Require Import CRAlternatingSum.
Require Import CRseries.
Require Export CRArith.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Q_in_CReals.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import MoreArcTan.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import abstract_algebra.
Require Import stdlib_omissions.Q.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Opaque inj_Q CR.

Arctangent (small)

For values between in [0,1], arctangent is computed by it's alternating taylor series.
Section ArcTanSeries.
Variable a:Q.

Definition arctanSequence := (mult_Streams (everyOther Qrecip_positives) (powers_help (a^2) a)).

Lemma Str_nth_arctanSequence n : (Str_nth n arctanSequence == (1#P_of_succ_nat (2×n))*a^(1+2×n)%nat)%Q.
 unfold arctanSequence.
 unfold mult_Streams.
 rewrite Str_nth_zipWith.
 rewrite Str_nth_everyOther.
 rewrite Str_nth_Qrecip_positives.
 rewrite → (Str_nth_powers_help_int_pow _ (cast nat Z)).
 rewrite <- Qpower_mult.
 rewrite inj_plus.
 rewrite → (Qpower_plus' a 1 (2×n)%nat); auto with ×.
 rewrite inj_mult.

Hypothesis Ha: (0 a < 1).

Lemma square_zero_one : 0 a^2 1.
  replace RHS with ((1×a)*a) by simpl; ring.
  apply (sqr_nonneg _ a).
 replace RHS with ((1-a)*(1+a)) by simpl; ring.
 destruct Ha as [Ha0 Ha1].
 apply: mult_resp_nonneg; [unfold Qminus|replace RHS with (a + - (-(1))) by simpl; ring];
   rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff; try assumption.
  auto with qarith.
 apply Qle_trans with 0.

Lemma arctanSequence_dnn : DecreasingNonNegative arctanSequence.
 apply mult_Streams_dnn.
  apply everyOther_dnn.
  apply Qrecip_positives_dnn.
 apply powers_help_dnn.
  apply square_zero_one; assumption.
 destruct Ha; assumption.

Lemma arctanSequence_zl : Limit arctanSequence 0.
 unfold arctanSequence.
 apply mult_Streams_zl with (1#1)%Qpos.
  apply everyOther_zl.
 abstract (apply powers_help_nbz; [apply square_zero_one | destruct Ha; split; auto with qarith]).

End ArcTanSeries.

Definition rational_arctan_small_pos (a:Q) (p: 0 a < 1) : CR :=
 @InfiniteAlternatingSum _ (arctanSequence_dnn p) (arctanSequence_zl p).

Lemma rational_arctan_small_pos_wd (a1 a2 : Q) (p1 : 0 a1 < 1) (p2 : 0 a2 < 1) :
  a1 = a2 rational_arctan_small_pos p1 = rational_arctan_small_pos p2.
  intros E. unfold rational_arctan_small_pos.
  apply InfiniteAlternatingSum_wd.
  unfold arctanSequence.
  now rewrite E.

Lemma rational_arctan_small_pos_correct : (a:Q) Ha,
 (@rational_arctan_small_pos a Ha == IRasCR (ArcTan (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 intros a Ha.
 unfold rational_arctan_small_pos.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 assert (X:(olor ([--][1]) [1] (inj_Q IR a))).
   apply less_leEq_trans with [0].
    apply shift_zero_less_minus'.
    rstepr ([1]:IR).
    apply pos_one.
   stepl (inj_Q IR 0); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)].
   apply inj_Q_leEq.
   destruct Ha; assumption.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  stepr (inj_Q IR 1); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1)].
  apply inj_Q_less.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded; [|apply (arctan_series (inj_Q IR a) (arctan_series_convergent_IR) X)].
 apply: series_sum_wd.
 intros n.
 change (inj_Q IR ((- (1)) ^ n × Str_nth n (arctanSequence a))[=]
   (([--][1][^]n[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × n))[//]nringS_ap_zero IR (2 × n))[*]
     (inj_Q IR a)[^](2 × n + 1))).
 rstepr (([--][1][^]n)[*]((inj_Q IR a)[^](2×n+1)[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × n))[//]nringS_ap_zero IR (2 × n))).
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_mult.
 apply mult_wd.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply inj_Q_power.
  apply nexp_wd.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply inj_Q_inv.
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 apply mult_cancel_lft with (nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × n))).
  apply nringS_ap_zero.
 rstepr (inj_Q IR a[^](2 × n + 1)).
 stepr (inj_Q IR (a^(2×n+1)%nat)); [| now apply inj_Q_power].
 stepl ((inj_Q IR (nring (S (2×n))))[*]inj_Q IR (Str_nth n (arctanSequence a))); [| now
   apply mult_wdl; apply inj_Q_nring].
 stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (S (2×n))[*]Str_nth n (arctanSequence a))); [| now apply inj_Q_mult].
 apply inj_Q_wd.
 csetoid_rewrite (nring_Q (S (2×n))).
 change (S (2 × n)×Str_nth n (arctanSequence a)==a ^ (2 × n + 1)%nat).
 rewrite → (Qmake_Qdiv).
 rewrite plus_comm.
 generalize (a^(2×n+1)%nat).
 intros b.
 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
 unfold Qeq; simpl.
 rewrite Pmult_1_r.
 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
 auto with ×.

Extend the range to [-1,1] by symmetry.
Definition rational_arctan_small (a:Q) (p: -(1) < a < 1) : CR.
 revert p.
 destruct (Qle_total a 0); intros Ha.
  refine (-(@rational_arctan_small_pos (-a)%Q _))%CR.
  abstract (split; [(replace RHS with (0+-a) by simpl; ring); rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff; assumption
    |rewriteQlt_minus_iff; (replace RHS with (a + - - (1)) by simpl; ring); rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff;
      destruct Ha; assumption]).
 apply (@rational_arctan_small_pos a).
 abstract ( split;[|destruct Ha; assumption]; apply Qnot_lt_le; apply Qle_not_lt; assumption).

Lemma rational_arctan_small_correct_aux (a : Q) :
  (- IRasCR (ArcTan (inj_Q IR (- a)%Q)))%CR[=]IRasCR (ArcTan (inj_Q IR a)).
 rewrite <- IR_opp_as_CR.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 csetoid_rewrite_rev (ArcTan_inv (inj_Q IR (-a))).
 apply ArcTan_wd.
 eapply eq_transitive.
  apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_inv IR (-a)).
 apply inj_Q_wd.

Lemma rational_arctan_small_correct : (a:Q) Ha,
 (@rational_arctan_small a Ha == IRasCR (ArcTan (inj_Q IR a)))%CR.
 intros a Ha.
 unfold rational_arctan_small.
 destruct (Qle_total a 0); rewriterational_arctan_small_pos_correct.
  apply rational_arctan_small_correct_aux.