
Require Export InvTrigonom.
Require Import CornTac.

Various properties of ArcTangent.

Lemma Dom_Tang_ArcTan : x, (Dom Tang (ArcTan x)).
 intros x.
 apply Tang_Domain'.
 apply ArcTan_range.

Lemma ArcTan_zero : ArcTan [0][=][0].
 assert (Z:Dom Tang [0]).
  apply Tang_Domain'.
  split; auto with ×.
 stepl (ArcTan (Tan _ Z)).
  apply ArcTan_Tan; auto with ×.
 apply pfwdef.
 apply Tan_zero.

Lemma ArcTan_one : ArcTan [1][=]Pi[/]FourNZ.
 assert (Z:Dom Tang (Pi[/]FourNZ)).
  apply Tang_Domain'.
  split; auto with ×.
 stepl (ArcTan (Tan _ Z)).
  apply ArcTan_Tan; auto with ×.
 apply pfwdef.
 apply Tan_QuarterPi.

Hint Resolve ArcTan_zero ArcTan_one: algebra.

Lemma ArcTan_inv : x, ArcTan [--]x[=][--](ArcTan x).
 intros x.
 stepr (ArcTan [--](Tan (ArcTan x) (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x))).
  apply ArcTan_wd.
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply Tan_ArcTan.
 assert (H:(olor ([--](Pi[/]TwoNZ)) (Pi[/]TwoNZ) [--](ArcTan x))).
  destruct (ArcTan_range x).
   apply inv_resp_less; assumption.
  rstepr ([--][--](Pi[/]TwoNZ)).
  apply inv_resp_less; assumption.
 stepr (ArcTan (Tan _ (Tang_Domain' _ H))).
  apply ArcTan_wd.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply Tan_inv.
 destruct H.
 apply ArcTan_Tan; assumption.

Lemma ArcTan_resp_less : x y, x[<]yArcTan x[<]ArcTan y.
 intros x y H.
 unfold ArcTan.
 eapply (Derivative_imp_resp_less realline I).
     apply Derivative_ArcTan.
 intros contF'.
 set (F:={1/}([-C-][1]{+}FId{^}2):PartIR) in ×.
 assert (Hz0: z:IR, [0][<][1][+][1][*]z[*]z).
  intros z.
  apply less_leEq_trans with [1].
   apply pos_one.
  apply shift_leEq_plus'.
  rstepl ([0]:IR).
  rstepr (z[^]2).
  apply sqr_nonneg.
 assert (Hz: z, Dom F z).
  intros z.
  repeat constructor.
  intros _.
  apply Greater_imp_ap.
  apply Hz0.
 set (z:=Max (AbsIR x) (AbsIR y)).
 apply less_leEq_trans with (F z (Hz z)).
  apply shift_less_div.
   apply Hz0.
  rstepl ([0]:IR).
  apply pos_one.
 apply leEq_glb.
 intros a [Ha0 Ha1] H0.
 apply recip_resp_leEq.
  apply Hz0.
 clear H0 contF' F Hz.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_lft.
 apply shift_leEq_rht.
 rstepr ((z[-]a)[*](z[-][--]a)).
 unfold z.
 apply mult_resp_nonneg; apply shift_leEq_lft; eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply Ha1.
   apply Max_leEq; (eapply leEq_transitive;[apply leEq_AbsIR|]).
    apply lft_leEq_Max.
   apply rht_leEq_Max.
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  apply Ha0.
 unfold MIN, Min.
 rstepl (Max [--]x [--]y).
 apply Max_leEq; (eapply leEq_transitive;[apply inv_leEq_AbsIR|]).
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 apply rht_leEq_Max.

Lemma ArcTan_resp_leEq : x y, x[<=]yArcTan x[<=]ArcTan y.
 intros x y Hxy.
 intros H.
 apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hxy).
 intros H0.
 generalize H; clear H.
 change (Not (ArcTan y[<]ArcTan x)).
 rewrite <- leEq_def.
 destruct H0.
  apply less_leEq.
  apply ArcTan_resp_less.
 stepr (ArcTan x).
  apply leEq_reflexive.
 apply ArcTan_wd.

