Class query.LString
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Class query.LString


public class LString
extends ExpNode
implements STARTSnode, FilterNode, RankingNode
An ExpNode that represents a LString node in either a ranking or filter expression. LString nodes have no children and two properties: - string value: the value of the LString - language: the language in RFC1877 format

Constructor Index

 o LString(Query, String)
Build an LString with no specified language
 o LString(Query, String, String)
Build an LString with a specfied language

Method Index

 o Check()
Check this LString node relative to the source.
 o ExtractTerms(Vector)
noop for extracting terms from an expnode subtree.
 o GetLanguage()
Return the language of this LString
 o GetString()
Return the string value of this LString
 o TranslateToFilter()
Translate this LString node in the context of a source specific filter expression.
 o TranslateToRanking()
Translate this LString node in the context of a source specific ranking expressin.
 o Unparse()
Return the string version of this LString


 o LString
  public LString(Query query,
                 String theString)
Build an LString with no specified language
query - the query context of this node
theString - string value of the LString
 o LString
  public LString(Query query,
                 String language,
                 String theString)
Build an LString with a specfied language
query - query context of this node.
language - language in RFC1877 format
theString - string value of the LString


 o GetString
  public String GetString()
Return the string value of this LString
the string value of this LString
 o GetLanguage
  public String GetLanguage()
Return the language of this LString
the language in ISO format.
 o Unparse
  public String Unparse()
Return the string version of this LString
the string equivalent of this LString sub-tree
Unparse in class ExpNode
 o Check
  public ExpNode Check() throws UnsupportedQueryException
Check this LString node relative to the source.
The LString sub-tree modified by the Check operation. If the string in the Lstring is a stop word, return null
Throws: UnsupportedQueryException
if the sub-tree contains semantically unsupported elements
 o TranslateToFilter
  public ExpNode TranslateToFilter() throws SourceQueryException
Translate this LString node in the context of a source specific filter expression.
the sub-tree that is the source translated filter equivalent of this LString subtree.
 o TranslateToRanking
  public ExpNode TranslateToRanking() throws SourceQueryException
Translate this LString node in the context of a source specific ranking expressin.
the sub-tree that is the source translated ranking equivalent of this LString subtree.
 o ExtractTerms
  public void ExtractTerms(Vector termVector)
noop for extracting terms from an expnode subtree. Must be defined since the superclass defines it as abstract, but nothing ever descends from Fields so do nothing.

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