Require Import Cauchy_IR.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Export CRFieldOps.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Opaque Qmin Qmax.

Isomorphism between CR and Cauchy_IR

In prove that CR is a real number structure, we must climb the algebraic heirarchy. The easiest way of doing this is to construct an isomorphism between Cauchy_IR and CR because they are similar strucutres. Then we can leverage the proofs that Cauchy_IR is a real number structure.

CR to Cauchy_IR

Definition CRasCauchy_IR_raw (x:CR) (n:nat) := approximate x (1 # P_of_succ_nat n)%Qpos.

Lemma CRasCauchy_IR_raw_is_Cauchy : (x:CR),
Cauchy_prop (R:=Q_as_COrdField) (CRasCauchy_IR_raw x).
 intros x e He.
 rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos He).
 generalize (mkQpos He).
 clear e He.
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros en ed.
 unfold CRasCauchy_IR_raw.
  (pred (nat_of_P (2×ed))).
 rewrite <- anti_convert_pred_convert.
 intros m Hm.
 change (ball (en#ed) (approximate x (1 # P_of_succ_nat m)%Qpos) (approximate x (1#(2×ed)))%Qpos).
 apply: ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply Qle_trans with (((1 # P_of_succ_nat (pred (nat_of_P (2×ed)))) + (1 # 2 × ed)))%Q.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq.
  change (P_of_succ_nat (pred (nat_of_P (2×ed))) P_of_succ_nat m)%Z.
  rewrite <-!POS_anti_convert. apply inj_le. omega.
 rewrite <- anti_convert_pred_convert.
 stepl ((2#1)*(1#(2×ed)))%Q; [|simpl; ring].
 change ((2#1)*((1/2)*(1/ed)) en#ed)%Q.
 change ((2#2)*(1/ed)en#ed)%Q.
 setoid_replace (2#2)%Q with 1%Q by constructor.
 auto with ×.

Definition CRasCauchy_IR (x:CR) : Cauchy_IR :=
Build_CauchySeq _ _ (CRasCauchy_IR_raw_is_Cauchy x).

Lemma CRasCauchy_IR_wd : (x y:CR), (x==y)%CRCRasCauchy_IR x[=]CRasCauchy_IR y.
 intros x y Hxy.
 apply: Eq_alt_2_2.
 intros e He.
 rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos He).
 generalize (mkQpos He).
 clear He e.
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros en ed.
  (pred(nat_of_P (2×ed))).
 intros m Hm.
 unfold CRasCauchy_IR_raw.
 set (d:=(1 # P_of_succ_nat m)%Qpos).
 change (ball (en#ed)%Qpos (approximate x d) (approximate y d)).
 apply: ball_weak_le;[|apply Hxy].
 unfold d.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply Qle_trans with ((2#1)*(1#(2 × ed)))%Q.
  apply: mult_resp_leEq_lft;try discriminate.
  change ((2×ed)<=P_of_succ_nat m)%Z.
  rewrite <- Zpos_mult_morphism.
  rewrite (anti_convert_pred_convert (2×ed)).
  do 2 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
  apply inj_le.
  auto with ×.
 change (1#2×ed)%Q with ((1#2)*(1#ed))%Q.
 auto with ×.

Cauchy_IR to CR

Definition Cauchy_IRasCR_raw (x:Cauchy_IR) (e:QposInf) : Q.
 revert e.
 intros [e|];[|exact 0%Q].
 destruct x as [f Hf].
 unfold Cauchy_prop in Hf.
 destruct (Hf (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [n Hn].
 exact (f n).

Lemma Cauchy_IRasCR_is_Regular : (x:Cauchy_IR),
is_RegularFunction (Cauchy_IRasCR_raw x).
 intros [f Hf] e1 e2.
 destruct (Hf (e1:Q) (Qpos_prf e1)) as [n1 Hn1].
 destruct (Hf (e2:Q) (Qpos_prf e2)) as [n2 Hn2].
 cut ( (e1 e2:Qpos) n1 n2, n2 n1
   ( m : nat, n1 mAbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) (e1:Q) (f m[-]f n1)) →
     ( m : nat, n2 mAbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) (e2:Q) (f m[-]f n2)) →
       Qball (e1 + e2) (f n1) (f n2)).
  intros H.
  destruct (le_ge_dec n1 n2).
   apply: ball_sym;simpl.
   setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e2+e1)%Qpos by QposRing.
   apply H; assumption.
 clear - Hf.
 intros e1 e2 n1 n2 H Hn1 Hn2.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e2+e1)%Qpos by QposRing.
 apply: ball_weak.
 apply: Hn2.