Lemma ArcTan_pos : x, [0][<]x[0][<]ArcTan x.
 intros x Hx.
 csetoid_rewrite_rev ArcTan_zero.
 apply ArcTan_resp_less.

Lemma ArcTan_recip : x Hx, [0][<]xArcTan ([1][/]x[//]Hx)[=]Pi[/]TwoNZ[-](ArcTan x).
 intros x Hx Hx0.
 assert (H0:olor [--](Pi [/]TwoNZ) (Pi [/]TwoNZ) ([--](ArcTan x)[+]Pi[/]TwoNZ)).
   apply shift_less_plus.
   rstepl ([--]Pi).
   apply inv_resp_less.
   apply less_transitive_unfolded with (Pi[/]TwoNZ).
    destruct (ArcTan_range x); assumption.
   auto with ×.
  apply shift_plus_less.
  rstepr ([--][0]:IR).
  apply inv_resp_less.
  apply ArcTan_pos.
 rstepr ([--](ArcTan x)[+]Pi[/]TwoNZ).
 stepr (ArcTan (Tan _ (Tang_Domain' _ H0))); [| now destruct H0; apply ArcTan_Tan; assumption].
 apply ArcTan_wd.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 assert (H1:Dom Tang ([--](ArcTan x))).
  apply Tang_Domain'.
  destruct (ArcTan_range x).
   apply inv_resp_less; assumption.
  rstepr ([--][--](Pi[/]TwoNZ)).
  apply inv_resp_less.
 assert (H2:(Tan [--](ArcTan x) H1)[#][0]).
  stepl ([--](Tan (ArcTan x) (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x))); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply Tan_inv].
  rstepr ([--][0]:IR).
  apply inv_resp_ap.
  apply Greater_imp_ap.
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (Tan_ArcTan x (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x)).
 eapply eq_transitive.
  apply (Tan_plus_HalfPi _ (Tang_Domain' _ H0) H1 H2).
 apply mult_cancel_lft with (Tan [--](ArcTan x) H1).
 apply mult_cancel_lft with x.
  apply Greater_imp_ap; assumption.
 rstepl ([--]x:IR).
 rstepr (Tan [--](ArcTan x) H1).
 stepr ([--](Tan (ArcTan x) (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x))).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply Tan_ArcTan.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply Tan_inv.

