Class query.ExpNode
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Class query.ExpNode


public class ExpNode
extends Object
Superclass of all nodes that are components of the abstract syntax trees used to hold filter and ranking expressions.

Variable Index

 o childNum
The number of this child among the children of its parent.
 o query
The query context in which this Expnode exists.

Constructor Index

 o ExpNode(Query)
Create a new ExpNode.

Method Index

 o AddNewChild(ExpNode)
Add a new child to this node
 o GetChildNum()
Return the number of this child node relative to its parent
 o GetChildren()
Return an Vector of the children of this ExpNode
 o GetNumChildren()
Return the number of children that this node has
 o GetParent()
Return the parent of this node
 o GetPropertyNames()
Return an enumeration which is the property names for this node.
 o GetPropertyValue(String)
Return the value of a specific property (or null if the property does not exist).
 o GetQuery()
Return the query context of this node
 o ReplaceChild(ExpNode, int)
Replace a child of this node
 o SetParent(ExpNode)
Set the parent of this node
 o SetPropertyValue(String, Object)
set a specific property value
 o Unparse()
Return a string representation of this node


 o childNum
  protected int childNum
The number of this child among the children of its parent.
 o query
  protected Query query
The query context in which this Expnode exists.


 o ExpNode
  public ExpNode(Query query)
Create a new ExpNode.
query - The query context of this Expnode


 o AddNewChild
  public void AddNewChild(ExpNode newChild)
Add a new child to this node
newChild - the new child
 o GetChildren
  public Vector GetChildren()
Return an Vector of the children of this ExpNode
the Vector of chilren.
 o GetNumChildren
  public int GetNumChildren()
Return the number of children that this node has
the number of children that this node has.
 o GetParent
  public ExpNode GetParent()
Return the parent of this node
the ExpNode that is the parent of this node.
 o GetChildNum
  public int GetChildNum()
Return the number of this child node relative to its parent
the integer number that is this node's child number
 o GetPropertyNames
  public Enumeration GetPropertyNames()
Return an enumeration which is the property names for this node.
an Enumeration containing all the property names of this ExpNode.
 o GetPropertyValue
  public Object GetPropertyValue(String key)
Return the value of a specific property (or null if the property does not exist). The caller should know the type of the value so it can cast it to the proper class.
An Object that is the value of the requested property.
 o ReplaceChild
  public void ReplaceChild(ExpNode newChild,
                           int childNum)
Replace a child of this node
newChild - the child that is the replacement.
childNum - the number of the child to replace
 o SetPropertyValue
  protected void SetPropertyValue(String name,
                                  Object value)
set a specific property value
name - the name of the property to set
value - the value of the property
 o SetParent
  protected void SetParent(ExpNode parent)
Set the parent of this node
parent - The parent.
 o Unparse
  public abstract String Unparse()
Return a string representation of this node
A String that is the unparsing of this node.
 o GetQuery
  public Query GetQuery()
Return the query context of this node
a Query that is the context of this node.

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