
Require Export CPoly_NthCoeff.
Require Export CFields.
Require Export Rational.
Set Automatic Introduction.

Degrees of Polynomials

Degrees of polynomials over a ring

Let R be a ring and write RX for the ring of polynomials over R.

Section Degree_def.

Variable R : CRing.

The length of a polynomial is the number of its coefficients. This is a syntactical property, as the highest coefficient may be 0. Note that the `zero' polynomial cpoly_zero has length 0, a constant polynomial has length 1 and so forth. So the length is always 1 higher than the `degree' (assuming that the highest coefficient is [#][0])!

Fixpoint lth_of_poly (p : RX) : nat :=
  match p with
  | cpoly_zero ⇒ 0
  | cpoly_linear d qS (lth_of_poly q)

When dealing with constructive polynomials, notably over the reals or complex numbers, the degree may be unknown, as we can not decide whether the highest coefficient is [#][0]. Hence, degree is a relation between polynomials and natural numbers; if the degree is unknown for polynomial p, degree(n,p) doesn't hold for any n. If we don't know the degree of p, we may still know it to be below or above a certain number. E.g. for the polynomial p0 +p1 X + ... + p(n-1) X^(n-1), if pi apart from 0, we can say that the `degree is at least i' and if p(j+1) = ... =pn =0 (with n the length of the polynomial), we can say that the `degree is at most j'.

Definition degree_le n (p : RX) : Prop := m, n < mnth_coeff m p [=] [0].

Definition degree n (p : RX) : CProp := nth_coeff n p [#] [0] and degree_le n p.

Definition monic n (p : RX) : Prop := nth_coeff n p [=] [1] degree_le n p.

Definition odd_cpoly (p : RX) : CProp := {n : nat | Codd n | degree n p}.

Definition even_cpoly (p : RX) : CProp := {n : nat | Ceven n | degree n p}.

Definition regular (p : RX) : CProp := {n : nat | degree n p}.

End Degree_def.

Implicit Arguments degree_le [R].
Implicit Arguments degree [R].
Implicit Arguments monic [R].
Implicit Arguments lth_of_poly [R].

Section Degree_props.

Variable R : CRing.

Add Ring R: (CRing_Ring R).

Lemma degree_le_wd : (p p' : RX) n,
 p [=] p'degree_le n pdegree_le n p'.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 Step_final (nth_coeff m p).

Lemma degree_wd : (p p' : RX) n, p [=] p'degree n pdegree n p'.
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros p p' n H H0.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros. split.
 astepl (nth_coeff n p). auto.
  apply degree_le_wd with p; auto.

Lemma monic_wd : (p p' : RX) n, p [=] p'monic n pmonic n p'.
 unfold monic in |- ×. intros.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros. split.
 Step_final (nth_coeff n p).
 apply degree_le_wd with p; auto.

Lemma degree_imp_degree_le : (p : RX) n, degree n pdegree_le n p.
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros p n H. elim H. auto.

Lemma degree_le_cpoly_zero n: degree_le n (cpoly_zero R).
Proof. intro. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma degree_le_c_ : c : R, degree_le 0 (_C_ c).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros c m. elim m; intros.
 elim (lt_irrefl _ H).
 simpl in |- ×. algebra.

Lemma degree_c_ : c : R, c [#] [0]degree 0 (_C_ c).
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros. split. simpl in |- ×. auto. apply degree_le_c_.

Lemma monic_c_one : monic 0 (_C_ ([1]:R)).
 unfold monic in |- ×. intros. split. simpl in |- ×. algebra. apply degree_le_c_.

Lemma degree_le_x_ : degree_le 1 (_X_:RX).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×.
 intro. elim m. intros. elim (lt_n_O _ H).
 intro. elim n. intros. elim (lt_irrefl _ H0).
 intros. simpl in |- ×. algebra.

Lemma degree_x_ : degree 1 (_X_:RX).
 unfold degree in |- ×. split. simpl in |- ×. algebra. exact degree_le_x_.

Lemma monic_x_ : monic 1 (_X_:RX).
 unfold monic in |- ×. split. simpl in |- ×. algebra. exact degree_le_x_.

Lemma degree_le_mon : (p : RX) m n,
 m ndegree_le m pdegree_le n p.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros. apply H0.
 apply le_lt_trans with n; auto with arith.

Lemma degree_le_inv : (p : RX) n, degree_le n pdegree_le n [--]p.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 astepl ( [--] (nth_coeff m p)).
 Step_final ( [--] ([0]:R)).

