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply cag_commutes_unfolded.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; [ apply H | apply Hrecn ].
   auto with arith.
  astepr (f (S (S n)) [+][0][-]f m).
  astepr (f (S (S n)) [+] ([--] (f (S n)) [+]f (S n)) [-]f m).
  Step_final (f (S (S n)) [+] [--] (f (S n)) [+]f (S n) [-]f m).
 rewrite H0.
 astepr ([0]:G).
 cut (S n = pred (S (S n))); [ intro H2 | auto ].
 rewrite H2; apply Sum_empty.
 auto with arith.

Lemma str_Mengolli_Sum_gen : (f g : natG) m n, m S n
 ( i, m ii ng i [=] f (S i) [-]f i) → m n g [=] f (S n) [-]f m.
 intros f g m n H H0.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( m n (fun i : natf (S i) [-]f i)).
  apply Sum_wd'; assumption.
 apply Mengolli_Sum_gen; [ intro; algebra | assumption ].

Lemma Sumx_to_Sum : n, 0 < n f, nat_less_n_fun f
 Sumx f [=] 0 (pred n) (part_tot_nat_fun G n f).
 intro n; induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros H f Hf.
  elimtype False; inversion H.
 cut (0 n); [ intro H0 | auto with arith ].
 elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H0); clear H H0; intro H.
  simpl in |- ×.
  pattern n at 6 in |- *; rewrite → (S_pred _ _ H).
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Sum_last.
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply Hrecn; auto.
    red in |- *; intros; apply Hf; auto.
   apply Sum_wd'.
    auto with arith.
   intros i H1 H2.
   cut (i < n); [ intro | omega ].
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply part_tot_nat_fun_ch1 with (Hi := H0).
    red in |- *; intros; apply Hf; auto.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply part_tot_nat_fun_ch1 with (Hi := lt_S _ _ H0).
    red in |- *; intros; apply Hf; auto.
  rewrite <- (S_pred _ _ H).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply part_tot_nat_fun_ch1; auto.
 generalize f Hf; clear Hf f; rewrite <- H.
 simpl in |- *; intros f Hf.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Sum_one.
 astepl (f 0 (lt_n_Sn 0)).
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply part_tot_nat_fun_ch1; auto.

End More_Sums.

Hint Resolve Sum_one Sum_Sum Sum_first Sum_last Sum_last' Sum_wd
  Sum_plus_Sum: algebra.
Hint Resolve Sum_minus_Sum inv_Sum inv_Sum0: algebra.