Definition Cauchy_IRasCR (x:Cauchy_IR) : CR :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cauchy_IRasCR_is_Regular x).

Lemma Cauchy_IRasCR_wd : (x y:Cauchy_IR), x[=]y → (Cauchy_IRasCR x==Cauchy_IRasCR y)%CR.
 intros [x Hx] [y Hy] Hxy.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 destruct (Hx (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [a Ha].
 destruct (Hy (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [b Hb].
 destruct (Eq_alt_2_1 _ _ _ Hxy _ (Qpos_prf d)) as [c Hc].
 simpl in Hc.
 unfold Qball.
 set (n:=max (max a b) c).
 stepr ((x a - x n) + (y n - y b) + (x n - y n))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 repeat (apply: AbsSmall_plus).
   apply AbsSmall_minus.
   apply Ha;unfold n;apply le_trans with (max a b); auto with ×.
  apply Hb; unfold n;apply le_trans with (max a b); auto with ×.
 apply Hc; unfold n;auto with ×.

Composition is the identity
Lemma CRasCR : x:CR, (Cauchy_IRasCR (CRasCauchy_IR x)==x)%CR.
 intros x.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 destruct (CRasCauchy_IR_raw_is_Cauchy x (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [n Hn].
 unfold CRasCauchy_IR_raw in ×.
 apply: ball_closed.
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros dn dd.
 setoid_replace (e+e+(dn#dd))%Qpos with (e+((dn#dd)+e))%Qpos by QposRing.
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate x (1#P_of_succ_nat (n+(nat_of_P dd))))%Qpos.
  apply ball_sym.
  apply: Hn;auto with ×.
 apply: ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply: plus_resp_leEq;simpl.
 apply Qle_trans with (1#dd)%Q.
  change (dd P_of_succ_nat (n + nat_of_P dd))%Z.
  destruct n.
   rewrite P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_succ.
   rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
   rewrite Zpos_plus_distr.
   auto with ×.
  rewrite <- nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
  rewrite <- nat_of_P_plus_morphism.
  rewrite P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_succ.
  rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
  repeat rewrite Zpos_plus_distr.
  rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
  rewrite Zplus_comm.
  rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
  rewrite <- Zpos_plus_distr.
  rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
  change (dd+0 dd + Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n))%Z.
  auto with ×.
 change (dd dn×dd)%Z.
 auto with ×.

Lemma Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR : x:Cauchy_IR, CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR x)[=]x.
 intros [x Hx].
 apply: Eq_alt_2_2.
 intros e He.
 rewrite <- (QposAsmkQpos He).
 set (e':=(mkQpos He)).
 clearbody e'.
 clear e He.
 assert (Z:(0<(1#2)*e')%Q).
  rewrite <- (Qmult_0_r (1#2)).
  apply: mult_resp_less_lft.
   apply Qpos_prf.
 destruct (Hx _ Z) as [n Hn].
 destruct (Qpos_as_positive_ratio e') as [[en ed] E].
  (max n (nat_of_P ed)).
 intros m Hm.
 destruct Hx as [n' Hn'].
 apply AbsSmall_minus.
 destruct (le_lt_dec n' m) as [H|H].
  apply: AbsSmall_trans;[|apply Hn';assumption].
  change (ed < en*(P_of_succ_nat m))%Z.
  apply Zlt_le_trans with (P_of_succ_nat m).
   rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
   rewrite Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P.
   apply inj_lt.
   apply le_lt_n_Sm.
   apply le_trans with (max n (nat_of_P ed));auto with ×.
  change (1×P_of_succ_nat m en × P_of_succ_nat m)%Z.
  apply Zmult_lt_0_le_compat_r;auto with ×.
 stepl ((1#2)*(en#ed)%Qpos+(1#2)*(en#ed)%Qpos)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 rstepr ((x m[-]x n)[+](x n[-]x n')).
 assert (Y:n m).
  apply le_trans with (max n (nat_of_P ed));auto with ×.
 apply AbsSmall_plus.
  apply Hn.
 apply AbsSmall_minus; auto with ×.

