
Require Export CPoly_Rev.
Require Export FTAreg.

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Let n:nat and f be a complex polynomial of degree (S n).

Section FTA_reg'.

Variable f : cpoly_cring CC.
Variable n : nat.
Hypothesis f_degree : degree (S n) f.

Lemma FTA_reg' : {f1 : CCX | degree 1 f1 | {f2 : CCX | degree n f2 | f [=] f1[*]f2}}.
 elim (FTA_reg f (S n)). intro c. intro H.
   cut (degree 1 (_X_[-]_C_ c)). intro.
     (_X_[-]_C_ c). auto.
     elim (poly_linear_factor _ _ _ H).
    intro f2. intros.
     apply degree_mult_imp with (_X_[-]_C_ c) 1. auto.
      apply degree_wd with f; auto. auto.
    apply degree_minus_lft with 0. apply degree_le_c_. apply degree_x_. auto.
     auto with arith.

End FTA_reg'.

Let n:nat, f be a complex polynomial of degree less than or equal to (S n) and c be a complex number such that f!c [#] [0].

Section FTA_1.

Variable f : cpoly_cring CC.
Variable n : nat.
Hypothesis f_degree : degree_le (S n) f.
Variable c : CC.
Hypothesis f_c : f ! c [#] [0].

Lemma FTA_1a : degree_le (S n) (Shift c f).
 apply Shift_degree_le.

Let g := Rev (S n) (Shift c f).

Lemma FTA_1b : degree (S n) g.
 unfold g in |- ×.
 apply Rev_degree.
 astepl f ! c. auto.
  Step_final f ! ([0][+]c).

Lemma FTA_1 : {f1 : CCX | {f2 : CCX | degree_le 1 f1 degree_le n f2 f [=] f1[*]f2}}.
 elim (FTA_reg' g n FTA_1b). intro g1. intros H H0.
 elim H0. clear H0. intro g2. intros H0 H1.
 cut (degree_le 1 g1). intro.
  cut (degree_le n g2). intro.
    (Shift [--]c (Rev 1 g1)).
    (Shift [--]c (Rev n g2)).
    apply Shift_degree_le.
    apply Rev_degree_le.
    apply Shift_degree_le.
    apply Rev_degree_le.
   cut (degree_le (1 + n) (g1[*]g2)). intro.
    cut (degree_le (1 + n) g). intro.
     cut (degree_le (1 + n) (Shift c f)). intro.
      astepl (Shift [--]c (Shift c f)).
      astepl (Shift [--]c (Rev (1 + n) (Rev (S n) (Shift c f)))).
      astepl (Shift [--]c (Rev (1 + n) g)).
      astepl (Shift [--]c (Rev (1 + n) (g1[*]g2))).
      Step_final (Shift [--]c (Rev 1 g1[*]Rev n g2)).
     exact FTA_1a.
    apply degree_le_wd with (g1[*]g2); algebra.
   apply degree_le_mult; auto.
  apply degree_imp_degree_le; auto.
 apply degree_imp_degree_le; auto.

Lemma FTA_1' : {a : CC | {b : CC | {g : CCX | degree_le n g | f [=] (_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) [*]g}}}.
 elim FTA_1. intro f1. intros H.
 elim H. clear H. intros f2 H0.
 elim H0. clear H0. intro H. intros H0.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros H0 H1.
 elim (degree_le_1_imp _ f1); auto. intro a. intros H2. a.
 elim H2. clear H2. intro b. intros. b.
  f2. auto.
  Step_final (f1[*]f2).

End FTA_1.

Section Fund_Thm_Alg.

