
Require Export PowerSeries.
Require Export Taylor.

Taylor Series

We now generalize our work on Taylor's theorem to define the Taylor series of an infinitely many times differentiable function as a power series. We prove convergence (always) of the Taylor series and give criteria for when the sum of this series is the original function.


Let J be a proper interval and F an infinitely many times differentiable function in J. Let a be a point of J.

Section Definitions.

Variable J : interval.
Hypothesis pJ : proper J.

Variable F : PartIR.
Hypothesis diffF : n : nat, Diffble_n n J pJ F.

Variable a : IR.
Hypothesis Ha : J a.

Definition Taylor_Series' :=
  FPowerSeries' a (fun n : natN_Deriv _ _ _ _ (diffF n) a Ha).

Assume also that f is the sequence of derivatives of F.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis derF : n, Derivative_n n J pJ F (f n).

Definition Taylor_Series := FPowerSeries' a
 (fun nf n a (Derivative_n_imp_inc' _ _ _ _ _ (derF n) _ Ha)).

Opaque N_Deriv.

Characterizations of the Taylor remainder.

Lemma Taylor_Rem_char : n H x Hx Hx' Hx'',
 F x Hx[-]FSum0 (S n) Taylor_Series x Hx' [=] Taylor_Rem J pJ F a x Ha Hx'' n H.
 intros; unfold Taylor_Rem in |- *; repeat apply cg_minus_wd.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  2: apply mult_wdl.
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
  cut (ext_fun_seq' (fun (i : nat) (l : i < n) ⇒ [-C-] (N_Deriv _ _ _ _
    (le_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ (lt_n_Sm_le _ _ (lt_S _ _ l)) _ H) a Ha[/]
      _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ i) {*} (FId{-} [-C-]a) {^}i)). intro H0.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Sumx (fun (i : nat) (Hi : i < n) ⇒ Part ( [-C-] (N_Deriv _ _ _ _
     (le_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ (lt_n_Sm_le _ _ (lt_S _ _ Hi)) _ H) a
       Ha[/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ i) {*} (FId{-} [-C-]a) {^}i) x
         (FSumx_pred _ _ H0 _ (ProjIR1 (TaylorB _ _ _ a x Ha _ H)) i Hi))).
    exact (FSumx_char _ _ _ _ H0).
   apply Sumx_Sum0.
   intros; simpl in |- ×.
   apply mult_wdl; apply div_wd.
    2: algebra.
   apply Feq_imp_eq with J; auto.
   apply Derivative_n_unique with pJ i F; auto.
   apply N_Deriv_lemma.
  red in |- *; do 3 intro.
  rewrite H0; intros; simpl in |- *; auto.
 apply div_wd.
  2: algebra.
 apply Feq_imp_eq with J; auto.
 apply Derivative_n_unique with pJ n F; auto.

Lemma abs_Taylor_Rem_char : n H x Hx Hx' Hx'',
 AbsIR (F x Hx[-]FSum0 (S n) Taylor_Series x Hx') [=]
   AbsIR (Taylor_Rem J pJ F a x Ha Hx'' n H).
 intros; apply AbsIR_wd; apply Taylor_Rem_char.

End Definitions.

Section Convergence_in_IR.


Our interval is now the real line. We begin by proving some helpful continuity properties, then define a boundedness condition for the derivatives of F that guarantees convergence of its Taylor series to F.

Hypothesis H : proper realline.

Variable F : PartIR.

Variable a : IR.
Hypothesis Ha : realline a.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis derF : n, Derivative_n n realline H F (f n).

Lemma Taylor_Series_imp_cont : Continuous realline F.
 apply Derivative_n_imp_Continuous with H 1 (f 1); auto.

Lemma Taylor_Series_lemma_cont : r n,
 Continuous realline ((r[^]n[/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) {**}f n).
 apply Continuous_scal; case n.
  apply Continuous_wd with F.
   apply Derivative_n_unique with H 0 F; auto.
   apply Derivative_n_O.
   apply Derivative_n_imp_inc with H n (f n); auto.
  apply Taylor_Series_imp_cont.
 clear n; intros.
 apply Derivative_n_imp_Continuous' with H (S n) F; auto with arith.

Definition Taylor_bnd := r H, conv_fun_seq'_IR realline
  (fun n(r[^]n[/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) {**}f n) _ H (Continuous_const _ [0]).

Hypothesis bndf : Taylor_bnd.

Opaque nexp_op fact.

The Taylor series always converges on the realline.