Equalities are well defined.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_eq_as_CR_eq : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
((Cauchy_IRasCR x) == (Cauchy_IRasCR y))%CR x[=]y.
 intros x y.
 split;[|apply Cauchy_IRasCR_wd].
 intros H.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR x)); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 stepr (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR y)); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 apply CRasCauchy_IR_wd.

Lemma CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq : (x y:CR),
(CRasCauchy_IR x [=] CRasCauchy_IR y) (x==y)%CR.
 intros x y.
 set (x':=CRasCauchy_IR x).
 set (y':=CRasCauchy_IR y).
 rewrite <- (CRasCR x).
 rewrite <- (CRasCR y).
 apply Cauchy_IR_eq_as_CR_eq.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Functions preserved by isomorphism.

Lemma reverse_iso_wd_fun :
( x y, (x==yg x == g y)%CR) →
( (x:Cauchy_IR),
(g (Cauchy_IRasCR x) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f x))%CR) →
(f (CRasCauchy_IR x) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (g x)).
 intros f g g_wd H x.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR (f (CRasCauchy_IR x)))); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 apply CRasCauchy_IR_wd.
 transitivity (g (Cauchy_IRasCR (CRasCauchy_IR x))).
  apply g_wd.
  apply CRasCR.
 apply H.

Lemma reverse_iso_uc_fun :
(g:CR --> CR),
( (x:Cauchy_IR),
(g (Cauchy_IRasCR x) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f x))%CR) →
(f (CRasCauchy_IR x) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (g x)).
 intros f g H x.
 apply reverse_iso_wd_fun.
  apply uc_wd.

Lemma reverse_iso_bin_wd_fun :
( w x, (w == x)%CR y z, (y == zg w y == g x z)%CR) →
( (x y:Cauchy_IR),
(g (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IRasCR y) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f x y))%CR) →
(x y:CR),
(f (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CRasCauchy_IR y) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (g x y)).
 intros f g g_wd H x y.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR (f (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CRasCauchy_IR y))));
   [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 apply CRasCauchy_IR_wd.
 transitivity (g (Cauchy_IRasCR (CRasCauchy_IR x)) (Cauchy_IRasCR (CRasCauchy_IR y))); [|apply H].
 apply g_wd; symmetry; apply CRasCR.

Lemma reverse_iso_bin_uc_fun :
(g:CR --> CR --> CR),
( (x y:Cauchy_IR),
(g (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IRasCR y) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f x y))%CR) →
(x y:CR),
(f (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CRasCauchy_IR y) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (g x y)).
 intros f g H x y.
 apply (reverse_iso_bin_wd_fun f (ucFun2 g)).
  apply ucFun2_wd.

injection of rationals is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_inject_Q_as_CR_inject_Q : x:Q,
(' x == Cauchy_IRasCR (Cauchy_CReals.inject_Q _ x))%CR.
 intros x.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 destruct (CS_seq_const Q_as_COrdField x (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)).
 apply: ball_refl.

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_inject_Q_as_CR_inject_Q : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q : x:Q,
Cauchy_CReals.inject_Q _ x [=] CRasCauchy_IR (' x)%CR.
 intros x.
 apply: Eq_alt_2_2.
 intros e He.
 intros m Hm.
 unfold cg_minus.
 rstepr ([0]:Q).
 apply zero_AbsSmall.
 apply Qlt_le_weak.

plus is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_plus_as_CR_plus : x y:Cauchy_IR,
(Cauchy_IRasCR x + Cauchy_IRasCR y == Cauchy_IRasCR (x[+]y))%CR.
 intros [x Hx] [y Hy].
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 destruct (Hx (((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos:Q)) as [n1 Hn1].
 destruct (Hy (((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos:Q)) as [n2 Hn2].
 destruct (CS_seq_plus) as [n3 Hn3].
 set (n:= max n3 (max n1 n2)).
 change (ball (e+e) (x n1 + y n2) (x n3 + y n3))%Q.
 apply ball_triangle with (x n + y n)%Q.
  setoid_replace e with (((1 # 2) × e +(1 # 2) × e)%Qpos ) by QposRing.
  apply ball_triangle with (x n1 + y n)%Q; simpl; unfold Qball.
   stepr (y n2 - y n)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
   apply AbsSmall_minus.
   apply Hn2.
   unfold n.
   rewrite max_assoc.
   auto with ×.
  stepr (x n1 - x n)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  apply AbsSmall_minus.
  apply Hn1.
  unfold n.
  rewrite (max_comm n1).
  rewrite max_assoc.
  auto with ×.
 apply: Hn3; unfold n; auto with ×.