Lemma ArcTan_plus_ArcTan : x y Hxy,
 ([--][1][<=]x) → (x[<=][1]) → ([--][1][<=]y) → (y[<=][1]) →
 ArcTan x [+] ArcTan y [=] ArcTan ((x[+]y)[/]([1][-]x[*]y)[//]Hxy).
 cut ( x y Hxy, ([--][1][<=]x) → (x[<=][1]) → ([--][1][<=]y) → (y[<][1]) →
   ArcTan x [+] ArcTan y [=] ArcTan ((x[+]y)[/]([1][-]x[*]y)[//]Hxy)).
  intros G x y Hxy Hx0 Hx1 Hy0 Hy1.
  apply (not_ap_imp_eq).
  intros H.
  apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hx1).
  intros Hx1'.
  apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hy1).
  intros Hy1'.
  generalize H; clear H.
  apply (eq_imp_not_ap).
  clear Hy1.
  destruct Hy1' as [Hy1|Hy1].
   apply G; assumption.
  assert (Hxy':([1][-]y[*]x)[#][0]).
   rstepl ([1][-]x[*]y).
  rstepl (ArcTan y[+]ArcTan x).
  stepr (ArcTan ((y[+]x)[/]([1][-]y[*]x)[//]Hxy')); [| now apply ArcTan_wd; rational].
  apply G; try assumption.
   stepl ([1]:IR); [| now apply eq_symmetric; assumption].
   apply leEq_reflexive.
  destruct Hx1' as [c|c]; try assumption.
  elimtype False.
  refine (eq_imp_not_ap _ _ _ _ Hxy').
  unfold cg_minus.
  csetoid_rewrite c.
  csetoid_rewrite Hy1.
  rstepl ([0]:IR).
  apply eq_reflexive.
 cut ( x y Hxy, ([--][1][<=]x) → (x[<=][1]) → ([--][1][<]y) → (y[<][1]) →
   ArcTan x [+] ArcTan y [=] ArcTan ((x[+]y)[/]([1][-]x[*]y)[//]Hxy)).
  intros G x y Hxy Hx0 Hx1 Hy0 Hy1.
  apply (not_ap_imp_eq).
  intros H.
  apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hx0).
  intros Hx0'.
  apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hx1).
  intros Hx1'.
  apply (leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hy0).
  intros Hy0'.
  generalize H; clear H.
  apply (eq_imp_not_ap).
  clear Hy0.
  destruct Hy0' as [Hy0|Hy0].
   apply G; assumption.
  assert (Hxy':([1][-]y[*]x)[#][0]).
   rstepl ([1][-]x[*]y).
  destruct Hx0' as [Hx0'|Hx0']; destruct Hx1' as [Hx1'|Hx1'].
     rstepl (ArcTan y[+]ArcTan x).
     stepr (ArcTan ((y[+]x)[/]([1][-]y[*]x)[//]Hxy')); [| now apply ArcTan_wd; rational].
     apply G; try assumption.
      stepr ([--][1]:IR); [| easy ].
      apply leEq_reflexive.
     stepl ([--][1]:IR); [| easy ].
     apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
     rstepr (Two:IR).
     apply less_leEq; apply pos_two.
    csetoid_replace (ArcTan y) ([--](ArcTan x)).
     rstepl ([0]:IR).
     stepl (ArcTan [0]); [| now apply ArcTan_zero].
     apply ArcTan_wd.
     rstepl ([0][/]([1][-]x[*]y)[//]Hxy).
     apply div_wd.
      csetoid_rewrite Hx1'.
      csetoid_rewrite_rev Hy0.
     apply eq_reflexive.
    stepl (ArcTan ([--]x)).
     apply ArcTan_inv.
    apply ArcTan_wd.
    csetoid_rewrite Hx1'.
   elimtype False.
   refine (eq_imp_not_ap _ _ _ _ Hxy').
   unfold cg_minus.
   csetoid_rewrite_rev Hx0'.
   csetoid_rewrite_rev Hy0.
  elimtype False.
  refine (eq_imp_not_ap _ [--][1] [1] _ _).
   now stepr x.
  apply ap_symmetric.
  apply zero_minus_apart.
  rstepl (Two:IR).
  apply two_ap_zero.
 intros x y Hxy Hx0 Hx1 Hy0 Hy1.
 assert (X:olor [--](Pi [/]TwoNZ) (Pi [/]TwoNZ) (ArcTan x[+]ArcTan y)).
   rstepl ([--](Pi[/]FourNZ)[+][--](Pi[/]FourNZ)).
   csetoid_rewrite_rev (ArcTan_one).
   csetoid_replace ([--](ArcTan [1])) (ArcTan ([--][1])).
    apply plus_resp_leEq_less.
     apply ArcTan_resp_leEq; assumption.
    apply ArcTan_resp_less; assumption.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply ArcTan_inv.
  rstepr ((Pi[/]FourNZ)[+](Pi[/]FourNZ)).
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (ArcTan_one).
  apply plus_resp_leEq_less.
   apply ArcTan_resp_leEq; assumption.
  apply ArcTan_resp_less; assumption.
 elim X; intros X0 X1.
 csetoid_rewrite_rev (ArcTan_Tan _ X0 X1 (Tang_Domain' _ X)).
 apply ArcTan_wd.
 assert (Y:([1][-]Tan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x)[*]Tan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan y))[#][0]).
  unfold cg_minus.
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (Tan_ArcTan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x)).
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (Tan_ArcTan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan y)).
 stepr (Tan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x)[+]Tan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan y)[/]_[//]Y).
  apply Tan_plus.
 apply div_wd; unfold cg_minus; csetoid_rewrite_rev (Tan_ArcTan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan x));
   csetoid_rewrite_rev (Tan_ArcTan _ (Dom_Tang_ArcTan y)); apply eq_reflexive.

Section ArcTan_Series.