Lemma degree_le_plus : (p q : RX) n,
 degree_le n pdegree_le n qdegree_le n (p[+]q).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 astepl (nth_coeff m p[+]nth_coeff m q).
 Step_final ([0][+] ([0]:R)).

Lemma degree_le_minus : (p q : RX) n,
 degree_le n pdegree_le n qdegree_le n (p[-]q).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 astepl (nth_coeff m p[-]nth_coeff m q).
 Step_final ([0][-] ([0]:R)).

Lemma Sum_degree_le : (f : natRX) (n k l : nat), k S l
 ( i, k ii ldegree_le n (f i)) → degree_le n (Sum k l f).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros. induction l as [| l Hrecl]; intros.
 generalize (toCle _ _ H); clear H; intro H.
  inversion H as [|m0 X].
   unfold Sum in |- ×. unfold Sum1 in |- ×. simpl in |- ×.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff m ([0]:RX)).
    apply nth_coeff_wd. algebra. algebra.
    inversion X. unfold Sum in |- ×. unfold Sum1 in |- ×. simpl in |- ×.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff m (f 0)).
   apply nth_coeff_wd. cut (f 0[-][0] [=] f 0). auto. algebra.
   apply H0; try auto. rewrite H2. auto.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H); intro y.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff m (Sum k l f[+]f (S l))).
   apply nth_coeff_wd. algebra.
   astepl (nth_coeff m (Sum k l f) [+]nth_coeff m (f (S l))).
  astepr ([0][+] ([0]:R)). apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply Hrecl. auto with arith. intros.
    apply H0. auto. auto. auto.
     apply H0. auto with arith. auto. auto.
    rewrite y. unfold Sum in |- ×. unfold Sum1 in |- ×. simpl in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff m ([0]:RX)).
  apply nth_coeff_wd. algebra. algebra.

Lemma degree_le_Sum (l: list (cpoly R)) n:
  ( p, In p ldegree_le n p) → degree_le n (cm_Sum l).
 induction l; intros.
  apply degree_le_cpoly_zero.
 change (degree_le n (a [+] cm_Sum l)).
 apply degree_le_plus; intuition.

Lemma degree_inv : (p : RX) (n : nat), degree n pdegree n [--]p.
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros p n H.
 elim H. clear H. intros. split.
 astepl ( [--] (nth_coeff n p)). algebra.
  apply degree_le_inv; auto.

Lemma degree_plus_rht : (p q : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pdegree n qm < ndegree n (p[+]q).
 unfold degree in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 elim X. clear X. intros.
  astepl (nth_coeff n p[+]nth_coeff n q).
  astepl ([0][+]nth_coeff n q).
  astepl (nth_coeff n q). auto.
 astepl (nth_coeff m0 p[+]nth_coeff m0 q).
 cut (m < m0). intro.
  Step_final ([0][+] ([0]:R)).
 apply lt_trans with n; auto.

Lemma degree_minus_lft : (p q : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pdegree n qm < ndegree n (q[-]p).
 apply degree_wd with ( [--]p[+]q).
  Step_final (q[+][--]p).
 apply degree_plus_rht with m.
   apply degree_le_inv. auto. auto. auto.

Lemma monic_plus : (p q : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pmonic n qm < nmonic n (p[+]q).
 unfold monic in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros.
  astepl (nth_coeff n p[+]nth_coeff n q).
  astepl ([0][+]nth_coeff n q).
  Step_final (nth_coeff n q).
 astepl (nth_coeff m0 p[+]nth_coeff m0 q).
 cut (m < m0). intro.
  Step_final ([0][+] ([0]:R)).
 apply lt_trans with n; auto.

Lemma monic_minus : (p q : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pmonic n qm < nmonic n (q[-]p).
 apply monic_wd with ( [--]p[+]q).
  Step_final (q[+][--]p).
 apply monic_plus with m.
   apply degree_le_inv. auto. auto. auto.

Lemma degree_le_mult : (p q : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pdegree_le n qdegree_le (m + n) (p[*]q).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 astepl (Sum 0 m0 (fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (m0 - i) q)).
 apply Sum_zero. auto with arith.
 cut ({m < i} + {n < m0 - i}). intro.
  elim H4; clear H4; intros.
   Step_final ([0][*]nth_coeff (m0 - i) q).
  Step_final (nth_coeff i p[*][0]).
 elim (lt_eq_lt_dec m i); intro.
  elim a; intro.

