Require Import
Program CornTac workaround_tactics
Qmetric CRAlternatingSum Qdlog
ApproximateRationals ARArith
abstract_algebra int_pow theory.streams theory.series.
Section alt_sum.
Context `{AppRationals AQ}.
Add Ring Z : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory Z).
Local Coercion Is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Program CornTac workaround_tactics
Qmetric CRAlternatingSum Qdlog
ApproximateRationals ARArith
abstract_algebra int_pow theory.streams theory.series.
Section alt_sum.
Context `{AppRationals AQ}.
Add Ring Z : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory Z).
Local Coercion Is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
The goal of this section is to compute the infinite alternating sum. Since
we do not have a precise division operation, we want to postpone divisions as
long as possible. Hence we parametrize our infinite sum by a stream sN
of numerators and a stream sD of denominators.
Fixpoint ARAltSum (sN sD : Stream AQ) (l : nat) (k : Z) :=
match l with
| O ⇒ 0
| S l' ⇒ app_div (hd sN) (hd sD) k - ARAltSum (tl sN) (tl sD) l' k
CoInductive DivisionStream: Stream Q_as_MetricSpace → Stream AQ → Stream AQ → Prop :=
division_stream_eq: ∀ sQ sN sD,
hd sQ = 'hd sN / 'hd sD → DivisionStream (tl sQ) (tl sN) (tl sD) → DivisionStream sQ sN sD.
Lemma DivisionStream_Str_nth (sQ : Stream Q_as_MetricSpace) (sN sD : Stream AQ) :
(∀ n, Str_nth n sQ = 'Str_nth n sN / 'Str_nth n sD) ↔ DivisionStream sQ sN sD.
revert sQ sN sD.
cofix FIX. intros sQ sN sD E.
now apply (E O).
apply FIX.
intros n. apply (E (S n)).
intros d n. revert sQ sN sD d.
induction n; intros sQ sN sD d.
now destruct d.
apply IHn. now destruct d.
Lemma DivisionStream_tl `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) : DivisionStream (tl sQ) (tl sN) (tl sD).
Proof. now destruct d. Qed.
Definition DivisionStream_Str_nth_tl `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) (n : nat) :
DivisionStream (Str_nth_tl n sQ) (Str_nth_tl n sN) (Str_nth_tl n sD).
revert sQ sN sD d.
induction n; intros.
now apply IHn, DivisionStream_tl.
CoFixpoint ARInfAltSum_stream (sN sD : Stream AQ) (k l : Z) : Stream AQ := Cons
(app_div_above (hd sN) (hd sD) (k - Z.log2_up l))
(ARInfAltSum_stream (tl sN) (tl sD) k (l + 1)).
Before we prove that this stream has limit 0, we state some auxiliary stuff.
Definition ARInfAltSum_stream_tl sN sD k l :
tl (ARInfAltSum_stream sN sD k l) = ARInfAltSum_stream (tl sN) (tl sD) k (l + 1).
revert sN sD k l.
now constructor.
Definition ARInfAltSum_stream_Str_nth_tl sN sD k l n :
Str_nth_tl n (ARInfAltSum_stream sN sD k l) = ARInfAltSum_stream (Str_nth_tl n sN) (Str_nth_tl n sD) k (l + n).
induction n.
change (l + 0%nat)%Z with (l + 0). now rewrite rings.plus_0_r.
rewrite !Str_nth_tl_S.
replace (l + S n)%Z with ((l + n) + 1)%Z.
rewrite IHn. now apply ARInfAltSum_stream_tl.
change (l + 'n + 1 = l + '(1 + n)).
rewrite rings.preserves_plus, rings.preserves_1. ring.
Lemma ARInfAltSum_stream_preserves_ball `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) {dnn : DecreasingNonNegative sQ} (ε : Qpos) (l : Z) :
ForAllIf (λ s, AQball_bool (Qdlog2 ε) (hd s) 0) (λ s, Qball_ex_bool ε (hd s) 0)
(ARInfAltSum_stream sN sD (Qdlog2 ε) l) sQ.