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_plus_as_CR_plus : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma CR_plus_as_Cauchy_IR_plus : x y:CR,
CRasCauchy_IR x [+] CRasCauchy_IR y [=] CRasCauchy_IR (x+y)%CR.
 apply reverse_iso_bin_uc_fun.
 apply Cauchy_IR_plus_as_CR_plus.

opp is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_opp_as_CR_opp : x:Cauchy_IR,
(-Cauchy_IRasCR x == Cauchy_IRasCR ([--]x))%CR.
 intros [x Hx].
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 destruct (Hx (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [n1 Hn1].
 destruct (CS_seq_inv Q_as_COrdField x Hx (e:Q) (Qpos_prf e)) as [n2 Hn2].
 set (n:=(max n1 n2)).
 change (ball (e+e) (- x n1) (- x n2))%Q.
 apply ball_triangle with (- x n)%Q; simpl; unfold Qball;
   [stepr (x n - x n1)%Q; [| simpl; ring];apply Hn1| apply Hn2]; unfold n; auto with×.

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_opp_as_CR_opp : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma CR_opp_as_Cauchy_IR_opp : x:CR,
[--](CRasCauchy_IR x) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (- x)%CR.
 apply reverse_iso_uc_fun.
 apply Cauchy_IR_opp_as_CR_opp.

le is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_le_as_CR_le : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
(Cauchy_IRasCR x Cauchy_IRasCR y)%CR x[<=]y.
 intros [x Hx] [y Hy].
  intros H1 [n [e He H2]].
  assert (H1':=H1 ((1#3)*(mkQpos He))%Qpos).
  clear H1.
  simpl in H1'.
  unfold Cap_raw in H1'; simpl in H1'.
  destruct (Hy (((1 # 2) × ((1#3)* mkQpos He))%Qpos:Q)) as [n1 Hn1] in H1'.
  destruct (Hx (((1 # 2) × ((1#3)* mkQpos He))%Qpos:Q)) as [n2 Hn2] in H1'.
  simpl in H2.
  set (m:=max n (max n1 n2)).
  assert (m1:nm);[unfold m; auto with *|].
  assert (m2:n1m);[unfold m; apply le_trans with (max n1 n2); auto with *|].
  assert (m3:n2m);[unfold m; apply le_trans with (max n1 n2); auto with *|].
  apply (Qle_not_lt _ _ H1').
  apply: inv_cancel_less;simpl.
  clear H1'.
  autorewrite with QposElim in ×.
  apply Qlt_le_trans with ((2#3)*e)%Q.
   apply: mult_resp_less.
  stepl (e + - ((1#2)*((1#3)*e)) + - ((1#2)*((1#3)*e)))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  stepr ((x m - y m) + (y m - y n1) + -(x m - x n2))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both.
   apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
    apply H2; assumption.
   refine (proj1 (Hn1 m _));assumption.
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  refine (proj2 (Hn2 m _));assumption.
 intros H e.
 unfold Cap_raw; simpl.
 destruct (Hy (((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos:Q)) as [n1 Hn1].
 destruct (Hx (((1 # 2) × e)%Qpos:Q)) as [n2 Hn2].
 apply Qnot_lt_le.
 intros A.
 apply H; clear H.
  (max n1 n2).
 set (n:=max n1 n2).
  (- e + - (y n1 + - x n2))%Q.
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
 intros m Hm.
 unfold cg_minus.
 stepr ((x m - x n2) + -(y m - y n1) + -(y n1 + - x n2))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 apply: plus_resp_leEq.
 stepl (-((1 # 2) × e) + - ((1 # 2) × e))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  refine (proj1 (Hn2 _ _)).
  apply le_trans with n; [unfold n;auto with *|assumption].
 apply inv_resp_leEq.
 refine (proj2 (Hn1 _ _)).
 apply le_trans with n; [unfold n;auto with *|assumption].

