CS Professor David Gries will present "Supporting workflow in a course management system", by Dora Abdullah, Kathy Carpenter, David Gries, Dexter Kozen, Andrew Myers, David Schwartz, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, and 13 students, on February 25 at SIGCSE 2005 in St. Louis.
CMS is a secure and scalable web-based course management system developed by the Cornell University Computer Science Department. The system was designed to simplify, streamline, and automate many aspects of the workflow associated with running a large course, such as course creation, importing students, management of student workgroups, online submission of assignments, assignment of graders, grading, handling regrade requests, and preparation of final grades. In contrast, other course management systems
of which we are aware provide only specialized solutions for specific components, such as grading. CMS is increasingly widely used for course management at Cornell University.
For more information, go to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/jai/papers/CMS.pdf , or http://www.ithaca.edu/sigcse2005/