Proof with auto.
revert l sQ sN sD d dnn.
cofix FIX; intros l sQ sN sD d dnn.
intros E.
apply Is_true_eq_left. apply sumbool_eq_true.
apply Is_true_eq_true in E. apply AQball_bool_true in E.
simpl in ×.
destruct d as [sQ sN sD E2]. rewrite E2.
apply Qball_Qabs. apply Qball_Qabs in E.
unfold Qminus. rewrite Qplus_0_r.
assert ((0:Q) ≤ 'hd sN / 'hd sD).
destruct dnn as [[? ?]].
transitivity (hd (tl sQ))...
now rewrite <-E2.
rewrite Qabs.Qabs_pos...
apply Qle_trans with (2 ^ Qdlog2 ε)%Qpos.
apply Qle_trans with (Qabs.Qabs ('app_div_above (hd sN) (hd sD) (Qdlog2 ε - Z.log2_up l) - '0))...
rewrite rings.preserves_0. unfold Qminus. rewrite Qplus_0_r.
rewrite Qabs.Qabs_pos.
now apply aq_div_above.
apply Qle_trans with ('hd sN / 'hd sD : Q)...
now apply aq_div_above.
now apply (Qpos_dlog2_spec ε).
apply FIX.
now apply DivisionStream_tl.
now apply _.
Helper lemma for the inductive step of ARInfAltSum_length_ex
Lemma ARInfAltSum_length_ball `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) (k l : Z) `(Pl : 4 ≤ l) :
NearBy 0 (Qpos2QposInf (2 ^ (k - 1))) sQ → AQball_bool k (hd (ARInfAltSum_stream sN sD k l)) 0.
intros E.
apply Is_true_eq_left.
apply_simplified AQball_bool_true.
rewrite rings.preserves_0.
apply ball_weak_le with ((2 ^ (k - Z.log2_up l)) + (2 ^ (k - Z.log2_up l)) + 2 ^ (k - 1))%Qpos.
assert (∀ n : Z, (2:Q) ^ n = 2 ^ (n - 1) + 2 ^ (n - 1)) as G.
intros n.
mc_setoid_replace n with (1 + (n - 1)) at 1 by ring.
rewrite int_pow_S.
now rewrite rings.plus_mult_distr_r, left_identity.
apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:Q)).
posed_rewrite (G k).
apply_simplified (semirings.plus_le_compat (R:=Q)); [| reflexivity].
posed_rewrite (G (k - 1)).
assert ((2:Q) ^ (k - Z.log2_up l) ≤ 2 ^ (k - 1 - 1)).
apply int_pow.int_pow_exp_le.
now apply semirings.le_1_2.
rewrite <-associativity.
apply (order_preserving (k +)).
rewrite <-rings.negate_plus_distr.
apply rings.flip_le_negate.
replace (1 + 1:Z) with (Z.log2_up 4) by reflexivity.
now apply Z.log2_up_le_mono.
now apply semirings.plus_le_compat.
eapply ball_triangle.
2: now apply E.
simpl. unfold app_div_above.
rewrite <-(rings.plus_0_r (hd sQ)).
destruct d as [? ? ? F]. rewrite F.
unfold app_div_above. rewrite rings.preserves_plus.
apply Qball_plus.
now apply aq_div.
rewrite aq_shift_1_correct.
now apply Qball_0_r.
Lemma ARInfAltSum_length_ex `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) {zl : Limit sQ 0} (k l : Z) (Pl : 4 ≤ l) :
LazyExists (λ s, AQball_bool k (hd s) 0) (ARInfAltSum_stream sN sD k l).
revert l Pl sN sD d.
pose proof (zl (2 ^ (k - 1)))%Qpos as help.
clear zl. induction help as [sQ' E | ? ? IH]; intros l El sN sD d.
left. now apply (ARInfAltSum_length_ball d k l El).
right. intros _.
simpl. apply (IH tt).
now apply semirings.plus_le_compat_r.
now destruct d.