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_le_as_CR_le : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma CR_le_as_Cauchy_IR_le : (x y:CR),
CRasCauchy_IR x[<=]CRasCauchy_IR y (xy)%CR.
 intros x y.
 rewrite <- Cauchy_IR_le_as_CR_le.
 do 2 rewriteCRasCR.

mult is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_mult_as_CRmult_bounded : x y:Cauchy_IR,
(z:Qpos) (N:nat), ( i:nat, (Ni) → AbsSmall (z:Q) (CS_seq _ y i)) →
(ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded z) (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IRasCR y) == Cauchy_IRasCR (x[*]y))%CR.
 intros [x Hx] y z N Hz.
 destruct y as [y Hy].
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 destruct CS_seq_mult as [n3 Hn3].
 unfold Cap_raw.
 simpl in ×.
 destruct Hx as [n1 Hn1].
 apply Qscale_modulus_elim.
  intros Hxn1.
  pose (n:=(max n3 (max n1 N))).
  assert (Qeq (0 × Qmax (- z) (Qmin z
    (Cauchy_IRasCR_raw (Build_CauchySeq Q_as_COrdField y Hy)(QposInf_bind (fun e0 : Qpose0) QposInfinity))))%Q (0 × y n)%Q).
  rewriteH. clear H.
  change (ball (e+e) (0 × y n) (x n3 × y n3))%Q.
  apply ball_triangle with (x n×y n)%Q;[|apply: Hn3; unfold n; auto with *].
  apply ball_sym.
  rewrite <- Hxn1.
  unfold Qball.
  stepr ((x n - x n1)*y n)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  apply AbsSmall_trans with ((1#2)*e)%Q.
   apply half_3.
   apply Qpos_prf.
  stepl (((1#2)*e/z)*z)%Q; [| simpl;field;apply Qpos_nonzero].
  apply mult_AbsSmall;[apply Hn1|apply Hz]; unfold n; apply le_trans with (max n1 N); auto with ×.
 intros w Hw.
 destruct (Hy (w:Q) (Qpos_prf w)) as [n2 Hn2].
 pose (n:=(max (max n1 n2) (max n3 N))).
 assert (n1 n);[unfold n; apply le_trans with (max n1 n2); auto with *|].
 assert (n2 n);[unfold n; apply le_trans with (max n1 n2); auto with *|].
 assert (n3 n);[unfold n; apply le_trans with (max n3 N); auto with *|].
 assert (N n);[unfold n; apply le_trans with (max n3 N); auto with *|].
 change (Qball (e+e)) with (@ball Q_as_MetricSpace (e + e)).
 apply ball_triangle with (x n × y n)%Q;[|apply: Hn3; assumption].
 clear Hn3.
 setoid_replace e with ((1#2)*e + (1#2)*e)%Qpos by QposRing.
 apply ball_triangle with (x n1 × y n)%Q; apply ball_sym; simpl; unfold Qball.
  stepr (x n1*(y n - Qmax (- z) (Qmin z (y n2))))%Q; [| simpl;ring].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  stepl (((1#2)*e/w)*w)%Q; [| simpl;field;apply Qpos_nonzero].
  apply mult_AbsSmall;[apply Hw|].
  destruct (Hz n H2) as [X0 X1].
  destruct (Hn2 _ H0) as [X2 X3].
  unfold cg_minus in ×.
  simpl in ×.
  change (Qmax (- z) (Qmin z (y n2)))%Q with (QboundAbs z (y n2))%Q.
  assert (A0:(-w0)%Q).
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  clear - A0 X0 X1 X2 X3 Hn2 H0.
  ring_simplify in A0.
  ring_simplify in X0.
  ring_simplify in X1.
  ring_simplify in X2.
  ring_simplify in X3.
  apply QboundAbs_elim; intros I; try solve [apply Hn2;assumption]; rewriteQle_minus_iff in I.
   apply AbsSmall_minus.
   unfold cg_minus;simpl.
   apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
    apply X1.
   stepr ((y n + (-1 # 1) × y n2 + w)+(y n2 + - z))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
   apply: plus_resp_nonneg; assumption.
  apply: leEq_imp_AbsSmall; simpl; ring_simplify.
   apply X0.
  stepr ((w + (-1 # 1) × y n + y n2)+(- z + - y n2))%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  apply: plus_resp_nonneg; assumption.
 stepr ((x n - x n1)*y n)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 stepl (((1#2)*e/z)*z)%Q; [| simpl; field; apply Qpos_nonzero].
 apply mult_AbsSmall;[apply Hn1;assumption|apply Hz;assumption].