Lemma Taylor_Series_conv_IR :
 fun_series_convergent_IR realline (Taylor_Series _ _ _ a Ha _ derF).
 red in |- *; intros.
 unfold Taylor_Series, FPowerSeries' in |- ×.
 apply fun_str_comparison with (fun n : natFconst (S:=IR) (([1] [/]TwoNZ) [^]n)).
  apply conv_fun_const_series with (x := fun n : nat(OneR [/]TwoNZ) [^]n).
  apply ratio_test_conv.
   0; (OneR [/]TwoNZ); repeat split.
    apply pos_div_two'; apply pos_one.
   apply less_leEq; fold (Half:IR) in |- *; apply pos_half.
  intros; apply eq_imp_leEq.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply mult_commutes.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply AbsIR_mult_pos; apply less_leEq; fold (Half (R:=IR)) in |- *; apply pos_half.
  Transparent nexp_op.
  apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
 Opaque nexp_op.
 elim (Taylor_Series_conv_lemma2 _ _ Hab [1] (pos_one _)); intros N HN;
    N; intros n H0 x X Hx Hx'.
 eapply leEq_wdr.
  eapply leEq_wdl.
   apply (HN _ H0 _ X Hx).
  apply AbsIR_wd; algebra.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

We now prove that, under our assumptions, it actually converges to the original function. For generality and also usability, however, we will separately assume convergence.

Hypothesis Hf : fun_series_convergent_IR realline (Taylor_Series _ _ _ a Ha _ derF).

Lemma Taylor_Series_conv_to_fun : Feq realline F (FSeries_Sum Hf).
 cut (Continuous realline (FSeries_Sum Hf)). intro H0.
  cut ( n : nat, Continuous realline (FSum0 n (Taylor_Series _ _ _ _ Ha _ derF))).
   intro H2.
   cut (Continuous realline F). intro H3.
    eapply FLim_unique_IR with (HG := H0) (HF := H3)
      (f := fun n : natFSum0 n (Taylor_Series _ _ _ _ Ha _ derF)) (contf := H2).
     2: apply FSeries_conv.
    3: Contin.
   2: apply Derivative_imp_Continuous with H (f 1).
   2: apply Derivative_n_Sn with F 0.
    2: apply Derivative_n_O; eapply Derivative_n_imp_inc; apply (derF 0).
   2: auto.
  2: unfold Taylor_Series in |- *; Contin.
 intros a0 b Hab Hinc e H4.
 set (Hab' := Min_leEq_Max' a0 b a) in ×.
 elim (Taylor_Series_conv_lemma1 a _ _ Hab _ (pos_div_two _ _ H4)); intros N HN.
  (S N); intros p Hp.
 cut (p = S (pred p)); [ intro Hn | apply S_pred with N; auto ].
 set (n := pred p) in *; clearbody n.
 generalize Hp; clear Hp; rewrite Hn; clear Hn p.
 cut ([0] [<] nring (S n) [*]e [/]TwoNZ); [ intro He | apply mult_resp_pos ].
   2: apply pos_nring_S.
  2: apply pos_div_two; auto.
 elim (Taylor' _ _ _ _ _ Ha (Hinc x Hx) n (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF (S n)))
   (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF n)) _ ( pos_div_two _ _ H4)).
 intros y H5 H6.
 set (H7 := pair (I, I) (I, I) :Dom
   (N_Deriv _ _ _ _ (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF (S n))) {*}
     [-C-] ([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) {*} ( [-C-]x{-}FId) {^}n) y) in ×.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply AbsIR_minus.
 cut ( z w : IR, AbsIR z [<=] AbsIR (z[-]w) [+]AbsIR w); intros.
  2: eapply leEq_wdl.
   2: apply triangle_IR.
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply (abs_Taylor_Rem_char realline H F a Ha f derF n
    (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF n)) x
      (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (included_imp_Continuous _ _ H3 _ _ _ Hinc) _ Hx) (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _
        (included_imp_Continuous _ _ (H2 (S n)) _ _ _ Hinc) _ Hx) (Hinc _ Hx)).
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply H8 with (w := Part (N_Deriv _ _ _ _ (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF (S n))) {*}
    [-C-] ([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) {*} ( [-C-]x{-}FId) {^}n) y H7[*] (x[-]a)).
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both; auto.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  2: apply Taylor_majoration_lemma with (n := S n); apply pos_div_two; auto.
 rstepr (nring (S n) [*] (e [/]TwoNZ[/] _[//]H1 (S n))).
 apply shift_leEq_mult' with (pos_ap_zero _ _ (pos_nring_S IR n)).
  apply pos_nring_S.
 set (H9 := pair I (pair (I, I) (I, I))) in ×.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply HN with (n := n) (w := y) (z := x) (Hw := I) (Hz := H9); auto with arith.
  inversion_clear Hx; inversion_clear H5; split.
   apply leEq_transitive with (Min a x); auto.
   apply leEq_Min.
    apply Min_leEq_rht.
   apply leEq_transitive with a0; auto.
   apply Min_leEq_lft.
  apply leEq_transitive with (Max a x); auto.
  apply Max_leEq.
   apply rht_leEq_Max.
  apply leEq_transitive with b; auto.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold Taylor_Rem in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 clear H8 H6 H4 He Hx Hp HN Hab' H3 H2 H0 bndf.
 set (fy := Part _ _ (Derivative_n_imp_inc' _ _ _ _ _ (derF (S n)) y I)) in ×.
 set (Fy := Part (N_Deriv _ _ _ _ (Derivative_n_imp_Diffble_n _ _ _ _ _ (derF (S n))))
   y (ProjIR1 (ProjIR1 H7))) in ×.
 astepr (AbsIR (Fy[*] ([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) [*] (x[+][--]y) [^]n[*] (x[-]a)) [/]
   _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ (pos_nring_S _ n)).
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Taylor_Series_conv_lemma3.
   unfold fy, Fy in |- ×.
   apply Feq_imp_eq with realline; auto.
   apply Derivative_n_unique with H (S n) F; Deriv.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply nring_comm_mult.
  Transparent fact.
  replace (fact (S n)) with (fact n × S n).
  Opaque mult.
  unfold fact in |- *; fold (fact n) in |- ×.
  auto with arith.
 apply nring_nonneg.