Lemma FTA' : n (f : CCX), degree_le n fnonConst _ f{z : CC | f ! z [=] [0]}.
 intro n. induction n as [| n Hrecn].
 unfold nonConst in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros f H H0.
  elim H0. clear H0. intro n. intros H0 H1.
  elim (eq_imp_not_ap _ _ _ (H _ H0) H1).
 unfold nonConst in |- ×. intros f H H0.
 elim H0. clear H0. intro m'. intros H0 H1.
 elim (poly_apzero_CC f). intro c. intros H2.
  elim (FTA_1' f n H c H2). intro a. intros H3.
  elim H3. clear H3. intro b. intros H3.
  elim H3. clear H3. intro g. intros H3 H4.
  elim (O_or_S m'); intro y.
   elim y. clear y. intro m. intro y. rewrite <- y in H0. rewrite <- y in H1.
   cut (a[*]nth_coeff m g [#] [0] or b[*]nth_coeff (S m) g [#] [0]).
    intro H5.
    elim H5; clear H5; intros H5.
     cut (a [#] [0]). intro H6.
       ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6).
      astepl ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) [*]g) ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6).
      astepl ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6) [*]g ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6)).
      astepl (((_C_ a[*]_X_) ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6) [+] (_C_ b) ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6)) [*]
        g ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6)).
      astepl (((_C_ a) ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6) [*]_X_ ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6) [+]b) [*]
        g ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6)).
      astepl ((a[*] ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6) [+]b) [*]g ! ( [--]b[/] a[//]H6)).
     apply cring_mult_ap_zero with (nth_coeff m g). auto.
     elim (Hrecn g); auto. intro z. intros. z.
     astepl ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) [*]g) ! z.
     astepl ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) ! z[*]g ! z).
     Step_final ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) ! z[*][0]).
    unfold nonConst in |- ×. (S m). auto.
    apply cring_mult_ap_zero_op with b. auto.
    apply cg_add_ap_zero.
   astepl (nth_coeff (S m) f). auto.
    Step_final (nth_coeff (S m) ((_C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b) [*]g)).
  rewrite <- y in H0. elim (lt_irrefl 0 H0).
  apply nth_coeff_ap_zero_imp with m'. auto.

Lemma FTA : f : CCX, nonConst _ f{z : CC | f ! z [=] [0]}.
 elim (Cpoly_ex_degree _ f). intro n. intros.  apply FTA' with n; auto.

Lemma FTA_a_la_Henk : f : CCX,
 {x : CC | {y : CC | AbsCC (f ! x[-]f ! y) [>][0]}}{z : CC | f ! z [=] [0]}.
 intros f H.
 elim H.
 intros x H0.
 elim H0.
 intros y H1.
 pose (H1':=(CAnd_proj1 _ _ (greater_def _ _ _) H1)).
 clearbody H1'.
 clear H1.
 rename H1' into H1.
 generalize (less_imp_ap _ _ _ H1); intro H2.
 generalize (AbsCC_ap_zero _ H2); intro H3.
 cut (Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*] (x[^]i[-]y[^]i)) [#] [0]).
  intro H4.
  cut (0 lth_of_poly f); try auto with arith.
  intro H5.
  generalize (Sum_apzero _ _ _ _ H5 H4); intro H6.
  elim H6; intros i H8 H9.
  elim H8; intros H10 H11.
  apply FTA.
  unfold nonConst in |- ×.
  generalize (cring_mult_ap_zero _ _ _ H9); intro H12.
   elim (zerop i).
    intro H13.
    elimtype False.
    elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ ([0]:CC)).
    rstepl (nth_coeff i f[*] (x[^]0[-]y[^]0)).
    rewrite <- H13.
 apply ap_wdl_unfolded with (Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f)
   (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]x[^]i[-]nth_coeff i f[*]y[^]i)).
  2: apply Sum_wd.
  2: intro.
  2: algebra.
 apply ap_wdl_unfolded with (Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]x[^]i) [-]
   Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]y[^]i)).
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
  2: change (Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun j : nat ⇒ (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]x[^]i) j[-]
    (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]y[^]i) j) [=]
      Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]x[^]i) [-]
        Sum 0 (lth_of_poly f) (fun i : natnth_coeff i f[*]y[^]i)) in |- ×.
  2: apply Sum_minus_Sum.
 apply ap_wdl_unfolded with (f ! x[-]f ! y).
  2: unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
  2: apply csbf_wd_unfolded.
   2: apply poly_as_sum.
   2: apply poly_degree_lth.
  2: apply csf_wd_unfolded.
  2: apply poly_as_sum.
  2: apply poly_degree_lth.

End Fund_Thm_Alg.