Class query.Modifier
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Class query.Modifier


public class Modifier
extends Object
A STARTS modifier.

Constructor Index

 o Modifier(Query, String)
construct with default attribute set
 o Modifier(Query, String, String)
construct a modifier with a specified attribute set

Method Index

 o GetAttributeSet()
return the attribute set of this modifier
 o GetModifier()
return the string that is the modifier.
 o LanguageSupported_p(String)
predicate to determine whether a language is supported for this modifier
 o Supported_p()
predicate returning whether this modifier is supported in the source.


 o Modifier
  public Modifier(Query query,
                  String modifier)
construct with default attribute set
query - query context of this modifier
modifier - the string that is the modifier
 o Modifier
  public Modifier(Query query,
                  String attributeSet,
                  String modifier)
construct a modifier with a specified attribute set
query - query context of this modifier
attributeSet - attribute set of this modifier
modifier - the string that is the modifier


 o GetModifier
  public String GetModifier()
return the string that is the modifier.
the string that is the modifier (e.g. soundex)
 o GetAttributeSet
  public String GetAttributeSet()
return the attribute set of this modifier
the string that is the attribute set of this modifier (e.g., basic-1)
 o Supported_p
  public boolean Supported_p()
predicate returning whether this modifier is supported in the source.
true or false depening on whether this modifier is suported for the source in the query context.
 o LanguageSupported_p
  public boolean LanguageSupported_p(String language)
predicate to determine whether a language is supported for this modifier
language - the language to check.
True or false depending if the input language is supported for this modifier.

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