Lemma AbsSmall_Qabs : x y, (Qabs y x)%Q AbsSmall x y.
 cut ( x y, (0 y)%Q → ((Qabs y x)%Q AbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) x y)).
  intros H x y.
  generalize (H x y) (H x (-y)%Q).
  clear H.
  apply Qabs_case; intros H H1 H2.
  assert (X:AbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) x y AbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) x (- y)%Q).
    apply inv_resp_AbsSmall.
   intros X.
   stepr (- - y)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
   apply inv_resp_AbsSmall.
  apply: H2.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in H.
  ring_simplify in H.
  apply H.
 intros x y H.
  intros H0.
  apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall; assumption.
 intros [_ H0].

Lemma Cauchy_IR_mult_as_CR_mult : x y:Cauchy_IR,
((Cauchy_IRasCR x)*(Cauchy_IRasCR y) == Cauchy_IRasCR (x[*]y))%CR.
 intros x [y Hy].
 destruct (CS_seq_bounded _ y Hy) as [k Hk [n Hn]].
 set (y':=Build_CauchySeq Q_as_COrdField y Hy).
 set (k':=(mkQpos Hk)).
 transitivity ((ucFun2 (CRmult_bounded (CR_b (1 # 1) (Cauchy_IRasCR y')+k')%Qpos) (Cauchy_IRasCR x)
   (Cauchy_IRasCR y'))).
  apply CRmult_bounded_weaken.
    apply CR_b_lowerBound.
   apply CR_b_upperBound.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  auto with ×.
 apply Cauchy_IR_mult_as_CRmult_bounded with n.
 intros i Hi.
 apply: AbsSmall_trans;[|apply Hn;assumption].
 unfold k'.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 destruct Hy.
 rewrite Qplus_comm.
 apply Q.Qplus_lt_le_0_compat; auto with ×.

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_mult_as_CR_mult : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult : x y:CR,
(CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR y) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (x×y)%CR.
 apply reverse_iso_bin_wd_fun.
  apply CRmult_wd.
 apply Cauchy_IR_mult_as_CR_mult.

lt is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_lt_as_CR_lt_1 : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
x[<]y → (Cauchy_IRasCR x < Cauchy_IRasCR y)%CR.
 intros x y [n [e He Hn]].
  (mkQpos He).
 abstract ( autorewrite with CRtoCauchy_IR; intros [m [d Hd Hm]];
   refine (Qle_not_lt _ _ (Hn (max n m) _) _);[auto with *|]; rewriteQlt_minus_iff;
     apply Qlt_le_trans with d;[assumption|]; autorewrite with QposElim in Hm; apply: Hm; auto with ×

Lemma CR_lt_as_Cauchy_IR_lt_1 : (x y:CR),
(x < y)%CR(CRasCauchy_IR x)[<](CRasCauchy_IR y).
 intros x y [e He].
 apply shift_zero_less_minus'.
 apply (less_leEq_trans _ [0] (Cauchy_CReals.inject_Q _ (e:Q))).
  apply: ing_lt.
  apply Qpos_prf.
 unfold cg_minus.
 stepr (CRasCauchy_IR (y-x))%CR.
  stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (' e)%CR).
   rewrite <- Cauchy_IR_le_as_CR_le.
   do 2 rewriteCRasCR.
  apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR y[+]CRasCauchy_IR(- x)%CR).
  apply plus_resp_eq.
  apply: CR_opp_as_Cauchy_IR_opp.
 apply: CR_plus_as_Cauchy_IR_plus.

Lemma Cauchy_IR_lt_as_CR_lt_2 : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
((Cauchy_IRasCR x) < (Cauchy_IRasCR y))%CRx[<]y.
 intros x y H.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR (x))); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 stepr (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR (y))); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 apply CR_lt_as_Cauchy_IR_lt_1.

Lemma CR_lt_as_Cauchy_IR_lt_2 : (x y:CR),
(CRasCauchy_IR x)[<](CRasCauchy_IR y) → (x < y)%CR.
 intros x y H.
 eapply CRltT_wd;try apply CRasCR.
 apply Cauchy_IR_lt_as_CR_lt_1.

appartness is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_ap_as_CR_ap_1 : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
x[#]y → (CRapartT (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IRasCR y))%CR.
 intros x y [H|H];[left|right];apply Cauchy_IR_lt_as_CR_lt_1; apply H.

