Tobias Mayr



  • Diplomarbeit 1996 (Diploma Thesis)  (Postscript, PDF)
    A Model for Mobile Networks with Synchronous and Asynchronous Operators. Not published.

  • [GMSE98]  (Postscript, PDF, PowerPoint Slides from SIGMOD'98)
    M.Godfrey, T.Mayr, P.Seshadri, and T. von Eicken. Secure and Portable Database Extensibility. In Proceedings of the 1997 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on the Management of Data, pages 390-401, Seattle, WA,  June 1998.

  • [CMSE98]   (Postscript, PDF)
    G.Czajkowski, T.Mayr, P.Seshadri, and T.von Eicken. Resource Control for Database Extensions. Technical Report TR98-1718, Cornell University, Computer Science Department, Ithaca, NY, November 1998. Submitted for Publication in COOTS'99.

  • [MS98]   (Postscript, PDF) - Conference Version (Postscript, PDF)
    Tobias Mayr and Praveen Seshadri. Client-Site Query Extensions. Technical Report TR98-1719, Cornell University, Computer Science Department, Ithaca, NY, November 1998. Published in SIGMOD'99.

  • [MBGS00] (Postscript, PDF)
    Tobias Mayr, Philippe Bonnet, Johannes Gehrke, Praveen Seshadri. Query Processing with Heterogeneous Resources.
    Technical Report TR00-1790, Cornell University, Computer Science Department, Ithaca, NY, March 2000.

Last updated, March, 13th, 2001 - Tobias Mayr