ArcTan Series

In this section we show the convergence of ArcTan's power series.
First we show the convergence of the series for 1/(1+x^2)

Lemma bellcurve_series_convergent_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR (olor ([--][1]) [1]) (fun (i:nat) ⇒ ([--][1])[^]i{**}Fid IR{^}(2×i)).
 apply fun_series_convergent_wd_IR with (fun iFid IR{^}i[o]({--}(Fid IR{^}2))).
  intros n.
  change ([--]([1][*]x[*]x)[^]n[=]([--][1])[^]n[*]x[^](2×n)).
  rstepl (([--][1][*](x[*]x))[^]n).
  stepl (([--][1])[^]n[*]((x[*]x)[^]n)); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply mult_nexp].
  apply mult_wdr.
  replace (2×n)%nat with (n+n)%nat by auto with ×.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply mult_nexp.
  apply nexp_plus.
 apply FSeries_Sum_comp_conv with (olor [--][1] [1]); [|Contin|apply fun_power_series_conv_IR].
 intros a b Hab Hinc.
 set (c:=Max (AbsIR a) (AbsIR b)).
 assert (X:[--](c[^]2)[<=]c[^]2).
  apply leEq_transitive with ([0]:IR).
   rstepr ([--][0]:IR).
   apply inv_resp_leEq.
   apply sqr_nonneg.
  apply sqr_nonneg.
 assert (A0:(c[^]2)[<][1]).
  rstepr ([1][^]2:IR).
  unfold c.
  apply nexp_resp_less.
    auto with ×.
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply AbsIR_nonneg.
   apply lft_leEq_Max.
  apply Max_less; [destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_lft _ _ Hab))
    |destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_rht _ _ Hab))]; apply AbsIR_less; assumption.
 assert (A1:[--][1][<][--](c[^]2)).
  apply inv_resp_less.
  intros d [Hd0 Hd1].
   apply less_leEq_trans with ([--](c[^]2)); assumption.
  apply leEq_less_trans with (c[^]2); assumption.
 intros x Hx [Hx0 Hx1].
 cut (AbsSmall (c[^]2) ([--](x[^]2))).
  intros [A B]; split; assumption.
 apply inv_resp_AbsSmall.
 rstepl (c[*]c).
 rstepr (x[*]x).
 cut (AbsSmall c x).
  intros; apply mult_AbsSmall; assumption.
 unfold c.
  rstepr ([--][--]x).
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply lft_leEq_Max].
  eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply inv_leEq_AbsIR].
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
 eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply rht_leEq_Max].
 eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply leEq_AbsIR].

Lemma bellcurve_series
     : (Hs:fun_series_convergent_IR (olor ([--][1]) [1]) (fun (i:nat) ⇒ ([--][1])[^]i{**}Fid IR{^}(2×i))),
       Feq (olor ([--][1]) [1]) (FSeries_Sum Hs) ({1/}([-C-][1]{+}FId{^}2)).
 intros Hs.
  apply included_refl.
  apply included_trans with realline.
   intros x _; constructor.
  apply Continuous_imp_inc.
  apply ArcTan_def_lemma.
 intros c [Hc0 Hc1] D0 D1.
 assert (X:AbsIR ([--](c[^]2))[<][1]).
  csetoid_rewrite_rev (AbsIR_inv (c[^]2)).
  csetoid_rewrite (AbsIR_nexp_op 2 c).
  rstepr ([1][^]2:IR).
  apply nexp_resp_less.
    auto with ×.
   apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  apply AbsIR_less; assumption.
 generalize (ext2 (S:=IR) (P:=Conj (fun _ : IRTrue) (fun _ : IRTrue))
   (R:=fun (x : IR) (_ : Conj (fun _ : IRTrue) (fun _ : IRTrue) x) ⇒
     [1][+][1][*]x[*]x[#][0]) (x:=c) D1).
 intros H.
 assert (Y:[1][-]([--](c[^]2))[#][0]).
  rstepl ([1][+][1][*]c[*]c).
 rstepr ([1][/]([1][-]([--](c[^]2)))[//]Y).
 stepr (series_sum (power_series [--](c[^]2)) (power_series_conv [--](c[^]2) X)); [| now
   apply (power_series_sum ([--](c[^]2)) X Y (power_series_conv _ X))].
 apply series_sum_wd.
 intros n.
 change ((([--][1])[^]n)[*]c[^](2×n)[=][--]([1][*]c[*]c)[^]n).
 rstepr ((([--][1])[*]c[*]c)[^]n).
 csetoid_rewrite_rev (nexp_mult _ c 2 n).
 csetoid_rewrite_rev (mult_nexp _ ([--][1]) (c[^]2) n).

