
Set Firstorder Depth 5.

Require Import Setoid.
Require Export Lattice.

Open Local Scope po_scope.

Total Order

A total order is a lattice were x <= y or y <= x.
Record TotalOrder : Type :=
{ L :> Lattice
; le_total : x y:L, {x y}+{y x}

Section MinMax.

Variable X : TotalOrder.
meet x y is either x or y.
Definition meet_irred : x y : X, {meet x y == x} + {meet x y == y}.
 destruct (le_total _ x y) as [H|H].
  firstorder using le_meet_l.
 firstorder using le_meet_r.

Section Monotone.

Variable f : XX.
Hypothesis Hf : monotone X f.

Add Morphism f with signature (@st_eq X) ==> (@st_eq X) as monotone_compat.
 revert Hf;rewritemonotone_def;intros.
 revert H0; do 2 rewriteequiv_le_def.

meet distributes over any monotone function.
Lemma monotone_meet_distr : x y : X, f (meet x y) == meet (f x) (f y).
 revert Hf; rewritemonotone_def. intro Hf.
 assert ( x y : X, x yf (meet x y) == meet (f x) (f y)).
  intros x y Hxy.
  assert (Hfxfy:=Hf _ _ Hxy).
  rewritele_meet_l in Hxy.
  rewritele_meet_l in Hfxfy.
 destruct (le_total _ x y).
 rewrite → (meet_comm X).
 rewrite → (meet_comm _ (f x)).

End Monotone.

join distributes over meet
Lemma join_meet_distr_r : x y z:X, (join x (meet y z))==(meet (join x y) (join x z)).
Proof (fun amonotone_meet_distr _ (join_monotone_r X a)).

Lemma join_meet_distr_l : x y z:X, (join (meet y z) x)==(meet (join y x) (join z x)).
Proof (fun amonotone_meet_distr _ (join_monotone_l X a)).

Section Antitone.

Variable f : XX.
Hypothesis Hf : antitone X f.

Lemma antitone_meet_join_distr : x y : X, f (meet x y) == join (f x) (f y).
 revert Hf;rewriteantitone_def; intro Hf.
 assert ( x y : X, x yf (meet x y) == join (f x) (f y)).
  intros x y Hxy.
  assert (Hfxfy:=Hf _ _ Hxy).
  rewritele_meet_l in Hxy.
  rewritele_join_l in Hfxfy.
 destruct (le_total _ x y).
 rewrite → (meet_comm X).
 rewrite → (join_comm X).

End Antitone.

Lemmas of distributive lattices
Lemma join_meet_modular_r : x y z : X, join x (meet y (join x z)) == meet (join x y) (join x z).
 rewrite → (join_assoc X).
 rewrite → (join_idem X).

Lemma join_meet_modular_l : x y z : X, join (meet (join x z) y) z == meet (join x z) (join y z).
 rewrite → (join_comm X (meet (join x z) y) z).
 rewrite → (meet_comm X (join x z) y).
 rewrite → (meet_comm X (join x z) (join y z)).
 rewrite → (join_comm X x z).
 rewrite → (join_comm X y z).
 apply join_meet_modular_r.

Lemma meet_join_disassoc : x y z : X, meet (join x y) z join x (meet y z).
 apply meet_le_compat.
  apply le_refl.
 apply join_ub_r.

End MinMax.

Section MaxMin.

Variable X : TotalOrder.

Dual Total Order

The dual of a total order is a total order.
Definition Dual : TotalOrder.
 eapply Build_TotalOrder with (L:= Dual X).
 destruct (le_total _ x y); auto.
The duals of the previous lemmas hold.
Definition join_irred : x y : X, {join x y == x} + {join x y == y} :=
meet_irred Dual.

Lemma monotone_join_distr : f, monotone X f x y : X, f (join x y) == join (f x) (f y).
Proof monotone_meet_distr Dual.

Lemma meet_join_distr_r : x y z:X, (meet x (join y z))==(join (meet x y) (meet x z)).
Proof join_meet_distr_r Dual.

Lemma meet_join_distr_l : x y z:X, (meet (join y z) x)==(join (meet y x) (meet z x)).
Proof join_meet_distr_l Dual.

Lemma antitone_join_meet_distr : f, antitone X f x y : X, f (join x y) == meet (f x) (f y).
Proof antitone_meet_join_distr Dual.

Lemma meet_join_modular_r : x y z : X, meet x (join y (meet x z)) == join (meet x y) (meet x z).
Proof join_meet_modular_r Dual.

