Class wais.WAISWeightedRanking
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Class wais.WAISWeightedRanking


public class WAISWeightedRanking
extends ExpNode
implements SourceNode
An ExpNode that represents a weighted ranking in a WAIS ranking expression. The way we simulate weighted rankings (since WAIS has no support for ranking expressions is to repeat the child that descends from the weighted ranking multiple times. The repetition amount is the (integer) muliple that the weight of the term is of the lowest weighted term). For example, assume a STARTS expression like list(("distributed" 0.6)("databases" 0.3)) This terms in to a WAIS expression of: distribed distributed databases (OR is implicit between the words). So a WAISWeightedRanking has one child (the term to be repeated) and an integer value which is the multiple number of times this term should be repeated.

Constructor Index

 o WAISWeightedRanking(Query, int)
Create a new WAISWeightedRanking

Method Index

 o GetRepeat()
 o RankBy(Document)
This is a slot to do some primitive ranking on this sub-tree.
 o Unparse()
Return the string representation of the subtree rooted at this weighted ranking


 o WAISWeightedRanking
  public WAISWeightedRanking(Query query,
                             int repeat)
Create a new WAISWeightedRanking
query - The query context of the word literal
repeat - "weight" (repeat count) of the child.


 o GetRepeat
  public int GetRepeat()
 o Unparse
  public String Unparse()
Return the string representation of the subtree rooted at this weighted ranking
Unparse in class ExpNode
 o RankBy
  public float RankBy(Document doc)
This is a slot to do some primitive ranking on this sub-tree. Unimplemented now except for the recursion
doc - The document to rank using this sub-tree

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