Finally we show the convergence of the series for arctan.

Lemma arctan_series_convergent_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR (olor ([--][1]) [1])
(fun (i:nat) ⇒ (([--][1])[^]i[/]nring (S (2×i))[//]nringS_ap_zero _ (2×i)){**}Fid IR{^}(2×i+1)).
 intros y z Hyz Hinc.
 pose (C:=Max (AbsIR y) (AbsIR z)).
 assert (C[<][1]).
  unfold C.
  destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_lft _ _ Hyz)).
  destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_rht _ _ Hyz)).
  apply Max_less; apply AbsIR_less; assumption.
 assert ([0][<=]C).
  unfold C.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 apply fun_ratio_test_conv.
  intros n.
 intros x Hx n _ Hx0 Hx1.
 generalize (nringS_ap_zero IR (2 × S n)).
 generalize (nringS_ap_zero IR (2 × n)).
 intros Z0 Z1.
 set (a := S (2 × S n)).
 set (b := 2×S n + 1).
 set (c:= S (2 × n)).
 set (d:= 2×n + 1).
 change (AbsIR (([--][1][^]S n[/]nring (R:=IR) a[//]Z1)[*]x[^]b)[<=]
   C[*]AbsIR (([--][1][^]n[/]nring (R:=IR) c[//]Z0)[*]x[^]d)).
 stepl (AbsIR (([--][1][^]S n[/]nring (R:=IR) a[//]Z1))[*]AbsIR (x[^]b)); [| now
   apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_resp_mult].
 stepr (C[*](AbsIR (([--][1][^]n[/]nring (R:=IR) c[//]Z0))[*]AbsIR(x[^]d))); [| now
   apply mult_wdr; apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_resp_mult].
 rstepr (AbsIR (([--][1][^]n[/]nring (R:=IR) c[//]Z0))[*](C[*]AbsIR(x[^]d))).
 apply mult_resp_leEq_both; try apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  stepl (AbsIR ([--][1][^]S n)[/]_[//](AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _ Z1)); [| now
    apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_division].
  stepr ((AbsIR ([--][1][^]n)[/]_[//](AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _ Z0))); [| now
    apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_division].
  assert (H0: n, AbsIR([--][1][^]n)[=][1]).
   intros i.
   csetoid_rewrite (AbsIR_nexp_op i ([--][1]:IR)).
   csetoid_rewrite_rev (AbsIR_inv [1]).
   stepl (([1]:IR)[^]i).
    apply one_nexp.
   apply nexp_wd.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_eq_x.
   apply less_leEq; apply pos_one.
  stepl ([1][/]AbsIR (nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × S n)))[//]
    AbsIR_resp_ap_zero (nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × S n))) Z1); [| now
      apply div_wd; try apply eq_reflexive; apply eq_symmetric; apply H0].
  stepr ([1][/]AbsIR (nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × n)))[//]
    AbsIR_resp_ap_zero (nring (R:=IR) (S (2 × n))) Z0); [| now
      apply div_wd; try apply eq_reflexive; apply eq_symmetric; apply H0].
  apply recip_resp_leEq; try (apply AbsIR_pos; assumption).
  eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply leEq_AbsIR].
  apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
  apply leEq_imp_AbsSmall.
   apply nring_nonneg.
  apply nring_leEq.
  auto with ×.
 replace b with (2+d);[|unfold b, d; auto with *].
 stepl (AbsIR x[^](2+d)); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_nexp_op].
 stepl (AbsIR x[^]2[*]AbsIR x[^]d); [| now apply nexp_plus].
 stepr (C[*]AbsIR x[^]d); [| now apply mult_wdr; apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_nexp_op].
 apply mult_resp_leEq_rht; try (apply nexp_resp_nonneg; apply AbsIR_nonneg).
 apply leEq_transitive with (C[^]2).
  stepl (AbsIR(x[^]2)); [| now apply AbsIR_nexp_op].
  stepl (x[^]2); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_eq_x; apply sqr_nonneg].
  apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
  rstepr ((C[-]x)[*](C[-][--]x)).
  unfold C.
  destruct Hx as [Y0 Y1].
  apply mult_resp_nonneg; apply shift_zero_leEq_minus.
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply Y1.
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    apply leEq_AbsIR.
   apply rht_leEq_Max.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply inv_resp_leEq.
   apply Y0.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply inv_leEq_AbsIR.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 rstepl (C[*]C).
 rstepr (C[*][1]).
 apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.