Lemma meet_join_modular_l : x y z : X, meet (join (meet x z) y) z == join (meet x z) (meet y z).
Proof join_meet_modular_l Dual.

End MaxMin.

Section TotalOrderMinDef.

Variable X : PartialOrder.
Given a total order, meet and join can be characterized in terms of the order.
Variable min : XXX.
Hypothesis le_total : x y:X, {x y}+{y x}.
Hypothesis min_def1 : x y:X, x ymin x y == x.
Hypothesis min_def2 : x y:X, y xmin x y == y.

Lemma min_lb_l : x y:X, min x y x.
 destruct (le_total x y).
  rewritemin_def1; auto.
  apply le_refl.
 rewritemin_def2; auto.

Lemma min_lb_r : x y:X, min x y y.
 destruct (le_total x y).
  rewritemin_def1; auto.
 rewritemin_def2; auto.
 apply le_refl.

Lemma min_glb : x y z, z xz yz min x y.
 destruct (le_total x y).
  rewritemin_def1; assumption.
 rewritemin_def2; assumption.

End TotalOrderMinDef.

With a total order has a new characterization.
Definition makeTotalOrder :
  (A : Type) (equiv : AAProp) (le : AAProp)
  (monotone antitone : (AA) → Prop)
  (meet join : AAA),
  ( x y : A, equiv x y (le x y le y x)) →
  ( x : A, le x x) →
  ( x y z : A, le x yle y zle x z) →
  ( x y : A, {le x y} + {le y x}) →
  ( f, monotone f ( x y, le x yle (f x) (f y))) →
  ( f, antitone f ( x y, le x yle (f y) (f x))) →
  ( x y : A, le x yequiv (meet x y) x) →
  ( x y : A, le y xequiv (meet x y) y) →
  ( x y : A, le y xequiv (join x y) x) →
  ( x y : A, le x yequiv (join x y) y) →
 intros A0 eq0 le0 monotone0 antitone0 min max eq0_def refl trans total monotone0_def antitone0_def min_def1 min_def2 max_def1 max_def2.
 pose (PO:=makePartialOrder eq0 le0 monotone0 antitone0 eq0_def refl trans monotone0_def antitone0_def).
 pose (DPO := (PartialOrder.Dual PO)).
 pose (flip_total := fun x ytotal y x).
 pose (L0:=makeLattice PO min max (min_lb_l PO min total min_def1 min_def2)
   (min_lb_r PO min total min_def1 min_def2) (min_glb PO min total min_def1 min_def2)
     (min_lb_l DPO max flip_total max_def1 max_def2) (min_lb_r DPO max flip_total max_def1 max_def2)
       (min_glb DPO max flip_total max_def1 max_def2)).
 exact (Build_TotalOrder L0 total).

Module Default.

Default meet and join.

Section MinDefault.
Variable A : Type.
Variable equiv: AAProp.
Variable le : AAProp.
Hypothesis equiv_le_def : x y : A, equiv x y (le x y le y x).
Hypothesis le_total : x y:A, {le x y}+{le y x}.

Given a total order, meet and join have a default implemenation.
Definition min (x y:A) :=
 if (le_total x y) then x else y.

Definition min_case x y (P:AType) (Hx : le x yP x) (Hy : le y xP y) : P (min x y) :=
match (le_total x y) as s return P (if s then x else y) with
| left pHx p
| right pHy p

Lemma min_def1 : x y, le x yequiv (min x y) x.
 apply min_case; firstorder.

Lemma min_def2 : x y, le y xequiv (min x y) y.
 apply min_case; firstorder.

End MinDefault.

Section MaxDefault.
Variable A : Type.
Variable equiv: AAProp.
Variable le : AAProp.
Hypothesis equiv_le_def : x y : A, equiv x y (le x y le y x).
Hypothesis le_total : x y:A, {le x y}+{le y x}.

Definition max (x y:A) :=
 if le_total y x then x else y.

Let flip_le x y := le y x.
Let flip_le_total x y := le_total y x.

Definition max_case :
  x y (P : AType), (le y xP x) → (le x yP y) → P (max x y) :=
 min_case A flip_le flip_le_total.

Lemma max_def1 : x y, le y xequiv (max x y) x.
 refine (min_def1 A equiv flip_le _ flip_le_total).

Lemma max_def2 : x y, le x yequiv (max x y) y.
 refine (min_def2 A equiv flip_le _ flip_le_total).

End MaxDefault.

End Default.