End Convergence_in_IR.

Section Other_Results.

The condition for the previous lemma is not very easy to prove. We give some helpful lemmas.

Lemma Taylor_bnd_trans : f g : natPartIR,
 ( n x Hx Hx', AbsIR (f n x Hx) [<=] AbsIR (g n x Hx')) →
 ( n, Continuous realline (g n)) → Taylor_bnd gTaylor_bnd f.
 intros f g bndf contg Gbnd r H a b Hab Hinc e H0.
 elim (Gbnd r (fun n : natContinuous_scal _ _ (contg n) _) _ _ _ Hinc e H0); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  2: apply HN with (n := n) (Hx := Hx); auto.
 cut ( (z t : IR) Ht, AbsIR z [=] AbsIR (z[-][-C-][0] t Ht)); intros.
  2: simpl in |- *; apply AbsIR_wd; algebra.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply H2.
 eapply leEq_wdr.
  2: apply H2.
 simpl in |- ×.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
 eapply leEq_wdr.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
 apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; auto.
 apply AbsIR_nonneg.

Lemma bnd_imp_Taylor_bnd : (f : natPartIR) (F : PartIR),
 ( n x Hx Hx', AbsIR (f n x Hx) [<=] AbsIR (F x Hx')) → Continuous realline F
 ( n, included (fun _True) (Dom (f n))) → Taylor_bnd f.
 intros f F H H0 H1.
 apply Taylor_bnd_trans with (fun n : natF); auto.
 red in |- *; intros.
 unfold Fscalmult in |- ×.
 apply conv_fun_seq'_wdr'_IR with (contF := Continuous_mult _ _ _ (Continuous_const _ [0]) H0).
 apply fun_Lim_seq_mult'_IR with (f := fun n : nat[-C-] (r[^]n[/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n))
   (contf := fun n : natContinuous_const realline (r[^]n[/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n))
     (g := fun n : natF) (contg := fun n : natH0) (contF := Continuous_const realline [0])
       (contG := H0).
  apply convergence_lemma.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_const_IR.

Finally, a uniqueness criterium: two functions F and G are equal, provided that their derivatives coincide at a given point and their Taylor series converge to themselves.

Variables F G : PartIR.

Variable a : IR.

Variables f g : natPartIR.
Hypothesis derF : n, Derivative_n n realline I F (f n).
Hypothesis derG : n, Derivative_n n realline I G (g n).

Hypothesis bndf : Taylor_bnd f.
Hypothesis bndg : Taylor_bnd g.

Hypothesis Heq : n HaF HaG, f n a HaF [=] g n a HaG.

Lemma Taylor_unique_crit : Feq realline F (FSeries_Sum Hf) → Feq realline F G.
 intro H.
 cut (fun_series_convergent_IR realline (Taylor_Series realline I G a I g derG)).
  intro Hg.
  apply Feq_transitive with (FSeries_Sum Hf); auto.
  apply Feq_transitive with (FSeries_Sum Hg).
   apply eq_imp_Feq; simpl in |- *; Included.
   intros; apply series_sum_wd.
   intros; algebra.
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Taylor_Series_conv_to_fun; auto.
 apply Taylor_Series_conv_IR; auto.

End Other_Results.