Section main_part.
Context `(d : DivisionStream sQ sN sD) {dnn : DecreasingNonNegative sQ} {zl : Limit sQ 0}.
Definition big := Eval vm_compute in (Z.nat_of_Z 50000).
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Definition ARInfAltSum_length (k : Z) : nat := 4 + takeUntil_length
(λ s, AQball_bool k (hd s) 0)
(LazyExists_inc big (ARInfAltSum_stream (Str_nth_tl 4 sN) (Str_nth_tl 4 sD) k 4) _).
Next Obligation.
assert (Proper ((=) ==> iff) (λ s, AQball_bool k (hd s) 0)) by solve_proper.
rewrite ARInfAltSum_stream_Str_nth_tl.
rewrite 2!Str_nth_tl_plus.
eapply ARInfAltSum_length_ex.
eapply DivisionStream_Str_nth_tl. now eexact d.
now apply Limit_Str_nth_tl.
now vm_compute.
Since we are using approximate division, we obviously have to sum some extra
terms so as to compensate for the loss of precision.
Lemma ARInfAltSum_length_ge (ε : Qpos) :
takeUntil_length _ (Limit_near sQ 0 ε) ≤ ARInfAltSum_length (Qdlog2 ε).
transitivity (4 + takeUntil_length _ (LazyExists_Str_nth_tl (Limit_near sQ 0 ε) (dnn_in_Qball_0_EventuallyForall sQ ε) 4)).
apply takeUntil_length_Str_nth_tl.
unfold ARInfAltSum_length.
apply (order_preserving (4 +)).
apply takeUntil_length_ForAllIf.
apply ARInfAltSum_stream_preserves_ball.
now apply DivisionStream_Str_nth_tl.
now apply _.
Lemma ARInfAltSum_length_pos (k : Z) :
0 < ARInfAltSum_length k.
unfold ARInfAltSum_length.
apply semirings.nonneg_plus_lt_compat_r.
apply naturals.nat_nonneg.
apply: (semirings.lt_0_4 (R:=nat)).
Lemma ARAltSum_correct_aux (l : positive) (k : Z) :
ball (l × 2 ^ k) ('ARAltSum sN sD (nat_of_P l) k) (take sQ (nat_of_P l) Qminus' 0).
revert sQ sN sD d dnn zl.
induction l using Pind; intros.
rewrite rings.negate_0, rings.plus_0_r.
rewrite Qminus'_correct. unfold Qminus. rewrite Qplus_0_r.
setoid_replace (1%positive × 2 ^ k)%Qpos with (2 ^ k)%Qpos.
generalize d. intros d'. destruct d' as [? ? ? E].
rewrite E.
now apply aq_div.
unfold QposEq. simpl. now apply rings.mult_1_l.
rewrite Psucc_S.
rewrite rings.preserves_plus, rings.preserves_negate.
rewrite Qminus'_correct. unfold Qminus.
setoid_replace (Psucc l × 2 ^ k)%Qpos with (2 ^ k + l × 2 ^ k)%Qpos.
apply Qball_plus.
generalize d. intros d'. destruct d' as [? ? ? E]. rewrite E.
now apply aq_div.
apply Qball_opp.
apply IHl; try apply _.
now apply DivisionStream_tl.
unfold QposEq. simpl.
rewrite Pplus_one_succ_l, Zpos_plus_distr, Q.Zplus_Qplus.
now ring.