Lemma degree_le_Product (l: list (cpoly R)) n:
  ( p, In p ldegree_le n p) →
  degree_le (length l × n) (cr_Product l).
 induction l; intros.
  apply (degree_le_c_ [1]).
 change (degree_le (n + length l × n) (a [*] cr_Product l)).
 apply degree_le_mult; intuition.

Lemma degree_le_mult_constant_l (p: cpoly R) (x: R) (n: nat):
  degree_le n pdegree_le n (_C_ x [*] p).
Proof with auto.
 replace n with (0 + n)%nat...
 apply degree_le_mult...
 apply degree_le_c_.

Lemma degree_le_mult_constant_r (p: cpoly R) (x: R) (n: nat):
  degree_le n pdegree_le n (p [*] _C_ x).
Proof with auto.
 replace n with (n + 0)%nat...
 apply degree_le_mult...
 apply degree_le_c_.

Lemma degree_mult_aux : (p q : RX) m n, degree_le m pdegree_le n q
 nth_coeff (m + n) (p[*]q) [=] nth_coeff m p[*]nth_coeff n q.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 astepl (Sum 0 (m + n) (fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (m + n - i) q)).
 astepl (Sum 0 m (fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (m + n - i) q) [+]
   Sum (S m) (m + n) (fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (m + n - i) q)).
 astepr (nth_coeff m p[*]nth_coeff n q[+][0]).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  elim (O_or_S m); intro y.
   elim y. clear y. intros x y. rewrite <- y in H. rewrite <- y.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with
     (Sum 0 x (fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (S x + n - i) q) [+]
       nth_coeff (S x) p[*]nth_coeff (S x + n - S x) q).
    apply Sum_last with (f := fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (S x + n - i) q).
   astepr ([0][+]nth_coeff (S x) p[*]nth_coeff n q).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
    apply Sum_zero. auto with arith. intros.
     cut (n < S x + n - i). intro.
     Step_final (nth_coeff i p[*][0]).
   replace (S x + n - S x) with n. algebra. auto with arith.
    rewrite <- y in H. rewrite <- y.
  pattern n at 2 in |- ×. replace n with (0 + n - 0).
  apply Sum_one with (f := fun i : natnth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff (0 + n - i) q).
  auto with arith.
 apply Sum_zero. auto with arith. intros.
  cut (m < i). intro.
  Step_final ([0][*]nth_coeff (m + n - i) q).

Lemma lead_coeff_product_1 (n: nat) (l: list (cpoly R)):
  ( p, In p l → (nth_coeff n p [=] [1] degree_le n p)) →
  nth_coeff (length l × n) (cr_Product l) [=] [1].
Proof with auto.
 intro H.
 induction l.
  simpl. reflexivity.
 change (nth_coeff (n + length l × n) (a [*] cr_Product l)[=][1]).
 rewrite degree_mult_aux.
   setoid_replace (nth_coeff n a) with ([1]:R).
    rewrite IHl.
     apply mult_one.
    intros. apply H...
   apply H...
  apply H...
 apply degree_le_Product.
 intros. apply H...

Hint Resolve degree_mult_aux: algebra.

Lemma monic_mult : (p q : RX) m n,
 monic m pmonic n qmonic (m + n) (p[*]q).
 unfold monic in |- ×. intros.
 elim H. clear H. intros. elim H0. clear H0. intros. split.
 astepl (nth_coeff m p[*]nth_coeff n q).
  Step_final ([1][*] ([1]:R)).
 apply degree_le_mult; auto.

Lemma degree_le_nexp : (p : RX) m n,
 degree_le m pdegree_le (m × n) (p[^]n).
 intros. induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros.
 replace (m × 0) with 0.
   apply degree_le_wd with (_C_ ([1]:R)). algebra.
    apply degree_le_c_.
 replace (m × S n) with (m × n + m).
  apply degree_le_wd with (p[^]n[*]p). algebra.
   apply degree_le_mult; auto.

Lemma monic_nexp : (p : RX) m n, monic m pmonic (m × n) (p[^]n).
 intros. induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros.
 replace (m × 0) with 0.
   apply monic_wd with (_C_ ([1]:R)). algebra.
    apply monic_c_one.
 replace (m × S n) with (m × n + m).
  apply monic_wd with (p[^]n[*]p). algebra.
   apply monic_mult; auto.

