
Require Import Setoid.
Require Export SemiLattice.

Open Local Scope po_scope.


A lattice is a semilattice with a join operation such that it forms a semilattice with in the dual partial order.
Record Lattice : Type :=
{ sl :> SemiLattice
; join : slslsl
; l_proof : is_SemiLattice (Dual sl) join
Section Join.

Variable X : Lattice.

Definition makeLattice (po:PartialOrder) (meet join : popopo) p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 :=
@Build_Lattice (@makeSemiLattice po meet p1 p2 p3) join
(@Build_is_SemiLattice (Dual po) join p4 p5 p6).

The axioms of a join lattice.
Lemma join_ub_l : x y : X, x join x y.
Proof (sl_meet_lb_l _ _ (l_proof X)).

Lemma join_ub_r : x y : X, y join x y.
Proof (sl_meet_lb_r _ _ (l_proof X)).

Lemma join_lub : x y z : X, x zy zjoin x y z.
Proof (sl_meet_glb _ _ (l_proof X)).

Dual Latice

The dual of a lattice is a lattice.
Definition Dual : Lattice :=
@makeLattice (Dual X) (@join X) (@meet X)
 (@meet_lb_l X)
 (@meet_lb_r X)
 (@meet_glb X).

All the lemmas about meet semilattices hold for join.
Lemma join_comm : x y:X, join x y == join y x.
Proof meet_comm Dual.

Lemma join_assoc : x y z:X, join x (join y z) == join (join x y) z.
Proof meet_assoc Dual.

Lemma join_idem : x:X, join x x == x.
Proof meet_idem Dual.

Lemma le_join_l : x y : X, y x join x y == x.
Proof le_meet_l Dual.

Lemma le_join_r : x y : X, x y join x y == y.
Proof le_meet_r Dual.

Lemma join_monotone_r : a : X, monotone X (join a).
Proof meet_monotone_r Dual.

Lemma join_monotone_l : a : X, monotone X (fun xjoin x a).
Proof meet_monotone_l Dual.

Lemma join_le_compat : w x y z : X, wyxzjoin w x join y z.
Proof fun w x y zmeet_le_compat Dual y z w x.

End Join.
Section MeetJoin.

Variable X : Lattice.
Lemma about how meet and join interact.
Lemma meet_join_absorb_l_l : x y:X, meet x (join x y) == x.
 apply le_antisym.
  apply meet_lb_l.
 apply meet_glb.
  apply le_refl.
 apply join_ub_l.

Lemma meet_join_absorb_l_r : x y:X, meet x (join y x) == x.
 rewrite → (join_comm X).
 apply meet_join_absorb_l_l.

Lemma meet_join_absorb_r_l : x y:X, meet (join x y) x == x.
 rewrite → (meet_comm X).
 apply meet_join_absorb_l_l.

Lemma meet_join_absorb_r_r : x y:X, meet (join y x) x == x.
 rewrite → (join_comm X).
 apply meet_join_absorb_r_l.

Lemma meet_join_eq : x y : X, meet x y == join x yx == y.
 rewrite <- (meet_join_absorb_l_l y x).
 rewrite → (join_comm X y x).
 rewrite <- H.
 rewrite → (meet_comm X x y).
 rewrite → (meet_assoc X).
 rewrite → (meet_idem X).
 set (RHS := meet y x).
 rewrite <- (meet_join_absorb_l_l x y).
 rewrite <- H.
 rewrite → (meet_assoc X).
 rewrite → (meet_idem X).
 rewrite → (meet_comm X).

End MeetJoin.

Section JoinMeet.

Variable X : Lattice.
The dual of the previous laws holds.
Lemma join_meet_absorb_l_l : x y:X, join x (meet x y) == x.
Proof meet_join_absorb_l_l (Dual X).

Lemma join_meet_absorb_l_r : x y:X, join x (meet y x) == x.
Proof meet_join_absorb_l_r (Dual X).

Lemma join_meet_absorb_r_l : x y:X, join (meet x y) x == x.
Proof meet_join_absorb_r_l (Dual X).

Lemma join_meet_absorb_r_r : x y:X, join (meet y x) x == x.
Proof meet_join_absorb_r_r (Dual X).

End JoinMeet.