Class query.Query
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Class query.Query


public class Query
extends Object
A Query context for the STARTS server. Everything done while pressing a STARTS query (parsing, translation, etc.) is done in the context of a Query object.

Variable Index

 o answerFields
The fields that should be returned for each document in the query results set.
 o defaultAttributeSet
The default attribute set for the query.
 o defaultLanguage
The Default language for the query.
 o dropStopWords
Whether stop words should be dropped in the query processing
 o filterExpression
The string filter expression in the query.
 o maximumNumDocuments
Maximum number of documents that should be returned as part of the result set.
 o minimumDocScore
Minimum document score of documents that should be included in the results set.
 o originalFilter
Abstract tree version of the submitted filter expression.
 o originalRanking
Abstract tree version of the submitted ranking expression.
 o otherSources
Other sources to which the query should be submitted
 o processedFilter
Abstract tree version of the processed (source and sanity checked) version of the filter expression.
 o processedRanking
Abstract tree version of the processed (source and sanity checked) version of the ranking expression.
 o queryInput
The SOIFObject that is the input to the query.
 o queryOutput
The SOIF that is the result object in response to the query.
 o rankingExpression
The string ranking expression in the query.
 o rankingTerms
Vector of Terms in the ranking expression (used to construct term statistics for the result set.
 o results
The ResultSet object for the query.
 o sortDescending
Boolean array that is isomorphic to sortFields determining whether the respective field should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
 o sortFields
Fields that should be used for sorting the results
 o source
SourceDescription context for the query.
 o sourceFilter
Abstract tree version of the filter expression submitted to the source engine.
 o sourceRanking
Abstract tree version of the filter expression submitted to the source engine.
 o version
Version of STARTS of the query.

Constructor Index

 o Query(SOIFObject, ResourceDescription, SourceDescription)
Construct a new query object


 o queryInput
  public SOIFObject queryInput
The SOIFObject that is the input to the query.
 o version
  public String version
Version of STARTS of the query.
 o filterExpression
  public String filterExpression
The string filter expression in the query.
 o rankingExpression
  public String rankingExpression
The string ranking expression in the query.
 o dropStopWords
  public boolean dropStopWords
Whether stop words should be dropped in the query processing
 o defaultAttributeSet
  public String defaultAttributeSet
The default attribute set for the query.
 o defaultLanguage
  public String defaultLanguage
The Default language for the query.
 o answerFields
  public Field answerFields[]
The fields that should be returned for each document in the query results set.
 o sortFields
  public Field sortFields[]
Fields that should be used for sorting the results
 o sortDescending
  public boolean sortDescending[]
Boolean array that is isomorphic to sortFields determining whether the respective field should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
 o minimumDocScore
  public float minimumDocScore
Minimum document score of documents that should be included in the results set.
 o maximumNumDocuments
  public int maximumNumDocuments
Maximum number of documents that should be returned as part of the result set.
 o otherSources
  public String otherSources[]
Other sources to which the query should be submitted
 o source
  public SourceDescription source
SourceDescription context for the query.
 o queryOutput
  public SOIFObject queryOutput
The SOIF that is the result object in response to the query.
 o originalFilter
  public ExpNode originalFilter
Abstract tree version of the submitted filter expression.
 o processedFilter
  public ExpNode processedFilter
Abstract tree version of the processed (source and sanity checked) version of the filter expression.
 o sourceFilter
  public ExpNode sourceFilter
Abstract tree version of the filter expression submitted to the source engine.
 o originalRanking
  public ExpNode originalRanking
Abstract tree version of the submitted ranking expression.
 o processedRanking
  public ExpNode processedRanking
Abstract tree version of the processed (source and sanity checked) version of the ranking expression.
 o sourceRanking
  public ExpNode sourceRanking
Abstract tree version of the filter expression submitted to the source engine.
 o rankingTerms
  public Vector rankingTerms
Vector of Terms in the ranking expression (used to construct term statistics for the result set.
 o results
  public ResultSet results
The ResultSet object for the query.


 o Query
  public Query(SOIFObject qInput,
               ResourceDescription resource,
               SourceDescription source) throws SOIFException
Construct a new query object
qInput - the SOIFObject that is the query input
resource - Resource context for this query.
source - Source target for this query.

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