Class wais.WAISTermInfo
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Class wais.WAISTermInfo


public class WAISTermInfo
extends Object
Container for source-wide informatin for WAIS terms

Constructor Index

 o WAISTermInfo(int, int)
Construct a new WAISTermInfo

Method Index

 o GetDocumentFrequency()
Return the number of documents this term appears in
 o GettotalOccs()
Return the number of occurrences of this term in the source.


 o WAISTermInfo
  public WAISTermInfo(int documentFrequency,
                      int totalOccs)
Construct a new WAISTermInfo
documentFrequency - Number of documents this term appears in
totalOccs - total number of occurrences of this term in the source


 o GetDocumentFrequency
  public int GetDocumentFrequency()
Return the number of documents this term appears in
 o GettotalOccs
  public int GettotalOccs()
Return the number of occurrences of this term in the source.

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