Lemma ARAltSum_correct {l : nat} `(Pl : 0 < l) (k : Z) :
ball (2 ^ k) ('ARAltSum sN sD l (k - Z.log2_up l)) (take sQ l Qminus' 0).
destruct l.
now destruct (irreflexivity (<) (0 : nat)).
apply ball_weak_le with (P_of_succ_nat l × 2 ^ (k - Z.log2_up (P_of_succ_nat l)))%Qpos.
set (l':=P_of_succ_nat l).
change ((l':Q) × 2 ^ (k - Z.log2_up l') ≤ 2 ^ k).
rewrite int_pow_exp_plus; [| apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:Q))].
apply (order_reflecting ((2:Q) ^ Z.log2_up l' *.)).
mc_setoid_replace (2 ^ Z.log2_up l' × ((l':Q) × (2 ^ k × 2 ^ (- Z.log2_up l')))) with (2 ^ k × (l':Q)).
rewrite (commutativity _ ((2:Q) ^ k)).
apply (order_preserving (2 ^ k *.)).
replace (2:Q) with (inject_Z 2) by reflexivity.
rewrite <-Qpower.Zpower_Qpower.
apply (order_preserving _).
destruct (decide ((l':Z) = 1)) as [E|E].
now rewrite E.
apply Z.log2_up_spec.
auto with zarith.
now apply Z.log2_up_nonneg.
rewrite int_pow_negate.
rewrite (commutativity (l' : Q)), (commutativity (2 ^ k)).
rewrite <-associativity.
rewrite associativity, dec_recip_inverse by solve_propholds.
now apply left_identity.
rewrite <-nat_of_P_of_succ_nat.
rewrite convert_is_POS.
now apply ARAltSum_correct_aux.
Now we can finally compute the infinite alternating sum!
Definition ARInfAltSum_raw (ε : Qpos) : AQ_as_MetricSpace :=
let εk:= Qdlog2 ε - 1 in
let l:= ARInfAltSum_length εk
in ARAltSum sN sD l (εk - Z.log2_up (Z_of_nat l)).
Lemma ARInfAltSum_raw_correct (ε1 ε2 : Qpos) :
ball (ε1 + ε2) ('ARInfAltSum_raw ε1) (InfiniteAlternatingSum_raw sQ ε2).
setoid_replace (ε1 + ε2)%Qpos with (ε1 × (1#2) + (ε1 × (1#2) + ε2))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
apply ball_weak_le with (2 ^ (Qdlog2 ε1 - 1))%Qpos.
change (2 ^ (Qdlog2 ε1 - 1) ≤ (ε1:Q) × (1 # 2)).
rewrite Qdlog2_half by apply Qpos_prf.
apply Qdlog2_spec.
apply pos_mult_compat. apply Qpos_prf. easy.
unfold ARInfAltSum_raw.
apply ARAltSum_correct.
now apply ARInfAltSum_length_pos.
apply (InfiniteAlternatingSum_further_alt _).
rewrite (Qdlog2_half ε1) by apply Qpos_prf.
apply (ARInfAltSum_length_ge (ε1 × (1 # 2))).
Lemma ARInfAltSum_prf: is_RegularFunction_noInf _ ARInfAltSum_raw.
intros ε1 ε2. simpl.
apply ball_closed. intros δ.
setoid_replace (ε1 + ε2 + δ)%Qpos with (ε1 + (1#4) × δ + ((1#4) × δ + (1#4) × δ + (ε2 + (1#4) × δ)))%Qpos by QposRing.
eapply ball_triangle.
now apply ARInfAltSum_raw_correct.
eapply ball_triangle.
now apply InfiniteAlternatingSum_prf.
apply ball_sym.
now apply ARInfAltSum_raw_correct.
Definition ARInfAltSum := mkRegularFunction (0 : AQ_as_MetricSpace) ARInfAltSum_prf.
Lemma ARInfAltSum_correct:
'ARInfAltSum = InfiniteAlternatingSum sQ.
intros ? ?.
unfold cast, ARtoCR. simpl.
now apply ARInfAltSum_raw_correct.
End main_part.
End alt_sum.