Lemma lt_i_lth_of_poly : i (p : RX),
 nth_coeff i p [#] [0]i < lth_of_poly p.
 intros i. induction i as [| i Hreci]; intros; rename X into H.
 induction p as [| s p Hrecp]; intros.
   simpl in H. elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _ H).
   simpl in |- ×. auto with arith.
  induction p as [| s p Hrecp]; intros.
  simpl in H. elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _ H).
  simpl in |- ×. simpl in H. apply lt_n_S. auto.

Lemma poly_degree_lth : p : RX, degree_le (lth_of_poly p) p.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros. apply not_ap_imp_eq. intro.
 elim (lt_not_le _ _ H). apply lt_le_weak.
 apply lt_i_lth_of_poly. auto.

Lemma Cpoly_ex_degree : p : RX, {n : nat | degree_le n p}.
 intros. (lth_of_poly p). apply poly_degree_lth.

Lemma poly_as_sum'' : (p : RX) n,
 degree_le n pp [=] Sum 0 n (fun i_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i).
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros. apply all_nth_coeff_eq_imp. intros.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with
   (Sum 0 n (fun i0 : natnth_coeff i (_C_ (nth_coeff i0 p) [*]_X_[^]i0))).
  apply nth_coeff_sum with (p_ := fun i : nat_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i).
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded
   with (Sum 0 n (fun i0 : natnth_coeff i0 p[*]nth_coeff i (_X_[^]i0))).
  apply Sum_wd. intros. algebra.
  elim (le_lt_dec i n); intros.
  astepr (nth_coeff i p[*][1]).
  astepr (nth_coeff i p[*]nth_coeff i (_X_[^]i)).
  apply Sum_term with (i := i) (f := fun i0 : natnth_coeff i0 p[*]nth_coeff i (_X_[^]i0)).
    auto with arith. auto.
  Step_final (nth_coeff j p[*][0]).
 astepr ([0]:R).
 apply Sum_zero. auto with arith. intros.
  cut (i i0). intro.
  Step_final (nth_coeff i0 p[*][0]).
 intro; rewrite <- H2 in H1.
 apply (le_not_lt i n); auto.

Hint Resolve poly_as_sum'': algebra.

Lemma poly_as_sum' : p : RX,
 p [=] Sum 0 (lth_of_poly p) (fun i_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i).
 intros. apply poly_as_sum''. apply poly_degree_lth.

Lemma poly_as_sum : (p : RX) n, degree_le n p
  x, p ! x [=] Sum 0 n (fun inth_coeff i p[*]x[^]i).
 astepl (Sum 0 n (fun i : nat_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i)) ! x.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Sum 0 n (fun i : nat(_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i) ! x)).
  apply Sum_cpoly_ap with (f := fun i : nat_C_ (nth_coeff i p) [*]_X_[^]i).
 apply Sum_wd. intros.
 astepl ((_C_ (nth_coeff i p)) ! x[*] (_X_[^]i) ! x).
 Step_final (nth_coeff i p[*]_X_ ! x[^]i).

Lemma degree_le_zero : p : RX, degree_le 0 p{a : R | p [=] _C_ a}.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
  (nth_coeff 0 p).
 apply all_nth_coeff_eq_imp. intros.
 elim (O_or_S i); intro y.
  elim y. clear y. intros x y. rewrite <- y.
  cut (0 < S x). intro. Step_final ([0]:R). auto with arith.
   rewrite <- y. algebra.

Lemma degree_le_1_imp : p : RX,
 degree_le 1 p{a : R | {b : R | p [=] _C_ a[*]_X_[+]_C_ b}}.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
  (nth_coeff 1 p). (nth_coeff 0 p).
 apply all_nth_coeff_eq_imp. intros.
 elim i; intros. simpl in |- ×. ring.
 elim n; intros.
 simpl in |- ×. algebra.
 simpl in |- ×. apply H. auto with arith.

Lemma degree_le_cpoly_linear : (p : cpoly R) c n,
 degree_le (S n) (c[+X*]p) → degree_le n p.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros.
 change (nth_coeff (S m) (cpoly_linear _ c p) [=] [0]) in |- ×.
 apply H. auto with arith.

Lemma degree_le_cpoly_linear_inv (p: cpoly R) (c: R) (n: nat):
  degree_le n pdegree_le (S n) (c[+X*]p).
Proof. intros H [|m] E. inversion E. apply (H m). auto with arith. Qed.