Lemma CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_1 : (x y:CR),
CRapartT x y(CRasCauchy_IR x) [#] (CRasCauchy_IR y).
 intros x y [H|H];[left|right];apply CR_lt_as_Cauchy_IR_lt_1; apply H.

Lemma Cauchy_IR_ap_as_CR_ap_2 : (x y:Cauchy_IR),
(CRapartT (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IRasCR y))%CRx[#]y.
 intros x y [H|H];[left|right];apply Cauchy_IR_lt_as_CR_lt_2; apply H.

Lemma CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_2 : (x y:CR),
(CRasCauchy_IR x) [#] (CRasCauchy_IR y)CRapartT x y.
 intros x y [H|H];[left|right];apply CR_lt_as_Cauchy_IR_lt_2; apply H.

inv is preserved.
Lemma Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CRinv_pos : (x:Cauchy_IR) x_,
(z:Qpos) (N:nat), ( i:nat, (Ni) → (z (CS_seq _ x i))%Q) →
(CRinv_pos z (Cauchy_IRasCR x) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f_rcpcl x (@inr _ _ x_)))%CR.
 intros [x Hx] [a [d d_ x_]] z n Hn.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 unfold Qinv_modulus.
 destruct (Hx (z × z × e)%Q) as [b Hb].
 destruct (CS_seq_recip) as [c Hc].
 set (y := (CS_seq_recip_seq Q_as_COrdField x d d_ a
             (fun (n : nat) (H : le a n) ⇒
              leEq_wdr Q_as_COrdField d
                (@cg_minus Q_as_CGroup (x n) (Qmake Z0 xH)) (x n) (x_ n H)
                (cg_inv_zero Q_as_CGroup (x n))))) in ×.
 unfold CS_seq_recip_seq in y.
 simpl in y.
 set (m:=max (max a n) (max b c)).
 assert (Hm1: cm).
  unfold m; apply le_trans with (max b c); auto with ×.
 change (ball (e+e) (/ Qmax z (x b))%Q (y c)).
 apply ball_triangle with (y m);[|apply: Hc;assumption].
 clear Hc.
 unfold y.
 destruct (lt_le_dec m a) as [Z|Z].
  elim (le_not_lt _ _ Z).
  unfold m.
  apply lt_le_trans with (S (max a n)); auto with ×.
 change (AbsSmall (e:Q) (/ Qmax z (x b)-1 × / x m))%Q.
 clear y.
 assert (T:(¬ (x m == 0)%Q ¬ (Qmax z (x b) == 0)%Q)).
  split; apply (ap_symmetric_unfolded Q_as_CSetoid); apply: Qlt_not_eq.
   apply Qlt_le_trans with z.
    apply Qpos_prf.
   apply Hn.
   apply le_trans with (max a n).
    auto with ×.
   unfold m; auto with ×.
  apply Qlt_le_trans with z; auto with ×.
 stepr ((/(Qmax z (x b))×/(x m))*(x m - (Qmax z (x b))))%Q; [| simpl; field; assumption].
 stepl ((/ Qmax z (x b) × / x m)*((Qmax z (x b))*(x m)*e))%Q; [| simpl;field; assumption].
 apply mult_resp_AbsSmall.
  assert (foo: q:Q, (0q → 0/q)%Q).
   intros [[|p|p] q] qH; apply qH.
  apply mult_resp_nonneg.
   apply foo.
   apply Qle_trans with z.
    apply Qpos_nonneg.
   apply Qmax_ub_l.
  apply foo.
  apply Qle_trans with z.
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  apply Hn.
  apply le_trans with (max a n); unfold m; auto with ×.
 simpl in x_.
 apply (AbsSmall_leEq_trans _ (z×z×e)%Q).
  apply mult_resp_leEq_rht;[apply mult_resp_leEq_both|]; try apply Qpos_nonneg.
   apply Qmax_ub_l.
  apply Hn.
  apply le_trans with (max a n); unfold m; auto with ×.
 assert (W:AbsSmall (R:=Q_as_COrdField) (z × z × e)%Q (x m - x b)%Q).
  apply Hb.
  apply le_trans with (max b c); unfold m; auto with ×.
 apply Qmax_case;intros C;[|assumption].
 apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
  unfold Qminus.
  rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
  apply Hn.
  apply le_trans with (max a n); unfold m; auto with ×.
 apply Qle_trans with (x m - x b)%Q.
  stepr (z + - x b)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
  rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 destruct W; assumption.