Lemma arctan_series : c : IR,
        (Hs:fun_series_convergent_IR (olor ([--][1]) [1]) (fun (i:nat) ⇒ (([--][1])[^]i[/]nring (S (2×i))[//]nringS_ap_zero _ (2×i)){**}Fid IR{^}(2×i+1))) Hc,
       FSeries_Sum Hs c Hc[=]ArcTan c.
 intros c Hs Hc.
 set (J:=olor [--][1] [1]).
 assert (HJ:proper J).
  apply shift_zero_less_minus'.
  rstepr (Two:IR).
  apply pos_nring_S.
 assert (Y0 : included J realline).
  intros a b; constructor.
 assert (Y1 : J [0]).
  split;[rstepr ([--][0]:IR);apply inv_resp_less|]; apply pos_one.
 stepl (([-S-] Included_imp_Continuous realline {1/}([-C-][1]{+}FId{^}2)
   ArcTan_def_lemma J Y0) [0] Y1 c Hc).
  apply: Integral_wd.
  apply Feq_reflexive.
  intros d Hd.
  eapply Continuous_imp_inc.
   apply ArcTan_def_lemma.
 apply cg_inv_unique_2.
 cut (Derivative J HJ (FSeries_Sum Hs) {1/}([-C-][1]{+}FId{^}2)).
  intros X.
  destruct (FTC2 J _ (Included_imp_Continuous _ _ ArcTan_def_lemma J Y0) [0] Y1 _ _ X) as [z Hz].
  clear X.
  apply eq_transitive with z.
   eapply eq_transitive; [|apply (Feq_imp_eq _ _ _ Hz _ Hc (Hc, Hc) I)].
   apply: bin_op_wd_unfolded;[|apply un_op_wd_unfolded]; apply pfwdef; apply eq_reflexive.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  eapply eq_transitive; [|apply (Feq_imp_eq _ _ _ Hz _ Y1 (Y1, Y1) I)].
  rstepl ([0][-][0]:IR).
  apply: cg_minus_wd.
   stepr (ArcTan [0]).
    assert (Z:Dom Tang [0]).
     repeat split; try constructor.
     intros [].
     stepl ([1]:IR).
      apply ring_non_triv.
     apply eq_symmetric.
     apply Cos_zero.
    stepl (ArcTan (Tan _ Z)).
     apply pfwdef.
     apply Tan_zero.
    apply ArcTan_Tan; [rstepr ([--][0]:IR); apply inv_resp_less|]; apply pos_HalfPi.
   unfold ArcTan, ArcTang.
   apply: Integral_wd.
   apply Feq_reflexive.
   intros d Hd.
   eapply Continuous_imp_inc.
    apply ArcTan_def_lemma.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   eapply (series_sum_zero conv_zero_series).
  simpl; apply series_sum_wd.
  intros n.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   apply cring_mult_zero.
  apply mult_wdr.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply (zero_nexp IR (2×n+1)).
  auto with ×.
 clear -J.
 eapply Derivative_wdr.
  apply (bellcurve_series bellcurve_series_convergent_IR).
 apply Derivative_FSeries.
 intros n.
 rewrite plus_comm.
 Derivative_Help; [|apply Derivative_scal;apply Derivative_nth;Deriv].

End ArcTan_Series.