Lemma monic_cpoly_linear : (p : cpoly R) c n, monic (S n) (c[+X*]p) → monic n p.
 unfold monic in |- ×. intros. elim H. clear H. intros. split. auto.
 apply degree_le_cpoly_linear with c. auto.

Lemma monic_one : (p : cpoly R) c, monic 1 (c[+X*]p) → x, p ! x [=] [1].
 intros. cut (monic 0 p). unfold monic in |- ×. intros. elim H0. clear H0.
 intros H0 H1.
  elim (degree_le_zero _ H1). intro d. intros.
  astepl (_C_ d) ! x.
  astepl d.
  astepl (nth_coeff 0 (_C_ d)).
  Step_final (nth_coeff 0 p).
 apply monic_cpoly_linear with c. auto.

Lemma monic_apzero : (p : RX) n, monic n pp [#] [0].
 unfold monic in |- ×. intros.
 elim H. clear H. intros.
 apply nth_coeff_ap_zero_imp with n.
 astepl ([1]:R). apply one_ap_zero.

End Degree_props.

Hint Resolve poly_as_sum'' poly_as_sum' poly_as_sum: algebra.
Hint Resolve degree_mult_aux: algebra.

Section degree_props_Field.

Degrees of polynomials over a field

Let F be a field and write FX for the ring of polynomials over F.

Variable F : CField.

Lemma degree_mult : (p q : FX) m n,
 degree m pdegree n qdegree (m + n) (p[*]q).
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros. rename X into H. rename X0 into H0.
 elim H. clear H. intros H1 H2. elim H0. clear H0. intros H3 H4.
  astepl (nth_coeff m p[*]nth_coeff n q). algebra.
  apply degree_le_mult; auto.

Lemma degree_nexp : (p : FX) m n, degree m pdegree (m × n) (p[^]n).
 intros. induction n as [| n Hrecn]; intros.
 replace (m × 0) with 0.
   apply degree_wd with (_C_ ([1]:F)). algebra.
    apply degree_c_. algebra.
 replace (m × S n) with (m × n + m).
  apply degree_wd with (p[^]n[*]p). algebra.
   apply degree_mult; auto.

Lemma degree_le_mult_imp : (p q : FX) m n,
 degree m pdegree_le (m + n) (p[*]q) → degree_le n q.
 unfold degree in |- ×. unfold degree_le in |- ×. intros. rename H0 into H1. rename H into H0. rename X into H. elim H. clear H. intros H2 H3.
 elim (Cpoly_ex_degree _ q). unfold degree_le in |- ×. intro N. intro H4.
 cut ( k i : nat, n < iN - k < inth_coeff i q [=] [0]). intro H5.
  elim (le_lt_dec m0 N); intros H6.
   replace m0 with (N - (N - m0)). apply H5 with (N - n).
    omega. omega. omega.
    apply H4; auto.
 intro. induction k as [| k Hreck]; intros.
 apply H4. rewrite <- minus_n_O in H5; auto.
  elim (le_lt_eq_dec (N - k) i); try intro y. auto. rewrite y in Hreck.
   apply mult_cancel_lft with (nth_coeff m p). auto. astepr ([0]:F).
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with
     (Sum 0 (m + i) (fun j : natnth_coeff j p[*]nth_coeff (m + i - j) q)).
   pattern i at 1 in |- ×. replace i with (m + i - m).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
    apply Sum_term with (f := fun j : natnth_coeff j p[*]nth_coeff (m + i - j) q).
      auto with arith. auto with arith.
     intros. elim (le_lt_dec j m); intros.
    cut (i < m + i - j). intro.
      cut (n < m + i - j). intro.
       Step_final (nth_coeff j p[*][0]).
      omega. omega.
     Step_final ([0][*]nth_coeff (m + i - j) q).
   auto with arith.
  astepl (nth_coeff (m + i) (p[*]q)).
  cut (m + n < m + i). intro.
  auto with arith.

Lemma degree_mult_imp : (p q : FX) m n,
 degree m pdegree (m + n) (p[*]q) → degree n q.
 unfold degree in |- ×. intros. rename X into H. rename X0 into H0.
 elim H. clear H. intros H H1.
 elim H0. clear H0. intros H0 H2.
 cut (degree_le n q). intro H3. split.
  apply mult_cancel_ap_zero_rht with (nth_coeff m p).
   astepl (nth_coeff (m + n) (p[*]q)). auto.
 apply degree_le_mult_imp with p m; auto.
 unfold degree in |- ×. split. auto.

End degree_props_Field.