Lemma Cauchy_IR_nonZero_as_CR_nonZero_1 : (x:Cauchy_IR),
Dom (f_rcpcl' _) x → (CRapartT (Cauchy_IRasCR x) 0)%CR.
 intros x x_.
 eapply CRapartT_wd.
  apply Cauchy_IR_inject_Q_as_CR_inject_Q.
 apply Cauchy_IR_ap_as_CR_ap_1.

Lemma CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 : (x:CR),
(CRapartT x 0)%CRDom (f_rcpcl' _) (CRasCauchy_IR x).
 intros x x_.
 change ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[#][0]).
 stepr (CRasCauchy_IR 0%CR).
  apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_1.
 apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.

Lemma Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CR_inv_short : (x:Cauchy_IR) x_,
(@CRinvT (Cauchy_IRasCR x) (Cauchy_IR_nonZero_as_CR_nonZero_1 _ x_) == Cauchy_IRasCR (f_rcpcl x x_))%CR.
 intros [x Hx] [H|H].
  set (x':=(Build_CauchySeq Q_as_COrdField x Hx)) in ×.
  assert (H':(cm_unit Cauchy_IR)[<][--](x':Cauchy_IR)).
   apply inv_cancel_less.
   rstepl x'.
  set (y:= (Cauchy_IRasCR [--](f_rcpcl (F:=Cauchy_IR) ([--](x':Cauchy_IR)) (@inr _ _ H')))%CR).
  transitivity y.
   destruct H as [n [e He H]].
   change (-(CRinv_pos (mkQpos He) (- Cauchy_IRasCR (Build_CauchySeq Q_as_COrdField x Hx)))==y)%CR.
   unfold y.
   rewrite <- Cauchy_IR_opp_as_CR_opp.
   apply CRopp_wd.
   set (X := (Cauchy_IRasCR (f_rcpcl (F:=Cauchy_IR) [--](x':Cauchy_IR)
     (@inr (R_lt Q_as_COrdField [--](x':Cauchy_IR) ([0]:Cauchy_IR)) ([0][<][--](x':Cauchy_IR)) H')))%CR).
   apply: Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CRinv_pos.
   intros i Hi.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   stepr (0 - x i)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
   apply: H.
   apply Hi.
  unfold y.
  apply Cauchy_IRasCR_wd.
  apply: mult_cancel_lft.
   apply H.
  stepr ([1]:Cauchy_IR).
   eapply eq_transitive.
    apply cring_inv_mult_lft.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   eapply eq_transitive;[|apply cring_inv_mult_rht].
   apply eq_symmetric.
   apply x_div_x.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply x_div_x.
 destruct H as [n [e He H]].
 apply: Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CRinv_pos.
 intros i Hi.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 simpl in ×.
 stepr (x i- 0)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 apply H.
 apply Hi.

Hint Rewrite Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CR_inv_short : CRtoCauchy_IR.

Lemma Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CR_inv : (x:Cauchy_IR) x_ H,
(@CRinvT (Cauchy_IRasCR x) H == Cauchy_IRasCR (f_rcpcl x x_))%CR.
 intros x x_ H.
 rewrite <- Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CR_inv_short.
 apply CRinvT_irrelevant.

Lemma CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv : (x:CR) x_ H,
f_rcpcl (CRasCauchy_IR x) H [=] CRasCauchy_IR (@CRinvT x x_).
 intros x x_ H.
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (Cauchy_IRasCR (f_rcpcl (CRasCauchy_IR x) H))); [| apply Cauchy_IRasCauchy_IR].
 apply CRasCauchy_IR_wd.
 rewrite <- Cauchy_IR_inv_as_CR_inv_short.
 apply CRinvT_wd.
 apply CRasCR.

Lemma CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv_short : (x:CR) x_,
f_rcpcl (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 _ x_) [=] CRasCauchy_IR (@CRinvT x x_).
 apply CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv.