
Set Firstorder Depth 5.

Require Export RSetoid.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Partial Order

A partial order is a relfexive, transitive, antisymetric ordering relation.

Record is_PartialOrder
 (car : Type)
 (eq : carcarProp)
 (le : carcarProp)
 (monotone : (carcar) → Prop)
 (antitone : (carcar) → Prop) : Prop :=
{ po_equiv_le_def : x y, eq x y (le x y le y x)
; po_le_refl : x, le x x
; po_le_trans : x y z, le x yle y zle x z
; po_monotone_def : f, monotone f ( x y, le x yle (f x) (f y))
; po_antitone_def : f, antitone f ( x y, le x yle (f y) (f x))

Record PartialOrder : Type :=
{ po_car :> RSetoid
; le : po_carpo_carProp
; monotone : (po_carpo_car) → Prop
; antitone : (po_carpo_car) → Prop
; po_proof : is_PartialOrder (@st_eq po_car) le monotone antitone

Notation "x == y" := (st_eq x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : po_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (le _ x y) : po_scope.

Open Local Scope po_scope.

Lemma po_st : X eq le mnt ant, @is_PartialOrder X eq le mnt antSetoid_Theory X eq.
Proof with trivial.
 intros X eq le0 mnt ant H.
  intros x y E. apply (po_equiv_le_def H), and_comm, (po_equiv_le_def H)...
 intros x y z.
 repeat rewrite ->(po_equiv_le_def H).

Section PartialOrder.

Variable X : PartialOrder.

Definition makePartialOrder car eq le monotone antitone p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 :=
let p := (@Build_is_PartialOrder car eq le monotone antitone p1 p2 p3 p4 p5) in
 @Build_PartialOrder (Build_RSetoid (po_st p)) le monotone antitone p.

The axioms and basic properties of a partial order
Lemma equiv_le_def : x y:X, x == y (x y y x).
Proof (po_equiv_le_def (po_proof X)).

Lemma le_refl : x:X, x x.
Proof (po_le_refl (po_proof X)).

Lemma le_trans : x y z : X, x yy zx z.
Proof (po_le_trans (po_proof X)).

Lemma monotone_def : f, monotone X f ( x y, x y(f x) (f y)).
Proof (po_monotone_def (po_proof X)).

Lemma antitone_def : f, antitone X f ( x y, x y(f y) (f x)).
Proof (po_antitone_def (po_proof X)).

Lemma le_equiv_refl : x y:X, x == yx y.
 firstorder using equiv_le_def.

Lemma le_antisym : x y:X, x yy xx == y.
 firstorder using equiv_le_def.

Dual Order

The dual of a partial order is made by fliping the order relation.
Definition Dual : PartialOrder.
 eapply makePartialOrder with (eq := @st_eq X) (le:= (fun x yle X y x)) (monotone := @monotone X)
   (antitone := @antitone X).
     firstorder using equiv_le_def.
    firstorder using le_refl.
   firstorder using le_trans.
  firstorder using monotone_def.  firstorder using antitone_def.

End PartialOrder.

Module Default.

Default Monotone and Antitone

These provide default implemenations of Monotone and Antitone.
Section MonotoneAntitone.

Variable A : Type.
Variable le : AAProp.

Definition monotone (f: AA) := x y, le x yle (f x) (f y).

Lemma monotone_def : f, monotone f ( x y, le x yle (f x) (f y)).

Definition antitone (f: AA) := x y, le x yle (f y) (f x).

Lemma antitone_def : f, antitone f ( x y, le x yle (f y) (f x)).

End MonotoneAntitone.

End Default.